Webcasting Made Interactive: Integrating Real-Time Videoconferencing in Distributed Learning Spaces

Ronald Baecker, Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Rhys Causey, Simone Laughton, Kelly Rankin, Clarissa Mak, Alison Weir, Peter Wolf. Webcasting Made Interactive: Integrating Real-Time Videoconferencing in Distributed Learning Spaces. In Michael J. Smith, Gavriel Salvendy, editors, Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting in Information Environments, Symposium on Human Interface 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings, Part II. Volume 4558 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 269-278, Springer, 2007. [doi]


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