Abstract is missing.
- The Karst Collaborative Workspace for Analyzing and Annotating Scientific DatasetsLinn Marks Collins, Diana E. Northup, Mark L. B. Martinez, Johannes Van Reenen, M. Alex Baker, Christy R. Crowley, James E. Powell, Brian Freels-Stendel, Susan K. Heckethorn, Jong Chun Park. 3-12 [doi]
- Using Social Metadata in Email Triage: Lessons from the FieldDanyel Fisher, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Bernie Hogan, Marc A. Smith, Andy Jacobs. 13-22 [doi]
- Fond Memory Management System by Using Information About CommunitiesKatsuya Hashimoto, Yoshio Nakatani. 23-29 [doi]
- Spatial Electronic Mnemonics: A Virtual Memory InterfaceYasushi Ikei, Hirofumi Ota, Takuro Kayahara. 30-37 [doi]
- An Assistant Tool for Concealing Personal Information in TextTomoya Iwakura, Seishi Okamoto. 38-46 [doi]
- Effect of Providing a Web-Based Collaboration Medium for Remote Customer Troubleshooting TasksChulwoo Kim, Pilsung Choe, Mark R. Lehto, Jan P. Allebach. 47-53 [doi]
- Natural Language Based Heavy Personal Assistant Architecture for Information Retrieval and PresentationAlgirdas Laukaitis, Olegas Vasilecas, Vilnius Gediminas. 54-63 [doi]
- Seeing Is Not Believing But Interpreting , Inducing Trust Through Institutional Symbolism: A Conceptual Framework for Online Trust Building in a Web Mediated Information EnvironmentEmma Nuraihan Mior Ibrahim, Nor Laila Md. Noor, Shafie Mehad. 64-73 [doi]
- Exchanging Graphical Emails Among Elderly People and Kindergarten ChildrenMegumi Mitsumoto, Sanae H. Wake. 74-83 [doi]
- Shadow Arts-Communication: System Supporting Communicability for Encounter Among Remote GroupsYoshiyuki Miwa, Shiroh Itai, Shoichi Hasegawa, Daichi Sakurai. 84-94 [doi]
- Visual Feedback to Reduce the Negative Effects of Message Transfer Delay on Voice ChattingKazuyoshi Murata, Megumi Nakamura, Yu Shibuya, Itaru Kuramoto, Yoshihiro Tsujino. 95-101 [doi]
- Friendly Process of Human-Computer Interaction - A Prototype System in Nostalgic WorldSeiko Myojin, Mie Nakatani, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida. 102-109 [doi]
- Communication Environment for Sharing Fond MemoriesMie Nakatani, Seiko Myojin, Masumi Shimizu, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida. 110-117 [doi]
- Experimental Comparison of Multimodal Meeting BrowsersWilfried Post, Erwin Elling, Anita H. M. Cremers, Wessel Kraaij. 118-127 [doi]
- How Participation at Different Hierarchical Levels Can Have an Impact on the Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems at the Grass Root Level - A Case Study from IndiaZubeeda Banu Quraishy. 128-136 [doi]
- Media Sharing and Collaboration Within Mobile Community: Self Expression and SocializationYoungho Rhee, Kiran Pal Sagoo, Jayoun Lee, Juyoun Lee, Doekwon Kim, Youngwan Seo. 137-146 [doi]
- Adaptive Information Providing System for R&D Meeting EnvironmentsSang Keun Rhee, Jihye Lee, Myon-Woong Park. 147-155 [doi]
- Disseminating and Sharing Information Through Time-Aware Public DisplaysMarcela D. Rodríguez, Ángel G. Andrade, Maria Luisa González, Alberto L. Morán. 156-165 [doi]
- A Tactile Emotional Interface for Instant Messenger ChatHeesook Shin, Junyoung Lee, Junseok Park, Youngjae Kim, Hyunjoo Oh, Taehwa Lee. 166-175 [doi]
- A Theoretical Framework of Co-purposing in Systems DesignModestos Stavrakis, Nikos Viorres, Panayiotis Koutsabasis, John Darzentas. 176-184 [doi]
- Toward Adaptive Interaction - The Effect of Ambient Sounds in an Ultra-Realistic Communication SystemNoriko Suzuki, Ichiro Umata, Tatsuya Kitamura, Hiroshi Ando, Naomi Inoue. 185-194 [doi]
- Evaluation of the Participant-Support Method for Information Acquisition in the Multiplex Risk Communicator Hiroshi Yajima, Tomohiro Watanabe, Ryoichi Sasaki. 195-203 [doi]
- Resolving Assumptions in Art-Technology Collaboration as a Means of Extending Shared UnderstandingYun Zhang, Alastair Weakley, Ernest A. Edmonds. 204-211 [doi]
- A Communicative Behaviour Analysis of Art-Technology CollaborationYun Zhang, Linda Candy. 212-221 [doi]
- The Vision of Ubiquitous Media Services: How Close Are We?Maria Åkesson, Carina Ihlström Eriksson. 222-232 [doi]
- A Framework for Text Processing and Supporting Access to Collections of Digitized Historical NewspapersRobert B. Allen, Andrea Japzon, Palakorn Achananuparp, Ki Jung Lee. 235-244 [doi]
- A New Method for Teachers and Students to Record Daily Progress in a ClassAkinobu Ando, Kazunari Morimoto. 245-251 [doi]
- Evaluation Method of e-Learning Materials by alpha-Wave and beta-Wave of EEGMichiko Anse, Tsutomu Tabe. 252-259 [doi]
- Webcasting Made Interactive: Persistent Chat for Text Dialogue During and About Learning EventsRonald Baecker, David Fono, Lillian Blume, Christopher Collins, Delia Couto. 260-268 [doi]
- Webcasting Made Interactive: Integrating Real-Time Videoconferencing in Distributed Learning SpacesRonald Baecker, Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Rhys Causey, Simone Laughton, Kelly Rankin, Clarissa Mak, Alison Weir, Peter Wolf. 269-278 [doi]
- A Quantitative Approach for the Design of Academic CurriculaCarlos Castro, Broderick Crawford, Eric Monfroy. 279-288 [doi]
- Privacy and the Public EducatorMelissa Dark, Clewin McPherson. 289-298 [doi]
- HCI for m-Learning in Image Processing by HandheldsDanco Davcev, Marjan Arsic, Dalibor Ilievski, Andrea Kulakov. 299-308 [doi]
- OntoGen: Semi-automatic Ontology EditorBlaz Fortuna, Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic. 309-318 [doi]
- User Interface for Knowledge Sharing Using Knowledge Gardening MetaphorAfdallyna F. Harun, Nor Laila Md. Noor. 319-327 [doi]
- A Study of an Effective Rehearsal Method in e-LearningToshiaki Horinouchi, Shinsuke Wakita, Michiko Anse, Tsutomu Tabe. 328-336 [doi]
- Function Interfaces Assessment of Online Game Websites in Great China Area Using Content AnalysisChi-I Hsu, Chaochang Chiu, Chich Hua Su, Ping-Ju Wu, Yuan Jie Yang. 337-346 [doi]
- Impact of Interactive Learning on Knowledge RetentionMohamed Ibrahim, Osama Al-Shara. 347-355 [doi]
- Design and Development of Computer-Based Discussion Support Tool for Science and Technology Communication ExerciseKyoko Ito, Eriko Mizuno, Shogo Nishida. 356-363 [doi]
- Context Aware Human Computer Interaction for Ubiquitous LearningChulho Jeong, Eunseok Lee. 364-373 [doi]
- Involving Users in OPAC Interface Design: Perspective from a UK StudyElahe Kani-Zabihi, Gheorghita Ghinea. 374-383 [doi]
- The Effectiveness of Educational Technology: A Preliminary Study of Learners from Small and Large Power Distance CulturesElizabeth Koh, John Lim. 384-393 [doi]
- Human-Mediated Visual Ontology AlignmentMonika Lanzenberger, Jennifer Sampson. 394-403 [doi]
- Towards Guidelines on Educational Podcasting Quality: Problems Arising from a Real World ExperienceMarco Lazzari, Alberto Betella. 404-412 [doi]
- Context Modeling and Inference System for Heterogeneous Context Aware ServiceSeungkeun Lee. 413-422 [doi]
- Skill Transfer from Expert to Novice - Instruction Manuals Made by Means of GroupwareChung-Yong Liu, Yasufumi Kume. 423-429 [doi]
- Development of a Skill Acquisition Support System Using Expert s Eye MovementTakashi Nagamatsu, Yohei Kaieda, Junzo Kamahara, Hiroyuki Shimada. 430-439 [doi]
- MOCET: A MObile Collaborative Examination ToolSergio F. Ochoa, H. Andrés Neyem, Gabriel Bravo, Emilio G. Ormeño. 440-449 [doi]
- Requirement Analysis of the Portal Site Serving Distributed Climate Data for e-ScienceTaezoon Park, Lan Zhao. 450-456 [doi]
- Efficient Creation of Multi Media eLearning ModulesHans-Martin Pohl, Patrycja Tulinska, Jan-Torsten Milde. 457-465 [doi]
- Simulation-Based Automated Intelligent TutoringBarbara Sorensen, Sowmya Ramachandran. 466-474 [doi]
- Virtual Pop-Up Book Based on Augmented RealityNobuko Taketa, Kenichi Hayashi, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida. 475-484 [doi]
- A Mobile Environment for Chinese Language LearningChang-Chih Tseng, Chun-Hung Lu, Wen-Lian Hsu. 485-489 [doi]
- Game Player Modeling Using D-FSMsTae Bok Yoon, Dong Moon Kim, Kyo Hyeon Park, Jee-Hyong Lee, Kwan-Ho You. 490-499 [doi]
- Readability of Character Size for Car Navigation SystemsKazuhiro Fujikake, Satoshi Hasegawa, Masako Omori, Hiroki Takada, Masaru Miyao. 503-509 [doi]
- Readability of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile PhonesSatoshi Hasegawa, Masako Omori, Kazuhiro Fujikake, Masaru Miyao. 510-517 [doi]
- Study on Public User InterfaceAtsushi Hiyama, Kotaro Hashimoto, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose. 518-525 [doi]
- A Navigation System Using Ultrasonic Directional Speaker with Rotating BaseKentaro Ishii, Yukiko Yamamoto, Michita Imai, Kazuhiro Nakadai. 526-535 [doi]
- Mobile Social Networking Based on Mobile Internet and Ubiquitous Web ServicesYung Bok Kim. 536-545 [doi]
- Ubiquitous Hands: Context-Aware Wearable Gloves with a RF Interaction ModelJong Gon Kim, Byung Geun Kim, Seongil Lee. 546-554 [doi]
- Power Saving Medium Access for Beacon-Enabled IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPANsJoongheon Kim, Wonjun Lee. 555-562 [doi]
- Dynamic Cell Phone UI Generation for Mobile AgentsGu Su Kim, Hyun-jin Cho, Young Ik Eom. 563-571 [doi]
- TCP NJ+ for Wireless HCIJungrae Kim, Jahwan Koo, Hyunseung Choo. 572-581 [doi]
- Use of Chinese Short MessagesDafei Ma, Fumiko Ichikawa, Ying Liu, Li Jiang. 582-591 [doi]
- Multilingual Disaster Information for Mobile Phones in JapanMasaru Miyao, Kumi Sato, Satoshi Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Fujikake, Shozo Tanaka, Kohei Okamoto. 592-599 [doi]
- Visibility Evaluation of Characters on Liquid Crystal Displays in Mobile Phones, and Visual FunctionMasako Omori, Satoshi Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Fujikake, Masaru Miyao. 600-607 [doi]
- Integrated Multi-view Compensation for Real Sense Video InterfacesJongbin Park, Byeungwoo Jeon. 608-617 [doi]
- Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Behavior While Approaching an Intersection and Implications for Route Guidance PresentationToshihisa Sato, Motoyuki Akamatsu. 618-627 [doi]
- Operation-Action Mapping in 3D Information Space on Portable Information TerminalYu Shibuya, Hiromitsu Togeyama, Itaru Kuramoto, Yoshihiro Tsujino. 628-634 [doi]
- Energy Efficient Route Discovery for Mobile HCI in Ad-Hoc NetworksKwonseung Shin, KwangJin Park, Min Young Chung, Hyunseung Choo. 635-644 [doi]
- Interaction Design and Implementation for Multimodal Mobile Semantic Web InterfacesDaniel Sonntag. 645-654 [doi]
- Society of Mobile InteractionsHiroshi Tamura, Motoyuki Akamatsu. 655-663 [doi]
- Towards an Optimal Information Architecture Model for Mobile Multimedia DevicesTimo-Pekka Viljamaa, Tuomas Vaittinen, Akseli Anttila. 664-673 [doi]
- Mach: A Content Generating Engine for Adaptive Multimedia Applications in the Mobile EnvironmentChian Wang. 674-681 [doi]
- e-Sports Live: e-Sports Relay Broadcasting on DemandWoonhyuk Baek, Anjin Park, Jongin Kim, Keechul Jung. 685-693 [doi]
- Privacy Requirements in Identity Management SolutionsAbhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Matthew Young, Elisa Bertino. 694-702 [doi]
- Collaboration Between People for Sustainability in the ICT SocietyGunilla Bradley. 703-712 [doi]
- The Impact of Verbal Stimuli in Motivating Consumer Response at the Point of Purchase Situation OnlineAsle Fagerstrøm. 713-719 [doi]
- Measuring the Screen Complexity of Web PagesFongling Fu, Shao-Yuan Chiu, Chiu Hung Su. 720-729 [doi]
- Reconciling Privacy Policies and Regulations: Ontological Semantics PerspectiveOlga Krachina, Victor Raskin, Katrina E. Triezenberg. 730-739 [doi]
- Evaluating Measurement Models for Web Purchasing IntentionBing-Yi Lin, Ping-Ju Wu, Chi-I Hsu. 740-748 [doi]
- Web Application for Data Analysis by Means of Evidential DominanceZaw Aung Htwe Maung, Yasufumi Kume. 749-758 [doi]
- Usability of Electronic Medical Record System: An Application in Its Infancy with a Crying NeedHal Miller-Jacobs, John B. Smelcer. 759-765 [doi]
- Usability of User Agents for Privacy-Preference SpecificationRobert W. Proctor, Kim-Phuong L. Vu, M. Athar Ali. 766-776 [doi]
- Achieving Usability Within E-Government Web Sites Illustrated by a Case Study EvaluationBasil Soufi, Martin Maguire. 777-784 [doi]
- A Conceptual Design for Children s WebOPAC Interface: Graphic Design IssuesTengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Siti Salwa Salim. 785-791 [doi]
- Examining User Privacy Practices While Shopping Online: What Are Users Looking for?Kim-Phuong L. Vu, Fredrick P. Garcia, Deborah Nelson, John Sulaitis, Beth Creekmur, Vanessa Chambers, Robert W. Proctor. 792-801 [doi]
- How Users Read and Comprehend Privacy PoliciesKim-Phuong L. Vu, Vanessa Chambers, Fredrick P. Garcia, Beth Creekmur, John Sulaitis, Deborah Nelson, Russell Pierce, Robert W. Proctor. 802-811 [doi]
- Using Long Term Memory for Bookmark ManagementMing-Jen Wang, Kuen-Meau Chen, Tee Koon Hau. 812-820 [doi]
- Business Integration Using the Interdisciplinary Project Based Learning Model (IPBL)Osama K. Alshara, Mohamed Ibrahim. 823-833 [doi]
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- A Study of Production / Transaction-Related Model Using Control TheoryDaisuke Doyo, Katsuhiro Sakamoto, Katsuya Aoki. 855-862 [doi]
- Understanding a Sense of Place in Collaborative EnvironmentsSimon Foley. 863-872 [doi]
- Development of an Affective Interface for Promoting Employees Work Motivation in a Routine WorkHidenori Fujino, Hirotake Ishii, Hiroshi Shimoda. 873-882 [doi]
- Ecological Interface to Enhance User Performance in Adjusting Computer-Controlled Multihead WeigherYukio Horiguchi, Ryoji Asakura, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Yutaka Tamai, Kazufumi Naito, Nobuki Hashiguchi, Hiroe Konishi. 883-892 [doi]
- Case-Based Snow Clearance Directive Support System for Novice DirectorsYoshinori Ikeda, Yoshio Nakatani. 893-902 [doi]
- The Relationship Between Working Conditions and Musculoskeletal/Ergonomic Disorders in a Manufacturing FacilityDennis R. Jones. 903-909 [doi]
- A Method for Generating Plans for Retail Store Improvements Using Text Mining and Conjoint AnalysisTakumi Kaneko, Yuichiro Nakamura, Michiko Anse, Tsutomu Tabe, Yumiko Taguchi. 910-917 [doi]
- Coping with Information Input Overload: User Interface Concepts for Industrial Process ControlTobias Komischke, Luis E. Herrera. 918-928 [doi]
- Impact of E-Commerce Environment on Selection of Sales Methods Considering Delivery Lead Time of GoodsEtsuko Kusukawa, Shinji Masui, Ikuo Arizono. 929-938 [doi]
- Development of an Illumination Control Method to Improve Office ProductivityFumiaki Obayashi, Misa Kawauchi, Masaaki Terano, Kazuhiro Tomita, Yoko Hattori, Hiroshi Shimoda, Hirotake Ishii, Hidekazu Yoshikawa. 939-947 [doi]
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- Development of Productivity Evaluation Method to Improve Office EnvironmentHiroshi Shimoda, Kyoko Ito, Yoko Hattori, Hirotake Ishii, Hidekazu Yoshikawa, Fumiaki Obayashi, Masaaki Terano. 965-972 [doi]
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- Economic Assessment of Industrial Accidents Caused by Abnormal BehaviorsHunszu Liu. 1067-1071 [doi]
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