Intraoperative guidance of orthopaedic instruments using 3D correspondence of 2D object instance segmentations

I. Bataeva, K. Shah, Rohan Vijayan, Runze Han, Niral Sheth, Gerhard Kleinszig, Sebastian Vogt, Greg M. Osgood, Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen, Ali Uneri. Intraoperative guidance of orthopaedic instruments using 3D correspondence of 2D object instance segmentations. In Cristian A. Linte, Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen, editors, Medical Imaging 2021: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, Online, February 15-20, 2021. Volume 11598 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, 2021. [doi]

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