Introducing Code Quality in the CS1 Classroom

Cruz Izu, Claudio Mirolo, Jürgen Börstler, Harold Connamacher, Ryan Crosby, Richard Glassey, Georgiana Haldeman, Olli Kiljunen, Amruth N. Kumar, David Liu, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Stephanos Matsumoto, Eduardo Carneiro de Oliveira, Seán Russell 0001, Anshul Shah. Introducing Code Quality in the CS1 Classroom. In Mattia Monga, Violetta Lonati, Erik Barendsen, Judithe Sheard, James Paterson, editors, Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2, ITiCSE 2024, Milan, Italy, July 8-10, 2024. ACM, 2024. [doi]


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