Machine learning based prediction model for single event burnout hardening design of power MOSFETs

Xinfang Liao, Changqing Xu, Yi Liu 0060, Chen Wang, Dongdong Chen 0010, Yintang Yang. Machine learning based prediction model for single event burnout hardening design of power MOSFETs. Microelectronics Journal, 139:105893, September 2023. [doi]


Xinfang Liao

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Changqing Xu

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Yi Liu 0060

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Yi Liu 0060' in Google

Chen Wang

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Chen Wang' in Google

Dongdong Chen 0010

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Yintang Yang

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Yintang Yang' in Google