Overview of the architecture, circuit design, and physical implementation of a first-generation cell processor

Dac C. Pham, Tony Aipperspach, David Boerstler, Mark Bolliger, Rajat Chaudhry, Dennis Cox, Paul E. Harvey, H. Peter Hofstee, Charles R. Johns, Jim Kahle, Atsushi Kameyama, John M. Keaty, Yoshio Masubuchi, Mydung Pham, Jürgen Pille, Stephen D. Posluszny, Mack W. Riley, Daniel L. Stasiak, Masakazu Suzuoki, Osamu Takahashi, James D. Warnock, Stephen Weitzel, Dieter F. Wendel, Kazuaki Yazawa. Overview of the architecture, circuit design, and physical implementation of a first-generation cell processor. J. Solid-State Circuits, 41(1):179-196, 2006. [doi]