Abstract is missing.
- Back to Basics and Forward to Novelty in Machine ConsciousnessIgor Aleksander, Helen Morton. 1-6 [doi]
- Characterizing and Assessing Human-Like Behavior in Cognitive ArchitecturesRaúl Arrabales Moreno, Agapito Ledezma, Araceli Sanchís. 7-15 [doi]
- Architects or Botanists? The Relevance of (Neuronal) Trees to Model CognitionGiorgio A. Ascoli. 17 [doi]
- Consciousness and the Quest for Sentient RobotsPentti O. A. Haikonen. 19-27 [doi]
- Biological Fluctuation "Yuragi" as the Principle of Bio-inspired RobotsHiroshi Ishiguro. 29 [doi]
- Active Learning by Selecting New Training Samples from Unlabelled DataHo-Gyeong Kim, Cheong-An Lee, Soo-Young Lee. 31 [doi]
- Biologically Inspired beyond Neural: Benefits of Multiple Modeling LevelsChristian Lebiere. 33 [doi]
- Turing and de Finetti Ganes: Machines Making Us ThinkIgnazio Licata. 35 [doi]
- How to Simulate the Brain without a ComputerKarlheinz Meier. 37 [doi]
- Odor Perception through Network Self-organization: Large Scale Realistic Simulations of the Olfactory BulbMichele Migliore. 39-40 [doi]
- Extending Cognitive ArchitecturesAlexei V. Samsonovich. 41-49 [doi]
- Babies and Baby-Humanoids to Study CognitionGiulio Sandini. 51 [doi]
- Towards Architectural Foundations for Cognitive Self-aware SystemsRicardo Sanz, Carlos Hernández. 53 [doi]
- Achieving AGI within My Lifetime: Some Progress and Some ObservationsKristinn R. Thórisson. 55 [doi]
- Learning and Creativity in the Global WorkspaceGeraint A. Wiggins. 57 [doi]
- Multimodal People Engagement with iCubSalvatore Maria Anzalone, Serena Ivaldi, Olivier Sigaud, Mohamed Chetouani. 59-64 [doi]
- Human Action Recognition from RGB-D Frames Based on Real-Time 3D Optical Flow EstimationGioia Ballin, Matteo Munaro, Emanuele Menegatti. 65-74 [doi]
- Modality in the MGLAIR ArchitectureJonathan P. Bona, Stuart C. Shapiro. 75-81 [doi]
- Robotics and Virtual Worlds: An Experiential Learning LabBarbara Caci, Antonella D'Amico, Giuseppe Chiazzese. 83-87 [doi]
- Comprehensive Uncertainty Management in MDPsVincenzo Cannella, Roberto Pirrone, Antonio Chella. 89-94 [doi]
- A New Humanoid Architecture for Social Interaction between Human and a Robot Expressing Human-Like Emotions Using an Android Mobile Device as InterfaceAntonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Giovanni Pilato, Giorgio Vassallo, Marcello Giardina. 95-103 [doi]
- The Concepts of Intuition and Logic within the Frame of Cognitive Process ModelingO. D. Chernavskaya, A. P. Nikitin, J. A. Rozhilo. 105-107 [doi]
- Do Humanoid Robots Need a Body Schema?Dalia De Santis, Vishwanathan Mohan, Pietro Morasso, Jacopo Zenzeri. 109-115 [doi]
- Simulation and Anticipation as Tools for Coordinating with the FutureHaris Dindo, Giuseppe La Tona, Eric Nivel, Giovanni Pezzulo, Antonio Chella, Kristinn R. Thórisson. 117-125 [doi]
- Solutions for a Robot BrainWalter Fritz. 127-129 [doi]
- Exemplars, Prototypes and Conceptual SpacesMarcello Frixione, Antonio Lieto. 131-136 [doi]
- The Small Loop Problem: A Challenge for Artificial Emergent CognitionOlivier L. Georgeon, James B. Marshall. 137-144 [doi]
- Crowd Detection Based on Co-occurrence MatrixStefano Ghidoni, Arrigo Guizzo, Emanuele Menegatti. 145-152 [doi]
- Development of a Framework for Measuring Cognitive Process PerformanceWael Hafez. 153-159 [doi]
- I Feel Blue: Robots and Humans Sharing Color Representation for Emotional Cognitive InteractionIgnazio Infantino, Giovanni Pilato, Riccardo Rizzo, Filippo Vella. 161-166 [doi]
- Investigating Perceptual Features for a Natural Human - Humanoid Robot Interaction Inside a Spontaneous SettingHiroshi Ishiguro, Shuichi Nishio, Antonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Giuseppe Balistreri, Marcello Giardina, Carmelo Calí. 167-174 [doi]
- Internal Simulation of an Agent's IntentionsMagnus Johnsson, Miriam Buonamente. 175-176 [doi]
- A Model of Primitive Consciousness Based on System-Level Learning Activity in Autonomous AdaptationYasuo Kinouchi, Yoshihiro Kato. 177-185 [doi]
- Decision-Making and Action Selection in Two MindsMuneo Kitajima, Makoto Toyota. 187-192 [doi]
- Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography: A Methodology for Understanding Users for Designing Interactions Based on User Simulation with Cognitive ArchitecturesMuneo Kitajima, Makoto Toyota. 193-198 [doi]
- Emotional Emergence in a Symbolic Dynamical ArchitectureOthalia Larue, Pierre Poirier, Roger Nkambou. 199-204 [doi]
- An Integrated, Modular Framework for Computer Vision and Cognitive Robotics Research (icVision)Jürgen Leitner, Simon Harding, Mikhail Frank, Alexander Förster, Jürgen Schmidhuber. 205-210 [doi]
- Insertion Cognitive ArchitectureAlexander A. Letichevsky. 211-217 [doi]
- A Parsimonious Cognitive Architecture for Human-Computer Interactive Musical Free ImprovisationAdam Linson, Chris Dobbyn, Robin Laney. 219-224 [doi]
- Cognitive Integration through Goal-Generation in a Robotic SetupRiccardo Manzotti, Flavio Mutti, Giuseppina Gini, Soo-Young Lee. 225-231 [doi]
- A Review of Cognitive Architectures for Visual MemoryMichal Mukawa, Joo-Hwee Lim. 233-238 [doi]
- A Model of the Visual Dorsal Pathway for Computing Coordinate Transformations: An Unsupervised ApproachFlavio Mutti, Hugo Gravato Marques, Giuseppina Gini. 239-246 [doi]
- Multiagent Recursive Cognitive ArchitectureZalimkhan V. Nagoev. 247-248 [doi]
- A Biologically-Inspired Perspective on Commonsense KnowledgePietro Perconti. 249-250 [doi]
- Coherence Fields for 3D Saliency PredictionFiora Pirri, Matia Pizzoli, Arnab Sinha. 251-263 [doi]
- Principles of Functioning of Autonomous Agent-PhysicistVladimir G. Red'ko. 265-266 [doi]
- Affect-Inspired Resource Management in Dynamic, Real-Time EnvironmentsW. Scott Neal Reilly, Gerald Fry, Michael Reposa. 267-272 [doi]
- An Approach toward Self-organization of Artificial Visual Sensorimotor StructuresJonas Ruesch, Ricardo Ferreira, Alexandre Bernardino. 273-282 [doi]
- Biologically Inspired Methods for Automatic Speech UnderstandingGiampiero Salvi. 283-286 [doi]
- Modeling Structure and Dynamics of Selective AttentionHecke Schrobsdorff, Matthias Ihrke, J. Michael Herrmann. 287-295 [doi]
- How to Engineer Biologically Inspired Cognitive ArchitecturesValeria Seidita, Massimo Cossentino, Antonio Chella. 297-298 [doi]
- An Adaptive Affective Social Decision Making ModelAlexei Sharpanskykh, Jan Treur. 299-308 [doi]
- A Robot Uses an Evaluation Based on Internal Time to Become Self-aware and Discriminate Itself from OthersToshiyuki Takiguchi, Jun'ichi Takeno. 309-315 [doi]
- Why Neurons Are Not the Right Level of Abstraction for Implementing CognitionClaude F. Touzet. 317-318 [doi]
- Intertemporal Decision Making: A Mental Load PerspectiveJan Treur. 319-331 [doi]
- A Non-von-Neumann Computational Architecture Based on in Situ Representations: Integrating Cognitive Grounding, Productivity and DynamicsFrank van der Velde. 333-337 [doi]
- A Formal Model of Neuron That Provides Consistent PredictionsE. E. Vityaev. 339-344 [doi]
- Safely Crowd-Sourcing Critical Mass for a Self-improving Human-Level Learner/"Seed AI"Mark R. Waser. 345-350 [doi]
- Unconscious Guidance of Pedestrians Using Vection and Body SwayNorifumi Watanabe, Takashi Omori. 351-359 [doi]
- The Analysis of Amodal Completion for Modeling Visual PerceptionLiliana Albertazzi, James Dadam, Luisa Canal, Rocco Micciolo. 361 [doi]
- Naturally Biased Associations between Colour and Shape: A Brentanian ApproachLiliana Albertazzi, Michela Malfatti. 363-364 [doi]
- Architecture to Serve Disabled and ElderlyMiriam Buonamente, Magnus Johnsson. 365 [doi]
- Bio-inspired Sensory Data AggregationAlessandra De Paola, Marco Morana. 367-368 [doi]
- Clifford Rotors for Conceptual Representation in ChatbotsAgnese Augello, Salvatore Gaglio, Giovanni Pilato, Giorgio Vassallo. 369-370 [doi]
- Neurogenesis in a High Resolution Dentate Gyrus ModelCraig M. Vineyard, James B. Aimone, Glory R. Emmanuel. 371-372 [doi]
- A Game Theoretic Model of NeurocomputationCraig M. Vineyard, Glory R. Emmanuel, Stephen J. Verzi, Gregory L. Heileman. 373-374 [doi]