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- Challenge session speakers: Engaging today's genomics resourcesTing Wang, Thomas Ferrin. [doi]
- Keynote address: Scientific publishing in a technological ageDaniel Evanko. [doi]
- invis: Exploring high-dimensional RNA sequences from in vitro selectionCagatay Demiralp, Eric Hayden, Jeff Hammerbacher, Jeffrey Heer. 1-8 [doi]
- Large-scale multiple sequence alignment visualization through gradient vector flow analysisTan Khoa Nguyen, Timo Ropinski. 9-16 [doi]
- COMBat: Visualizing co-occurrence of annotation termsRemko B. J. van Brakel, Mark W. E. J. Fiers, Christof Francke, Michel A. Westenberg, Huub van de Wetering. 17-24 [doi]
- Robust detection and visualization of cytoskeletal structures in fibrillar scaffolds from 3-dimensional confocal imageDo Young Park, Desiree Jones, Nicanor I. Moldovan, Raghu Machiraju, Thierry Pécot. 25-32 [doi]
- PresentaBALL - A powerful package for presentations and lessons in structural biologyStefan Nickels, Daniel Stöckel, Sabine C. Mueller, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Andreas Hildebrandt, Anna Katharina Dehof. 33-40 [doi]
- From biochemical reaction networks to 3D dynamics in the cell: The ZigCell3D modeling, simulation and visualisation frameworkPablo de Heras Ciechomski, Michael Klann, Robin Mange, Heinz Koeppl. 41-48 [doi]
- The Molecular Control Toolkit: Controlling 3D molecular graphics via gesture and voiceKenneth Sabir, Christian Stolte, Bruce Tabor, Seán I. O'Donoghue. 49-56 [doi]
- MoClo planner: Interactive visualization for Modular Cloning bio-designOrit Shaer, Consuelo Valdes, Sirui Liu, Kara Lu, Traci Haddock, Swapnil Bhatia, Douglas Densmore, Robert Kincaid. 57-64 [doi]
- VisNEST - Interactive analysis of neural activity dataChristian Nowke, Maximilian Schmidt, Sacha J. van Albada, Jochen M. Eppler, Rembrandt Bakker, Markus Diesrnann, Bernd Hentschel, Torsten Kuhlen. 65-72 [doi]
- neuroMAP - Interactive graph-visualization of the fruit fly's neural circuitJohannes Sorger, Katja Bühler, Florian Schulze, Tianxiao Liu, Barry J. Dickson. 73-80 [doi]
- Genome-wide detection of sRNA targets with rNAVJonathan Dubois, Amine Ghozlane, Patricia Thébault, Isabelle Dutour, Romain Bourqui. 81-88 [doi]
- Leveraging wall-sized high-resolution displays for comparative genomics analyses of copy number variationRoy A. Ruddle, Waleed Fateen, Darren Treanor, Peter Sondergeld, Phil Ouirke. 89-96 [doi]
- Hummod browser: An exploratory visualization tool for the analysis of whole-body physiology simulation dataKeqin Wu, Jian Chen, William A. Pruett, Robert L. Hester. 97-104 [doi]
- Visual cleaning of genotype dataJessie B. Kennedy, Martin Graham, Trevor Paterson, Andy Law. 105-112 [doi]