Abstract is missing.
- 3D Hardware CanariesSébastien Briais, Stéphane Caron, Jean-Michel Cioranesco, Jean-Luc Danger, Sylvain Guilley, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Arthur Milchior, David Naccache, Thibault Porteboeuf. 1-22 [doi]
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- Simple Photonic Emission Analysis of AES - Photonic Side Channel Analysis for the Rest of UsAlexander Schlösser, Dmitry Nedospasov, Juliane Krämer, Susanna Orlic, Jean-Pierre Seifert. 41-57 [doi]
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- A Differential Fault Attack on the Grain Family of Stream CiphersSubhadeep Banik, Subhamoy Maitra, Santanu Sarkar. 122-139 [doi]
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- Selecting Time Samples for Multivariate DPA AttacksOscar Reparaz, Benedikt Gierlichs, Ingrid Verbauwhede. 155-174 [doi]
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- A Statistical Model for DPA with Novel Algorithmic Confusion AnalysisYunsi Fei, Qiasi Luo, A. Adam Ding. 233-250 [doi]
- Practical Security Analysis of PUF-Based Two-Player ProtocolsUlrich Rührmair, Marten van Dijk. 251-267 [doi]
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- PUFKY: A Fully Functional PUF-Based Cryptographic Key GeneratorRoel Maes, Anthony Van Herrewege, Ingrid Verbauwhede. 302-319 [doi]
- NEON CryptoDaniel J. Bernstein, Peter Schwabe. 320-339 [doi]
- Towards One Cycle per Bit Asymmetric Encryption: Code-Based Cryptography on Reconfigurable HardwareStefan Heyse, Tim Güneysu. 340-355 [doi]
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- Efficient Implementations of MQPKS on Constrained DevicesPeter Czypek, Stefan Heyse, Enrico Thomae. 374-389 [doi]
- Towards Green Cryptography: A Comparison of Lightweight Ciphers from the Energy ViewpointStéphanie Kerckhof, François Durvaux, Cédric Hocquet, David Bol, François-Xavier Standaert. 390-407 [doi]
- Lightweight Cryptography for the Cloud: Exploit the Power of Bitslice ImplementationSeiichi Matsuda, Shiho Moriai. 408-425 [doi]
- Low-Latency Encryption - Is "Lightweight = Light + Wait"?Miroslav Knezevic, Ventzislav Nikov, Peter Rombouts. 426-446 [doi]
- Attacking RSA-CRT Signatures with Faults on Montgomery MultiplicationPierre-Alain Fouque, Nicolas Guillermin, Delphine Leresteux, Mehdi Tibouchi, Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz. 447-462 [doi]
- Reduce-by-Feedback: Timing Resistant and DPA-Aware Modular Multiplication Plus: How to Break RSA by DPAMichael Vielhaber. 463-475 [doi]
- Side Channel Attack to Actual Cryptanalysis: Breaking CRT-RSA with Low Weight Decryption ExponentsSantanu Sarkar, Subhamoy Maitra. 476-493 [doi]
- Pushing the Limits of High-Speed GF(2 m ) Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication on FPGAsChester Rebeiro, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay. 494-511 [doi]
- On the Design of Hardware Building Blocks for Modern Lattice-Based Encryption SchemesNorman Göttert, Thomas Feller, Michael Schneider 0002, Johannes Buchmann, Sorin A. Huss. 512-529 [doi]
- Practical Lattice-Based Cryptography: A Signature Scheme for Embedded SystemsTim Güneysu, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Thomas Pöppelmann. 530-547 [doi]
- An Efficient Countermeasure against Correlation Power-Analysis Attacks with Randomized Montgomery Operations for DF-ECC ProcessorJen-Wei Lee, Szu-Chi Chung, Hsie-Chia Chang, Chen-Yi Lee. 548-564 [doi]