Abstract is missing.
- A Method of Cluster-Based Indexing of Textual DataAkiko N. Aizawa. [doi]
- Semantics-based Representation for Multimodal Interpretation in Conversational SystemsJoyce Y. Chai. [doi]
- A Complete Integrated NLG System Using AI and NLU ToolsLaurence Danlos, Adil El Ghali. [doi]
- Learning Verb Argument Structure from Minimally Annotated CorporaAnoop Sarkar, Woottiporn Tripasai. [doi]
- Morphological Analysis of the Spontaneous Speech CorpusKiyotaka Uchimoto, Chikashi Nobata, Atsushi Yamada, Satoshi Sekine, Hitoshi Isahara. [doi]
- A Novel Disambiguation Method for Unification-Based Grammars Using Probabilistic Context-Free ApproximationsBernd Kiefer, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Detlef Prescher. [doi]
- A Transitive Model for Extracting Translation Equivalents of Web Queries through Anchor Text MiningWen-Hsiang Lu, Lee-Feng Chien, Hsi-Jian Lee. [doi]
- From Trees to Predicate-argument StructuresMaria Liakata, Stephen G. Pulman. [doi]
- Automatic Semantic Grouping in a Spoken Language User Interface ToolkitHassan Alam, Hua Cheng, Rachmat Hartono, Aman Kumar, Paul Llido, Crystal Nakatsu, Huy Nguyen, Fuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova, Timotius Tjahjadi, Che Wilcox. [doi]
- Learning How to Answer Questions Using Trivia GamesGideon S. Mann. [doi]
- (Semi-)Automatic Detection of Errors in PoS-Tagged CorporaPavel Kveton, Karel Oliva. [doi]
- Lenient Default Unification for Robust Processing within Unification Based Grammar FormalismsTakashi Ninomiya, Yusuke Miyao, Jun-ichi Tsujii. [doi]
- Meta-evaluation of Summaries in a Cross-lingual Environment using Content-based MetricsHoracio Saggion, Dragomir R. Radev, Simone Teufel, Wai Lam. [doi]
- Self-Organizing Chinese and Japanese Semantic MapsQing Ma, Min Zhang, Masaki Murata, Ming Zhou, Hitoshi Isahara. [doi]
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- An Approach Based on Multilingual Thesauri and Model Combination for Bilingual Lexicon ExtractionHervé Déjean, Éric Gaussier, Fatiha Sadat. [doi]
- Rigid Lambek Grammars Are Not Learnable from StringsAnnie Foret, Yannick Le Nir. [doi]
- Putting Frames in PerspectiveNancy Chang, Srini Narayanan, Miriam R. L. Petruck. [doi]
- Corpus-based Generation of Numeral Classifier using Phrase AlignmentMichael Paul, Eiichiro Sumita, Seiichi Yamamoto. [doi]
- A DAML+OIL-Compliant Chinese Lexical OntologyYu-Sheng Lai, Ren-Jr Wang, Wei-Tek Hsu. [doi]
- Towards Automatic Generation of Natural Language Generation SystemsJohn Chen, Srinivas Bangalore, Owen Rambow, Marilyn A. Walker. [doi]
- Effective Structural Inference for Large XML DocumentsJason Sankey, Raymond K. Wong. [doi]
- Integrating Linguistic and Performance-Based Constraints for Assigning Phrase BreaksMichaela Atterer, Ewan Klein. [doi]
- A Maximum Entropy-based Word Sense Disambiguation SystemArmando Suárez, Manuel Palomar. [doi]
- Lexical Chains for Question AnsweringDan I. Moldovan, Adrian Novischi. [doi]
- Entering Text with a Four-Button DeviceKumiko Tanaka-Ishii, Yusuke Inutsuka, Masato Takeichi. [doi]
- Processing Japanese Self-correction in Speech Dialog SystemsKotaro Funakoshi, Takenobu Tokunaga, Hozumi Tanaka. [doi]
- Context-Sensitive Electronic DictionariesGábor Prószéky, Balázs Kis. [doi]
- Probabilistic Models of Verb-Argument StructureDaniel Gildea. [doi]
- Extraposition: A Case Study in German Sentence RealizationMichael Gamon, Eric K. Ringger, Zhu Zhang, Robert C. Moore, Simon Corston-Oliver. [doi]
- Lexicalization of Probabilistic GrammarsHelmut Schmid. [doi]
- Automatic Glossary Extraction: Beyond Terminology IdentificationYoungja Park, Roy J. Byrd, Branimir Boguraev. [doi]
- Bootstrapping Bilingual Data using Consensus Translation for a Multilingual Instant Messaging SystemSrinivas Bangalore, Vanessa Murdock, Giuseppe Riccardi. [doi]
- A Measure of Term Representativeness Based on the Number of Co-occurring Salient WordsToru Hisamitsu, Yoshiki Niwa. [doi]
- Linking Syntactic and Semantic Arguments in a Dependency-based FormalismChristian Korthals, Ralph Debusmann. [doi]
- Multi-Dimensional Text ClassificationThanaruk Theeramunkong, Verayuth Lertnattee. [doi]
- Inferring Knowledge from a Large Semantic NetworkDominique Dutoit, Thierry Poibeau. [doi]
- Cross Linguistic Phoneme CorrespondencesLynne J. Cahill, Carole Tiberius. [doi]
- Open-Domain Voice-Activated Question AnsweringSanda M. Harabagiu, Dan I. Moldovan, Joe Picone. [doi]
- Extracting Word Sequence Correspondences with Support Vector MachinesKengo Sato, Hiroaki Saito. [doi]
- A Probabilistic Method for Analyzing Japanese Anaphora Integrating Zero Pronoun Detection and ResolutionKazuhiro Seki, Atsushi Fujii, Tetsuya Ishikawa. [doi]
- SOAT: A Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Acquisition Tool from Chinese CorpusShih-Hung Wu, Wen-Lian Hsu. [doi]
- A Cheap and Fast Way to Build Useful Translation LexiconsDan Tufis. [doi]
- Notions of Correctness when Evaluating Protein Name TaggersFredrik Olsson, Gunnar Eriksson, Kristofer Franzén, Lars Asker, Per Lidén. [doi]
- Unsupervised Named Entity Classification Models and their EnsemblesJae-Ho Kim, In-Ho Kang, Key-Sun Choi. [doi]
- Improving Alignment Quality in Statistical Machine Translation Using Context-dependent Maximum Entropy ModelsIsmael García-Varea, Franz Josef Och, Hermann Ney, Francisco Casacuberta. [doi]
- The Chinese Aspect System and its Semantic InterpretationGuowen Yang, John A. Bateman. [doi]
- Improved Iterative Scaling Can Yield Multiple Globally Optimal Models with Radically Differing Performance LevelsIain Bancarz, Miles Osborne. [doi]
- Modular MT with a Learned Bilingual Dictionary: Rapid Deployment of a New Language PairJessie Pinkham, Martine Smets. [doi]
- Probabilistic Reasoning for Entity & Relation RecognitionDan Roth, Wen-tau Yih. [doi]
- Disambiguation of Finite-State TransducersN. Smaili, Patrick Cardinal, Gilles Boulianne, Pierre Dumouchel. [doi]
- Computation of Modifier Scope in NP by a Language-neutral MethodRichard Campbell. [doi]
- Inducing Information Extraction Systems for New Languages via Cross-language ProjectionEllen Riloff, Charles Schafer, David Yarowsky. [doi]
- A Methodology for Terminology-based Knowledge Acquisition and IntegrationHideki Mima, Sophia Ananiadou, Goran Nenadic, Jun-ichi Tsujii. [doi]
- Automatic Text Categorization using the Importance of SentencesYoungjoong Ko, Jinwoo Park, Jungyun Seo. [doi]
- The Simple Core and the Complex Periphery of Natural Language - a Formal and a Computational ViewPetr Sgall, Alena Böhmová. [doi]
- Topic Tracking using Subject Templates and Clustering Positive Training InstancesYoshimi Suzuki, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Yoshihiro Sekiguchi. [doi]
- Machine Translation by Interaction between Paraphraser and TransferKazuhide Yamamoto. [doi]
- Augmenting Noun Taxonomies by Combining Lexical Similarity MetricsMark Stevenson. [doi]
- Dynamic Lexical Acquisition in Chinese Sentence AnalysisAndi Wu, Joseph Pentheroudakis, Zixin Jiang. [doi]
- Experiments in German Noun ChunkingMichael Schiehlen. [doi]
- Antonymy and Conceptual VectorsDidier Schwab, Mathieu Lafourcade, Violaine Prince. [doi]
- Identifying Concepts Across Languages: A First Step towards a Corpus-based Approach to Automatic Ontology AlignmentGrace Ngai, Marine Carpuat, Pascale Fung. [doi]
- A Comparative Evaluation of Data-driven Models in Translation Selection of Machine TranslationYuseop Kim, Jeong Ho Chang, Byoung-Tak Zhang. [doi]
- Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Methods for PP Attachment DisambiguationMartin Volk. [doi]
- Best Analysis Selection in Inflectional LanguagesAles Horák, Pavel Smrz. [doi]
- Rapid Prototyping for Spoken Dialogue SystemsMatthias Denecke. [doi]
- A Stochastic Parser Based on an SLM with Arboreal Context TreesShinsuke Mori. [doi]
- Using Knowledge to Facilitate Factoid Answer PinpointingEduard H. Hovy, Ulf Hermjakob, Chin-Yew Lin, Deepak Ravichandran. [doi]
- Taxonomy Learning - Factoring the Structure of a Taxonomy into a Semantic Classification DecisionViktor Pekar, Steffen Staab. [doi]
- A Generative Probability Model for Unification-Based GrammarsHelmut Schmid. [doi]
- Using Contextual Spelling Correction to Improve Retrieval Effectiveness in Degraded Text CollectionsPatrick Ruch. [doi]
- Implicit Ambiguity Resolution Using Incremental Clustering in Korean-to-English Cross-Language Information RetrievalKyung-Soon Lee, Kyo Kageura, Key-Sun Choi. [doi]
- Towards a Noise-Tolerant, Representation-Independent Mechanism for Argument InterpretationIngrid Zukerman, Sarah George. [doi]
- Robust Interpretation of User Requests for Text Retrieval in a Multimodal EnvironmentAlexandra Klein, Estela Puig-Waldmüller, Harald Trost. [doi]
- Efficient Support Vector Classifiers for Named Entity RecognitionHideki Isozaki, Hideto Kazawa. [doi]
- Semantic Case Role Detection for Information ExtractionRik De Busser, Roxana Angheluta, Marie-Francine Moens. [doi]
- Detecting Shifts in News Stories for Paragraph ExtractionFumiyo Fukumoto, Yoshimi Suzuki. [doi]
- Instance Based Learning with Automatic Feature Selection Applied to Word Sense DisambiguationRada Mihalcea. [doi]
- Extracting Important Sentences with Support Vector MachinesTsutomu Hirao, Hideki Isozaki, Eisaku Maeda, Yuji Matsumoto. [doi]
- Rule Merging in a Rule-Based Arabic StemmerIbrahim A. Al-Kharashi, Imad A. Al-Sughaiyer. [doi]
- Selforganizing Classification on the Reuters News CorpusStefan Wermter, Chihli Hung. [doi]
- The Computation of Word Associations: Comparing Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic ApproachesReinhard Rapp. [doi]
- Building a Large-Scale Annotated Chinese CorpusNianwen Xue, Fu-Dong Chiou, Martha Stone Palmer. [doi]
- Guaranteeing Parsing Termination of Unification GrammarsEfrat Jaeger, Nissim Francez, Shuly Wintner. [doi]
- Extension of Zipf s Law to Words and PhrasesLe Quan Ha, Elvira I. Sicilia-Garcia, Ji Ming, F. Jack Smith. [doi]
- A New Probabilistic Model for Title GenerationRong Jin, Alexander G. Hauptmann. [doi]
- Covering Ambiguity Resolution in Chinese Word Segmentation Based on Contextual InformationXiao Luo, Sun Maosong, Benjamin K. Tsou. [doi]
- Using Collocations for Topic Segmentation and Link DetectionOlivier Ferret. [doi]
- MACH : A Supersonic Korean Morphological AnalyzerKwangseob Shim, Jaehyung Yang. [doi]
- Chinese Syntactic Parsing Based on Extended GLR Parsing Algorithm with PCFG*Yan Zhang, Bo Xu, Chengqing Zong. [doi]
- Simple Features for Chinese Word Sense DisambiguationHoa Trang Dang, Ching-yi Chia, Martha Stone Palmer, Fu-Dong Chiou. [doi]
- Identifying Anaphoric and Non-Anaphoric Noun Phrases to Improve Coreference ResolutionVincent Ng, Claire Cardie. [doi]
- Text Generation from KeywordsKiyotaka Uchimoto, Satoshi Sekine, Hitoshi Isahara. [doi]
- Crosslinguistic Transfer in Automatic Verb ClassificationVivian Tsang, Suzanne Stevenson, Paola Merlo. [doi]
- Compilation of Unification Grammars with Compositional Semantics to Speech Recognition PackagesJohan Bos. [doi]
- Interleaved Semantic Interpretation in Environment-based ParsingWilliam Schuler. [doi]
- Recognition Assistance - Treating Errors in Texts Acquired from Various Recognition ProcessesGábor Prószéky, Mátyás Naszódi, Balázs Kis. [doi]
- Text Categorization using Feature ProjectionsYoungjoong Ko, Jungyun Seo. [doi]
- An Inference-based Approach to Dialogue System DesignJohan Bos, Tetsushi Oka. [doi]
- Parsing Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages with Thread AutomataEric Villemonte de la Clergerie. [doi]
- Shallow Language Processing Architecture for BulgarianHristo Tanev, Ruslan Mitkov. [doi]
- High Precision Extraction of Grammatical RelationsJohn Carroll, Ted Briscoe. [doi]
- Machine Translation Based on NLG from XML-DBYohei Seki, Kenichi Harada. [doi]
- Contextual Natural Language Processing and DAML for Understanding Software Requirements SpecificationsBeum-Seuk Lee, Barrett R. Bryant. [doi]
- Efficient Dialogue Strategy to Find Users Intended Items from Information Query ResultsKazunori Komatani, Tatsuya Kawahara, Ryosuke Ito, Hiroshi G. Okuno. [doi]
- The LinGO Redwoods Treebank: Motivation and Preliminary ApplicationsStephan Oepen, Kristina Toutanova, Stuart M. Shieber, Christopher D. Manning, Dan Flickinger, Thorsten Brants. [doi]
- Fertilization of Case Frame Dictionary for Robust Japanese Case AnalysisDaisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi. [doi]
- Building a Bilingual WordNet-Like Lexicon: The New Approach and AlgorithmsYang Liu, Shiwen Yu, Jiangsheng Yu. [doi]
- Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Bilingual Comparable CorporaHiroyuki Kaji, Yasutsugu Morimoto. [doi]
- Detecting Errors in Corpora Using Support Vector MachinesTetsuji Nakagawa, Yuji Matsumoto. [doi]
- Dialog Navigator : A Question Answering System Based on Large Text Knowledge BaseYoji Kiyota, Sadao Kurohashi, Fuyuko Kido. [doi]
- Using an Ontology to Determine English CountabilityFrancis Bond, Caitlin Vatikiotis-Bateson. [doi]
- An Agent-based Approach to Chinese Named Entity RecognitionShiren Ye, Tat-Seng Chua, Jimin Liu. [doi]
- Learning Grammars for Different Parsing Tasks by Partition SearchAnja Belz. [doi]
- SVM Answer Selection for Open-Domain Question AnsweringJun Suzuki, Yutaka Sasaki, Eisaku Maeda. [doi]
- Annotating Topological Fields and Chunks - and Revising POS Tags at the Same TimeFrank Henrik Müller, Tylman Ule. [doi]
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- Structure Alignment Using Bilingual ChunkingWei Wang, Ming Zhou, Jin-Xia Huang, Changning Huang. [doi]
- Polibox: Generating Descriptions, Comparisons, and Recommendations from a DatabaseManfred Stede. [doi]
- Lexical Query Paraphrasing for Document RetrievalIngrid Zukerman, Bhavani Raskutti. [doi]
- Recovering Latent Information in TreebanksDavid Chiang, Daniel M. Bikel. [doi]
- Creating a Finite-State Parser with Application SemanticsOwen Rambow, Srinivas Bangalore, Tahir Butt, Alexis Nasr, Richard Sproat. [doi]
- A Stochastic Topological Parser for GermanMarkus Becker, Anette Frank. [doi]
- Paraphrasing of Chinese UtterancesYujie Zhang, Kazuhide Yamamoto. [doi]
- Measuring the Similarity between Compound Nouns in Different Languages Using Non-Parallel CorporaTakaaki Tanaka. [doi]
- Fine Grained Classification of Named EntitiesMichael Fleischman, Eduard H. Hovy. [doi]
- Applying an NVEF Word-Pair Identifier to the Chinese Syllable-to-Word Conversion ProblemJia-Lin Tsai, Wen-Lian Hsu. [doi]
- Unsupervised Learning of Generalized NamesRoman Yangarber, Winston Lin, Ralph Grishman. [doi]
- Wordform- and Class-based Prediction of the Components of German Nominal Compounds in an AAC SystemMarco Baroni, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost. [doi]
- Scaled Log Likelihood Ratios for the Detection of Abbreviations in Text CorporaTibor Kiss, Jan Strunk. [doi]
- A Linguistic Discovery Program that Verbalizes its DiscoveriesVladimir Pericliev. [doi]
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- Looking for Candidate Translational Equivalents in Specialized, Comparable CorporaYun-Chuang Chiao, Pierre Zweigenbaum. [doi]
- A Corpus-based Analysis for the Ordering of Clause Aggregation OperatorsJames Shaw. [doi]
- Integrating Shallow Linguistic Processing into a Unification-based Spanish GrammarMontserrat Marimon. [doi]
- An XML-based Document SuiteDietmar Rösner, Manuela Kunze. [doi]
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- Word Sense Disambiguation using Static and Dynamic Sense VectorsJong-Hoon Oh, Key-Sun Choi. [doi]
- Varying Cardinality in Metonymic Extensions to NounsHelmut Horacek. [doi]
- Topic Detection Based on Dialogue HistoryTakayuki Nakata, Shinichi Ando, Akitoshi Okumura. [doi]
- Determining Recurrent Sound Correspondences by Inducing Translation ModelsGrzegorz Kondrak. [doi]
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- Syntactic Features for High Precision Word Sense DisambiguationDavid Martínez, Eneko Agirre, Lluís Màrquez. [doi]
- Using Language and Translation Models to Select the Best among Outputs from Multiple MT SystemsYasuhiro Akiba, Taro Watanabe, Eiichiro Sumita. [doi]
- Answering it with Charts: Dialogue in Natural Language and ChartsTsuneaki Kato, Mitsunori Matsushita, Eisaku Maeda. [doi]
- Translation Selection through Source Word Sense Disambiguation and Target Word SelectionHyun Ah Lee, Gil-Chang Kim. [doi]
- Unknown Word Extraction for Chinese DocumentsKeh-Jiann Chen, Wei-Yun Ma. [doi]
- Chinese Named Entity Identification Using Class-based Language ModelJian Sun, Jianfeng Gao, Lei Zhang, Ming Zhou, Changning Huang. [doi]
- An Automatic Evaluation Method for Localization Oriented Lexicalised EBMT SystemJianmin Yao, Ming Zhou, Tiejun Zhao, Hao Yu, Sheng Li. [doi]
- A Robust Cross-Style Bilingual Sentences Alignment ModelTz-Liang Kueng, Keh-Yih Su. [doi]
- Bringing the Dictionary to the User: The FOKS SystemSlaven Bilac, Timothy Baldwin, Hozumi Tanaka. [doi]
- Named Entity Recognition: A Maximum Entropy Approach Using Global InformationHai Leong Chieu, Hwee Tou Ng. [doi]