Abstract is missing.
- Decomposition of Consecutive-1 Matrices and ApplicationsHorst W. Hamacher. 12
- Submodular Function Minimization in Zeta:::n::: and Searching in Monge arraysMaurice Queyranne. 13
- Polynomial Solvability of Mader s Edge-disjoint Paths ProblemLeen Stougie. 14
- Coloring Graphs with Minimal Edge LoadNitin Ahuja, Andreas Baltz, Benjamin Doerr, Anand Srivastav. 16-20
- Extended Distance-Hereditary GraphsMéziane Aïder. 21-23
- Virtual Private Network Design Under Traffic UncertaintyA. Altin, Edoardo Amaldi, Pietro Belotti, Mustafa Ç. Pinar. 24-27
- Algorithms for Finding Minimum Fundamental Cycle Bases in GraphsEdoardo Amaldi, Leo Liberti, Francesco Maffioli. 33-36
- The Multicommodity Multilevel Bottleneck Assignment ProblemRoberto Aringhieri, Roberto Cordone. 37-40
- An Asymmetric Vehicle Routing Problem arising in the Collection and Disposal of Special WasteRoberto Aringhieri, Maurizio Bruglieri, Federico Malucelli, Maddalena Nonato. 41-46
- A New Local Condition for a Graph to be HamiltonianArmen S. Asratian. 47-49
- Knowledge State Algorithms and the 2-Server ProblemWolfgang W. Bein. 50
- Network Design with Grooming ConstraintsPietro Belotti, Federico Malucelli. 51-55
- Tree Decompositions of Graphs: Saving Memory in Dynamic ProgrammingNadja Betzler, Rolf Niedermeier, Johannes Uhlmann. 56-60
- Clique, Chromatic, and Lovász Numbers of Certain Circulant GraphsValentin E. Brimkov. 61-65
- An Improved Local Search Algorithm for 3-SATTobias Brüggemann, Walter Kern. 66-70
- Clique Algorithms for Classifying Substructures in Generalized QuadranglesMiroslava Cajkova, Veerle Fack. 71-74
- Two-Levels-Greedy: A Generalized of Dijkstra s Shortest Path AlgorithmDomenico Cantone, Simone Faro. 75-80
- Minimum Weighted Feedback Vertex Set on DiamondsFrancesco Carrabs, Raffaele Cerulli, Monica Gentili, Gennaro Parlato. 81-85
- Linear Time Algorithms to the Minimum All-Ones Problem for UniCyclic and Bicyclic GraphsWilliam Y. C. Chen, Xueliang Li, Chao Wang, Xiaoyan Zhang. 86-90
- The Demand-dependent Optimization of Regular Train TimetablesAlessandro Chierici, Roberto Cordone, Roberto Maja. 91-95
- Multiway Cut and Integer Flow Problems in TreesMarie-Christine Costa, Alain Billionnet. 96-99
- New Exponential Neighbourhood for Polynomially Solvable TSPsV. Deineko. 100-103
- Minimum Dominating Trail Set for Two-Terminal Series Parallel GraphsPaolo Detti, Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo. 104-108
- On the Generation of Bicliques of a GraphVånia M. F. Dias, Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter. 109-113
- An Improved Discrepancy Approach to DeclusteringBenjamin Doerr, Nils Hebbinghaus, Sören Werth. 114-118
- A Primal-Dual Method for Approximating Tree Cover with Two WeightsTakashi Doi, Toshihiro Fujito. 119-123
- The Cut Number of the n-Cube, Boolean Methods and a Geometric Connection to Threshold LogicM. Reza Emamy-Khansary. 124-126
- Covering Graphs by Colored Stable SetsUlrich Faigle, Bernhard Fuchs, Britta Wienand. 127-131
- About the b-Continuity of GraphsTaoufik Faik. 132-136
- A 3-Approximation for the Pathwidth of Halin GraphsFedor V. Fomin, Dimitrios M. Thilikos. 137-141
- On (P::5::, P::5::)-Sparse Graphs and other FamiliesJean-Luc Fouquet, Jean-Marie Vanherpe. 142-146
- Lexico-smallest Representations, Duality and Matching PolyhedraKomei Fukuda, Stefano Picozzi. 147-151
- The Set of Prime Extensions of a Graph: the Finite and the Infinite CaseVassilis Giakoumakis, Stephan Olariu. 152-156
- On a Packet Scheduling Problem for Smart Antennas and Polyhedra Defined Circular-ones MatricesDion Gijswijt. 157-159
- More on Orbital MatricesHarald Gropp. 160-164
- Discrepancy of Sums of Arithmetic ProgressionsNils Hebbinghaus. 165-169
- Computing Optimal Discrete Morse FunctionsMichael Joswig, Marc E. Pfetsch. 170-174
- Minimum-Cost Single-Source 2-Splittable FlowStavros G. Kolliopoulos. 175-179
- The Kissing Number Problem: A New Result from Global OptimizationLeo Liberti, Nelson Maculan, Sergei Kucherenko. 180-183
- A Special Dynamic Programming Technique for Multiobjective Discrete Control and for Dynamic Games on Graph-Based NetworksDmitrii Lozovanu, Stefan Wolfgang Pickl. 184-188
- On Deviation Measures in Stochastic Integer ProgrammingAndreas Märkert, Rüdiger Schultz. 189-191
- A Particular Class of Graphic MatroidsFrancesco Maffioli, Norma Zagaglia Salvi. 192-195
- Exact Algorithms for a Discrete Metric Labeling ProblemGaia Nicosia, Andrea Pacifici. 196-200
- On the Strongly Connected and Biconnected Components of the Complement of GraphsStavros D. Nikolopoulos, Leonidas Palios. 201-206
- k-Pseudosnakes in n-dimensional HypercubesErich Prisner. 207-209
- Semi-preemptive Routing on a LineDirk Räbiger. 210-214
- Dynamic Programming Algorithms for the Elementary Shortest Path Problem with Resource ConstraintsGiovanni Righini, Matteo Salani. 215-217
- The Ramsey Numbers of Paths Versus KipasesA. N. M. Salman, Hajo Broersma. 218-222
- Connections between Continuous and Combinatorial Optimization Problems through an Extension of the Fundamental Theorem of Linear ProgrammingFabio Tardella. 223-227
- On Cliques associated to 3-set Packing ProblemsLuis M. Torres. 228-231
- Subdivision of the Hierarchy of H-colorable Graph Classes by Circulant GraphsAkihiro Uejima, Hiro Ito. 232-236
- To be or not to be YutsisDries Van Dyck, Veerle Fack. 237-241
- The Complexity of Arc-coloring for Directed HypergraphsAndrea Vietri. 242-245
- Fast and Simple Algorithms for Weighted Perfect MatchingMirjam Wattenhofer, Roger Wattenhofer. 246-252
- Heavy Cycles in k-connected Weighted GraphsShenggui Zhang, Bing Chen, Rongzu Yu. 253-256
- Behzad-Vizing Conjecture and Cartesian Product GraphsBlaz Zmazek, Janez Zerovnik. 257-260