Abstract is missing.
- Rotational Polygon Containment and Minimum EnclosureVictor Milenkovic. 1-8 [doi]
- A General Framework for Assembly Planning: The Motion Space ApproachDan Halperin, Jean-Claude Latombe, Randall H. Wilson. 9-18 [doi]
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- Features of Deformation Grids: An Approach via Singularity TheoryFred L. Bookstein. 214-221 [doi]
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- Geometric Applications of a Randomized Optimization TechniqueTimothy M. Chan. 269-278 [doi]
- On Enumerating and Selecting DistancesTimothy M. Chan. 279-286 [doi]
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- Constructing Cuttings in Theory and PracticeSariel Har-Peled. 327-336 [doi]
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- An Output Sensitive Algorithm for Discrete Convex HullsSariel Har-Peled. 357-364 [doi]
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- Motion Planning for Multiple RobotsBoris Aronov, Mark de Berg, A. Frank van der Stappen, Petr Svestka, Jules Vleugels. 374-382 [doi]
- Constructing Approximate Shortest Path Maps in Three DimensionsSariel Har-Peled. 383-391 [doi]
- Curvature-Constrained Shortest Paths in a Convex Polygon (Extended Abstract)Pankaj K. Agarwal, Therese C. Biedl, Sylvain Lazard, Steve Robbins, Subhash Suri, Sue Whitesides. 392-401 [doi]
- Voronoi Diagrams by Divergences with Additive WeightsKunihiko Sadakane, Hiroshi Imai, Kensuke Onishi, Mary Inaba, Fumihiko Takeuchi, Keiko Imai. 403-404 [doi]
- GASP-II - A Geometric Algorithm Animation System for an Electronic ClassroomMaria Shneerson, Ayellet Tal. 405-406 [doi]
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- A Path Router for Graph DrawingDavid P. Dobkin, Emden R. Gansner. 415-416 [doi]