Abstract is missing.
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- Light Euclidean Steiner Spanners in the PlaneSujoy Bhore, Csaba D. Tóth. [doi]
- A Parallel Batch-Dynamic Data Structure for the Closest Pair ProblemYiqiu Wang, Shangdi Yu, Yan Gu 0001, Julian Shun. [doi]
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- Computing the Multicover BifiltrationRené Corbet, Michael Kerber, Michael Lesnick, Georg Osang. [doi]
- Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Search for Line SegmentsAhmed Abdelkader, David M. Mount. [doi]
- An Integer Programming Formulation Using Convex Polygons for the Convex Partition ProblemHadrien Cambazard, Nicolas Catusse. [doi]
- Tracing Isomanifolds in ℝ^d in Time Polynomial in d Using Coxeter-Freudenthal-Kuhn TriangulationsJean-Daniel Boissonnat, Siargey Kachanovich, Mathijs Wintraecken. [doi]
- A Sparse Delaunay FiltrationDonald R. Sheehy. [doi]
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- On Ray Shooting for Triangles in 3-Space and Related ProblemsEsther Ezra, Micha Sharir. [doi]
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- Polygon-Universal GraphsTim Ophelders, Ignaz Rutter, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek. [doi]
- Stabbing Convex Bodies with Lines and FlatsSariel Har-Peled, Mitchell Jones. [doi]
- On Rich Points and Incidences with Restricted Sets of Lines in 3-SpaceMicha Sharir, Noam Solomon. [doi]
- Computing Zigzag Persistence on Graphs in Near-Linear TimeTamal K. Dey, Tao Hou. [doi]
- Approximate Range Counting Under Differential PrivacyZiyue Huang, Ke Yi 0001. [doi]
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- Minimal Delaunay Triangulations of Hyperbolic SurfacesMatthijs Ebbens, Hugo Parlier, Gert Vegter. [doi]
- Front Matter, Table of Contents, Preface, Conference Organization [doi]
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- Coordinated Motion Planning Through Randomized k-Opt (CG Challenge)Paul Liu, Jack Spalding-Jamieson, Brandon Zhang, Da-Wei Zheng. [doi]
- Approximating the (Continuous) Fréchet DistanceConnor Colombe, Kyle Fox. [doi]
- 3SUM and Related Problems in Fine-Grained Complexity (Invited Talk)Virginia Vassilevska Williams. [doi]
- No Krasnoselskii Number for General SetsChaya Keller, Micha A. Perles. [doi]
- Chasing Puppies: Mobile Beacon Routing on Closed CurvesMikkel Abrahamsen, Jeff Erickson 0001, Irina Kostitsyna, Maarten Löffler, Tillmann Miltzow, Jérôme Urhausen, Jordi L. Vermeulen, Giovanni Viglietta. [doi]
- Can You Walk This? Eulerian Tours and IDEA Instructions (Media Exposition)Aaron T. Becker, Sándor P. Fekete, Matthias Konitzny, Sebastian Morr, Arne Schmidt 0001. [doi]