Abstract is missing.
- Collaboration: Bad Words and Strong DocumentsMichael Buckland. 3 [doi]
- Beyond Electronic Patient's File: Assisting Conversations in a Healthcare NetworkValérie Bénard, Myriam Lewkowicz, Manuel Zacklad. 7-22 [doi]
- On a Mission without a Home Base: Conceptualizing Nomadicity in Student Group WorkCristian Bogdan, Chiara Rossitto, Maria Normark, Pedro "Adler" Jorge, Kerstin Severinson Eklundh. 23-38 [doi]
- Annotations: A Functionality to support Cooperation, Coordination and Awareness in the Electronic Medical RecordSandra Bringay, Catherine Barry, Jean Charlet. 39-54 [doi]
- Pair programming and the re-appropriation of individual tools for collaborative software developmentSallyann Bryant, Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay. 55-70 [doi]
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- Torres, a Conceptual Framework for Articulation Work across BoundariesFederico Cabitza, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone, Michele Telaro. 102-117 [doi]
- Multimodality and parallelism in design interaction: co-designers' alignment and coalitionsFrançoise Détienne, Willemien Visser. 118-131 [doi]
- Editable Chat Logs: A Concept for Seamless Integration of Chat Conversations and Documents in Shared WorkspacesAnja Haake. 132-147 [doi]
- Mediated Communication Behavior in Distributed Networks of PracticeEli Hustad. 148-163 [doi]
- Intelligent Automation in Collaborative SystemsJoshua Introne, Richard Alterman. 164-179 [doi]
- The integration of asynchronous and synchronous communication support in cooperative systemsAndrea Kienle. 180-195 [doi]
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- A thin mobile client for a groupware applicationKiran Madala, Ivan Tomek, Elhadi M. Shakshuki, Rick Giles. 211-223 [doi]
- The Underwhelming Effects of Location-Awareness of Others on Collaboration in a Pervasive GameNicolas Nova, Fabien Girardin, Gaëlle Molinari, Pierre Dillenbourg. 224-238 [doi]
- A Practical Sense of Knowing: Exploring Awareness Strategies in a Mobile WorkplaceCarljohan Orre, Leon A. Watts. 239-254 [doi]
- Collaboration support by co-ownership of documentsMichael Prilla, Carsten Ritterskamp. 255-269 [doi]
- To Share or Not to Share - Distributed Collaboration in Interactive WorkspacesHillevi Sundholm. 270-285 [doi]