Abstract is missing.
- Reviewers [doi]
- Conference Organization [doi]
- Message from the Program and General Chairs [doi]
- Message from the Program and General Chairs [doi]
- Program Committee [doi]
- Program Committee [doi]
- Incremental learning of object detectors using a visual shape alphabetAndreas Opelt, Axel Pinz, Andrew Zisserman. 3-10 [doi]
- Multiclass Object Recognition with Sparse, Localized FeaturesJim Mutch, David G. Lowe. 11-18 [doi]
- Unsupervised Learning of Categories from Sets of Partially Matching Image FeaturesKristen Grauman, Trevor Darrell. 19-25 [doi]
- Multiple Object Class Detection with a Generative ModelKrystian Mikolajczyk, Bastian Leibe, Bernt Schiele. 26-36 [doi]
- The Layout Consistent Random Field for Recognizing and Segmenting Partially Occluded ObjectsJohn M. Winn, Jamie Shotton. 37-44 [doi]
- Ultrasound-Specific Segmentation via Decorrelation and Statistical Region-Based Active ContoursGregory G. Slabaugh, Gozde B. Unal, Tong Fang, Michael Wels. 45-53 [doi]
- Bilayer Segmentation of Live VideoAntonio Criminisi, Geoffrey Cross, Andrew Blake, Vladimir Kolmogorov. 53-60 [doi]
- A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image MattingAnat Levin, Dani Lischinski, Yair Weiss. 61-68 [doi]
- Computing Exact Discrete Minimal Surfaces: Extending and Solving the Shortest Path Problem in 3D with Application to SegmentationLeo Grady. 69-78 [doi]
- Recursive estimation of generative models of videoNemanja Petrovic, Aleksandar Ivanovic, Nebojsa Jojic. 79-86 [doi]
- Principled Hybrids of Generative and Discriminative ModelsJulia A. Lasserre, Christopher M. Bishop, Thomas P. Minka. 87-94 [doi]
- Applying Ensembles of Multilinear Classifiers in the Frequency DomainChristian Bauckhage, Thomas Käster, John K. Tsotsos. 95-102 [doi]
- A Conic Section Classifier and its Application to Image DatasetsArunava Banerjee, Santhosh Kodipaka, Baba C. Vemuri. 103-108 [doi]
- Accelerated Kernel Feature AnalysisXianhua Jiang, Yuichi Motai, Robert R. Snapp, Xingquan Zhu. 109-116 [doi]
- Escaping local minima through hierarchical model selection: Automatic object discovery, segmentation, and tracking in videoNebojsa Jojic, John M. Winn, Larry Zitnick. 117-124 [doi]
- Kernel Uncorrelated and Orthogonal Discriminant Analysis: A Unified ApproachTao Xiong, Jieping Ye, Vladimir Cherkassky. 125-131 [doi]
- Selecting Principal Components in a Two-Stage LDA AlgorithmManli Zhu, Aleix M. Martínez. 132-137 [doi]
- Learning Non-Metric Partial Similarity Based on Maximal Margin CriterionXiaoyang Tan, Songcan Chen, Jun Li, Zhi-Hua Zhou. 138-145 [doi]
- Distributed Cost Boosting and Bounds on Mis-classification CostJohn P. Kaufhold, Justin Abbott, Robert Kaucic. 146-153 [doi]
- Equivalence of Non-Iterative Algorithms for Simultaneous Low Rank Approximations of MatricesKohei Inoue, Kiichi Urahama. 154-159 [doi]
- Semi-Supervised Classification Using Linear Neighborhood PropagationFei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Helen C. Shen, Jingdong Wang. 160-167 [doi]
- Learning Semantic Patterns with Discriminant Localized Binary ProjectionsShuicheng Yan, Tianqiang Yuan, Xiaoou Tang. 168-174 [doi]
- Rank-one Projections with Adaptive Margins for Face RecognitionDong Xu, Stephen Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Xiaoou Tang. 175-181 [doi]
- Hierarchical Statistical Learning of Generic Parts of Object StructureSanja Fidler, Gregor Berginc, Ales Leonardis. 182-189 [doi]
- Spectral Methods for Automatic Multiscale Data ClusteringArik Azran, Zoubin Ghahramani. 190-197 [doi]
- Impact of Dynamics on Subspace Embedding and Tracking of SequencesKooksang Moon, Vladimir Pavlovic. 198-205 [doi]
- Training Deformable Models for LocalizationDeva Ramanan, Cristian Sminchisescu. 206-213 [doi]
- Efficient Nonparametric Belief Propagation with Application to Articulated Body TrackingTony X. Han, Huazhong Ning, Thomas S. Huang. 214-221 [doi]
- Conditional Random People: Tracking Humans with CRFs and Grid FiltersLeonid Taycher, David Demirdjian, Trevor Darrell, Gregory Shakhnarovich. 222-229 [doi]
- Sparse and Semi-supervised Visual Mapping with the S:::3:::POliver M. C. Williams, Andrew Blake, Roberto Cipolla. 230-237 [doi]
- 3D People Tracking with Gaussian Process Dynamical ModelsRaquel Urtasun, David J. Fleet, Pascal Fua. 238-245 [doi]
- Diffusion Distance for Histogram ComparisonHaibin Ling, Kazunori Okada. 246-253 [doi]
- Transformation invariant component analysis for binary imagesZoran Zivkovic, Jakob J. Verbeek. 254-259 [doi]
- On-line Boosting and VisionHelmut Grabner, Horst Bischof. 260-267 [doi]
- Discriminative Learning of Mixture of Bayesian Network Classifiers for Sequence ClassificationMinyoung Kim, Vladimir Pavlovic. 268-275 [doi]
- Feature Selection for Evaluating Fluorescence Microscopy Images in Genome-Wide Cell ScreensVassili Kovalev, Nathalie Harder, Beate Neumann, Michael Held, Urban Liebel, Holger Erfle, Jan Ellenberg, Roland Eils, Karl Rohr. 276-283 [doi]
- Large-scale Learning with SVM and Convolutional for Generic Object CategorizationFu Jie Huang, Yann LeCun. 284-291 [doi]
- Grouping with Asymmetric Affinities: A Game-Theoretic PerspectiveAndrea Torsello, Samuel Rota Bulò, Marcello Pelillo. 292-299 [doi]
- A Mean Field EM-algorithm for Coherent Occlusion Handling in MAP-Estimation ProbRik Fransens, Christoph Strecha, Luc J. Van Gool. 300-307 [doi]
- Improving Recognition of Novel Input with SimilarityJerod Weinman, Erik G. Learned-Miller. 308-315 [doi]
- Toward Robust Distance Metric Analysis for Similarity EstimationJie Yu, Qi Tian, Jaume Amores, Nicu Sebe. 316-322 [doi]
- When Fisher meets Fukunaga-Koontz: A New Look at Linear DiscriminantsSheng Zhang, Terence Sim. 323-329 [doi]
- Learning Boosted Asymmetric Classifiers for Object DetectionXinwen Hou, Cheng-Lin Liu, Tieniu Tan. 330-338 [doi]
- Lensless Imaging with a Controllable ApertureAssaf Zomet, Shree K. Nayar. 339-346 [doi]
- Picture CollageJingdong Wang, Long Quan, Jian Sun, Xiaoou Tang, Heung-Yeung Shum. 347-354 [doi]
- Accurate Tracking of Monotonically Advancing FrontsM. Sabry Hassouna, Aly A. Farag. 355-362 [doi]
- Real Time Localization and 3D ReconstructionE. Mouragnon, Fabien Dekeyser, Patrick Sayd, Maxime Lhuillier, Michel Dhome. 363-370 [doi]
- Panoramic 3D Reconstruction Using Rotational Stereo Camera with Simple Epipolar ConstraintsWei Jiang, Masatoshi Okutomi, Shigeki Sugimoto. 371-378 [doi]
- Contour-Based Structure from ReflectionPo-Hao Huang, Shang-Hong Lai. 379-386 [doi]
- Modeling Age Progression in Young FacesNarayanan Ramanathan, Rama Chellappa. 387-394 [doi]
- Multi-Resolution Patch Tensor for Facial Expression HallucinationKui Jia, Shaogang Gong. 395-402 [doi]
- How Do Movie Viewers Perceive Scene Structure from Dynamic CuesLoong Fah Cheong, Xu Xiang. 403-410 [doi]
- Video Completion by Motion Field TransferTakaaki Shiratori, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Xiaoou Tang, Sing Bing Kang. 411-418 [doi]
- The Design of High-Level Features for Photo Quality AssessmentYan Ke, Xiaoou Tang, Feng Jing. 419-426 [doi]
- Quantitative Evaluation of Near Regular Texture Synthesis AlgorithmsWen-Chieh Lin, James Hays, Chenyu Wu, Yanxi Liu, Vivek Kwatra. 427-434 [doi]
- Making a Long Video Short: Dynamic Video SynopsisAlex Rav-Acha, Yael Pritch, Shmuel Peleg. 435-441 [doi]
- Image Completion Using Global OptimizationNikos Komodakis. 442-452 [doi]
- RANSAC for (Quasi-)Degenerate data (QDEGSAC)Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys. 453-460 [doi]
- Single-Image Vignetting CorrectionYuanjie Zheng, Stephen Lin, Sing Bing Kang. 461-468 [doi]
- Scalable Monocular SLAMEthan Eade, Tom Drummond. 469-476 [doi]
- Structure from Motion with Known Camera PositionsRodrigo L. Carceroni, Ankita Kumar, Kostas Daniilidis. 477-484 [doi]
- Removing Outliers Using The L/infty NormKristy Sim, Richard Hartley. 485-494 [doi]
- Polarization-based Surface Reconstruction via Patch MatchingGary Atkinson, Edwin R. Hancock. 495-502 [doi]
- Hierarchical Volumetric Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction of Manifold Surfaces based on Dual Graph EmbeddingAlexander Hornung, Leif Kobbelt. 503-510 [doi]
- Improving Border Localization of Multi-Baseline Stereo Using Border-CutMarc-Antoine Drouin, Martin Trudeau, Sébastien Roy. 511-518 [doi]
- A Comparison and Evaluation of Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction AlgorithmsSteven M. Seitz, Brian Curless, James Diebel, Daniel Scharstein, Richard Szeliski. 519-528 [doi]
- A General Framework and New Alignment Criterion for Dense Optical FlowRami Ben-Ari, Nir A. Sochen. 529-536 [doi]
- Using Stationary-Dynamic Camera Assemblies for Wide-area Video Surveillance and Selective AttentionAnkur Jain, Dan Kopell, Kyle Kakligian, Yuan-Fang Wang. 537-544 [doi]
- Modeling Correspondences for Multi-Camera Tracking Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Target DynamicsVlad I. Morariu, Octavia I. Camps. 545-552 [doi]
- Efficient Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER) TrackingMichael Donoser, Horst Bischof. 553-560 [doi]
- Identifying Color in Motion in Video SensorsGang Wu, Amir Rahimi, Edward Y. Chang, Kingshy Goh, Tomy Tsai, Ankur Jain, Yuan-Fang Wang. 561-569 [doi]
- Spatial Divide and Conquer with Motion Cues for Tracking through ClutterZhaozheng Yin, Robert T. Collins. 570-577 [doi]
- Robust multi-target tracking using spatio-temporal contextHieu Tat Nguyen, Qiang Ji, Arnold W. M. Smeulders. 578-585 [doi]
- Unsupervised Bayesian Detection of Independent Motion in CrowdsGabriel J. Brostow, Roberto Cipolla. 594-601 [doi]
- A Joint Illumination and Shape Model for Visual TrackingAmit Kale, Christopher O. Jaynes. 602-609 [doi]
- Kernel-based Template AlignmentIgor Guskov. 610-617 [doi]
- Toward Optimal Kernel-based TrackingManeesh Dewan. 618-625 [doi]
- Interactive Feature Tracking using K-D Trees and Dynamic ProgrammingAeron Buchanan, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon. 626-633 [doi]
- A Novel Data Association Algorithm for Object Tracking in Clutter with Application to Tennis Video AnalysisFei Yan, Alexey Kostin, William J. Christmas, Josef Kittler. 634-641 [doi]
- Fusion of Detection and Matching Based Approaches for Laser Based Multiple People TrackingJinshi Cui, Huijing Zhao, Ryosuke Shibasaki. 642-649 [doi]
- Measurement integration under inconsistency for robust trackingGang Hua, Ying Wu. 650-657 [doi]
- Efficient Optimal Kernel Placement for Reliable Visual TrackingZhimin Fan, Ming Yang, Ying Wu, Gang Hua, Ting Yu. 658-665 [doi]
- Multi-Object Tracking Through Simultaneous Long Occlusions and Split-Merge ConditionsA. G. Amitha Perera, Chukka Srinivas, Anthony Hoogs, Glen Brooksby, Wensheng Hu. 666-673 [doi]
- Tracking With Sobolev Active ContoursGanesh Sundaramoorthi, Jeremy D. Jackson, Anthony J. Yezzi, Andrea Mennucci. 674-680 [doi]
- Robust Real-Time Face Pose and Facial Expression RecoveryZhiwei Zhu, Qiang Ji. 681-688 [doi]
- Off-road Path Following using Region Classification and Geometric Projection ConstraintsYaniv Alon, Andras Ferencz, Amnon Shashua. 689-696 [doi]
- Intelligent Collaborative Tracking by Mining Auxiliary ObjectsMing Yang, Ying Wu, Shihong Lao. 697-704 [doi]
- Counting Crowded Moving ObjectsVincent Rabaud, Serge Belongie. 705-711 [doi]
- Automatic Kinematic Chain Building from Feature Trajectories of Articulated ObjectsJingyu Yan, Marc Pollefeys. 712-719 [doi]
- Differential Tracking based on Spatial-Appearance Model (SAM)Ting Yu, Ying Wu. 720-727 [doi]
- Covariance Tracking using Model Update Based on Lie AlgebraFatih Porikli, Oncel Tuzel, Peter Meer. 728-735 [doi]
- A New Deformable Model for Boundary Tracking in Cardiac MRI and Its Application to the Detection of Intra-Ventricular DyssynchronyPaulo F. U. Gotardo, Kim L. Boyer, Joel H. Saltz, Subha V. Raman. 736-743 [doi]
- Robust People Tracking with Global Trajectory OptimizationJérôme Berclaz, François Fleuret, Pascal Fua. 744-750 [doi]
- Dynamic Appearance Modeling for Human TrackingHwasup Lim, Octavia I. Camps, Mario Sznaier, Vlad I. Morariu. 751-757 [doi]
- An Adaptive Appearance Model Approach for Model-based Articulated Object TrackingAlexandru O. Balan, Michael J. Black. 758-765 [doi]
- Gesture Recognition using Hidden Markov Models from Fragmented ObservationsRuiDuo Yang, Sudeep Sarkar. 766-773 [doi]
- Tracking of the Articulated Upper Body on Multi-View Stereo Image SequencesJulius Ziegler, Kai Nickel, Rainer Stiefelhagen. 774-781 [doi]
- Regression-based Hand Pose Estimation from Multiple CamerasTeófilo Emídio de Campos, David W. Murray. 782-789 [doi]
- A Modular Approach to the Analysis and Evaluation of Particle Filters for Figure TrackingPing Wang, James M. Rehg. 790-797 [doi]
- Robust Fragments-based Tracking using the Integral HistogramAmit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, Ilan Shimshoni. 798-805 [doi]
- Robust Visual Tracking Using Case-Based Reasoning with ConfidenceZhiwei Zhu, Wenhui Liao, Qiang Ji. 806-816 [doi]
- Learning a manifold-constrained map between image sets: applications to matching and pose estimationJihun Ham, Ikkjin Ahn, Daniel Lee. 817-824 [doi]
- Non-rigid Image Registration Using Geometric Features and Local Salient Region FeaturesJinzhong Yang, Rick S. Blum, James P. Williams, Yiyong Sun, Chenyang Xu. 825-832 [doi]
- Shape Representation based on Integral Kernels: Application to Image Matching and SegmentationByung-Woo Hong, Emmanuel Prados, Stefano Soatto, Luminita A. Vese. 833-840 [doi]
- Neighborhood Aided Implicit Active ContoursHuafeng Liu, Yunmei Chen, Wufan Chen. 841-848 [doi]
- An Intensity-augmented Ordinal Measure for Visual CorrespondenceAnurag Mittal, Visvanathan Ramesh. 849-856 [doi]
- Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint InformationZhaohui Sun, Anthony Hoogs. 857-862 [doi]
- Multi-Resolution Spin-ImagesH. Quynh Dinh, Steven Kropac. 863-870 [doi]
- Robust Tracking and Stereo Matching under Variable IlluminationJingdan Zhang, Leonard McMillan, Jingyi Yu. 871-878 [doi]
- Geometric Hashing with Local Affine FramesOndrej Chum, Jiri Matas. 879-884 [doi]
- Hierarchical Procrustes Matching for Shape RetrievalGraham McNeill, Sethu Vijayakumar. 885-894 [doi]
- Image Denoising Via Learned Dictionaries and Sparse representationMichael Elad, Michal Aharon. 895-900 [doi]
- Noise Estimation from a Single ImageCe Liu, William T. Freeman, Richard Szeliski, Sing Bing Kang. 901-908 [doi]
- Learning Patch Dependencies for Improved Pose Mismatched Face VerificationSimon Lucey, Tsuhan Chen. 909-915 [doi]
- Continuous Super-Resolution for Recovery of 1-D Image Features: Algorithm and Performance ModelingFréderic Champagnat, Guy Le Besnerais, Caroline Kulcsar. 916-926 [doi]
- Extracting Subimages of an Unknown Category from a Set of ImagesSinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja. 927-934 [doi]
- Augmenting Shape with Appearance in Vehicle Category RecognitionÖzge Can Özcanli, Amir Tamrakar, Benjamin B. Kimia, Joseph L. Mundy. 935-942 [doi]
- Composite Templates for Cloth Modeling and SketchingHong Chen, Zijian Xu, Ziqiang Liu, Song Chun Zhu. 943-950 [doi]
- Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans based on Static Body Part DetectionBo Wu, Ram Nevatia. 951-958 [doi]
- The Function Space of an ActivityAshok Veeraraghavan, Amit K. Roy Chowdhury. 959-968 [doi]
- Shape Guided Object SegmentationEran Borenstein, Jitendra Malik. 969-976 [doi]
- Shape-Based Approach to Robust Image Segmentation using Kernel PCASamuel Dambreville, Yogesh Rathi, Allen Tannenbaum. 977-984 [doi]
- Improved watershed segmentation using water diffusion and local shape priorsHieu Tat Nguyen, Qiang Ji. 985-992 [doi]
- Cosegmentation of Image Pairs by Histogram Matching - Incorporating a Global Constraint into MRFsCarsten Rother, Thomas P. Minka, Andrew Blake, Vladimir Kolmogorov. 993-1000 [doi]
- Weakly Supervised Top-down Image SegmentationManuela Vasconcelos, Nuno Vasconcelos, Gustavo Carneiro. 1001-1006 [doi]
- Real-Time Semi-Automatic Segmentation Using a Bayesian NetworkEric N. Mortensen, Jin Jia. 1007-1014 [doi]
- Segmentation by Level Sets and SymmetryTammy Riklin-Raviv, Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen. 1015-1022 [doi]
- Active Graph CutsOlivier Juan, Yuri Boykov. 1023-1029 [doi]
- Globally Optimal Grouping for Symmetric BoundariesJoachim S. Stahl, Song Wang. 1030-1037 [doi]
- A Geodesic Active Contour Framework for Finding GlassKenton McHenry, Jean Ponce. 1038-1044 [doi]
- Solving Markov Random Fields using Second Order Cone Programming RelaxationsM. Pawan Kumar, Philip H. S. Torr, Andrew Zisserman. 1045-1052 [doi]
- Graph Partitioning by Spectral Rounding: Applications in Image Segmentation and ClusteringDavid Tolliver, Gary L. Miller. 1053-1060 [doi]
- MRF s forMRI s: Bayesian Reconstruction of MR Images via Graph CutsAshish Raj, Gurmeet Singh, Ramin Zabih. 1061-1068 [doi]
- Scale Variant Image PyramidsJoshua Gluckman. 1069-1075 [doi]
- Control Theory and Fast Marching Techniques for Brain Connectivity MappingEmmanuel Prados, Stefano Soatto, Christophe Lenglet, Jean-Philippe Pons, Nicolas Wotawa, Rachid Deriche, Olivier D. Faugeras. 1076-1083 [doi]
- Vessel Crawlers: 3D Physically-based Deformable Organisms for Vasculature Segmentation and AnalysisChris McIntosh, Ghassan Hamarneh. 1084-1091 [doi]
- On Manifold Structure of Cardiac MRI Data: Application to SegmentationQilong Zhang, Richard Souvenir, Robert Pless. 1092-1098 [doi]
- Fast Variational Segmentation using Partial Extremal InitializationJan Erik Solem, Niels Chr. Overgaard, Markus Persson, Anders Heyden. 1099-1105 [doi]
- Integration of Top-down and Bottom-up Information for Image LabelingTakahiro Toyoda, Keisuke Tagami, Osamu Hasegawa. 1106-1113 [doi]
- Statistical Analysis of Local 3D Structure in 2D ImagesSinan Kalkan, Florentin Wörgötter, Norbert Krüger. 1114-1121 [doi]
- An Integrated Segmentation and Classification Approach Applied to Multiple Sclerosis AnalysisAyelet Akselrod-Ballin, Meirav Galun, Ronen Basri, Achi Brandt, Moshe John Gomori, Massimo Filippi, Paula Valsasina. 1122-1129 [doi]
- Model Order Selection and Cue Combination for Image SegmentationAndrew Rabinovich, Serge Belongie, Tilman Lange, Joachim M. Buhmann. 1130-1137 [doi]
- Meta-Evaluation of Image Segmentation Using Machine LearningHui Zhang, Sharath R. Cholleti, Sally A. Goldman, Jason E. Fritts. 1138-1145 [doi]
- Image-Segmentation Evaluation From the Perspective of Salient Object ExtractionFeng Ge, Song Wang, Tiecheng Liu. 1146-1153 [doi]
- Comparing Belief Propagation and Graph Cuts for Novelty DetectionShyjan Mahamud. 1154-1159 [doi]
- Acceleration Strategies for Gaussian Mean-Shift Image SegmentationMiguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán. 1160-1167 [doi]
- Nonlinear Mean Shift for Clustering over Analytic ManifoldsRaghav Subbarao, Peter Meer. 1168-1175 [doi]
- Dynamics Based Robust Motion SegmentationRoberto Lublinerman, Mario Sznaier, Octavia I. Camps. 1176-1184 [doi]
- Reconstruction with Interval Constraints PropagationMichela Farenzena, Andrea Fusiello, Agostino Dovier. 1185-1190 [doi]
- Non-Rigid Metric Shape and Motion Recovery from Uncalibrated Images Using PriorsAlessio Del Bue, Xavier Lladó, Lourdes de Agapito. 1191-1198 [doi]
- Uncertainty Models in Quasiconvex Optimization for Geometric ReconstructionQifa Ke, Takeo Kanade. 1199-1205 [doi]
- The Registration Problem Revisited: Optimal Solutions From Points, Lines and PlanesCarl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl, Magnus Oskarsson. 1206-1213 [doi]
- Euclidean Structure from Confocal Conics: Theory and Application to Camera CalibrationPierre Gurdjos, Jun-Sik Kim, In-So Kweon. 1214-12221 [doi]
- Are two rotational flows sufficient to calibrate a smooth non-parametric sensor?Etienne Grossmann, Eun-Joo Lee, Peter Hislop, David Nistér, Henrik Stewénius. 1222-1229 [doi]
- Recovering Camera Motion Using L/infty MinimizationKristy Sim, Richard Hartley. 1230-1237 [doi]
- Motion Estimation from SpheresGuoqiang Zhang, Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong. 1238-1243 [doi]
- Real-Time Visual SLAM with Resilience to Erratic MotionMark Pupilli, Andrew Calway. 1244-1249 [doi]
- Homography from Coplanar Ellipses with Application to Forensic Blood Splatter ReconstructionJohn Wright, Andrew Wagner, Shankar Rao, Yi Ma. 1250-1257 [doi]
- Epipolar Geometry of Central Projection Systems Using Veronese MapsJoão P. Barreto, Kostas Daniilidis. 1258-1265 [doi]
- How many planar viewing surfaces are there in noncentral catadioptric cameras? Towards singe-image localization of space linesVincenzo Caglioti, Simone Gasparini. 1266-1273 [doi]
- Recursive Recovery of Position and Orientation from Stereo Image Sequences without Three-Dimensional StructuresYing Kin Yu, Kin-hong Wong, Siu-Hang Or, Michael Ming-Yuen Chang. 1274 [doi]
- Groupwise point pattern registration using a novel CDF-based Jensen-Shannon DivergenceFei Wang, Baba C. Vemuri, Anand Rangarajan. 1283-1288 [doi]
- An Efficiency Criterion for 2D Shape Model Selection.Kathryn Leonard. 1289-1296 [doi]
- Fully Automatic Registration of 3D Point CloudsAmeesh Makadia, Alexander Patterson, Kostas Daniilidis. 1297-1304 [doi]
- 3D Alignment of Face in a Single ImageLie Gu, Takeo Kanade. 1305-1312 [doi]
- Accurate Face Alignment using Shape Constrained Markov NetworkLin Liang, Fang Wen, Ying-Qing Xu, Xiaoou Tang, Heung-Yeung Shum. 1313-1319 [doi]
- Clustering Appearance for Scene AnalysisSanjeev J. Koppal, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan. 1323-1330 [doi]
- Space-Time Video MontageHong-Wen Kang, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Xiaoou Tang, Xue-Quan Chen. 1331-1338 [doi]
- Fast Compact City Modeling for Navigation Pre-VisualizationNico Cornelis, Kurt Cornelis, Luc J. Van Gool. 1339-1344 [doi]
- Single View Reconstruction of Curved SurfacesMukta Prasad, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon. 1345-1354 [doi]
- Recognize High Resolution Faces: From Macrocosm to MicrocosmDahua Lin, Xiaoou Tang. 1355-1362 [doi]
- Local Steerable Phase (LSP) Feature for Face Representation and RecognitionXiaoxun Zhang, Yunde Jia. 1363-1368 [doi]
- Fusion of Summation Invariants in 3D Human Face RecognitionWei-Yang Lin, Kin-Chung Wong, Nigel Boston, Yu Hen Hu. 1369-1376 [doi]
- Deformation Modeling for Robust 3D Face MatchingXiaoguang Lu, Anil K. Jain. 1377-1383 [doi]
- Locally Linear Models on Face Appearance Manifolds with Application to Dual-Subspace Based ClassificationWei Fan, Dit-Yan Yeung. 1384-1390 [doi]
- 3D Face Recognition Using 3D Alignment for PCATrina Russ, Chris Boehnen, Tanya Peters. 1391-1398 [doi]
- 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Primitive Surface Feature DistributionJun Wang, Lijun Yin, Xiaozhou Wei, Yi Sun. 1399-1406 [doi]
- Face Recognition using 2.5D Shape InformationWilliam A. P. Smith, Edwin R. Hancock. 1407-1414 [doi]
- Joint Boosting Feature Selection for Robust Face RecognitionRong Xiao, Wu-Jun Li, Yuandong Tian, Xiaoou Tang. 1415-1422 [doi]
- A Generalized EM Approach for 3D Model Based Face Recognition under OcclusionsMichael De Smet, Rik Fransens, Luc J. Van Gool. 1423-1430 [doi]
- Learning Exemplar-Based Categorization for the Detection of Multi-View Multi-Pose ObjectsYing Shan, Feng Han, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Rakesh Kumar. 1431-1438 [doi]
- Optimal Pose for Face RecognitionXiaoming Liu 0002, Jens Rittscher, Tsuhan Chen. 1439-1446 [doi]
- A Visual Vocabulary for Flower ClassificationMaria-Elena Nilsback, Andrew Zisserman. 1447-1454 [doi]
- Searching Off-line Arabic DocumentsJim Chan, Celal Ziftci, David A. Forsyth. 1455-1462 [doi]
- Animals on the WebTamara L. Berg, David A. Forsyth. 1463-1470 [doi]
- Aligning ASL for Statistical Translation Using a Discriminative Word ModelAli Farhadi, David A. Forsyth. 1471-1476 [doi]
- A Graph Based Approach for Naming Faces in News PhotosDerya Ozkan, Pinar Duygulu. 1477-1482 [doi]
- AnnoSearch: Image Auto-Annotation by SearchXin-Jing Wang, Lei Zhang, Feng Jing, Wei-Ying Ma. 1483-1490 [doi]
- Fast Human Detection Using a Cascade of Histograms of Oriented GradientsQiang Zhu, Mei-Chen Yeh, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Shai Avidan. 1491-1498 [doi]
- Real-time Hand Pose Recognition Using Low-Resolution Depth ImagesZhenyao Mo, Ulrich Neumann. 1499-1505 [doi]
- A Detection Technique for Degraded Face ImagesShinji Hayashi, Osamu Hasegawa. 1506-1512 [doi]
- Automatic Cast Listing in Feature-Length Films with Anisotropic Manifold SpaceOgnjen Arandjelovic, Roberto Cipolla. 1513-1520 [doi]
- Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Gesture RecognitionSy Bor Wang, Ariadna Quattoni, Louis-Philippe Morency, David Demirdjian, Trevor Darrell. 1521-1527 [doi]
- Person Reidentification Using Spatiotemporal AppearanceNiloofar Gheissari, Thomas B. Sebastian, Richard Hartley. 1528-1535 [doi]
- Body Localization in Still Images Using Hierarchical Models and Hybrid SearchJiayong Zhang, Jiebo Luo, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu. 1536-1543 [doi]
- Probabilistic 3D Polyp Detection in CT Images: The Role of Sample AlignmentZhuowen Tu, Xiang Sean Zhou, Luca Bogoni, Adrian Barbu, Dorin Comaniciu. 1544-1551 [doi]
- Modeling and Classifying Breast Tissue Density in MammogramsAnna Bosch, Xavier Muñoz, Arnau Oliver, Joan Martí. 1552-1558 [doi]
- Image-Based Multiclass Boosting and Echocardiographic View ClassificationShaohua Kevin Zhou, J. H. Park, Bogdan Georgescu, Dorin Comaniciu, Costas Simopoulos, Joanne Otsuki. 1559-1565 [doi]
- Performance Modeling and Prediction of Face Recognition SystemsPeng Wang, Qiang Ji. 1566-1573 [doi]
- Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature for Large Face Image SetWonjun Hwang, Gyu-tae Park, Jong Ha Lee, Seok-Cheol Kee. 1574-1581 [doi]
- Multi-Aspect Detection of Articulated ObjectsEdgar Seemann, Bastian Leibe, Bernt Schiele. 1582-1588 [doi]
- Towards Multi-View Object Class DetectionAlexander Thomas, Vittorio Ferrari, Bastian Leibe, Tinne Tuytelaars, Bernt Schiele, Luc J. Van Gool. 1589-1596 [doi]
- Using Dependent Regions for Object Categorization in a Generative FrameworkGang Wang, Ye Zhang, Fei-Fei Li. 1597-1604 [doi]
- Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and their Extent in Image CollectionsBryan C. Russell, William T. Freeman, Alexei A. Efros, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman. 1605-1614 [doi]
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