Abstract is missing.
- Ten Unsolved Problems with the Internet of ThingsRae A. Earnshaw, M. De Silva, Peter S. Excell. 1-7 [doi]
- Neosentient Architecture GeneratorBill Seaman. 8-13 [doi]
- A Case Study of Component Configuration Information Management in Manufacturing Using a Position Information Formula and the Processing Map of the Cellular Data SystemToshio Kodama, Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Yoichi Seki. 14-21 [doi]
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- Schematization of Node-Link Diagrams and Drawing Techniques for Geo-referenced NetworksAlberto Debiasi, Bruno Simões, Raffaele de Amicis. 34-41 [doi]
- Open Framework Facilitating Automatic Generation of CG Animation from Web SiteMasaki Hayashi, Steven Bachelder, Masayuki Nakajima. 42-45 [doi]
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- Depth Map Super-Resolution for Cost-Effective RGB-D CameraRyotaro Takaoka, Naoki Hashimoto. 133-136 [doi]
- Relevance Feedback Based Retrieval of Cloth Image with Focus on Collar DesignKazumi Shimizu, Wei Yang, Masahiro Toyoura, Xiaoyang Mao. 137-144 [doi]
- Does the Perceived Identity of Non-player Characters Change How We Interact with Them?Christopher James Headleand, James Jackson, Lee Priday, William John Teahan, Llyr ap Cenydd. 145-152 [doi]
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- Prediction of Human Cognitive Abilities Based on EEG MeasurementsYisi Liu, Wei Lun Lim, Xiyuan Hou, Olga Sourina, Lipo Wang. 161-164 [doi]
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- Homotopy Type Theory for Big DataTosiyasu L. Kunii, Masaki Hilaga. 204-209 [doi]
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- Art Behind the Mind: Exploring New Art Forms by Implementation of the ElectroencephalographyAlena Mesarosova, Manuel Ferrer Hernandez. 259-266 [doi]
- Garment Design System Based on Body ModelMasaki Oshita, Syouma Yamanaka. 267-270 [doi]
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- Responsive Type - Introducing Self-Adjusting Graphic CharactersMatthias Wölfel, Angelo Stitz. 298-305 [doi]
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- StarWatch: Radio Astronomical Monitoring in Virtual EnvironmentStanislav V. Klimenko, Valery Malofeev, Igor N. Nikitin. 361-364 [doi]
- Cyber Tai Chi - CG-based Video Materials for Tai Chi Chuan Self-StudyTakahiro Iwaanaguchi, Mikio Shinya, Satoshi Nakajima, Michio Shiraishi. 365-368 [doi]
- Simple Coordinate Transformation Method for 3D Interaction SystemsIsao Nishihara. 369-372 [doi]
- Creating 3DCG Objects like Toy Blocks from a Picture on a SketchbookShinji Mizuno, Nanako Kondo. 373-374 [doi]
- A Particle-Based Real-Time CG Rendering of Carbonated Water with Automatic Release of BubblesKazuki Yanai, Mitsunori Makino. 375-378 [doi]
- Towards Crowd-Sourced Parameter Optimisation for Procedural AnimationGareth I. Henshall, Christopher James Headleand, William John Teahan, Llyr ap Cenydd. 379-381 [doi]
- A Visual Novel of Horror Simulation Satirized of Social IssuesAyano Miyazaki, Ayumi Miyamoto, Yoshio Nishio, Shinya Miyazaki. 382-383 [doi]
- Particle SystemRoberto Zanata. 384-386 [doi]