Abstract is missing.
- Determining the worst-case blocking sequences for distributed real-time programsHorst F. Wedde, Bogdan Korel. 4-9 [doi]
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- The derivation of scheduling algorithms from a timing modelMamoun Filali. 180-185 [doi]
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- Guaranteed deadlines with dynamic recovery blocks in distributed systemsHoussine Chetto. 199-204 [doi]
- Formal specification and verification of a real-time kernelJanusz Górski, Andrzej Wardzinski. 205-211 [doi]
- Timing analysis and conditional scheduling in a real-time system design environmentZebo Peng, Anders Törne. 214-219 [doi]
- Animation in CONRAD: informal analysis of timing propertiesTarmo Kaldma, Leo Motus, Toomas Tommingas, Rein Paluoja, Jaanus Tekko. 220-225 [doi]
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- Scheduling in a hard real-time system with shared resourcesP. Martineau, Maryline Silly. 234-239 [doi]
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