Abstract is missing.
- Message from the TEAR 2014 Workshop ChairsJames Lapalme, Florian Matthes. 1-2 [doi]
- Enterprise Architecture Schools of Thought: An Exploratory StudyJacobus du Preez, Alta van der Merwe, Machdel Matthee. 3-12 [doi]
- From Enterprise Architecture to Business Ecosystem Architecture: Stages and Challenges for Extending Architectures beyond Organizational BoundariesPaul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer. 13-22 [doi]
- Examining Adaptive Case Management to Support Processes for Enterprise Architecture ManagementMatheus Hauder, Dominik Münch, Felix Michel, Alexej Utz, Florian Matthes. 23-32 [doi]
- Interactive Functions of a Cockpit for Enterprise Architecture PlanningDierk Jugel, Christian M. Schweda. 33-40 [doi]
- Implementing a Software Prototype for Enterprise Architecture Rationalization: Lessons LearnedGeorgios Plataniotis, Sybren de Kinderen, Henderik Alex Proper. 41-46 [doi]
- Integrating Business Models and Enterprise ArchitectureJurate Petrikina, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer, Karsten Zimmermann. 47-56 [doi]
- Incorporating Directives into Enterprise TO-BE ArchitectureSagar Sunkle, Deepali Kholkar, Hemant Rathod, Vinay Kulkarni. 57-66 [doi]
- On the Heterogeneity of Enterprise Models: ArchiMate and Troux SemanticsBirger Lantow. 67-71 [doi]
- Toward Structured Simulation of Enterprise ModelsSuman Roychoudhury, Sagar Sunkle, Hemant Rathod, Vinay Kulkarni. 72-76 [doi]
- Towards a Unified and Modular Approach for Visual Analysis of Enterprise ModelsDavid Naranjo, Mario E. Sánchez, Jorge Villalobos. 77-86 [doi]
- Type-Safety in EA Model AnalysisThomas Reschenhofer, Ivan Monahov, Florian Matthes. 87-94 [doi]
- Message from Adaptive CM 2014 Workshop Chairs: Achieving the Right Balance of Effectiveness and EfficiencyIrina Rychkova, Ilia Bider, Keith Swenson. 95-96 [doi]
- There Is Nothing Routine about InnovationKeith D. Swenson. 97 [doi]
- Research Challenges in Adaptive Case Management: A Literature ReviewMatheus Hauder, Simon Pigat, Florian Matthes. 98-107 [doi]
- Examining Case Management Demand Using Event Log Complexity MetricsMarian Benner-Wickner, Matthias Book, Tobias Brückmann, Volker Gruhn. 108-115 [doi]
- Process-Aware Task Management Support for Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes: Findings, Challenges, RequirementsNicolas Mundbrod, Manfred Reichert. 116-125 [doi]
- A Case for Declarative Process Modelling: Agile Development of a Grant Application SystemSøren Debois, Thomas T. Hildebrandt, Tijs Slaats, Morten Marquard. 126-133 [doi]
- Towards a Pattern Recognition Approach for Transferring Knowledge in ACMThanh Thi Kim Tran, Christoph Ruhsam, Max J. Pucher, Maximilian Kobler, Jan Mendling. 134-138 [doi]
- How Can the Blackboard Metaphor Enrich Collaborative ACM Systems?Helle Frisak Sem, Steinar Carlsen, Gunnar John Coll. 139-142 [doi]
- Towards Aspect Oriented Adaptive Case ManagementAmin Jalali 0001, Ilia Bider. 143-151 [doi]
- Message from the EnCASE 2014 Workshop ChairsVasilios Andrikopoulos, Elisabetta Di Nitto. 152-153 [doi]
- Interoperable Data Migration between NoSQL Columnar DatabasesMarco Scavuzzo, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Stefano Ceri. 154-162 [doi]
- Cloud Adaptation and Application (Re-)Distribution: Bridging the Two PerspectivesSantiago Gómez Sáez, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Florian Wessling, Clarissa Cassales Marquezan. 163-172 [doi]
- Deployment Aggregates - A Generic Deployment Automation Approach for Applications Operated in the CloudJohannes Wettinger, Katharina Görlach, Frank Leymann. 173-180 [doi]
- Message from the Mod Tools 2014 Workshop ChairsJens Gulden, Jens Henning von Pilgrim. 181 [doi]
- Visual Modeling Editor and Ontology API-Based Analysis for Decision Making in Enterprises - Experience and Way AheadSagar Sunkle, Hemant Rathod. 182-190 [doi]
- Navigation among Model Sketches on Large Interactive DisplaysMarkus Kleffmann, Matthias Book, Volker Gruhn. 191-200 [doi]
- iArchiMate: A Tool for Managing Imperfection in Enterprise ModelsHector Florez, Mario E. Sánchez, Jorge Villalobos. 201-210 [doi]
- Representing Model Differences by Delta OperationsDilshodbek Kuryazov, Andreas Winter. 211-220 [doi]
- Message from the EMA 2014 Workshop ChairsArtur Caetano, Ulrich Frank. 221 [doi]
- Toward Structured Simulation of What-If Analyses for EnterpriseSagar Sunkle, Suman Roychoudhury, Hemant Rathod, Vinay Kulkarni. 222-226 [doi]
- A Unified Framework for Enterprise Architecture AnalysisMelanie Langermeier, Christian Saad, Bernhard Bauer. 227-236 [doi]
- Enterprise Architecture Model Analysis Using Description LogicsConçalo Antunes, Artur Caetano, José Luis Borbinha. 237-244 [doi]
- A Traceable Maturity Assessment Method Based on Enterprise Architecture ModellingRicardo Vieira, Elsa Cardoso, Christoph Becker 0001. 245-253 [doi]
- Addressing Crosscutting Concerns in Enterprise ArchitectureFabiana Jack Nogueira Santos, Flávia Maria Santoro, Claudia Cappelli. 254-263 [doi]
- Message from the SoEA4EE 2014 Workshop ChairsSelmin Nurcan, Rainer Schmidt. 264-265 [doi]
- Towards a Framework for Enterprise Architecture AnalyticsRainer Schmidt, Matthias Wißotzki, Dierk Jugel, Michael Möhring, Kurt Sandkuhl, Alfred Zimmermann. 266-275 [doi]
- Towards Better Semantics for Services in eHealth Standards: A Reference Ontology ApproachZoran Milosevic, João Paulo Andrade Almeida, Julio C. Nardi. 276-285 [doi]
- Revealing Service Commitments in Service-Oriented Enterprise ArchitectureJulio Cesar Nardi, Ricardo de Almeida Falbo, João Paulo A. Almeida. 286-295 [doi]
- Combining Agent Based Modeling with Distributed Constraint Optimization for Service Delivery OptimizationMohammadreza Mohagheghian, Renuka Sindhgatta, Aditya Ghose. 296-305 [doi]
- Flexibility in SOA Operations: The Need for a Central Service ComponentLiane Will, Veit Köppen, Gunter Saake. 306-315 [doi]
- Adaptable Enterprise Architectures for Software Evolution of SmartLife EcosystemsAlfred Zimmermann, Bilal Gonen, Rainer Schmidt, Eman El-Sheikh, Sikha Bagui, Norman Wilde. 316-323 [doi]
- Capability-as-a-Service: Towards Context Aware Business ServicesKurt Sandkuhl, Hasan Koç, Janis Stirna. 324-332 [doi]
- Message from the 3M4SE 2014 Workshop ChairsMarten van Sinderen, Luís Ferreira Pires, Maria-Eugenia Iacob. 333-334 [doi]
- ODaaS: Towards the Model-Driven Engineering of Open Data Applications as Data ServicesÁngel Mora Segura, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Juan de Lara. 335-339 [doi]
- Patterns for Value-Added Services Illustrated with SEAMGorica Tapandjieva, Aarthi Gopal, Maude Grossan, Alain Wegmann. 340-346 [doi]
- Towards Orthographic Viewpoints for Enterprise Architecture ModelingColin Atkinson, Christian Tunjic. 347-355 [doi]
- Message from the CeSCoP 2014 Workshop ChairsWalid Fdhila, David Knuplesch, Johannes Reich, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Manfred Reichert. 356 [doi]
- An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Target-Related Information in Phishing AttacksHannes Holm, Waldo Rocha Flores, Marcus Nohlberg, Mathias Ekstedt. 357-363 [doi]
- Analytical Processing for Forensic AnalysisMarcio Alexandre Pereira da Silva, Paulo Caetano da Silva. 364-371 [doi]
- Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing: A SurveyFairouz Fakhfakh, Hatem Hadj Kacem, Ahmed Hadj Kacem. 372-378 [doi]
- Message from the EVL-BP 2014 Co-chairsMohsen Asadi, Bardia Mohabbati, Gerd Gröner. 379-380 [doi]
- Towards a Subject-Oriented Evolutionary Business Information SystemStephan Schiffner, Thomas Rothschädl, Nils Meyer. 381-388 [doi]
- Towards a Reference Architecture for the Co-evolution of Business ProcessesShamila Mafazi, Georg Grossmann, Wolfgang Mayer, Markus Stumptner. 389-396 [doi]
- Message from the Demonstration Track 2014 ChairsPatricia Dockhorn Costa, Jens Kolb. 397 [doi]
- Process Migration Framework - Virtualising and Documenting Business ProcessesJohannes Binder, Stephan Strodl, Andreas Rauber. 398-401 [doi]
- Demo: Cognoscenti Open Source Software for Experimentation on Adaptive Case Management ApproachesKeith D. Swenson. 402-405 [doi]
- The 'REFINTO' Framework and Tool: Supporting Business-IT Alignment in Enterprise Financial Application DevelopmentEmem Umoh, Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio. 406-409 [doi]
- A Tool for Supporting Object-Aware ProcessesCarolina Ming Chiao, Vera Künzle, Manfred Reichert. 410-413 [doi]
- Social Data Analytics Tool: Design, Development, and Demonstrative Case StudiesAbid Hussain, Ravi Vatrapu. 414-417 [doi]
- SNAP: An End User Service Composition Tool Based on RecommendationsMariano Belaunde, Frederique Pinson, Nicolas Pellen. 418-421 [doi]
- Facilitating Development and Provisioning of Service Topologies through Domain-Specific LanguagesTa'id Holmes. 422-425 [doi]