Abstract is missing.
- Computer Aided Control Systems DesignFrançois E. Cellier, Magnus Rimvall. 1-21
- State of the Art in Parameter and State Estimation of Complex Systems by SimulationD. Popovic. 22-31
- Simulation Methodology for Improved Process InteractionGhislain C. Vansteenkiste. 32-43
- Simulation in Modern ElectronicsKlaus Waldschmidt. 44-49
- The Modular Construction of ModelsKurt U. Hellmold. 53-57
- Simulation Based Inquiry SystemsHenk G. Sol. 58-62
- Error-Analysis of Heuristic Algorithms by SimulationRainer Schnitzler, Reinhold Gebhardt, Walter Ameling, Walter Oberschelp. 63-69
- Development of Model by Example for Recovery of Aqueous Acetic AcidH.-D. Engelmann. 70-76
- Simulation Techniques and Design in Engineering - Foundations, Methods and PossibilitiesArmin Schöne. 77-81
- Sequential Systems: A Framework for the Definition of a General Simulation ConceptHieronymus Gruber. 82-87
- Some Problems in Research of General Simulation SystemsIstvan Molnár. 88-92
- On a New Concept for the Simulation of Dynamic SystemsM. Peschel, Felix Breitenecker, W. Mende. 93-98
- Low Order Models for Multistage Systems with Discrete Legendre Orthogonal PolynomialsGino Baron. 99-105
- Model Design and Simulation of a Certain Class of Nonlinear ProcessesKlaus Diekmann. 106-111
- The Formal Theory of Simulation from the Users Point of ViewJakov J. Crnkovic. 112-117
- Modeling of Conflict Situations in Discrete SystemsAndrás Jávor. 118-122
- Architecture and Programmature of the MIMD-Structured Delft Parallel ProcessorS. W. Brok, Len Dekker, Eugene J. H. Kerckhoffs, A. B. Ruighaver, Henk J. Sips. 125-139
- A Parallel Computer Architecture Oriented towards the Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Representation of OperatorsOtto Lange. 140-146
- A High Speed List Processor for Discrete Event Multiprocessor-SimulatorsMeir Barel. 147-154
- SIMSTAR - An Attached Multiprocessor for Dynamic System EngineeringJ. Paul Landauer. 155-174
- IMPACS: Integrated Multi-Processor Aircraft Simulation SystemM. R. Southworth. 175-180
- The Application of Microprocessors within Analogue Computer ModelsF. C. Kingdon, P. Loretto. 181-186
- A Simulator of Homogeneous Multiprocessor SystemsErik H. D Hollander, H. Simoens. 187-192
- Status Report on TU Vienna s Hybrid Time Sharing SystemWolfgang Kleinert, D. Solar, F. Berger. 193-200
- A Test Bench for Batch Inspection SystemsHans-Joachim Lenz. 201-206
- Computer Design Language - Version Munich (CDLM): A Multi-Level Simulation ToolWinfried Hahn. 207-212
- The Interdisciplinary Ship s Design: Simulation Methods and TechniquesErik Esmeijer. 213-218
- Discrete System Dynamic Simulation - Interactive Language SDSSlobodan Andric. 219-224
- Direct-Exectuing Languages for Interactive Simulation and Computer-Aided ExperimentsGranino A. Korn. 225-233
- An Interactive System for Simulation and Graphic Evaluation of Discrete and Continuous ModelsJohannes Krauth, Robert Schaback. 234-238
- Software Simulation with BorisJohann Maierhofer, Helmuth Schmitt, Siegfried Trosch. 239-244
- Calculation of Open Queueing NetworksA. Karavas, Franz Regen, Lothar Krings, Walter Ameling. 245-250
- The COSMOS Modelling and Simulation LanguageDirk L. Kettenis. 251-260
- Comparison of Digital and Hybrid Simulation of Regulator Plants with Alternatively Continuous and Discrete FeedbackFelix Breitenecker. 261-266
- FORCASD - An Evaluation Net Oriented Program System for Modelling and SimulationN. Dahmen. 267-272
- Modeling and Simulation in ADAHeimo H. Adelsberger. 273-280
- The Sysmod Simulation LanguageN. J. C. Baker, P. J. Smart. 281-286
- The Four Levels of Flow Control in SPIRORobert K. Bell, Pervez-Walter Ernest. 287-294
- Station Types in GPSS, GPSS-F, SLAM and SPIRORobert K. Bell, Pervez-Walter Ernest. 295-300
- A68SIM - Discrete Event Simulation in ALGOL 68Hartmut Buschmann. 301-306
- MAPLIS - A Matrix Oriented Language for Modelling and Interactive SimulationWilfried Tettweiler. 314-319
- Simulation of Distributed Systems: A Competitive 3-Body Case StudyHans Fuss. 323-328
- Simulation of Job Execution in the M5PS MultiprocessorFranz Regen, Lothar Krings, Walter Ameling. 329-336
- Use of an Aircraft Lateral Beam Guidance System Simulation in the Teaching of Control EngineeringDavid James Murray-Smith. 337-342
- Design of a Simulation System for Train-to-Train Container Transfer StationsP. Ijewski, B. Schürmann, M. Bruns. 343-350
- Hybrid Simulation of the Nonlinear Dynamics of High Speed Railway VehiclesAlfred Schmidt, Lutz Mauer. 351-356
- Controlling Processes Using Net Models and Dynamic SimulationJürgen Perl. 357-361
- Simulation of Instationary Processes for Performance Evaluations of Switching SystemsPhuoc Tran-Gia. 362-367
- Simulation of Electric Battery Dynamics Using Bond Graph TechniquesD. Sahm, D. Karnopp. 368-375
- Modelling a Measurement SystemH. Renders, G. Vilain, A. Barel. 376-382
- Simulation of Vibration of a Crane Structure During Hoist ModeR. M. Johnson. 383-389
- Building an On-Line Sensor for Biomass through ModellingD. R. De Buyser, Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste. 390-396
- Simulation Program for Interactive Broadband Dialogue SystemsDieter Wendisch. 397-405
- Dimulation of Fast Digital Control SystemsH. Hanselmann, R. Kasper, M. Lewe. 406-411
- Schnelle Bewegung der Blockwände bei der Magnetisiergun von EisenEduard Gerecke. 412-418
- Guidance Law Analysis Using Modular 6-DOF SimulationJerry T. Bosley, Wayne L. McCowan. 419-433
- Modelling the Naturally Commutated DC Link ConverterColin Jefferson. 434-439
- Simulation of Converter Fed A. C. Drives Using an Advance Frequency Domain TechniqueFriedrich Wilhelm Fuchs, Johan Charles Bendien. 440-445
- Hybrid Simulation of an Electrohydraulic Servo Drive for a ManipulatorHeinz Bültges, S. Faulhaber, H. Rake. 446-453
- Digital Simulation of Standard Configurations of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning EquipmentW. Wiening, H. Rake. 454-459
- Simulation of the Thermal State of an Underground Gasification WellR. Gorez, D. Paillet. 460-465
- A Nonlinear Circulatory Model for Artificial Heart StudiesDietmar P. F. Möller, Ewald Hennig. 466-473
- Cardiosvascular Simulation for Pulsating Perfusion of Heart Valves in Mitral- or Aorta PositionH. A. Richter, A. Reul, Ch. Mittermayer. 474-479
- Simulation of Pathological Blood Pressure Behaviour after Treadmill Test in Patients with Coarctation of the AortaFelix Breitenecker, Josef Kaliman. 480-485
- Modelling and Simulation of the Longterm Behaviour of Arterial Pressure Regulation with the Aid of a Block - Diagrammed Interactive Simulation SystemDietmar P. F. Möller. 486-491
- Transients of Gas Exchange Processes within the Upper Skin, Simulated by the Capillary Loop ModelPetra Winkler, Uwe Großmann. 492-497
- Analysis of the Intracranial Pulse Pressure Relationship by Simulation: Application of a Mathematical Model and Comparison with Clinical DataO. Hoffmann, J. T. Zierski. 498-503
- Simulations of Analytical Eye and Head Models Using Optimum Criteria Explain the Neural Fine Control of Fast Eye and Head MovementsWolfgang H. Zangemeister, Lawrence Stark. 504-512
- Nonlinear Pharmacokinetical Modelling and SimulationRihard Karba, Ales Mrhar, F. Bremsak, Drago Matko, F. Kozjek, M. Atanasijevic. 513-518
- Models of the Muscle Spindle: A Case Study in Physiological System SimulationDavid James Murray-Smith, J. R. Rosenberg. 519-523
- Development and Improvement of a Cross-Bridge-Model for Muscular BehaviourF. Awiszus. 524-529
- Coupled Models of Excitable Byocardial TissueFrank J. Pasveer, R. van Steenwijk. 530-537
- Simulation of Myocardial Fibre Action Potential Generation Units on the Delft Parallel ProcessorEugene J. H. Kerckhoffs, J. Potucek, Miroslav Snorek. 538-548
- Process Modeling and Optimization with Evolution-Operation Techniques: Application to Furfural ProductionM. Lázaro, L. Puigjaner, L. Martinez, F. Recasens. 549-555
- A Practical Approach to the Simulation of Small Industrial ProblemsDrago Matko, Rihard Karba, P. Omersel, Borut Zupancic, M. Sega. 556-561
- Reduction of Temperature Peaks in a Tubular Fixed-Bed Reactor for Exothermic Catalytic ReactionsD. Danziger, G. Schulz-Ekloff. 562-567
- A Frequency Domain Method for Control Systems Design of a Reduced Model of a Chemical ReactorWolfgang Bär. 568-573
- Modelling Biological Processes with Block-Oriented Simulation SystemsBjörn A. Gottwald. 574-579
- Application of Graph Theory in Modelling of Biological SystemsE. Godehardt, Otto Richter. 580-587
- Results from a Simulation Model Describing a Biological, Sensory Feedback Information SystemFlorian P. Kolb. 588-594
- Computer Simulation of Material Requirements Planning SystemsG. Bassett, A. K. Kochhar. 595-605
- Decision Support System for Bankhall OrganizationTh. F. J. Heeren, A. C. M. Hopman. 606-613
- Application of Simulation to the Planning of Generating SystemsR. Danda, B. Wüst. 614-619
- Simulation of Daily Household Activity ProjectsHubert Bischoff. 620-624
- Interactive Planning Tools for Professionals: The Use of the Model Base System MBS and Future DevelopmentsWilli Klösgen, W. Schwarz. 625-630
- Non Linear Models for Cable Stayed Bridges AnalysisFranco Maceri, Domenico Bruno. 631-644