Abstract is missing.
- Kolmogorov Stream CiphersJosef Scharinger. 1-8 [doi]
- Morphotronic System (Theory)Germano Resconi, Zenon Chaczko. 9-16 [doi]
- Knowledge Discovery in Databases Using Multivalued Array AlgebraMargaret Miró-Julià . 17-24 [doi]
- Local Space-Time Systems Simulation of Linear and Non-linear Retinal ProcessesRoberto Moreno-DÃaz, Arminda Moreno-DÃaz, Gabriel de Blasio. 25-32 [doi]
- Analytical Representation of Intrinsic Directionality in Retinal CellsGabriel de Blasio, Roberto Moreno-DÃaz Jr., Roberto Moreno-DÃaz. 33-40 [doi]
- Linear Complexity Measures for Multi-valued Cryptographic Data Streams by Application of the Rissanen Partial Realization MethodFranz Pichler. 41-46 [doi]
- A Software Implementation of the Rissanen Method for Partial Linear Systems RealizationDominik Jochinger. 47-52 [doi]
- New Frontiers in the Validation of Simulation Models-Structural Dominance AnalysisMarkus Schwaninger, Stefan Groesser. 53-62 [doi]
- Optimizing the Hardware Usage of Parallel FSMsRainer Findenig, Florian Eibensteiner, Markus Pfaff. 63-68 [doi]
- SynPSL: Behavioral Synthesis of PSL AssertionsFlorian Eibensteiner, Rainer Findenig, Markus Pfaff. 69-74 [doi]
- Learning Autonomous Helicopter Flight with Evolutionary Reinforcement LearningJosé Antonio Martin H., Javier de Lope AsiaÃn. 75-82 [doi]
- Designing Communication Space in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Relational AttemptJan Nikodem. 83-90 [doi]
- Boundary Scan Security Enhancements for a Cryptographic HardwareMaciej Nikodem. 91-97 [doi]
- Automated Design of Totally Self-Checking Sequential CircuitsJerzy W. Greblicki, Jerzy Kotowski. 98-105 [doi]
- A General Purpouse Control SystemAdrián Peñate Sánchez, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, Roberto Moreno-DÃaz Jr.. 106-112 [doi]
- On the First Exit Time Problem for a Gompertz-Type Tumor GrowthG. Albano, Virginia Giorno. 113-120 [doi]
- A Neuronal Model with Excitatory and Inhibitory Inputs Governed by a Birth-Death ProcessAntonio Di Crescenzo, Barbara Martinucci. 121-128 [doi]
- Diffusion Processes Subject to CatastrophesRoberta di Cesare, Virginia Giorno, Amelia G. Nobile. 129-136 [doi]
- Automatic System Identification of Tissue Abnormalities Based on 2D B-Mode Ultrasound ImagesVÃctor D. DÃaz-Suárez, Carlos M. Travieso, Javier González-Fernández, Miguel A. Ferrer, Luis Gómez, Jesús B. Alonso. 137-142 [doi]
- Vision-An Essay from a Computational View PointJosé LuÃs S. Da Fonseca, José Barahona da Fonseca, Isabel Barahona da Fonseca. 143-151 [doi]
- On a Generalized Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model for Single Neuron ActivityAniello Buonocore, Luigia Caputo, Enrica Pirozzi, Luigi M. Ricciardi. 152-158 [doi]
- Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Neurons and Neuronal EnsemblesAndreas Schierwagen. 159-166 [doi]
- The Foldl Operator as a Coequalizer Using CoqAntonio Blanco, Enrique Freire Brañas, José Luis Freire, Javier ParÃs. 167-176 [doi]
- Algorithm for Testing the Leibniz Algebra StructureJosé Manuel Casas, Manuel A. Insua, Manuel Ladra, Susana Ladra. 177-186 [doi]
- Automatic Drusen Detection from Digital Retinal Images: AMD PreventionBeatriz Remeseiro, Noelia Barreira, David Calvo, Marcos Ortega, Manuel G. Penedo. 187-194 [doi]
- A Study of Extracting Knowledge from Guideline DocumentsMaria Taboada, Maria Meizoso, Diego MartÃnez, S. Tellado. 195-202 [doi]
- Modelling Differential Structures in Proof Assistants: The Graded CaseJesús Aransay, César DomÃnguez. 203-210 [doi]
- Vascular Landmark Detection in Retinal ImagesMarcos Ortega, José Rouco, J. Novo, Manuel G. Penedo. 211-217 [doi]
- Web Applications: A Proposal to Improve Response Time and Its Application to MOODLEDavid Horat, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia. 218-225 [doi]
- Functional Disambiguation Using the Syntactic Structures Algorithm for Each Functional Interpretation for Spanish LanguageOctavio Santana Suárez, José Rafael Pérez Aguiar, Idafen Santana Pérez, Rubén Quesada López. 226-230 [doi]
- On Similarity in Case-Based Reasoning for Structural Health MonitoringReinhard Stumptner, Bernhard Freudenthaler, Josef Küng. 231-238 [doi]
- A Distributed System for Massive Generation of Synthetic Video Using GPUsJavier ParÃs, VÃctor M. GulÃas, Carlos Abalde. 239-246 [doi]
- Using a Rank Fusion Technique to Improve Shot Boundary Detection EffectivenessM. Eduardo Ares, Alvaro Barreiro. 247-254 [doi]
- Step-Guided Clinical Workflow Fulfilment Measure for Clinical GuidelinesJosé M. Juárez, Patricia Martinez, Manuel Campos, José Palma. 255-262 [doi]
- Debugging and Verification of Multi-Agent SystemsClara Benac Earle, Lars-Ã…ke Fredlund. 263-270 [doi]
- Easing the Definition of N-Ary Relations for Supporting Spatio-Temporal Models in OWLAlberto Salguero, Cecilia Delgado, Francisco Araque. 271-278 [doi]
- Separation of Transitions, Actions, and Exceptions in Model-Based TestingCyrille Artho. 279-286 [doi]
- Automatic Test Generation for Coverage Analysis Using CBMCDamiano Angeletti, Enrico Giunchiglia, Massimo Narizzano, Alessandra Puddu, Salvatore Sabina. 287-294 [doi]
- Self-healing Assurance Based on Bounded Model CheckingVendula Hrubá, Bohuslav Krena, Tomás Vojnar. 295-303 [doi]
- Effective Bit-Width and Under-ApproximationRobert Brummayer, Armin Biere. 304-311 [doi]
- Observable Runtime Behavior for Defects Indicated by Automated Static AnalysisKlaus Wolfmaier, Rudolf Ramler, Gabor Guta, Heinz Dobler. 312-319 [doi]
- Real-Time Vision-Based Vehicle Detection for Rear-End Collision Mitigation SystemsD. Balcones, David Fernández Llorca, Miguel Ãngel Sotelo, M. Gavilán, S. Alvarez, I. Parra, Manuel Ocaña. 320-325 [doi]
- Real-Time Hierarchical GPS Aided Visual SLAM on Urban EnvironmentsDavid Schleicher, Luis Miguel Bergasa, Manuel Ocaña, Rafael Barea, Elena López Guillén. 326-333 [doi]
- Tomographic Image Reconstruction Using AbstractionsJosé Antonio Ãlvarez, Javier Roca Piera. 334-341 [doi]
- Unsupervised Clustering Using Diffusion Maps for Local Shape ModellingDaniel Valdes-Amaro, Abhir Bhalerao. 342-349 [doi]
- Sensibility Analysis of an Object Movement Forecast Approximation in Real Image SequencesJosé Luis Crespo, Pilar Bernardos, Eduardo Mora. 350-357 [doi]
- Angular Contour Parameterization for Signature IdentificationJuan Carlos Briceño, Carlos M. Travieso, Miguel A. Ferrer, Jesús B. Alonso, Francisco Vargas. 358-365 [doi]
- Image Sequences Noise Reduction: An Optical Flow Based ApproachRoman Dudek, Carmelo Cuenca, Francisca Quintana. 366-373 [doi]
- From Industrial to Ubiqitous RobotsPeter Kopacek. 374-382 [doi]
- WiFi Localization System Using Fuzzy Rule-Based ClassificationJosé M. Alonso, Manuel Ocaña, Miguel Ãngel Sotelo, Luis Miguel Bergasa, Luis Magdalena. 383-390 [doi]
- Vehicle Detection Based on Laser RadarFernando Garcia, Pietro Cerri, Alberto Broggi, Jose M. Armingol, Arturo de la Escalera. 391-397 [doi]
- Biomimetic Controller for Situated Robots Based on State-Driven BehaviourGerhard Hoefer, Manfred Mauerkirchner. 398-405 [doi]
- Supporting Information Services for Travellers of Public Transport by RoadCarmelo R. García, Ricardo Pérez, Álvaro Lorenz, Francisco Alayón Hernández, Gabino Padrón. 406-412 [doi]
- Applying Reinforcement Learning to Multi-robot System Behavior CoordinationYolanda Sanz, Javier de Lope AsiaÃn, DarÃo Maravall. 413-420 [doi]
- Safe Crossroads via Vehicle to Vehicle CommunicationJavier Alonso, Vicente Milanés, Enrique Onieva, Joshué Pérez, Ricardo GarcÃa. 421-428 [doi]
- Cooperation Enforcement Schemes in Vehicular Ad-Hoc NetworksCandelaria Hernández-Goya, Pino Caballero-Gil, Jezabel Molina-Gil, Cándido Caballero-Gil. 429-436 [doi]
- Cooperative and Competitive Behaviors in a Multi-robot System for Surveillance TasksYadira Quiñonez, Javier de Lope AsiaÃn, DarÃo Maravall. 437-444 [doi]
- Control Action Continuity on Situation-Based Obstacle AvoidanceDaniel Hernández-Sosa, Jorge Cabrera-Gámez, Antonio Carlos DomÃnguez-Brito, José Isern González. 445-452 [doi]
- Traffic Signals in Traffic Circles: Simulation and Optimization Based Efficiency StudyJavier J. Sánchez Medina, Manuel J. Galán Moreno, Moisés DÃaz Cabrera, Enrique Rubio Royo. 453-460 [doi]
- Integrated System and Network Simulation of a 5.8GHz Local Positioning SystemRalf Mosshammer, Ralf Eickhoff, Mario Huemer, Robert Weigel. 461-468 [doi]
- Simulation Based Optimization of Vertex Packing Decoding AlgorithmsMichael Lunglmayr, Jens Berkmann, Mario Huemer. 469-476 [doi]
- Diversity Order of Spatial Multiplexing with Transmit Antenna Correlation Based PrecodingChristian Hofbauer, Yann Lebrun, Valery Ramon, André Bourdoux, François Horlin, Mario Huemer. 477-484 [doi]
- Software Simulator to Model an Energy Autonomous SystemFrancisco Cabrera, VÃctor Araña, Lourdes Suárez, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Carlos M. Travieso. 485-491 [doi]
- On Stochastic Variation in Discrete Time SystemsYasushi Endow. 492-500 [doi]
- Convolution on Finite Groups and Fixed-Polarity Polynomial ExpressionsRadomir S. Stankovic, Jaakko Astola, Claudio Moraga. 501-509 [doi]
- Reversible Synthesis through Shared Functional Decision DiagramsMilena Stankovic, Suzana Stojkovic. 510-517 [doi]
- Ternary Haar-Like Transform and Its Application in Spectral Representation of Ternary-Valued FunctionsSusanna Minasyan, Radomir S. Stankovic, Jaakko Astola. 518-525 [doi]
- Complete Sets of Hamiltonian Circuits for Classification of DocumentsBernd Steinbach, Christian Posthoff. 526-533 [doi]
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- A Heterogeneous Decision Diagram PackageD. Michael Miller, Radomir S. Stankovic. 540-547 [doi]
- Walsh Matrices in the Design of Industrial ExperimentsClaudio Moraga, Héctor Allende. 548-554 [doi]
- Dynamic Behavior of Time-Domain Features for Prosthesis ControlStefan Herrmann, Klaus Buchenrieder. 555-562 [doi]
- Decomposing Pattern Matching CircuitGrzegorz Borowik, Tadeusz Luba. 563-570 [doi]
- Hardware Approach to Artificial Hand Control Based on Selected DFT Points of Myopotential SignalsPrzemyslaw Szecówka, Jadwiga Pedzinska-Rzany, Andrzej Wolczowski. 571-578 [doi]
- System Approach to Complex Signal Processing TaskVáclav Gerla, Vladana Djordjevic, Lenka Lhotská, Vladimir Krajca. 579-586 [doi]
- Symbolic Computations on Rings of Rational Functions and Applications in Control EngineeringNicholas P. Karampetakis, Efstathios N. Antoniou, Antonis-Ioannis G. Vardulakis, S. Vologiannidis. 587-594 [doi]
- Nonlinear Systems: A Polynomial ApproachMiroslav Halás. 595-602 [doi]
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- Comparing Algebraic and Constrained Pole Assignment Controllers for a Thermal SystemMikulás Huba, Frantisek Jelenciak, Peter Tapák. 610-617 [doi]
- Nonlinear Controllers for a Fluid Tank SystemVladimÃr Zilka, Miroslav Halás, Mikulás Huba. 618-625 [doi]
- Pre-identification for Real-Time ControlKarel Perutka. 626-632 [doi]
- Realization of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Input-Output Equations: Polynomial ApproachMaris Tõnso, Ülle Kotta. 633-640 [doi]
- Using Heuristic Optimization for Segmentation of Symbolic MusicBrigitte Rafael, Stefan Oertl, Michael Affenzeller, Stefan Wagner 0002. 641-648 [doi]
- Fitting Rectangular Signals to Time Series Data by Metaheuristic AlgorithmsAndreas M. Chwatal, Günther R. Raidl. 649-656 [doi]
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- New Approximation-Based Local Search Algorithms for the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman ProblemDennis Weyland, Leonora Bianchi, Luca Maria Gambardella. 681-688 [doi]
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- Analysis of the Properties of the Harmony Search Algorithm Carried Out on the One Dimensional Binary Knapsack ProblemJerzy W. Greblicki, Jerzy Kotowski. 697-704 [doi]
- An Algorithm of Schedule Planning for Tanker DriversJerzy W. Greblicki, Jerzy Kotowski. 705-712 [doi]
- A Kruskal-Based Heuristic for the Rooted Delay-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree ProblemMario Ruthmair, Günther R. Raidl. 713-720 [doi]
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- Evolutionary Selection in Simulation-Based OptimizationAndreas Beham, Monika Kofler, Michael Affenzeller, Stefan Wagner 0002. 761-768 [doi]
- Feature Selection Based on Pairwise Classification PerformanceStephan Dreiseitl, Melanie Osl. 769-776 [doi]
- On the Influence of Selection Schemes on the Genetic Diversity in Genetic AlgorithmsMichael Affenzeller, Stephan M. Winkler, Andreas Beham, Stefan Wagner 0002. 777-784 [doi]
- Solving a Real-World FAP Using the Scatter Search MetaheuristicJosé M. Chaves-González, Miguel A. Vega-RodrÃguez, Juan Antonio Gómez Pulido, Juan Manuel Sánchez-Pérez. 785-792 [doi]
- On the Success Rate of Crossover Operators for Genetic Programming with Offspring SelectionGabriel Kronberger, Stephan M. Winkler, Michael Affenzeller, Andreas Beham, Stefan Wagner 0002. 793-800 [doi]
- On Structural Identification of 2D Regression Functions for Indoor Bluetooth LocalizationRene Mayrhofer, Stephan M. Winkler, Helmut Hlavacs, Michael Affenzeller, Stefan Schneider. 801-808 [doi]
- Grid-Enabled Mutation-Based Genetic Algorithm to Optimise Nuclear Fusion DevicesAntonio Gómez-Iglesias, Miguel A. Vega-RodrÃguez, Francisco Castejón-Magaña, Miguel Cárdenas Montes, Enrique Morales-Ramos. 809-816 [doi]
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- Transforming UML-Based System Descriptions into Simulation Models as Part of System Development FrameworksAndreas W. Liehr, Klaus Buchenrieder. 857-864 [doi]
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- A Practical Methodology for Integration TestingLaura M. Castro, Miguel A. Francisco, VÃctor M. GulÃas. 881-888 [doi]
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- Co-operative Extended Kohonen Mapping (EKM) for Wireless Sensor NetworksZenon Chaczko, Perez Moses, Christopher Chiu. 897-904 [doi]
- Morphotronic System ApplicationsZenon Chaczko, Germano Resconi. 905-912 [doi]
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