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- Evolving a Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Genetic ProgrammingUgur Eray Tahta, Ahmet Burak Can, Sevil Sen. 3-14 [doi]
- A Hybrid Primal Heuristic for Robust Multiperiod Network DesignFabio D'Andreagiovanni, Jonatan Krolikowski, Jonad Pulaj. 15-26 [doi]
- A Trajectory-Based Heuristic to Solve a Three-Objective Optimization Problem for Wireless Sensor Network DeploymentJosé Manuel Lanza-Gutiérrez, Juan Antonio Gómez Pulido, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez. 27-38 [doi]
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- Impact of the Topology on the Performance of Distributed Differential EvolutionIvanoe De Falco, Antonio Della Cioppa, Domenico Maisto, Umberto Scafuri, Ernesto Tarantino. 75-85 [doi]
- Modeling the Offloading of Different Types of Mobile Applications by Using Evolutionary AlgorithmsGianluigi Folino, Francesco Sergio Pisani. 86-97 [doi]
- Common Developmental Genomes Revisited - Evolution Through AdaptationKonstantinos Antonakopoulos. 101-112 [doi]
- Investigation of Genome Parameters and Sub-Transitions to Guide Evolution of Artificial Cellular OrganismsStefano Nichele, Håkon Hjelde Wold, Gunnar Tufte. 113-124 [doi]
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- A Memetic Framework for Solving Difficult Inverse ProblemsMaciej Smolka, Robert Schaefer. 138-149 [doi]
- Customizable Energy Management in Smart Buildings Using Evolutionary AlgorithmsFlorian Allerding, Ingo Mauser, Hartmut Schmeck. 153-164 [doi]
- Dynamic Programming Based Metaheuristic for Energy Planning ProblemsSophie Jacquin, Laetitia Jourdan, El-Ghazali Talbi. 165-176 [doi]
- Looking for Alternatives: Optimization of Energy Supply Systems without SuperstructureMike Preuss, Philip Voll, André Bardow, Günter Rudolph. 177-188 [doi]
- Multi-material Compositional Pattern-Producing Networks for Form OptimisationRalph Evins, Ravi Vaidyanathan, Stuart C. Burgess. 189-200 [doi]
- On Evolving Multi-agent FX TradersAlexander Loginov, Malcolm I. Heywood. 203-214 [doi]
- Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming for Financial DataJames McDermott, Alexandros Agapitos, Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill. 215-226 [doi]
- On PBIL, DE and PSO for Optimization of Reinsurance ContractsOmar Andrés Carmona Cortes, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Duane Wilson, Jürgen Gaiser-Porter. 227-238 [doi]
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- Dynamic Index Trading Using a Gene Regulatory Network ModelMiguel Nicolau, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon. 251-263 [doi]
- Analysis of Dynamic Properties of Stock Market Trading Experts Optimized with an Evolutionary AlgorithmKrzysztof Michalak. 264-275 [doi]
- A Comparative Study on the Use of Classification Algorithms in Financial ForecastingFernando E. B. Otero, Michael Kampouridis. 276-287 [doi]
- Pattern Mining in Ultra-High Frequency Order Books with Self-Organizing MapsPiotr Lipinski, Anthony Brabazon. 288-298 [doi]
- Multi-Criteria Comparison of Coevolution and Temporal Difference Learning on OthelloWojciech Jaskowski, Marcin Grzegorz Szubert, Pawel Liskowski. 301-312 [doi]
- Evolving Evil: Optimizing Flocking Strategies Through Genetic Algorithms for the Ghost Team in the Game of Ms. Pac-ManFederico Liberatore, Antonio Miguel Mora, Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós. 313-324 [doi]
- Procedural Content Generation Using Patterns as ObjectivesSteve Dahlskog, Julian Togelius. 325-336 [doi]
- Micro and Macro Lemmings Simulations Based on Ants ColoniesAntonio González-Pardo, Fernando Palero, David Camacho. 337-348 [doi]
- Fast Evolutionary Adaptation for Monte Carlo Tree SearchSimon M. Lucas, Spyridon Samothrakis, Diego Perez. 349-360 [doi]
- Automatic Camera Control: A Dynamic Multi-Objective PerspectivePaolo Burelli, Mike Preuss. 361-373 [doi]
- Co-Evolutionary Optimization of Autonomous Agents in a Real-Time Strategy GameAntonio Fernández-Ares, Antonio Miguel Mora, Maribel García Arenas, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Pablo García-Sánchez, Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso. 374-385 [doi]
- Sharing Information in Adversarial BanditDavid Lupien St-Pierre, Olivier Teytaud. 386-398 [doi]
- The Structure of a Probabilistic 1-State Transducer Representation for Prisoner's DilemmaJeffrey Tsang. 399-410 [doi]
- Tree Depth Influence in Genetic Programming for Generation of Competitive Agents for RTS GamesPablo García-Sánchez, Antonio Fernández-Ares, Antonio Miguel Mora, Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso, Jesús González, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós. 411-421 [doi]
- Diagnostic Test Generation for Statistical Bug Localization Using Evolutionary ComputationMarco Gaudesi, Maksim Jenihhin, Jaan Raik, Ernesto Sánchez, Giovanni Squillero, Valentin Tihhomirov, Raimund Ubar. 425-436 [doi]
- Evolutionary Algorithm for Dense Pixel Matching in Presence of DistortionsAna Carolina dos-Santos-Paulino, Jean-Christophe Nebel, Francisco Flórez-Revuelta. 439-450 [doi]
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- Improving Graph-Based Image Segmentation Using Automatic ProgrammingLars Vidar Magnusson, Roland Olsson. 464-475 [doi]
- New Representations in PSO for Feature Construction in ClassificationYan Dai, Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang. 476-488 [doi]
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- Adaptive Genetic Algorithm to Select Training Data for Support Vector MachinesJakub Nalepa, Michal Kawulok. 514-525 [doi]
- Automatic Selection of GA Parameters for Fragile WatermarkingMarco Botta, Davide Cavagnino, Victor Pomponiu. 526-537 [doi]
- Classification of Potential Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Through Automatic Knowledge Extraction by Means of Differential EvolutionIvanoe De Falco. 538-549 [doi]
- Reducing the Number of Simulations in Operation Strategy Optimization for Hybrid Electric VehiclesChristopher Bacher, Thorsten Krenek, Günther R. Raidl. 553-564 [doi]
- Hybridisation Schemes for Communication Satellite Payload Configuration OptimisationApostolos Stathakis, Grégoire Danoy, El-Ghazali Talbi, Pascal Bouvry, Gianluigi Morelli. 565-576 [doi]
- A Novel Genetic Algorithmic Approach for Computing Real Roots of a Nonlinear EquationVijaya Lakshmi V. Nadimpalli, Rajeev Wankar, Chillarige Raghavendra Rao 0002. 579-590 [doi]
- A Multi-Objective Relative Clustering Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Local/Global Search based on Genetic RelatednessIman Gholaminezhad, Giovanni Iacca. 591-602 [doi]
- Noisy Optimization: Convergence with a Fixed Number of ResamplingsMarie-Liesse Cauwet. 603-614 [doi]
- A Differential Evolution Framework with Ensemble of Parameters and Strategies and Pool of Local Search AlgorithmsGiovanni Iacca, Ferrante Neri, Fabio Caraffini, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan. 615-626 [doi]
- An Improved Multiobjective Electromagnetism-like Mechanism AlgorithmPedro Carrasqueira, Maria João Alves, Carlos Henggeler Antunes. 627-638 [doi]
- Objective Dimension and Problem Structurein Multiobjective Optimization ProblemsRamprasad Joshi, Bharat M. Deshpande, Paritosh Gote. 639-650 [doi]
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- Automated Framework for General-Purpose Genetic Algorithms in FPGAsLiucheng Guo, David B. Thomas, Wayne Luk. 714-725 [doi]
- Unreliable Heterogeneous Workers in a Pool-Based Evolutionary AlgorithmMario García Valdez, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Francisco Fernández de Vega. 726-737 [doi]
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- Searching for Risk in Large Complex SpacesKester Clegg, Robert Alexander. 753-762 [doi]
- Speeding Up Online Evolution of Robotic Controllers with Macro-neuronsFernando Silva, Luís Correia, Anders Lyhne Christensen. 765-776 [doi]
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- An Object-Oriented Library in JavaScript to Build Modular and Flexible Cross-Platform Evolutionary AlgorithmsVíctor Manuel Rivas Santos, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Gustavo Romero López, Maribel García Arenas, Antonio Miguel Mora. 853-862 [doi]
- What Do We Learn from Network-Based Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data?Marzieh Ayati, Sinan Erten, Mehmet Koyutürk. 865-876 [doi]
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