Abstract is missing.
- Physical Programming: Beyond Mere LogicBran Selic. 1 [doi]
- Metamodelling and Conformance Checking with PVSRichard F. Paige, Jonathan S. Ostroff. 2-16 [doi]
- The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UMLTony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent. 17-31 [doi]
- Compositional Checking of Communication among ObserversRalf Pinger, Hans-Dieter Ehrich. 32-44 [doi]
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- Proving Deadlock Freedom in Component-Based ProgrammingPaola Inverardi, Sebastián Uchitel. 60-75 [doi]
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- On Use Cases and Their Relationships in the Unified Modelling LanguagePerdita Stevens. 140-155 [doi]
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- Towards a Rigorous Semantics of UML Supporting Its Multiview ApproachGianna Reggio, Maura Cerioli, Egidio Astesiano. 171-186 [doi]
- Towards Development of Secure Systems Using UMLsecJan Jürjens. 187-200 [doi]
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- Debugging via Run-Time Type CheckingAlexey Loginov, Suan Hsi Yong, Susan Horwitz, Thomas W. Reps. 217-232 [doi]
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- Extending Development Graphs with HidingTill Mossakowski, Serge Autexier, Dieter Hutter. 269-283 [doi]
- A Logic for the Java Modeling Language JMLBart Jacobs, Erik Poll. 284-299 [doi]
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