Abstract is missing.
- Observability and Nerode Equivalence in Concrete C5ategoriesJirí Adámek. 1-15
- Some Universal Algebraic and Model Theoretic Results in Computer ScienceHajnal Andréka, István Németi. 16-23
- Probabilistic Analysis of the Performance of Greedy Strategies over Different Classes of Combinatorial ProblemsGiorgio Ausiello, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Marco Protasi. 24-33
- Moderately Exponential Bound for Graph IsomorphismLászló Babai. 34-50
- An Algebraic Defenition of Attributed TransformationsMiklós Bartha. 51-60
- Analogies of PAL and COPYFranz-Josef Brandenburg. 61-70
- Quasi-Equational Logic for Partial AlgebrasPeter Burmeister. 71-80
- Homogenity and CompletenessB. Csákány. 81-89
- On the Error Correcting Power of Pluralism in Inductive InferenceRobert P. Daley. 90-99
- Equality Languages and Language FamiliesJürgen Dassow. 100-109
- Extremal Combinatorial Problems in Relational Data BaseJános Demetrovics, Gyula O. H. Katona. 110-119
- Specifying Algebraic Data Types by Domain EquationsHans-Dieter Ehrich. 120-129
- An Axiomatization of Regular Forests in the Language of Algebraic Theories with IterationZoltán Ésik. 130-136
- Fast Recognition of Rings and LatticesPavel Goralcik, A. Goralciková, Václav Koubek, Vojtech Rödl. 137-145
- A Definition of the P=NP-Problem in CategoriesHagen Huwig. 146-153
- Generating Graph Languages Using Hypergraph GrammarsDirk Janssens, Grzegorz Rozenberg. 154-164
- Lower Bounds for Problems Defined by Polynomial InequalitiesJerzy W. Jaromczyk. 165-172
- What is Computable for Abstract Data Types?H. Kaphengst. 173-181
- On Strongly Cube-Free Omega-Words Generated by Binary MorphismsJuhani Karhumäki. 182-189
- On the Role of Selectors in Selective Substitution GrammarsH. C. M. Kleijn, Grzegorz Rozenberg. 190-198
- Classes of Functions over Binary TreesHans Kleine Büning. 199-204
- Mathematical Structures Underlying Greedy AlgorithmsBernhard Korte, László Lovász. 205-209
- Some Properties of Language Families Generated by Commutative LanguagesJuha Kortelainen. 210-217
- Isomorphism Completeness for Some Algebraic StructuresLudek Kucera, Vera Trnková. 218-225
- Reducing Algebraic Tree GrammarsBernard Leguy. 226-233
- Rational Cone and SubstitutionJeannine Leguy. 234-243
- On the Regularity Problem of SF-Languages Generated by Minimal Linear GrammarsMatti Linna. 244-249
- Co-Algebras as Machines for the Interpretations of Flow DiagramsWolfgang Merzenich. 250-258
- Random Access Machines and Straight-Line ProgramsFriedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Hans-Anton Rollik. 259-264
- On the LBA ProblemBurkhard Monien. 265-280
- Dynamic Algebras of ProgramsIstván Németi. 281-290
- The Equivalence Problem for LL- and LR-Regular GrammarsAnton Nijholt. 291-300
- Context-Free Languages of Infinite Words As Least FixpointsAxel Poigné. 301-310
- Remarks on the Notion of Concurrency Relation in the Case of SystemsPiotr W. Prószynski. 311-320
- On the Size of Conjunctive Representations of n-ary RelationsAles Pultr. 321-327
- On Subwords of Formal LanguagesGrzegorz Rozenberg. 328-333
- First Order Dynamic Logic with Decidable Proofs and Workable Model TheoryIldikó Sain. 334-340
- Elimination of Second-Order Quantifiers for Well-Founded Trees in Stationary Logic and Finitely Determinate StructuresDetlef Seese. 341-349
- Processes in Petri NetsPeter H. Starke. 350-359
- Some Algebraic Aspects of Recognizability and RationalityMagnus Steinby. 360-372
- Pebbling and BandwithIvan Hal Sudborough. 373-383
- On Cellular Graph-Automata and Second-Order Definable Graph-PropertiesGyörgy Turán. 384-393
- Extensions of Symmetric Hom-Functors to the Kleisli CategoryJirí Vinárek. 394-399
- A New Operation Between LanguagesJoffroy Beauquier. 400-409
- Logical Description of Computation ProcessesEgon Börger. 410-424
- An Algorithm to Identify Slices, with Applications to Vector Replacement SystemsJan Grabowski. 425-432
- One Pebble Does Not Suffice to Search Plane LabyrinthsFrank Hoffmann. 433-444
- About the by Codings of Environments Induced Posets [a::z::, <=] and [L::z::, <=]Christoph Meinel. 445-452
- The Complexity of Automata and Subtheories of Monadic Second Order ArithmeticsAndrzej Wlodzimierz Mostowski. 453-466
- Tape Complexity of Word ProblemsStephan Waack. 467-471