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- A Comparison Between Virtual Reality and Digital Human Modeling for Proactive Ergonomic DesignSalman Ahmed, Lukman Irshad, H. Onan Demirel, Irem Y. Tumer. 3-21 [doi]
- Comparison of Digital Human Model-Based Ergonomic Software Using Eye-Tracking Methodology - Presenting Pilot Usability TestsMária Babicsné Horváth, Károly Hercegfi, Tamás Fergencs. 22-32 [doi]
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- Using Foot and Knee Movement and Posture Information to Mitigate the Probability of Injuries in Functional TrainingRafael De Pinho André, Alberto Raposo, Hugo Fuks. 153-169 [doi]
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- Homologous Mesh Extraction via Monocular SystemsMohamed Fateh Karoui, Thorsten Kuebler. 182-197 [doi]
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- Effect of Selective Training Device in the Mono-Articular Muscle of Lower LimbsTakashi Yoshikawa, Ryuga Sadaoka, Tadashi Akehi, Tomonori Inoue, Yuichi Suzuki, Takamasa Omori. 220-229 [doi]
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- First Impressions and Acceptance of Order Pickers Towards Using Data Glasses at a Simulated WorkstationDaniel Friemert, Mirko Kaufmann, Ulrich Hartmann, Rolf P. Ellegast. 251-265 [doi]
- Continuous Measurement of Muscle Fatigue Using Wearable Sensors During Light Manual OperationsJiawei Fu, Liang Ma 0001, Liuxing Tsao, Zhanwu Zhang. 266-277 [doi]
- Level of Robot Autonomy and Information Aids in Human-Robot Interaction Affect Human Mental Workload - An Investigation in Virtual RealityMara Kaufeld, Peter Nickel. 278-291 [doi]
- OSH and the Future of Work: Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence Tools in WorkplacesPhoebe V. Moore. 292-315 [doi]
- Cooperation Between Design and Neuroscience: Contributions to Current Project Methodologies Applied to Automotive DesignCarolina Vieira Liberatti Rosa, Rachel Zuanon. 316-334 [doi]
- An Integrated Ergonomics Evaluation Method of HWDsHongjun Xue, Hua Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhang. 335-344 [doi]
- Evaluation of the Advising Doctor for Operating of Medical Student by Laparoscopic Surgery SimulatorKazuaki Yamashiro, Koichiro Murakami, Hisanori Shiomi, Akihiko Goto. 345-354 [doi]
- Research on Path Planning Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Code Guidance Model of Automated Guided VehicleWei-Dong Zheng, Ben Yan, Zhi-Xian Li, Hua-Ping Yao, Li-Li Wei, Masahide Nakamura. 355-365 [doi]
- A Framework to Quantitatively Assess Safety Performance for Civil Aviation OrganizationMingliang Chen, Min Luo, Yuan Zhang, Yanqiu Chen. 369-381 [doi]
- Modeling Vehicle-Pedestrian Encountering Risks in the Natural Driving Environment Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsPriyanka Gandhi, Xiao Luo, Renran Tian. 382-393 [doi]
- Innovative and Comprehensive Support System for Training People Working in Dangerous ConditionsAndrzej Grabowski. 394-405 [doi]
- Development and Evaluation of a Tablet-Control for a Surgical Workstation in the Open Integrated Operating RoomJohanna Hemmeke, Philipp Krumholz, Armin Janß, Klaus Radermacher 0001. 406-419 [doi]
- Developing Real-Time Face Identification Device Composable with Distributed ApplicationsKosuke Hirayama, Sachio Saiki, Masahide Nakamura. 420-432 [doi]
- An Integrated Approach of Multiple Correspondences Analysis (MCA) and Fuzzy AHP Method for Occupational Health and Safety Performance Evaluation in the Land Cargo TransportationGenett Jiménez-Delgado, Nidia Balmaceda-Castro, Hugo Hernández Palma, Emiro de la Hoz Franco, Jesús García Guiliany, Jairo Martínez Ventura. 433-457 [doi]
- The Relevance of Cybersecurity for Functional Safety and HCISebastian Korfmacher. 458-466 [doi]
- Highway End-of-Queue Alerting System Based on Probe Vehicle DataKeyu Ruan, Zahra Yarmand, Renran Tian, Lingxi Li, Yaobin Chen, Feng Li, Jim Sturdevant. 467-478 [doi]
- Creating and Testing Objective Performance Metrics for the Manual Teleoperation of Robotic ArmsShuqi Xue, Guohua Jiang, Ting Jiang, Chunhui Wang, Zhiqiang Tian. 479-490 [doi]
- A Method of Designing Outdoor Safety Way Guidance Sign Layout Information Based on Human Factors EngineeringJiliang Zhang, Yongquan Chen, Jingquan Liu. 491-508 [doi]
- Memories and Brain Maps - Representations of Fear, Risk and Insecurity in Downtown AreasRachel Zuanon, Melissa Ramos da Silva Oliveira, Cláudio Lima Ferreira, Evandro Ziggiatti Monteiro, Haroldo Gallo. 509-523 [doi]