Abstract is missing.
- Recent Developments in Motion PlanningMark H. Overmars. 3-13 [doi]
- Extreme Distances in Multicolored Point SetsAdrian Dumitrescu, Sumanta Guha. 14-25 [doi]
- Balanced Partition of Minimum Spanning TreesMattias Andersson, Joachim Gudmundsson, Christos Levcopoulos, Giri Narasimhan. 26-35 [doi]
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- Interactive Visualization of Particle Beams for Accelerator DesignBrett Wilson, Kwan-Liu Ma, Ji Qiang, Robert Ryne. 352-361 [doi]
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- Solving Orthogonal Matrix Differential Systems in MathematicaMark Sofroniou, Giulia Spaletta. 496-505 [doi]
- Symplectic Methods for Separable Hamiltonian SystemsMark Sofroniou, Giulia Spaletta. 506-515 [doi]
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- Symplectic Method Based on the Matrix Variational Equation for Hamiltonian SystemNicoletta Del Buono, Cinzia Elia, Luciano Lopez. 526-535 [doi]
- Variants of Learning Algorithm Based on Kolmogorov TheoremRoman Neruda, Arnost Stedrý, Jitka Drkosová. 536-543 [doi]
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