Abstract is missing.
- The Art of Computational Science, Bridging Gaps - Forming Alloys. Preface for ICCS 2017Petros Koumoutsakos, Eleni Chatzi, Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Michael Lees, Jack J. Dongarra, Peter M. A. Sloot. 1-6 [doi]
- Analysis of Computational Science Papers from ICCS 2001-2016 using Topic Modeling and Graph TheoryTesfamariam M. Abuhay, Sergey V. Kovalchuk, Klavdiya O. Bochenina, George Kampis, Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Michael Harold Lees. 7-17 [doi]
- Identifying Urban Inconsistencies via Street NetworksGabriel Spadon, Gabriel P. Gimenes, Jose F. Rodrigues Jr.. 18-27 [doi]
- Impact of Neighbors on the Privacy of Individuals in Online Social NetworksLivio Bioglio, Ruggero G. Pensa. 28-37 [doi]
- Mining Host Behavior Patterns From Massive Network and Security LogsJing Ya, Tingwen Liu, Quangang Li, Jinqiao Shi, Haoliang Zhang, Pin Lv, Li Guo 0001. 38-47 [doi]
- Resolving Entity Morphs based on Character-Word EmbeddingYing Sha, Zhenhui Shi, Rui Li, Qi Liang, Bin Wang. 48-57 [doi]
- Efficient Community Re-creation in Multilayer Networks Using Boolean OperationsAbhishek Santra, Sanjukta Bhowmick, Sharma Chakravarthy. 58-67 [doi]
- Graph Ranking Guarantees for Numerical Approximations to Katz CentralityEisha Nathan, Geoffrey Sanders, James P. Fairbanks, Henson Van Emden, David A. Bader. 68-78 [doi]
- Simulating a Search Engine Service focusing on Network PerformanceJoe Carrión, Daniel Franco Puntes, Emilio Luque. 79-88 [doi]
- Fully-Dynamic Graph Algorithms with Sublinear Time Inspired by Distributed ComputingLeonid Barenboim, Tzalik Maimon. 89-98 [doi]
- Anomaly Detection in Clinical Data of Patients Undergoing Heart SurgeryAlva Presbitero, Rick Quax, Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Peter M. A. Sloot. 99-108 [doi]
- Virtual Clinical Trials: A tool for the Study of Transmission of Nosocomial InfectionsCecilia Jaramillo, Dolores Rexachs, Francisco Epelde, Emilio Luque. 109-118 [doi]
- Spectral Modes of Network Dynamics Reveal Increased Informational Complexity Near CriticalityXerxes D. Arsiwalla, Pedro A. M. Mediano, Paul F. M. J. Verschure. 119-128 [doi]
- Sampling and Digital Filtering Effects When Recognizing Postural Control with Statistical Tools and the Decision Tree ClassifierLuiz Henrique Giovanini Giovanini, Simone M. Silva, Elisangela F. Manffra, Júlio C. Nievola. 129-138 [doi]
- Simulation of regulatory strategies in a morphogen based model of Arabidopsis leaf growthElise Kuylen, Gerrit T. S. Beemster, Jan Broeckhove, Dirk De Vos. 139-148 [doi]
- Support managing population aging stress of emergency departments in a computational wayZhengchun Liu, Dolores Rexachs, Francisco Epelde, Emilio Luque. 149-158 [doi]
- Hemocell: a high-performance microscopic cellular libraryGábor Zavodszky, Britt van Rooij, Victor Azizi, Saad Alowayyed, Alfons G. Hoekstra. 159-165 [doi]
- Brownian dynamics simulations to explore experimental microsphere diffusion with optical tweezersManuel Pancorbo, Miguel A. Rubio, P. Domínguez-García. 166-174 [doi]
- Numerical simulation of a compound capsule in a constricted microchannelJohn Gounley, Erik W. Draeger, Amanda Randles. 175-184 [doi]
- Models of Pedestrian Adaptive Behaviour in Hot Outdoor Public SpacesValentin Melnikov, Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Peter M. A. Sloot. 185-194 [doi]
- Crowd Dynamics and Control in High-Volume Metro Rail StationsBriane Paul V. Samson, Crisanto R. Aldanese IV, Deanne Moree C. Chan, Jona Joyce S. San Pascual, Ma. Victoria Angelica P. Sido. 195-204 [doi]
- A Serious Video Game To Support Decision Making On Refugee Aid Deployment PolicyLuis Eduardo Pérez Estrada, Derek Groen, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez. 205-214 [doi]
- The study of the influence of obstacles on crowd dynamicsOksana Severiukhina, Daniil V. Voloshin, M. H. Lees, Vladislav A. Karbovskii. 215-224 [doi]
- Development of a new urban heat island modeling tool: Kent Vale case studyMing Xu, Marcel Bruelisauer, Matthias Berger. 225-234 [doi]
- Fast Motion of Heaving AirfoilsSiddhartha Verma, Guido Novati, Flavio Noca, Petros Koumoutsakos. 235-244 [doi]
- Using Temporary Explicit Meshes for Direct Flux Calculation on Implicit SurfacesPaul Manstetten, Josef Weinbub, Andreas Hössinger, Siegfried Selberherr. 245-254 [doi]
- Assessing the Performance of the SRR Loop Scheduler with Irregular WorkloadsPedro Henrique Penna, Eduardo C. Inacio, Márcio Bastos Castro, Patrícia Plentz, Henrique C. Freitas, François Broquedis, Jean-François Méhaut. 255-264 [doi]
- Molecular dynamics simulations of entangled polymers: The effect of small molecules on the glass transition temperatureElias Mahmoudinezhad, Axel Marquardt, Gunther Eggeler, Fathollah Varnik. 265-271 [doi]
- Efficient Simulation of Financial Stress Testing Scenarios with Suppes-Bayes Causal NetworksGelin Gao, Bud Mishra, Daniele Ramazzotti. 272-284 [doi]
- Learning Robust Low-Rank Approximation for Crowdsourcing on Riemannian ManifoldQian Li, Zhichao Wang, Gang Li, Yanan Cao, Gang Xiong, Li Guo. 285-294 [doi]
- Simultaneous Prediction of Wind Speed and Direction by Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule ForestPavel Krömer, Jan Platos. 295-304 [doi]
- Performance Improvement of Stencil Computations for Multi-core Architectures based on Machine LearningVíctor Martínez, Fabrice Dupros, Márcio Castro, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux. 305-314 [doi]
- Distributed training strategies for a computer vision deep learning algorithm on a distributed GPU clusterVictor Campos, Francesc Sastre, Maurici Yagües, Miriam Bellver, Xavier Giró i Nieto, Jordi Torres. 315-324 [doi]
- Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithms for Grouping Scientific ArticlesDiego Vallejo-Huanga, Paulina Morillo, César Ferri. 325-334 [doi]
- Parallel Learning Portfolio-based solversTarek Menouer, Souheib Baarir. 335-344 [doi]
- Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge ResolutionHailun Lin, Yong Liu, Weiping Wang, Yinliang Yue, Zheng Lin. 345-354 [doi]
- 3D High-quality Textile Reconstruction with Synthesized TexturePengpeng Hu, Taku Komura, Duan Li, Ge Wu, Yueqi Zhong. 355-364 [doi]
- A Proactive Cloud Scaling Model Based on Fuzzy Time Series and SLA AwarenessDang-Tran, Nhuan Tran, Giang T. Nguyen, Binh Minh Nguyen. 365-374 [doi]
- An Ensemble of Kernel Ridge Regression for Multi-class ClassificationKatuwal Rakesh, Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan. 375-383 [doi]
- Dynamic Profiles Using Sentiment Analysis for VAA's Recommendation DesignLuis Terán, Jose Mancera. 384-393 [doi]
- Discriminative Learning from Selective Recommendation and Its Application in AdaBoostXiaoyu Zhang, Shupeng Wang, Chao Li, Shiming Ge, Yong Wang, Binbin Li. 394-403 [doi]
- Distributed Automatic Differentiation for PtychographyYoussef S. G. Nashed, Tom Peterka, Junjing Deng, Chris Jacobsen. 404-414 [doi]
- Automatic Segmentation of Chinese Characters as Wire-Frame ModelsAntoine Bossard. 415-424 [doi]
- Erosion-Inspired Simulation of Aging for Deformation-Based Head ModelingVera Skorkovská, Martin Prantl, Petr Martínek, Ivana Kolingerová. 425-434 [doi]
- Extending Perfect Spatial Hashing to Index Tuple-based Graphs Representing Super Carbon NanotubesMichael Burger, Giang Nam Nguyen, Christian H. Bischof. 435-444 [doi]
- Effective and Scalable Data Access Control in Onedata Large Scale Distributed Virtual File SystemMichal Wrzeszcz, Lukasz Opiola, Konrad Zemek, Bartosz Kryza, Lukasz Dutka, Renata Slota, Jacek Kitowski. 445-454 [doi]
- Devising a computational model based on data mining techniques to predict concrete compressive strengthDaniel Alencar, Darlinton Carvalho, Eduardus Koenders, Fernando Mourão, Leonardo C. da Rocha. 455-464 [doi]
- ParaView + Alya + D8tree: Integrating High Performance Computing and High Performance Data AnalyticsAntoni Artigues, Cesare Cugnasco, Yolanda Becerra, Fernando M. Cucchietti, Guillaume Houzeaux, Mariano Vázquez, Jordi Torres, Eduard Ayguadé, Jesús Labarta. 465-474 [doi]
- StoreRush: An Application-Level Approach to Harvesting Idle Storage in a Best Effort EnvironmentQing Liu, Norbert Podhorszki, Jong Youl Choi, Jeremy S. Logan, Matthew Wolf, Scott Klasky, Tahsin M. Kurç, Xubin He. 475-484 [doi]
- Fast Parallel Construction of Correlation Similarity Matrices for Gene Co-Expression Networks on Multicore ClustersJorge González-Domínguez, María J. Martín. 485-494 [doi]
- The Design and Performance of Batched BLAS on Modern High-Performance Computing SystemsJack J. Dongarra, Sven Hammarling, Nicholas J. Higham, Samuel D. Relton, Pedro Valero-Lara, Mawussi Zounon. 495-504 [doi]
- OUTRIDER: Optimizing the mUtation Testing pRocess In Distributed EnviRonmentsPablo C. Cañizares, Alberto Núñez, Juan de Lara. 505-514 [doi]
- Topology-aware Job Allocation in 3D Torus-based HPC Systems with Hard Job Priority ConstraintsKangkang Li, Maciej Malawski, Jarek Nabrzyski. 515-524 [doi]
- Parallel Parity Games: a Multicore Attractor for the Zielonka Recursive AlgorithmRossella Arcucci, Umberto Marotta, Aniello Murano, Loredana Sorrentino. 525-534 [doi]
- Replicated Synchronization for Imperative BSP ProgramsArvid Jakobsson, Frédéric Dabrowski, Wadoud Bousdira, Frédéric Loulergue, Gaétan Hains. 535-544 [doi]
- Efficient Implicit Parallel Patterns for Geographic Information SystemKevin Bourgeois, Sophie Robert, Sébastien Limet, Victor Essayan. 545-554 [doi]
- Taking Lessons Learned from a Proxy Application to a Full Application for SNAP and PARTISNGeoff Womeldorff, Joshua Payne, Ben Bergen. 555-565 [doi]
- *Pedro Valero-Lara, Ivan Martínez-Perez, Antonio J. Peña, Xavier Martorell, Raúl Sirvent, Jesús Labarta. 566-575 [doi]
- Exploiting Hybrid Parallelism in the Kinematic Analysis of Multibody Systems Based on Group EquationsGregorio Bernabé, José-Carlos Cano, Javier Cuenca, Antonio Flores, Domingo Giménez, Mariano Saura-Sánchez, Pablo Segado-Cabezos. 576-585 [doi]
- On the Use of a GPU-Accelerated Mobile Device Processor for Sound Source LocalizationJose A. Belloch, José M. Badía, Francisco D. Igual, Maximo Cobos, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí. 586-595 [doi]
- Fast Genome-Wide Third-order SNP Interaction Tests with Information Gain on a Low-cost Heterogeneous Parallel FPGA-GPU Computing ArchitectureLars Wienbrandt, Jan Christian Kässens, Matthias Hübenthal, David Ellinghaus. 596-605 [doi]
- Factorization and Inversion of a Million Matrices using GPUs: Challenges and CountermeasuresAhmad Abdelfattah, Azzam Haidar, Stanimire Tomov, Jack J. Dongarra. 606-615 [doi]
- A Multithreaded Algorithm for Sparse Cholesky Factorization on Hybrid Multicore ArchitecturesMeng Tang, Mohamed Gadou, Sanjay Ranka. 616-625 [doi]
- Utilizing Intel Advanced Vector Extensions for Monte Carlo Simulation based Value at Risk ComputationD. N. S. S. Liyanage, G. V. M. P. A. Fernando, D. D. M. M. Arachchi, R. D. D. T. Karunathilaka, A. S. Perera. 626-634 [doi]
- Sparse Locally Linear EmbeddingLori Ziegelmeier, Michael Kirby, Chris Peterson. 635-644 [doi]
- Efficient iterative methods for multi-frequency wave propagation problems: A comparison studyManuel Baumann, Martin B. van Gijzen. 645-654 [doi]
- Efficient Lyapunov Function computation for systems with multiple exponentially stable equilibriaJòhann Björnsson, Sigurdur F. Hafstein. 655-664 [doi]
- Asynchronous Decentralized Framework for Unit Commitment in Power SystemsParitosh Ramanan, Murat Yildirim, Edmond Chow, Nagi Gebraeel. 665-674 [doi]
- An Advanced Software Tool to Simulate Service Restoration Problems: a case study on Power Distribution SystemsRichardson Ribeiro, Fabrício Enembreck, Douglas M. Guisi, Dalcimar Casanova, Marcelo Teixeira, Fausto A. de Souza, André Pinz Borges. 675-684 [doi]
- Disaggregated Computing. An Evaluation of Current Trends for DatacentresHugo Meyer, José Carlos Sancho, Josue V. Quiroga, Ferad Zyulkyarov, Damian Roca, Mario Nemirovsky. 685-694 [doi]
- Using Power Demand and Residual Load Imbalance in the Load Balancing to Save Energy of Parallel SystemsEdson Luiz Padoin, Víctor Martínez, Philippe O. A. Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut. 695-704 [doi]
- Facilitating the Reproducibility of Scientific Workflows with Execution Environment SpecificationsHaiyan Meng, Douglas Thain. 705-714 [doi]
- Data Mining Approach for Feature Based Parameter Tunning for Mixed-Integer Programming SolversMatheus G. Vilas Boas, Haroldo G. Santos, Rafael de S. O. Martins, Luiz H. C. Merschmann. 715-724 [doi]
- A Spectral Collocation Method for Systems of Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value ProblemsN. Sharp, Manfred R. Trummer. 725-734 [doi]
- Exploring an Ensemble-Based Approach to Atmospheric Climate Modeling and Testing at ScaleSalil Mahajan, Abigail L. Gaddis, Katherine J. Evans, Matthew R. Norman. 735-744 [doi]
- Study of Algorithms for Fast Computation of Crack Expansion ProblemFarid Smaï, Hideo Aochi. 745-754 [doi]
- TNT-NN: A Fast Active Set Method for Solving Large Non-Negative Least Squares ProblemsJoe M. Myre, E. Frahm, David J. Lilja, Martin O. Saar. 755-764 [doi]
- Fast Finite Element Analysis Method Using Multiple GPUs for Crustal Deformation and its Application to Stochastic Inversion Analysis with Geometry UncertaintyTakuma Yamaguchi, Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Takane Hori, Muneo Hori, Lalith Wijerathne. 765-775 [doi]
- Optimizing domain decomposition in an ocean model: the case of NEMOOriol Tintó, Mario Acosta, Miguel Castrillo, Ana Cortés, Alícia Sanchez, Kim Serradell, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes. 776-785 [doi]
- Data Management and Volcano Plume Simulation with Parallel SPH Method and Dynamic Halo DomainsZhixuan Cao, Abani Patra, Matthew Jones. 786-795 [doi]
- ICCS 2017 Workshop on Agent-Based Simulations, Adaptive Algorithms and SolversAleksander Byrski, Maciej Paszynski, R. Schaefer, Victor M. Calo, D. Pardo. 796-797 [doi]
- Quadrature blending for isogeometric analysisVictor Calo, Quanling Deng, Vladimir Puzyrev. 798-807 [doi]
- Optimally refined isogeometric analysisDaniel Garcia, Michael Barton, David Pardo. 808-817 [doi]
- Higher-Order Finite Element Electromagnetics Code for HPC environmentsDaniel Garcia-Donoro, Adrian Amor-Martin, Luis E. García-Castillo. 818-827 [doi]
- Coupled isogeometric Finite Element Method and Hierarchical Genetic Strategy with balanced accuracy for solving optimization inverse problemBarbara Barabasz, Marcin Los, Maciej Wozniak, Leszek Siwik, Stephen Barrett. 828-837 [doi]
- A wrapper around parallel MUMPS solver to reduce its memory usage and execution time for finite element method computationsMaciej Paszynski, Antônio Tadeu Azevedo Gomes. 838-847 [doi]
- Goal-Oriented p-Adaptivity using Unconventional Error Representations for a 1D Steady State Convection-Diffusion ProblemVincent Darrigrand, Ángel Rodríguez-Rozas, David Pardo, Ignacio Muga. 848-856 [doi]
- 0 separatorsBartosz Janota, Maciej Paszynski. 857-866 [doi]
- *Marcin Los, Jakub Sawicki, Maciej Smolka, Robert Schaefer. 867-876 [doi]
- Toward hybrid platform for evolutionary computations of hard discrete problemsDominik Zurek, Kamil Pietak, Marcin Pietron, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki. 877-886 [doi]
- The versatility of an entropy inequality for the robust computation of convection dominated problemsBalaji Srinivasan, Vivek Kumar. 887-896 [doi]
- Agent-based Decision Support System for Technology RecommendationGrzegorz Legien, Bartlomiej Sniezynski, Dorota Wilk-Kolodziejczyk, Stanislawa Kluska-Nawarecka, Edward Nawarecki, Krzysztof Jaskowiec. 897-906 [doi]
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- Multi-agent large-scale parallel crowd simulationArtur Malinowski, Pawel Czarnul, Krzysztof Czurylo, Maciej Maciejewski, Pawel Skowron. 917-926 [doi]
- A case based reasoning based multi-agent system for the reactive container stacking in seaport terminalsInes Rekik, Sabeur Elkosantini, Habib Chabchoub. 927-936 [doi]
- On the performance and scalability of an HPC enhanced Multi Agent System based evacuation simulatorLeonel Aguilar, Lalith Maddegedara, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Muneo Hori. 937-947 [doi]
- Lightweight Volunteer Computing Platform using Web WorkersPawel Chorazyk, Mateusz Godzik, Kamil Pietak, Wojciech Turek, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki, Aleksander Byrski. 948-957 [doi]
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- A multi-world agent-based model working at several spatial and temporal scales for simulating complex geographic systemsPape Adama Mboup, Karim KONATE , Jean Le Fur. 968-977 [doi]
- Role of Behavioral Heterogeneity in Aggregate Financial Market Behavior: An Agent-Based ApproachYasaman Kamyab Hessary, Mirsad Hadzikadic. 978-987 [doi]
- Clustering Mixed-Attribute Data using Random WalkAndrew Skabar. 988-997 [doi]
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- Distributed Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix FactorizationTom Vander Aa, Imen Chakroun, Tom Haber. 1030-1039 [doi]
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- A Multi-level Optimization Strategy to Improve the Performance of Stencil ComputationGauthier Sornet, Fabrice Dupros, Sylvain Jubertie. 1083-1092 [doi]
- A Distributed Shared Memory Model and C++ Templated Meta-Programming Interface for the Epiphany RISC Array ProcessorDavid Richie, James Ross, Jamie Infantolino. 1093-1102 [doi]
- Towards Protected MPSoC Communication for Information Protection against a Malicious NoCJohanna Sepúlveda, Andreas Zankl, Daniel Flórez, Georg Sigl. 1103-1112 [doi]
- th Workshop on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science - BBC2017Giuseppe Agapito, Mario Cannataro, Mauro Castelli, Riccardo Dondi, Italo Zoppis. 1113-1114 [doi]
- Orthology Correction for Gene Tree Reconstruction: Theoretical and Experimental ResultsRiccardo Dondi, Giancarlo Mauri, Italo Zoppis. 1115-1124 [doi]
- Rank miRNA: a web tool for identifying polymorphisms altering miRNA target sitesStefano Beretta 0001, Carlo Maj, Ivan Merelli. 1125-1134 [doi]
- Higher accuracy protein multiple sequence alignments by genetic algorithmNarayan Behera, M. S. Jeevitesh, Justin Jose, Krishna Kant, Alpana Dey, Javed Mazher. 1135-1144 [doi]
- Machine learning models in error and variant detection in high-variation high-throughput sequencing datasetsMilko Krachunov, Maria Nisheva, Dimitar Vassilev. 1145-1154 [doi]
- Using Multi Network Alignment for Analysis of ConnectomesMarianna Milano, Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Mario Cannataro. 1155-1164 [doi]
- Investigation of the visual attention role in clinical bioethics decision-making using machine learning algorithmsDaniel L. Fernandes, Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista, Andreia Patricia Gomes, Camila R. Souza, Israel T. da Costa, Felippe da S. L. Cardoso, João V. de Assis, Gustavo H. L. Caetano, Fabio Ribeiro Cerqueira. 1165-1174 [doi]
- Emotion recognition using facial expressionsPawel Tarnowski, Marcin Kolodziej, Andrzej Majkowski, Remigiusz J. Rak. 1175-1184 [doi]
- Accelerating the Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Biomarker in the clinical practice: comparative studyFerran Borreguero Torro, J. Damiàn Segrelles Quilis, Ignacio Blanquer Espert, Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Luis Martí-Bonmatí. 1185-1194 [doi]
- Combining Grid Computing and Docker Containers for the Study and Parametrization of CT Image Reconstruction MethodsMónica Chillarón, Vicente Vidal, J. Damiàn Segrelles Quilis, Ignacio Blanquer, Gumersindo Verdú. 1195-1204 [doi]
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- Towards a better understanding of on and off target effects of the lymphocyte-specific kinase LCK for the development of novel and safer pharmaceuticalsXiaofei Zhang, Amir Kucharski, Wibe A. de Jong, Sally R. Ellingson. 1222-1231 [doi]
- MiW: A domain specific modeling environment for complex molecular systemsTengyu Ma, János Sallai. 1232-1241 [doi]
- Molecular Dynamics of Di-palmitoyl-phosphatidyl-choline Biomembranes in Ionic Solution: Adsorption of the Precursor Neurotransmitter TryptophanJordi Martí, Huixia Lu. 1242-1250 [doi]
- Improved New Word Detection Method Used in Tourism FieldWei Li, Kun Guo, Yong Shi, Luyao Zhu, Yuanchun Zheng. 1251-1260 [doi]
- Large-scale Nonparallel Support Vector Ordinal Regression SolverHuadong Wang, Jianyu Miao, Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan, Lingfeng Niu, Yong Shi. 1261-1270 [doi]
- Relationship between Capital Operation and Market Value Management of Listed Companies Based on Random Forest AlgorithmWen Long, Linqiu Song, Lingxiao Cui. 1271-1280 [doi]
- A Hash Based Method for Large Scale Nonparallel Support Vector Machines PredictionXuchan Ju, Tianhe Wang. 1281-1291 [doi]
- 2-norm Best Fitting Hyperplane ClassifierChen Wang, Chun-Na Li, Hua-Xin Pei, Yan-Ru Guo, Yuan-Hai Shao. 1292-1301 [doi]
- Pension Fund Asset Allocation: A Mean-Variance Model with CVaR ConstraintsYibing Chen, Xiaolei Sun, Jianping Li. 1302-1307 [doi]
- Short-term Electricity Price Forecasting with Empirical Mode Decomposition based Ensemble Kernel MachinesXueheng Qiu, Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan, Gehan A. J. Amaratunga. 1308-1317 [doi]
- Russian Interbank Network Reconstruction via Metaheuristic AlgorithmValentina Y. Guleva, Vyacheslav V. Povazhnyuk, Klavdiya O. Bochenina, Alexander V. Boukhanovsky. 1318-1326 [doi]
- Identification of failing banks using Clustering with self-organising neural networksMichael Negnevitsky. 1327-1333 [doi]
- Clustering algorithms for Risk-Adjusted Portfolio ConstructionDiego León, Arbey Aragón, Javier Sandoval, Germán Hernández, Andrés Arévalo, Jaime Niño. 1334-1343 [doi]
- Study of the periodicity in Euro-US Dollar exchange rates using local alignment and random matrixesEugene V. Korotkov, Maria A. Korotkova. 1344-1353 [doi]
- Global Convergence Analysis of the Flower Pollination Algorithm: A Discrete-Time Markov Chain ApproachXingshi He, Xin-She Yang, Mehmet Karamanoglu, Yuxin Zhao. 1354-1363 [doi]
- Memetic Simulated Annealing for Data Approximation with Local-Support CurvesCarlos Loucera, Andrés Iglesias, Akemi Gálvez. 1364-1373 [doi]
- A Matheuristic Approach for Solving the Dynamic Facility Layout ProblemSadan Kulturel-Konak. 1374-1383 [doi]
- Blood Perfusion Parameter Estimation in Tumors by means of a Genetic AlgorithmAna Roberta Melo, Michelli Marlane Silva Loureiro, Felipe Loureiro. 1384-1393 [doi]
- Job-flow Anticipation Scheduling in GridVictor V. Toporkov, Dmitry Yemelyanov, Alexander Bobchenkov. 1394-1403 [doi]
- A Hybrid Heuristic in GPU-CPU Based on Scatter Search for the Generalized Assignment ProblemDanilo S. Souza, Haroldo G. Santos, Igor Machado Coelho. 1404-1413 [doi]
- An Exact Resolution for the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem under the A Priori StrategyMohamed Abdellahi Amar, Walid Khaznaji, Monia Bellalouna. 1414-1423 [doi]
- Matrix Approach to DC Railway Electrification VerificationEugenio Roanes-Lozano, Rubén González-Martín. 1424-1433 [doi]
- A Multi-Objective Approach to the Competitive Facility Location ProblemAbdullah Konak, Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Lawrence V. Snyder. 1434-1442 [doi]
- Multi-objective optimisation in scientific workflowHoang Anh Nguyen, Zane van Iperen, Sreekanth Raghunath, David Abramson, Timoleon Kipouros, Sandeep Somasekharan. 1443-1452 [doi]
- Pareto Ranking Bisection Algorithm for EM-Driven Multi-Objective Design of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Parameter SpacesAdrian Bekasiewicz, Slawomir Koziel, Leifur Leifsson, XiaoSong Du. 1453-1462 [doi]
- Accelerating Parallel Multicriterial Optimization Methods Based on Intensive Using of Search InformationVictor P. Gergel, Evgeny Kozinov. 1463-1472 [doi]
- A Surrogate Model Based On Mixtures Of Taylor Expansions For Trust Region Based MethodsElias David Niño Ruiz, Carlos J. Ardila, Alfonso Mancilla, Jesús Estrada. 1473-1482 [doi]
- Expedite Design of Variable-Topology Broadband Hybrid Couplers for Size Reduction Using Surrogate-Based Optimization and Co-Simulation Coarse ModelsPiotr Kurgan, Slawomir Koziel, Leifur Leifsson, XiaoSong Du. 1483-1492 [doi]
- Airfoil Design Under Uncertainty Using Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Theory and Utility FunctionsXiaoSong Du, Leifur Leifsson, Slawomir Koziel, Adrian Bekasiewicz. 1493-1499 [doi]
- Improving HPLC Analysis of Vitamin A and E: Use of Statistical Experimental DesignLorinc Garai. 1500-1511 [doi]
- A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenanceAlejandro Gutierrez Alcoba, Gloria Ortega López, Eligius M. T. Hendrix, Elin E. Halvorsen-Weare, Dag Haugland. 1512-1521 [doi]
- Prostate cancer focal brachytherapy: Improving treatment plan robustness using a convolved dose rate modelJohn M. Betts, Christopher Mears, Hayley M. Reynolds, Martin A. Ebert, Annette Haworth. 1522-1531 [doi]
- Implementation and Use of Coarse-grained Parallel Branch-and-bound in Everest Distributed EnvironmentVladimir Voloshinov, Sergey Smirnov, Oleg Sukhoroslov. 1532-1541 [doi]
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