Abstract is missing.
- Bandwidth Management for QoS Support in Mobile NetworksSang Ho Lee, Dong-Soo Jung, Sung-Woo Park. 1-11 [doi]
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- WLL Link Layer Protocol for QoS Support of Multi-service InternetHuan Pham, Bill Lavery, Hoang Nam Nguyen. 37-44 [doi]
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- Pricing and Provisioning for Guaranteed Internet ServicesZhong Fan. 55-64 [doi]
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- Quality of Service Management in GPRS NetworksPeter Stuckmann, Frank Müller. 276-287 [doi]
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- Achieving End-to-End Throughput Guarantee for Individual TCP Flows in a Differentiated Services NetworkXiaoning He, Hao Che. 368-377 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Integrated Services in Local Area NetworksJürgen Ehrensberger. 378-387 [doi]
- Integrating Differentiated Services with ATMSowmya Manjanatha, Radim Bartos. 388-397 [doi]
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- Group Communication and MulticastJustin Templemore-Finlayson, Stanislaw Budkowski. 649-656 [doi]
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