Abstract is missing.
- Statistical Characteristics of Active IP One Way Delay MeasurementsPeter Holleczek, Roland Karch, Ralf Kleineisel, Stephan Kraft, Jochen Reinwand, Verena Venus. 1 [doi]
- Using Multicast Dependence Tree Model for Network Delay TomographyRuifang Liu, Wenbin Guo, Huimin Xu. 2 [doi]
- On Monitoring of End-to-End Packet Reordering over the InternetBin Ye, Anura P. Jayasumana, Nischal M. Piratla. 3 [doi]
- Packet Reordering Metrics: Some Methodological ConsiderationsGabriel Istrate, Anders Hansson, Guanhua Yan. 4 [doi]
- IPv6 Calls for a New Type of the Internet Applications and Services Provider (IASP)Peter Sherbin. 5 [doi]
- IPv6 Solutions for NAT OverlapShannon McFarland. 6 [doi]
- A Global Perspective of IPv6 Native and Transition Scenarios for DSL InfrastructuresTiago Camilo, Sandrine Pasqualini. 7 [doi]
- Loaded: Server Load Balancing for IPv6Sven Friedrich, Sebastian Krahmer, Lars Schneidenbach, Bettina Schnor. 8 [doi]
- IPv6 Led Changes of the Broadband Access ArchitecturesCiprian P. Popoviciu. 9 [doi]
- SIP collides with IPv6Thomas Hoeher, Slobodanka Tomic, Richard Menedetter. 10 [doi]
- IP v6 - An opportunity for new service and network featuresMudassir Tufail. 11 [doi]
- An Early Technical Evaluation of Convergence between Cellular and Broadcast MediaMichelle Wetterwald, Huu-Nghia Nguyen, Susana Sargento. 12 [doi]
- A Novel Scheme on Building a Trusted IP Routing InfrastructureLiwen He. 13 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Program Translation in Service-Oriented ArchitecturesDaniel Skrobo, Andro Milanovic, Sinisa Srbljic. 14 [doi]
- Next/New Generation Networks Services and ManagementImen Grida Ben Yahia, Emmanuel Bertin, Noël Crespi. 15 [doi]
- Context based Application Level Intrusion Detection SystemA. Anitha, V. Vaidehi. 16 [doi]
- A stabilized Core-Stateless Fair Queuing Mechanism for a Layered Multicast NetworkNick Josevski, Naveen K. Chilamkurti. 18 [doi]
- A Novel Hierarchical Ad Hoc NetworksTung-Shih Su, Wei-Lun Jeng, Jeng-Yi Huang, Wen-Shyong Hsieh. 19 [doi]
- Improving TCP-Friendly Rate Control in Wired and Wireless Networks By a Scheme Based on Wireless Signal StrengthIl Mo Jung, Nicolaos B. Karayiannis, Steven Pei. 20 [doi]
- A Novel Two-Tier Handoff Scheme for Mobile Communications in a Hierarchical NEMO SystemTsang-Ling Sheu, Bing-Chi Kuo. 21 [doi]
- Dynamic Restorable Routing for Double-Link Failure in Optical Mesh NetworksLei Lei, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Guo. 22 [doi]
- Banyan-based Architecture for Quasi-Circuit SwitchingYuh-Ren Tsai, Che-Wei Lo. 23 [doi]
- Multi-Attribute Based Similar Content Indexing in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer NetworksPraveen Kumar, Srividya Gopalan, V. Sridhar. 24 [doi]
- Localized Broadcast Authentication in Large Sensor NetworksJawad Drissi, Qijun Gu. 25 [doi]
- PS:::2:::: An HA-Enabled Memory Management Scheme In Core RoutersKun Wu, Jianping Wu, Lizheng Fu, Ke Xu. 26 [doi]
- The Simulated Throughput of DS CDMA/Unslotted ALOHA Radio Network with Markov Modulated Poisson ProcessKuan-Fu Huang, Shu-Ming Tseng, Yung-Chung Wang. 27 [doi]
- Hands on Roaming Duration: Petri-Nets Modeling of a Wireless Mobile-IP Procedure in Cisco PlatformHossam el-ddin Mostafa, Pavel Cicak. 28 [doi]
- Efficient Network Management System with DACS SchemeKazuya Odagiri, Rihito Yaegashi, Masaharu Tadauchi, Naohiro Ishii. 29 [doi]
- The Concept and Model of 4 Dimensional Traffic EngineeringMasafumi Katoh, Akihiro Okada, Tsuguo Kato. 30 [doi]
- Secure Flow-Through Provisioning Model in Distributed Network Management SystemsDharmaraja Rajan. 31 [doi]
- Wireless Usage Analysis and Data-Modeling Using a Performance-Based ApproachDip Biswas. 32 [doi]
- Proposal for compilation techniques of monitoring tasks to improve applications management performanceBernard Kaddour, Joël Quinqueton. 33 [doi]
- An Enhanced Allocation Resource Mechanism for DiffServ DomainsLucio Reis, Paulo Roberto Guardieiro. 34 [doi]
- An Adaptive Membership Algorithm for Application Layer MulticastBin Rong, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari. 35 [doi]
- Global Traffic Grooming based on Cooperation: An Implementation over NSViet Minh Nhat Vo, Abdel Obaid, Mounir Boukadoum, Pierre Poirier. 36 [doi]
- Development of an Integrated Solution for Intrusion Detection: A Model Based on Data CorrelationJoão Afonso, Edmundo Monteiro, Vitor Costa. 37 [doi]
- Towards autonomic management for Next Generation ServicesImen Grida Ben Yahia, Emmanuel Bertin, Noël Crespi. 38 [doi]
- Policy Based Architecture for Class Based QoS SuppoCarlos Rabadão, Edmundo Monteiro. 39 [doi]
- Centralized Resource Allocation for Time-Slotted OBS NetworksTai-Won Um, Jun Kyun Choi, Seong Gon Choi, Won Ryu. 40 [doi]
- Working Around BGP: An Improvement of BGP Session MaintenanceAna R. Cavalli, Dario Vieira. 41 [doi]
- Spontaneous networks: Trust in a world of equalsRaquel Lacuesta Gilaberte, Lourdes Peñalver Herrero. 42 [doi]
- Simplifying Peer-to-Peer Device Authentication Using Identity-Based CryptographyKhanh V. Nguyen. 43 [doi]
- An Aspects oriented approach to dynamically manage applicationBernard Kaddour, Joël Quinqueton. 44 [doi]
- Service Level Agreement Management with Adaptive CoordinationDominic A. P. Greenwood, Giosuè Vitaglione, Lukas Keller, Monique Calisti. 45 [doi]
- A Software Architecture for QoS Surveillance for Short Message Services in GSM NetworksAndreas Waadt, Guido Horst Bruck, Peter Jung, M. Kowalzik, T. Trapp, C. Begall. 46 [doi]
- A Multimodal Authentication System for Authorizing the Access to NGN ServicesR. Melen, M. Pignolo, M. Sioli. 47 [doi]
- A Formal Architecture Supporting Dynamic Composition of Web ServicesJunmei Sun, Huaikou Miao. 48 [doi]
- Simulation of User-Perceived QoS in Hybrid Broadcast and Telecommunication NetworksMichael Galetzka, Daniel Roder, Adolf Finger. 49 [doi]
- Managing Service Capability and Service Feature Interactions in the IMS of UMTSAnahita Gouya, Noël Crespi, Emmanuel Bertin, Lina Oueslati. 50 [doi]
- Sleep/Active Schedules as a tunable characteristic of a Wireless Sensor NetworkPanagiotis Galiotos. 51 [doi]
- Dimensioning aWide-Area Thin-Client Computing Network Supporting Mobile UsersLien Deboosere, Davy De Winter, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester. 52 [doi]
- No-reference Perceptual Quality Assessment for Streaming Video Based on Simple End-to-end Network MeasuresShengke Qiu, Huaxia Rui, Le Zhang. 53 [doi]
- Consistency Control Algorithm for the Cache of Voice Platform Based on VoiceXMLJianxin Liao, Wenlin Wang, Xiaomin Zhu. 54 [doi]
- Enabling Post-Invocation Parameter Transmission in Service-Oriented EnvironmentsMarkus Mathes, Steffen Heinzl, Thomas Friese, Bernd Freisleben. 55 [doi]
- A middleware layer for experimenting service interoperationOusmane Koné. 56 [doi]
- A Fault-Tolerant P2P-based Protocol for Logical Networks InterconnectionJaime Lloret, Juan R. Diaz, Fernando Boronat, José M. Jiménez. 57 [doi]
- Pervasive Service Platform (PSP): Facilitating Pervasive ServicesFiona Mahon, Jelena Mitic, Micheal Crotty, Kevin Doolin, Christoph Kuhmünch. 58 [doi]
- The Design of Service Management System based on Policy-based Network ManagementKi-Sang Ok, Daniel W. Hong, Byung-Soo Chang. 59 [doi]
- Service Location using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)Holger Schmidt, Teodora Guenkova-Luy, Franz J. Hauck. 60 [doi]
- A Service Composition Model for Automatically Switched Transport NetworksFabio Baroncelli, Barbara Martini, Luca Valcarenghi, Piero Castoldi. 61 [doi]
- Which architecture for integrated services?Emmanuel Bertin, Pascal Lesieur. 62 [doi]
- Anycast Algorithms Supporting Optical Burst Switched Grid NetworksMarc De Leenheer, Farid Farahmand, Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Pieter Thysebaert, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester, Jason P. Jue. 63 [doi]
- A Pre-evaluating Set based Bias-tuned Reputation Evaluation Method for Trust Establishment in GridXiangli Qu, Xuejun Yang, Chunmei Gui. 64 [doi]
- CapPlan - A Network Capacity Planning Tool for LambdaGridsKathleen Ting, Tianen Liu, Linden Tibbets, Silvia Figueira. 65 [doi]
- Building Distributed Access Control System Using Service-Oriented Programming ModelIvan Zuzak, Sinisa Srbljic, Ivan Benc. 66 [doi]
- Retrospective Scheduling of Elastic Bandwidth Reservations in LambdaGridsSumit Naiksatam, Silvia M. Figueira. 67 [doi]
- Risk-aware Migrations For Prepossessing SLAsKerstin Voß. 68 [doi]
- Federated Identity Management for GridsHenri Mikkonen, Mika Silander. 69 [doi]
- Instant-Grid: Fully Automated Middleware-Deployment Using a Live-CDChristian Boehme, T. Ehlers, J. Engelhardt, A. Felix, O. Haan, T. Kalman, Bernhard Neumair, Ulrich Schwardmann, D. Sommerfeld. 70 [doi]
- A Hybrid Approach for Consistency Management in Large Scale SystemsGhalem Belalem, Yahya Slimani. 71 [doi]
- Extendable and Adaptive Message-Level Security Enforcement FrameworkAndreas Maierhofer, Theodosis Dimitrakos, Leonid Titkov, David Brossard. 72 [doi]
- Grid Infrastructure Deployment using SmartFrog TechnologyRitu Sabharwal. 73 [doi]
- Evaluating Global Optimisation for Data Grids using Replica Location ServicesErnest Sithole, Gerard P. Parr, Sally I. McClean, Petre Dini. 74 [doi]
- Performance Implications of Using VPN Technology for Cluster Integration and Grid ComputingJens Mache, Damon Tyman, Andre Pinter, Chris Allick. 75 [doi]
- A Scalable Wide-Area Grid Resource Management FrameworkMohamed El-Darieby, Diwakar Krishnamurthy. 76 [doi]
- MojaveComm: A Robust Group Communication Library for Grid EnvironmentsCristian Tapus, David A. Noblet, Jason Hickey. 77 [doi]
- QoS Transparency for Native IP NetworksC. J. (Charlie) Liu. 78 [doi]
- Using Identity Management and Secure DNS for Effective and Trusted User Controlled Light-Path EstablishmentR. J. Hulsebosch, Mortaza S. Bargh, P. H. Fennema, J. F. Zandbelt, Martin Snijders, E. H. Eertink. 79 [doi]
- Scalable BGP QoS Extension with Multiple MetricsTielei Zhang, Yong Cui, Youjian Zhao, Lizheng Fu, Turgay Korkmaz. 80 [doi]
- What Quality Means for Internet Users: A Guide to Selecting your ISPFidel Liberal, Armando Ferro, Jose O. Fajardo. 81 [doi]
- End-to-End QoS in Interdomain RoutingNishant Kumar, Girish Saraph. 82 [doi]
- Admission Control in IntServ to DiffServ mappingAntónio Pereira, Edmundo Monteiro. 83 [doi]
- Heterogeneity and Signalling in IP Multi DomainsChristophe Chassot, Michel Diaz, Florin Racaru, André Lozes. 84 [doi]
- Adaptive Dynamic Traffic Engineering for DiffServ-Enabled MPLS NetworksAbdelhakim Hafid, Narayanan Natarajan. 85 [doi]
- Research of a Novel Anti-Spam Technique Based on Users Feedback and Improved Naive Bayesian ApproachYang Li, Binxing Fang, Li Guo, Shen Wang. 86 [doi]
- Investigating False Positive Reduction in HTTP via Procedure AnalysisA. A. Abimbola, Jose Munoz, William J. Buchanan. 87 [doi]
- Evolution of Protection Technologies in Metro Core Optical NetworksSheng Chen. 89 [doi]
- A Real-time Integrity Monitor for Xen Virtual MachineAnh-Quynh Nguyen, Yoshiyasu Takefuji. 90 [doi]
- Application Layer Packet Merging to Improve Call Capacity in a 802.11 Based IntercomArun V. Sathanur, Sridhar Gangadharpalli, V. Sridhar. 91 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of 802.11e EDCF in Infrastructure Mode with Real Audio/Video TrafficH. M. Liang, Chih-Heng Ke, Ce-Kuen Shieh, W. S. Hwang, Naveen K. Chilamkurti. 92 [doi]
- A Smart Sensor Architecture for Marine Sensor NetworksJ. Sorribas, J. del Rio, E. Trullols, A. Manuel. 93 [doi]
- Virtual Delay Vector Based Core-Stateless Packet Scheduling AlgorithmYan Qin, Yong Xiang, Meilin Shi. 94 [doi]
- Detecting Internet Applications using Neural NetworksAntónio Nogueira, Paulo Salvador, Rui Valadas. 95 [doi]
- Virtual Network for Development and Execution of Service-Oriented ApplicationsDejan Skvorc, Sinisa Srbljic, Matija Podravec. 96 [doi]
- A Robust Header Compression Method for Ad hoc NetworkHai Wang, Dawei Niu, Wendong Zhao, Yuan Yan, Guo Yan. 97 [doi]
- TCP Selective Negative Acknowledgment over IEEE 802.11 Wireless NetworksRung-Shiang Cheng, Hui-Tang Lin. 98 [doi]
- Load Balance Multicast Routing Algorithms on Leased Overlay NetworkXiaoyu Zhang, Guangzhao Zhang. 99 [doi]
- CORNet: A Scalable and Bandwidth-Efficient Optical Burst Switching Ring Architecture for Metro Area NetworksHui-Tang Lin, Wang-Rong Chang. 100 [doi]
- Topological Properties and Routing Algorithms in Cellular RouterYoujian Zhao, Zuhui Yue, Jianping Wu, Xiaoping Zhang. 101 [doi]
- Deploying Lightweight Queue Management for improving performance of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs)Petre Kulkarni, Mohammad Nazeeruddin, Sally I. McClean, Gerard P. Parr, Michaela M. Black, Bryan W. Scotney, Petre Dini. 102 [doi]
- Efficiency Study of TCP Protocols in InfrastructuredWireless NetworksMilan Todorovic, Noé Lopez-Benitez. 103 [doi]
- Evaluation of Dedicated Path Protection Schemes in All-Optical Network under Different Wavelength Assignment AlgorithmsAndré Castelo Branco Soares, José Maranhão Neto, William Giozza, Paulo Cunha. 104 [doi]
- iDENTM Phones Automated Testing in P2PWei Hoo Chong. 105 [doi]
- xAn Enhanced Adaptive FEC Mechanism for Video Delivery over Wireless NetworksCheng-Han Lin, Chih-Heng Ke, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Naveen K. Chilamkurti. 106 [doi]
- Finding a Stable Route Through AODV by Using Route Fragility Coefficient as MetricGhania Quddus, Rabia Khan, Raja Iqbal, Waqas Ahmed. 107 [doi]
- Performance of a Partial Burst Retransmission Mechanism in OBS NetworksTai-Won Um, Jun Kyun Choi, Seong Gon Choi, Won Ryu. 108 [doi]
- Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Approach to Detecting and Querying Events Related to Farm AnimalsMilena Radenkovic, Bartosz Wietrzyk. 109 [doi]
- ePerSpace Intemediate TrialsM. Barba Rodríguez, Pierre Plaza, Miriam Ibanez. 110 [doi]
- An Online Distributed Protocol for the Restoration of Connectivity in the Virtual topology after Link failure in IP over WDM networksN. Sreenath, Balaji Palanisamy. 111 [doi]
- Seamless Peripherals Integration for Network Computers based on the Reversed Server Message Block ProtocolYouhui Zhang, Peng Li, Dongsheng Wang, Weimin Zheng. 112 [doi]
- A QoS-based Rate Adaptation Strategy for IEEE a/b/gPHY Schemes using IEEE 802.11e in Ad-hoc NetworksTsung-Han Lee, Alan Marshall, Bosheng Zhou. 113 [doi]
- Creating Cohesive Multi-domain Simulation for Communications NetworksMoinul H. Khan, Vijay K. Madisetti. 114 [doi]
- Router Queue Size and Packet Drops in SmoothTCP-qElvis Vieira, Michael Bauer. 115 [doi]
- Usable Encryption Enabled by AJAXJames F. Ryan, Blair L. Reid. 116 [doi]
- A Personal Handheld Multi-Modal Shopping AssistantZachary Davis, Michael Hu, Shreyas Prasad, Michael Schuricht, P. M. Melliar-Smith, Louise E. Moser. 117 [doi]
- Promise theory - a model of autonomous objects for pervasive computing and swarmsMark Burgess, Siri Fagernes. 118 [doi]
- The Integrated SLA/CNM Management SystemYongsun Ryu, Gilheang Lee. 119 [doi]