Abstract is missing.
- Future Information Technology and New Social ModelShoichi Noguchi. 4-9 [doi]
- Consumer Communications and Mass Market Information Networking at the Edge of the New MillenniumAlexander D. Gelman. 10 [doi]
- SOM: Spiral-Fat-Tree-Based On-Demand Multicast Protocol in a Wireless Ad-Hoc NetworkYuh-Shyan Chen, Tzung-Shi Chen, Ching-Jang Huang. 17-24 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of Distributed Location Management for Wireless NetworksHoang Nguyen Minh, Harmen R. van As. 25-31 [doi]
- A Simulation Study for Allocation of Base Stations in Mobile Communication NetworksTakako Yamada, Yukio Takahashi, Leonard Barolli, Norio Shiratori. 32 [doi]
- A Study on Reduction of Traffic Burstness Using Window Based Segment SpacingHyoung-Woo Park, Jin-Wook Chung. 41-45 [doi]
- A New Contention-Based CSMA Protocol for Star NetworksShiann-Tsong Sheu, Chih-Chiang Wu, Pei-Lin Wu. 46-51 [doi]
- Power Auction Protocol without Revealing Winning BidsHiroaki Kikuchi. 61 [doi]
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- Authorization Model Based on Object-Oriented ConceptKeiji Izaki, Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa. 72 [doi]
- Gathering Middleware RequirementsAnna Liu. 81-86 [doi]
- The Flying Object for an Open Distributed EnvironmentKentaro Oda, Shin ichi Tazuneki, Takaichi Yoshida. 87-92 [doi]
- The Rigorous Evaluation of Enterprise Java Bean TechnologyShuping Ran, Paul Brebner, Ian Gorton. 93 [doi]
- A MAC Protocol with Quality of Service Guarantee for Wireless ATM NetworksWen-Tsuen Chen, Tsyr-Yow Fann, Wen-Tsung Lin. 105-110 [doi]
- Pervasive Adaptation for Mobile ComputingTim Edmonds, Andy Hopper, Steve Hodges. 111-118 [doi]
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- Jini-Enabled High Performance ComputingRong Ye, Wen-Jing Hsu, Zehua Liu, Voon-Yee Vee. 145 [doi]
- A Conformance Testing Method for Communication Protocols Modeled as Concurrent DFSMsAtsushi Fukada, Akio Nakata, Junji Kitamichi, Teruo Higashino, Ana R. Cavalli. 155-162 [doi]
- Protocol Synthesis from SMIL-Based Scenarios and Its Implementation in Distributed EnvironmentTakaaki Umedu, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Keiichi Yasumoto, Teruo Higashino. 163-170 [doi]
- Composition of Service and Protocol SpecificationsBhed Bahadur Bista, Kaoru Takahashi, Norio Shiratori. 171 [doi]
- The Performance of QoS-Aware IP Multicast Routing ProtocolsChih-Jen Tseng, Chyouhwa Chen. 181-188 [doi]
- Multicast Provision in a Differentiated Services NetworkHeng-Chi Su, Ren-Hung Hwang. 189 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive Ring Access Protocol for Super High-Speed NetworksAkio Koyama, Leonard Barolli, Zixue Cheng. 201-206 [doi]
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- A Study of Flow-Based Traffic Admission Control Algorithm in the ATM-Based MPLS NetworkGyu Myoung Lee, Jun Kyun Choi. 213-218 [doi]
- A Study of Fairness for ATM ABR Service Based on Cell DelayNing Zhang, Manhee Jo, Shigetomo Kimura, Yoshihiko Ebihara. 219 [doi]
- Self-Similar and Fractal Nature of Internet Traffic DataGlenn Mansfield, T. K. Roy, Norio Shiratori. 227-231 [doi]
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- An Experimental Evaluation of the Total Cost of NTP TopologyTakuo Nakashima, Syuichi Ihara. 240-245 [doi]
- Graphical Techniques in Intrusion Detection SystemsBoaz Gelbord. 253-258 [doi]
- Design and Implementation of Secure Web-Based LDAP Management SystemC. S. Yang, C. Y. Liu, J. H. Chen, C. Y. Sung. 259-264 [doi]
- Consistent Global Checkpoints in Multimedia Network SystemsKengo Hiraga, Hiroaki Higaki. 271 [doi]
- The Development of an Interactive Music Station over InternetChung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, Pi-Fung Shih. 279-284 [doi]
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- Adaptive Multimedia Stream Service with Intelligent ProxyDong-Hoon Nam, Seung-Kyu Park. 291-296 [doi]
- Design of Gateway System between Different Signalling Protocols of the Multimedia Session on the InternetKentaro Takei, Koji Okamura, Keijiro Araki. 297 [doi]
- Design and Analysis of Code Distribution Systems with Active NetworksZ. D. Wu, X. G. Wang. 313-318 [doi]
- A Framework of an Assertion-Based Algorithmic Debugging for Distributed ProgramsTsuyoshi Ohta, Hideto Kinoshita, Takahiro Kimata, Tadanori Mizuno. 319 [doi]
- The Influence of the Large Bandwidth-Delay Product on TCP Reno, NewReno, and SACKHaewon Lee, Soo-hyeong Lee, Yanghee Choi. 327-334 [doi]
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- The A 3 Fault-Tolerant Framework for Distributed Computing with Multiple Mobile Agents over Sizeable NetworksAllan K. Y. Wong, Wilfred W. K. Lin. 355-360 [doi]
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- Distributed Fractal Image Compression on PVM for Million-Pixel ImagesPou-Yah Wu. 393 [doi]
- An Advanced Integrated Architecture for Wireless Voicemail Data RetrievalKonstantinos Koumpis, Charalampos Ladas, Steve Renals. 403-410 [doi]
- An Adaptive Multirate IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANJean-Lien C. Wu, Hung-Huan Liu, Yi-Jen Lung. 411-418 [doi]
- LocALE: A Location-Aware Lifecycle Environment for Ubiquitous ComputingDiego López-de-Ipiña, Sai Lai Lo. 419-426 [doi]
- A Markup Language and System for Heterogeneous I/O DevicesChung-Ming Huang, Yu-Chang Chao. 427 [doi]
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- Random Early Blocking Routing in VP-Based ATM NetworksShun-Ping Chung, Chi-Ming Tsai. 461 [doi]
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- A New Approach for Byzantine AgreementS. C. Wang, S. H. Kao. 518 [doi]
- Hybrid Checkpoint Protocol for Supporting Mobile-to-Mobile CommunicationYoshinori Morita, Hiroaki Higaki. 529-536 [doi]
- PatchODMRP: An Ad-Hoc Multicast Routing ProtocolMeejeong Lee, Ye Kyung Kim. 537-543 [doi]
- An Efficient Multiple Paths Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc NetworksMing-Hong Jiang, Rong-Hong Jan. 544 [doi]
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- Quality Evaluation of Network Services by Client ObservationHiroki Saito, Takeshi Chusho. 568 [doi]
- Audio Quality Assessment in Packet Networks: An Inter-Subjectivel Neural Network ModelSamir Mohamed, Francisco Cervantes-Pérez, Hossam Afifi. 579-586 [doi]
- Differentiated Link Based QoS Routing Algorithms for Multimedia Traffic in MPLS NetworksJi-Young Lim, Ki-Joon Chae. 587-592 [doi]
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- New Caching-Based Location Management Scheme in Personal Communication SystemsYungoo Huh, Cheeha Kim. 649 [doi]
- Estimation of Network Performance: An Approach Based on Network ExperienceSalahuddin Muhammad Salim Zabir, Ahmed Ashir, Norio Shiratori. 657 [doi]
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- Framework of End-to-End Performance Measurement and Analysis System for Internet ApplicationsTakayuki Kushida, Yoshitaka Shibata. 674 [doi]
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- A Key Distribution and Rekeying Framework with Totally Ordered Multicast ProtocolsShin-ya Tanaka, Fumiaki Sato. 831 [doi]
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