Abstract is missing.
- A Model of Logical Inference Like Association by Distributed Pattern MemoryTakashi Omori, M. Nishizaki, Akiko Mochizuki. 754-757
- Information Integration of the Office-Conversant Mobile Robot Jijo-2Hideki Asoh, Satoru Hayamizu, Isao Hara, Yoichi Motomura, Shotaro Akaho, Toshihiro Matsui. 758-761
- Knowledge Agency and Knowledge NetworksAkira Namatame, Y. Shimoyama. 762-765
- An Agent Architecture with On-Line Learning of Procedural and Declarative KnowledgeR. Sun. 766-769
- Making Neural Networks More Intelligible by Incorporating Prior KnowledgeSonghe Zhao, Tharam S. Dillon. 770-773
- Hybrid Multiple Component Neural Network Leaming with Efficient Pattern Partitioning and PCAC. Park, H. Lee. 774-779
- Neuro-Fuzzy and Multivariate Statistical Classification of Fruit Populations Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectrophotometry DataJaesoo Kim, A. Mowat, P. Poole, Nikola K. Kasabov. 780-784
- A Membership Function Selection Method for Fuzzy Neural NetworksQuingqing Zhou, Martin K. Purvis, Nikola K. Kasabov. 785-788
- Dynamic Neuro-Fuzzy Decision Making SystemJ. Shim, S. Seo, C. Hwang. 789-792
- Investigation on a Special Group of Fuzzy Implication Operators and Fuzzy Inference Mechanisms Using a Simplified Rule Base SystemM. Takács. 793-796
- Neural Expert System for Loading of Overhead LinesM. Negnevitsky, T. L. Le. 797-800
- Comparative Study of Numeric, Fuzzy, and Cognitive Aggregations on Two OpinionsH. Lin, W. Shaw. 801-805
- Virtual Meaning and the Architecture of Neural NetworksV. Dimirtov, B. Hodge. 806-809
- Rough Sets and Other Intelligent Techniques for Knowledge DiscoveryIlona Jagielska. 810-813
- Using Argumentation for the Decomposition and Classification of Tasks for Hybrid System DevelopmentA. Skabar, Andrew Stranieri, John Zeleznikow. 814-817
- Deriving IF-THEN Rules for Intelligent Decision Support via Inductive LearningJanusz Kacprzyk, Grazyna Szkatula. 818-821
- Modular Recurrent ANN Architectures: Some New Directions from NeuroscienceJ. G. (Iain) Wallace, Kevin Bluff. 822-825
- Combining Constraint Programming and Evolutionary Algorithms in Constrained Decision Optimisation ProblemsR. Kowalczyk. 826-830
- Logical Rules for Classification of Medical Data Using Ontogenic Neural AlgorithmWlodzislaw Duch, Rafal Adamczak, Krzysztof Grabczewski. 831-834
- Rule Extraction from Trained Artificial Neural NetworksPeter Géczy, Shiro Usui. 835-838
- Fuzzy Modeling of Nonlinear Systems Using Fuzzy Neural Networks and Genetic AlgorithmTakeshi Furuhashi, Seiichi Matsushita, Hiroaki Tsutsui. 839-842
- Numeric Law Discovery Using Neural NetworksK. Saito, R. Nakano. 843-846
- Refining Expert Knowledge with an Artificial Neural NetworkR. Andrews, S. Geva. 847-850
- Neural Network Approach for Data MiningS. M. M. Rahman, X. Yu, G. Martin. 851-854
- Feature Subset Selection: A Correlation Based Filter ApproachM. A. Hall, L. A. Smith. 855-858
- Incremental Learning Method of GRBF with Recalling of Interfered Patterns - Application for Case Based Reasoning SystemsK. Yamauchi, N. Yamaguchi, N. Ishii. 859-864
- A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Computer Software Source Code Authorship AnalysisRichard Kilgour, Andrew R. Gray, P. J. Sallis, Stephen G. MacDonell. 865-868
- A Comparison of Modeling Techniques for Software Development Effort PredictionStephen G. MacDonell, Andrew R. Gray. 869-872
- Rule Extraction in Temporal Sequence Generation from Spatially-Encoded Information by Recurrent Neural NetworksShin'ichiro Kanoh, Ryoko Futami, Nozomu Hoshimiya. 873-876
- Storage of Conceptual Information by Recurrent Neural NetworksLeong Kwan Li, S. P. Yung. 877-880
- Self-Organizing Information Retrieval System on the Web: SirWebK. Niki. 881-884
- Analysis of a Correlation-Type Associative Memory with One-to-many AssociationsM. Kawamura, M. Okada, Y. Hirai. 885-889
- Finding all Solutions of a Hysteresis Associative MemoryY. Kobayashi, T. Saito, K. Jin'no. 890-893
- Tandem: a Tool for Facilitating the Development of lntelligent Learning EnvironmentsH. Kemp, S. P. Smith. 894-897
- Structural Learning Approach to Rule Discovery from Data with Continuous Valued InputsM. Ishikawa, H. Ueda. 898-901
- Rule Extraction in Real TimeK. Halgamuge. 902-905
- Competitive Learning Clustering for Information Retrieval in Image DatabasesI. King, T. K. Lau. 906-909
- Mosaic Learning: A New Algorithm for Self Organising Neural Networks to Learn Dynamic Channel Assignment SchemesD. Tissainayagam, David Everitt, M. Palaniswami. 910-913
- Discovering Inter-Attribute RelationshipsG. Holmes. 914-917
- A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for the Sensor-Based Driving Situation IdentificationWerner Hauptmann, F. Graf, Kai Heesche. 919-922
- Imagine that You are the Brain in a Robot!J. R. Andreae. 923-926
- Linguistic Geometry: A Formal Language for Intelligent ControlBoris Stilman. 927-930
- Integrating Positioning, Communication and Control in a Mobile Computing EnvironmentZoran Salcic, Edwin Chan, H. Fok, A. Ip. 931-934
- Performance of Neural Networks Based Adaptive Backthrough ControlV. Keeman, T. Rommel. 935-938
- Traffic Control Model with Neural Network AnalogyT. Ohira, K. Inoue, Y. Takeshima. 939-942
- Behaviour-Based Control Applied to Robotic Handling of Variable ObjectsWerner E. Friedrich, Patrick P. K. Lim. 943-946
- A Reactor Control System Selection Expert SystemL. A. De Meio, C. J. Williamson. 947-950
- Decision Support for Command and Control SystemsP. Wilson. 951-954
- Adaptive Control Design for Linear Multivariable Systems via Backstepping ApproachY. Wu, X Yu. 955-958
- System Identification Problems via a Single-Layer Feedforward Neural NetworkS. M. M. Rahman, X Yu, M. Zhihong. 959-962
- Adaptive Control Design for Linear Time Varying SystemsY. Wu, X. Yu. 963-966
- Robust Control of Bilinear Systems in the Presence of Parametric UncertaintyP. Shi, S. Shue, Y. Shi, R. K. Agarwal. 967-970
- A Multinet Neural Architecture for Evolving Collective Robotic IntelligenceB. Zhang, Y. Hong. 971-974
- Using Trainable Computing Networks in the Optimization of Lake RegulationMarkus Huttunen, Esko Ukkonen, Bertel Vehviläinen. 975-978
- Improving Inverse Control on Real Time by Means of Neural NetworksD. Barrios, Inés María Galván, P. Jsasi, J. Ríos. 979-982
- Numeric Prediction Using Instance-Based Learning with Encoding Length SelectionD. Kilpatrick, M. Cameron Jones. 984-987
- The Application of Neural Networks and Partial Least Squares in Korea Weather PredictionD. Hwang, M. Han. 988-991
- Forecasting a Variable Multiple Cyclic Process with ConfidenceDavid L. Tuck. 992-995
- H2 Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems with Jumps and Norm-Bounded UncertaintiesP. Shi, Y. Shi. 996-999
- Prediction of Atmospheric Pollution by Particulate Matter Using a Neural NetworkP. Perez, A. Trier, C. Silva, R. Montano. 1000-1003
- A Network of Neural Nets to Model Power System Networks for Fault DiagnosisK. Rayudu, S. Samarasinghe. 1004-1007
- Finding Multiple Solutions in Order Based Problems Using a Multi-Chromosome Genetic AlgorithmRonald, S. Kirkby. 1009-1012
- Optimizations of TSP by SOM MethodTakatoshi Maenou, Kikuo Fujimura, Heizo Tokutaka, Satoru Kishida. 1013-1016
- Scheduling Trains with Genetic AlgorithmsAriel E. Bud, Ann E. Nicholson. 1017-1020
- A Hybrid Heuristic for Scheduling a Hybrid Flowshop Maximum Completion Time ProblemFouad Riane, Abdelhakim Artiba. 1021-1024
- Simulation Based Smart Scheduler for Manufacturing SystemsCome Raczy, Abdelhakim Artiba. 1025-1029
- A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Job Shop SchedulingK. Lee, Takeshi Yamakawa, Eiji Uchino, K. Lee. 1030-1033
- Genetic Algorithms Applied to University Exam SchedulingN. Jenkins, T. Gedeon. 1034-1037
- A Phased Evolutionary Approach for the Timetable Problem: An Initial StudyEdmund Kieran Burke, James P. Newall. 1038-1041
- An Efficient Algorithm for Estimating Higher-Order Spectra of Time Series Based on Neural Network Auto-Regressive ModelNaohiro Toda, Shiro Usui. 1042-1045
- Genetic Evolution of a Neural Network's Input Vector for Meteorological EstimationsJohn McCullagh, Belinda Choi, Kevin Bluff. 1046-1049
- Voice Command II: A DSP Implementation of Robust Speech Recognition in Real-World Noisy EnvironmentsS. Y. Lee, D. S. Kim, K. H. Ahn, J.-H. Jeong, Hyoungsoo Kim, S. Y. Park, L. Y. Kim, J. S. Lee, H. Y. Lee. 1051-1054
- A Methodology for Speech Data Analysis and a Framework for Adaptive Speech Recognition Using Fuzzy Neural NetworksNikola Kasabov, Robert Kozma, Richard Kilgour, Mark R. Laws, J. Taylor, Michael J. Watts, Andrew R. Gray. 1055-1060
- The ARISTOTLE Speech Recognition SystemC. Waters, B. MacDonald. 1061-1064
- Quasi-Orthogonal Maps for Dynamic Language RecognitionAlan D. Blair, Jordan B. Pollack. 1065-1067
- Neural Predictive Coding: Application to Phoneme RecognitionJean-Luc Zarader, Bruno Gas, J. C. Didiot, P. Sellem. 1068-1071
- A Study on the Continuous Wavelet Transform for the Vietnamese Speech ProcessingT. Le-Tien. 1072-1075
- An Agent Based Framework for Modular Speech Recognition and Language Processing SystemsAndrew R. Gray, Richard Kilgour, Nikola K. Kasabov. 1076-1079
- HMM Training Using Incremental Neural Network on Speech RecognitionJ. H. Park, T. J. Ki, W. D. Lee. 1080-1083
- Efficient Parsing of Word-Graphs for Speech RecognitionC. Waters, B. MacDonald. 1084-1087
- Methods of Linear Combination Based on Different FeaturesL. Wang, K. Chen, H. Chi. 1088-1091
- Nonlinear Filter Techniques Using Evolutionary Programming for Interference Suppression in OS Spread Spectrum SystemsZ. Meng, Z. He. 1092-1095
- The Hybrid ANN/HMM Method with Double MLP Structure for Continuous Speech RecognitionT. Lee, D. Chen. 1096-1098
- Distant-Talking Speech Recognition with Microphone-Array Sound Pickup and NN/MLLR Environment EqualizationQ. Lin, J. Flanagan, C. W. Che. 1099-1102
- Robust Speech Recognition in Telephone NetworkM. Han, G. Park, J. Park, J. Han. 1103-1106
- A Between-Word Distance Calculation in a Symbol Domain and its Applications to Speech RecognitionK. Tanaka, H. Kojima. 1107-1111
- Hybrid HMM-NN Modeling of Stationary-Transitional Units for Continuous Speech RecognitionDario Albesano, Roberto Gemello, Franco Mana. 1112-1115
- Discriminative Isolated Digit Recognition in Noisy Environments Using Multilayer Perceptron NetworksPetri Salmela, K. Laurila, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen. 1116-1119
- Neural Networks for Feature SelectionN. R. Pal. 1121-1124
- Fuzzy Radial Basis Function NetworkS. Mitra, J. Basak. 1125-1128
- Neural a-Feature Detector: Feature Detection by Controlling a-EntropyR. Kamimura. 1129-1132
- An Experimental Evaluation of the Cascade-Correlation Network in Pattern Recognition ProblemsGermano C. Vasconcelos, Juliana N. G. Ribeiro. 1133-1136
- Object Selection by a Neural Oscillator NetworkD. L. Wang. 1137-1140
- Color Management Using Neural NetworksShiro Usui, Yoshifumi Arai, Shigeki Nakauchi. 1141-1145
- Color Gamut Mapping Based on Mutual Color Conversion by Neural NetworksShigeki Nakauchi, Shiro Usui. 1145-1148
- Face Basis Selection for Human Face Representation and IdentificationAbbas Z. Kouzani, Fangpo He, Karl Sammut. 1149-1152
- A Neural Network Based Universal Window Filter Plug-inMladen Siroki, Ralph H. Pugmire, Robert M. Hodgson, Robert I. Chaplin. 1153-1156
- High-Speed X-ray Image Enhancement Using FPGA Customised HardwareZoran Salcic, Jayanthi Sivaswamy. 1157-1160
- Handwritten Character Recognition Using a Fuzzy Associative MemoryT. Odahara, J. Nakanishi, T. Morifuji, S. Nagasugi, N. Inagawa, T. Yamakawa. 1161-1165
- Self-Organization of Feature Columns and its Application to Object ClassificationSuzuki, N. Ueda. 1166-1169
- Wane Detection Using a Universal Neural Network Window FilterRobert I. Chaplin, Mladen Siroki, Robert M. Hodgson, Ralph H. Pugmire. 1170-1173
- Rotation, Translation, and Scaling Tolerant Recognition of Complex Shapes Using a Hierarchical Self-Organising Neural NetworkTheo Sabisch, Alistair Ferguson, Hamid Bolouri. 1174-1178
- Automatic Face Recognition for Access Control Using Horizontal and Vertical Features Based on Facial SymmetriesS. Kim, H. Sung, K. Park, H. Choi. 1179-1182
- Context-Free Multiple-Object Segmentation Using Edge-Preserving Attention Operator Based on Modified GSTT. Koo, J. Jeon, J. Kim, H. Choi. 1183-1186
- An Adaptive Restoration of Spatially Varying Blurred Images Based on Local Edge InformationJ. Lee, J. Chang, H. Sung, H. Choi. 1187-1190
- Texture Image Segmentation Method by Using Pyramid Linking and Self-Organizing Neural NetworkJ. Zhang, S. Oe. 1191-1194
- Color Edge Detection via Neural NetworksI. Vicarte Mayer, H. Takahashi. 1195-1198
- Nonlinear Image Interpolation by Radial Basis Function NetworksM. Yasukawa, T. Ikeguchi, M. Takagi, T. Matozaki. 1199-1202
- A Coloring Method of Gray-Level Image Using Neural NetworksJ. Yoo, S. Oh. 1203-1206
- Results of an Automated Hierarchical Image Matching SystemS. A. Israel. 1207-1210
- A Nonlinear Prediction Search Algorithm with Successive Differentiation for Video CodingL. Luo, C. Zou, Z. He. 1211-1214
- Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Recognition Using Line Features Extracted by DOG FiltersM. Sasaki, Y. Hirai. 1215-1218
- Lattice Neural Network Model and its Application to Handwritten Word RecognitionK. Yamanaka, Susumu Kuroyanagi, H. Sakai, Akira Iwata. 1219-1222
- Combining Neural Network and Stroke-Based Method for Handwritten Numeral Recognition and its Application to Tax-form ProcessingP. K. Kim, H. Lim. 1223-1226
- Improved Mixed Thai and English OCR Using Two-Step Neural Net ClassificationChularat Tanprasert, W. Sinthupinyo, P. Dubey, Thitipong Tanprasert. 1227-1230
- Handwritten Digit Recognition by Combining Structure-Adaptive Self-Organizing MapsS. Cho. 1231-1234
- Structure Adaptive Multilayer SOM with Partial Supervision for Numeral RecognitionP. N. Suganthan. 1235-1238
- The Temporary Degradation of the Stored Information on Cross-coupled Network and its Application for Separation of Overwritten PatternsM. Shimono, T. Miki, T. Yamakawa. 1239-1242
- Application of Neural Deformable Templates to Hand Written Digit ClassificationDylan S. Banarse, A. W. G. Duller. 1243-1246
- Contour Segmentation from Handwritten Numbers Overlapping a Frame by Using NN Based Adaptive ThresholdingI. Nagayama, H. Fukushima. 1247-1250
- A Fuzzy Approach to Fault-Tree ConstructionN. Vojdani. 1252-1254
- Application of Simulation and Fuzzy Logic for the Optimisation of Multi-Stage Production Processes in a Steel MillBernd Hellingrath, M. Hoenen, C. Mazzocco. 1255-1258
- Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties for Chemical Engineering with the Aid of Computational IntelligencePeter Ulbig, T. Friese, Hannes Geyer, C. Kracht, Siegfried Schulz. 1259-1262
- A Generalization of the MURAI-KITADA-SATO Method of Generating Fuzzy k-PartitionsH. Thiele. 1263-1266
- An Application of a Way of Generating Fuzzy k-Partitions to Fuzzy ClusteringTetsuya Murai, Akihiro Kitada, Yoshiharu Sato. 1267-1270
- Variable-Structured Systems with Fuzzy Tuning for Power Generation ControlP. Ha, M. Negnevitsky. 1271-1274
- Neural Network Approach to Surface Finish and Force Estimation in TurningV. Karri, M. McGregor. 1275-1278
- Direct and Inverse Modelling of Turning Performances Using Neural NetworksM. McGregor, V. Karri. 1279-1282
- The Application of Fast Fuzzy Logic Control in 3-Phase Switched Rectifier SystemsK. Hoffman. 1283-1286
- Software Package Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform for Automatic Target RecognitionLe-Tien, T. D. Nguyen. 1287-1290
- Comparing Conventional Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Risk of Business FailureX. Wu, A. Flitman. 1291-1294
- Approximating Foreign Exchange Rates by Recurrent Neural Network DynamicsL. K. Li. 1295-1298
- Phenotype-Object Programming, Phenotype-Array Datatype, and an Evolutionary Combinatorial-Parametric FX Trading ModelP. Nacaskul. 1299-1304
- Using Neural Networks for Sales Forecasting: A Comparison of MethodsE. Ong, A. Flitman. 1305-1308
- Correlation Basis Function Network and Application to Financial Market TradingK. F. Cheung, K. H. Wong. 1309-1312
- Analysis of Complex Systems Using the Self-Organizing MapOlli Simula, Esa Alhoniemi, Jaakko Hollmén, Juha Vesanto. 1313-1317
- Applications of Self-Organising Maps to a Chemical AnalysisHeizo Tokutaka, Kikuo Fujimura, Kazuyuki Iwamoto, Satoru Kishida, Kazuhiro Yoshihara. 1318-1321
- Novelty Detection Using Self-Organizing MapsAlexander Ypma, Robert P. W. Duin. 1322-1325
- Electric Load Modelling with Neural Networks : An Insight into the Black BoxP. D. Brierley, W. J. Batty. 1326-1329
- Identification of a Turbogenerator Using Dynamic Neural NetworksA. Yazdizadeh, Khashayar Khorasani. 1330-1333
- Decision Support in Smart WheelchairsSaman K. Halgamuge, L. Jain. 1334-1337
- Analysis of Decision Making in Induction of Labour Using Rough SetsD. T. Parry, Wai-Kiang Yeap, N. Pattison. 1338-1341
- Schematic Modeling of the Chaotic Activation of Muscle Fiber by Using Recurrent Neural NetworkItaru Nagayama, Norio Akamatsu. 1342-1347
- Adaptive Extraction of Nucleus Region from Stained Cancer Image by Using Modified Quantization NetworkItaru Nagayama, T. Yoshino. 1348-1351
- Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to Protein Folding PredictionAntonio Piccolboni, Giancarlo Mauri. 1352