Abstract is missing.
- The role of high technology in a regional economyJ. Porter. 3-10
- Evolution of ERP SystemsJohn C. Wortmann. 11-24
- Industrial and academic collaboration: Adding to Britain s value chainK. Johnson, F. Coll. 25-34
- Impact of supplier hubs on the Scottish electronics industryAllan S. Carrie, A. E. Reid. 37-44
- Transforming organisations - (some) insights form complexity theoryR. MacIntosh, S. MacLean, I. Arbon. 45-52
- Three manufacturing strategy archetypes - A framework for the aerospace industryT. Greswell, S. J. Childe, R. S. Maull. 53-60
- Computer assistance to strategiesJohn A. Sharp, A. Paterson, R. Beach, A. P. Muhlemann. 61-68
- Aligning strategic objectives with organisational processes: a methodology for virtual enterprise implementationThomas R. Gulledge, Rainer A. Sommer. 69-76
- Strategic management of the integrated design of product and production systemA. Villa. 77-84
- The implications of strategic purchasing decision on the values chainPaul K. Humphreys, K. L. Mak, Ronan T. McIvor, W. McAleer. 85-92
- Creating competitive factories - Speeding up the innovative process in factory design using virtual reality as a new engineering toolMichael Mezger, Stefan Haberl. 93-104
- Meeting the ecological challenge by value chain enlargement and enrichmentH. Hubner. 105-112
- Strategy and operations in dynamic interactionPäivi Haho. 113-122
- New product development to achieve customer values: A case study approachW. P. Lewis. 123-130
- Design support methodology using quality function deployment with feature-based reasoningZ. M. El-Kahlout, C. S. Irgens, B. M. Savage. 131-140
- Agile manufacturing: One size does not fit allJohn P. Shewchuk. 143-150
- A generic concept for reducing complexity in international operations - An asymptotic strive for manufacturing simplicityMartin Rudberg, M. West, Jan Olhager. 151-158
- Economical analysis of high volume flexible manufacturing system for agile manufacturingSusumu Fujii, Hiroshi Morita, M. Imada, H. Iio, Y. Tatsuta, Y. Takata. 159-166
- Maintaining reliability of business processes using active monitoring techniquesT. Turner, Umit S. Bititci. 169-176
- Integrated performance measurement systems: Implementation case studiesUmit S. Bititci, Allan S. Carrie, T. Turner, S. Lutz. 177-184
- Research into behavioral aspects of performance measuresV. Hanna, N. D. Burns, C. J. Backhouse. 185-192
- Benchmarking organisational and operational developmentA. Salminen, H. Lanning, J.-E. Tarpila, M. Lahti. 193-200
- CAMICASET. E. Ruppli, N. S. Baschung. 201-208
- Performance measurement and relationship management in the automotive supply chainA. S. Johnson, C. M. Wyatt, Suzanne P. Evans. 209-216
- A Structured approach to performance measurement and benchmarking for manufacturing enterprisesJim Browne, Paddy Jordan. 217-226
- Evaluating value streams to achieve lean production in large assembly manufacturing systems utilizing virtual enterprise relationshipsRichard Lee Storch, S. Lim, Matt Williamson. 229-238
- Interorganisational network classification - A framework for studying industrial networksCharles Møller, Jens O. Riis, M. W. Hansen. 239-248
- Manufacturing in networks - Competitive advantages for virtual enterprisesWilfried Sihn. 249-258
- Effective supply chain management: theory and practiceM. Simpson, P. D. Long. 259-267
- Third party logistics: development and success factors in three alliancesH. C. Dreyer. 267-276
- Analysis of order penetration point alternatives in the Nordic paper industry supply chainsJuha-Matti Lehtonen. 277-280
- How to manage your supply network to get better resultsRalf Hieber, D. Brutsch, F. Frigo-Mosca. 289-290
- Partnering strategy implementation in the supply chainD. K. Macbeth, D. Boddy, B. Wagner. 291-304
- Reconfiguring the value chain to implement postponed manufacturingR. I. van Hoek. 305-315
- Manufacturing franchising and enterprise networksL. E. Hayfron, Allan S. Carrie, Umit S. Bititci, K. V. Pandya. 315-322
- Solving manufacturing problems - from here on or with an eye looking in the rear-view mirrorM. Aniander. 323-330
- The role of variability in supply chains - a multiple case studyKari Tanskanen, A.-P. Hameri. 331-342
- A Constraint-based methodology for effective supply chain managementA. Lochamy III, R. H. Draman. 343-352
- Evaluating buyer-supplier relations for international procurementPaul K. Humphreys, K. L. Mak, Ronan T. McIvor. 353-360
- Industrial buyer-supplier relationships: guidelines for a successful marriageL. Debo, Dirk Van Oudheusden, Dirk Cattrysse, F. Roodhofft. 361-368
- Evolution of partnering relationships: a supply chain perspectiveB. A. Wagner, M. D. Murphy, E. Haughey. 369-378
- Variants management and extended enterprises models for the car maker s factory of the futureJ. B. Elejebarrieta. 381-390
- A rule-based support system to make or buy decisionS. Kleinhans, Bruno Vallespir, Guy Doumeingts. 391-400
- Balanced production planning and control in production networksH-P. Wiendehal, M. Hobig. 401-410
- The implications of interrelationships for decision making in companies along the supply chainF. Coll, Allan S. Carrie, Umit S. Bititci, A. Reid, J. H. Trienekens, H. H. Hovlby. 411-420
- DOMAIN: Dynamic operations management across the InternetDennis F. Kehoe, Nick J. Boughton. 421-430
- An extended manufacturing management model: control principles and aspects in production networksJ. O. Stranshagen, H. Dreyer, E. Borgen. 431-438
- Education and training requirements specification for implementation of manufacturing control systemsAusten K. Jones, A. K. Kochhar. 439-446
- Designing scheduling concept and computer support in the food processing industriesD. P. van Donk, W. van Wezel, G. Goalman. 447-454
- Organizational learning through the evaluation of information systems investmentsM. P. Kennerly, A. D. Neely. 451-464
- Project Management, a bit of communication helps too, on succeedingEnzo Gentili, C. Nidasio, M. Varchetta. 465-472
- Real-time design control of manufacturing operationsA. Gambeh, K. V. Pandya, S. K. Banerjee. 473-480
- Information management for customer focus in the small manufacturing companiesPeter J. Sackett, Valerie Ratcliffe-Martin. 481-488
- Enterprise-wide versus Best of Breed manufacturing solutions: providing a structured approach to systems strategy selectionC. J. Gavin, P. Cheshire. 489-496
- Supporting SME information systems development using a structured method and tool for package selectionD. Little, C. J. Gavin, D. J. Guenaoui, C. Keller-Jackson. 497-504
- The latest modelling and implementation techniques for an extended production management systemVolker Stich, A. Kees. 507-516
- Design of logistic processes by the factor-indicator-modelFranz Josef Heeg, T. Guhring. 517-526
- Production performance measurement and improvement based on the exchange of expert knowledgeHans Kurt Tönshoff, M. A. Rotzoll. 527-534
- Developing the manufacturing value chain through simulation - the Finnish enterprise simulation laboratory projectRiitta Smeds. 535-544
- Tools and techniques for modelling production systemsC. R. McLean. 545-552
- Simple systems - simple models?S. J. New. 553-560
- A sporadic customer flow reference model and a case studyIlias P. Tatsiopoulos. 569-576
- Object-oriented product/production model - Integration concept and application in production managementGert Zülch, B. Brinkmeier. 577-584
- Virtual supply chain management system: a decision support system using discrete event simulationShigeki Umeda, Albert Jones. 585-592
- Strategic role of quality management in the Brazilian auto parts industryP. A. C. Miguel, S. R. I. Pires. 595-602
- 12 steps in organising a virtual enterprise for car suppliers - a case studyKai Mertins, Burkhard Schallock, G. Schumann. 603-610
- Practical considerations to achieve a strategic fit in the development of manufacturing ventures in developing countriesA. P. Brunet. 611-622
- Using expert systems in blast furnace operation - a few preliminary impressionsP. Strom. 623-630
- Outsourcing for competitive advantageD. Reid. 631-645
- Supply chain management: an empirical study in BrazilS. Pires, S. A. Rodrigues. 645