Abstract is missing.
- An SNMP Agent for Stateful Intrusion InspectionLuciano Paschoal Gaspary, Edgar Meneghetti, Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco. 3-16
- Firewall Policy Advisor for Anomaly Discovery and Rule EditingEhab S. Al-Shaer, Hazem H. Hamed. 17-30
- A Scaled, Immunological Approach to Anomaly Countermeasures: Combining pH with CfengineKyrre M. Begnum, Mark Burgess. 31-42
- A Highly Distributed Dynamic IP Multicast Accounting and Management FrameworkHassen Sallay, Olivier Festor. 45-58
- User Oriented IP Accounting in Multi-user SystemsGe Zhang, Bernd Reuther, Paul Müller. 59-72
- Tariff-Based Pricing and Admission Control for DiffServ NetworksTianshu Li, Youssef Iraqi, Raouf Boutaba. 73-86
- Monitoring Distributed Systems: A Publish/Subscribe Methodology and ArchitectureKaren Witting, Jim Challenger, Brian O Connell. 89-92
- Proactive Intrusion Detection and SNMP-based Security Management: New Experiments and ValidationJoão B. D. Cabrera, Lundy M. Lewis, Xinzhou Qin, Carlos Gutiérrez, Wenke Lee, Raman K. Mehra. 93-96
- NetLogger: A Toolkit for Distributed System Performance Tuning and DebuggingDan Gunter, Brian Tierney. 97-100
- A Case Study of Three Open Source Security Management ToolsHilmi Günes Kayacik, A. Nur Zincir-Heywood. 101-104
- MTreeDx: A Multicast Network Diagnosis ToolJaiwant Mulik, Phillip Conrad, Brian Drake, Saroj Biswas, Musoke Sendula. 105-108
- Multiple Authorization - A Model and Architecture for Increased, Practical SecurityGerald Vogt. 109-112
- A Controller Agent Model to Counteract DoS Attacks in Multiple DomainsUdaya Kiran Tupakula, Vijay Varadharajan. 113-116
- Toward Understanding Soft Faults in High Performance Cluster NetworksJeffrey J. Evans, Seongbok Baik, Cynthia S. Hood, William Gropp. 117-120
- RDF-based Knowledge Models for Network ManagementJun Shen, Yun Yang. 123-126
- Process Management and Control for Heterogeneous Domain ModelsTakeshi Masuda. 127-130
- Semantic Management: Application of Ontologies for the Integration of Management Information ModelsJorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Julio Berrocal, Juan I. Asensio, Roney Pignaton. 131-134
- A Conceptual Framework for Building CIM-based OntologiesEmmanuel Lavinal, Thierry Desprats, Yves Raynaud. 135-138
- Policy-based Cooperation of Services in Ubiquitous EnvironmentsToshio Tonouchi, Tomohiro Igakura, Naoto Maeda, Yasuyuki Beppu, Yoshiaki Kiriha. 139-142
- Design and Implementation of an Information Model for Integrated Configuration and Performance Management of MPLS-TE/VPN/QoSTaesang Choi, Hyungseok Chung, Changhoon Kim, Taesoo Jeong. 143-146
- Using the Access Grid as a Testbed for Network Management ResearchCynthia S. Hood, Satish Devarapalli, Nirav Gadhia, Sanjay Hegde, Vikram Mallikarjuna, Shashank Shankar, Srikanth B. Yoginath. 147-150
- Automating Placement of Instrumentation in ApplicationsSeema Kaushal, Hanan Lutfiyya. 151-154
- Generic On-Line Discovery of Quantitative Models for Service Level ManagementYixin Diao, Frank Eskesen, Steve Froehlich, Joseph L. Hellerstein, Alexander Keller, Lisa Spainhower, Maheswaran Surendra. 157-170
- A Generic Model for IT Services and Service ManagementGabi Dreo Rodosek. 171-184
- A Revenue-based Model for Making Resource Investment Decisions in IP NetworksSrinivasan Jagannathan, Jörn Altmann, Lee Rhodes. 185-197
- Policy Provisioning Performance Evaluation using COPS-PR in a Policy Based NetworkAlessandro Corrente, Marco De Bernardi, Roberto Rinaldi. 201-213
- Design and Implementation of a Policy-based Resource Management ArchitectureParis Flegkas, Panos Trimintzios, George Pavlou, Antonio Liotta. 215-229
- BANDS: An Inter-domain Internet Security Policy Management System for IPSec/VPNYanyan Yang, Zhi (Judy) Fu, Shyhtsun Felix Wu. 231-244
- Performance Management for Cluster Based Web ServicesRonald M. Levy, Jay Nagarajarao, Giovanni Pacifici, Mike Spreitzer, Asser N. Tantawi, Alaa Youssef. 247-261
- Facilitating Efficient and Reliable Monitoring through HAMSADavid Breitgand, Danny Dolev, Danny Raz, Gleb Shaviner. 263-276
- Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Network ManagementKiyohito Yoshihara, Manabu Isomura, Hiroki Horiuchi. 277-290
- Scalability of Peer Configuration Management in Partially Reliable and Ad Hoc NetworksMark Burgess, Geoffrey Canright. 293-305
- Khnum - A Scalable Rapid Application Deployment System for Dynamic Hosting InfrastructuresAlain Azagury, Germán S. Goldszmidt, Yair Koren, Benny Rochwerger, Arie Tal. 307-320
- Enabling PreOS Desktop ManagementTiago Cruz, Paulo Simões. 321-334
- Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network Management through AGILEJan Mischke, Burkhard Stiller. 337-350
- Web Services Management Network: An Overlay Network for Federated Service ManagementVijay Machiraju, Akhil Sahai, Aad P. A. van Moorsel. 351-364
- Auto-Discovery at the Network and Service Management LayerAlexander Clemm, Anil Bansal. 365-378
- Managing Heterogeneous Services and Devices with the Device Unifying Service: Implemented with Parlay APIsErik Vanem, Dao Van Tran, Tore E. Jønvik, Pål Løkstad, Do Van Thanh. 379-392
- Delegation of Expressions for Distributed SNMP Information ProcessingRui Pedro Lopes, José Luís Oliveira. 395-408
- Weaver: Realizing a Scalable Management Paradigm on Commodity RoutersKoon-Seng Lim, Rolf Stadler. 409-424
- Adaptive Resource Management of a Virtual Call Center Using a Peer-to-Peer ApproachMunir Cochinwala, Namon Jackson, Hyong Sop Shim, Eric Sigman. 425-437
- Analysis of Mobile Radio Access Network Using the Selforganizing MapKimmo Raivio, Olli Simula, Jaana Laiho, Pasi Lehtimäki. 439-451
- An Architecture for Provisioning IP Services in an Operations Support SystemAjita John, Binay Sugla, Hari Krishnan, Edwin Park, Arni Raghu, Roshan Sequiera, Ajay Wanchoo. 455-458
- Wireless Terminal Management ArchitecturesRadu State. 459-462
- A Scalable and Efficient Inter-domain QoS Routing Architecture for Diffserv NetworksHaci A. Mantar, Junseok Hwang, Steve J. Chapin, Ibrahim T. Okumus. 463-467
- Software Distribution for Wireless Devices: A Rconfigurable ApproachGráinne Foley, Fergus O Reilly. 469-472
- VPDC: Virtual Private Data Center: A Flexible and Rapid Workloadmanagement SystemMineyoshi Masuda, Yutaka Yoshimura, Toshiaki Tarui, Toru Shonai, Mamoru Sugie. 473-476
- X-CLI: CLI-based Management Architecture using XMLByungjoon Lee, Taesang Choi, Taesoo Jeong. 477-480
- A Dynamic SNMP to XML Proxy SolutionRicardo Neisse, Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, Diego Osório Ballvé, Maria Janilce B. Almeida, Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco. 481-484
- Interact-DDM: A Solution for the Integration of Domestic Devices on Network Management PlatformsAntonio E. Martínez, Ruben Cabello, Francisco J. Gómez, Javier Martínez. 485-488
- An SMIng-centric Proxy Agent for Integrated Monitoring and ProvisioningEmmanuel Nataf, Olivier Festor, Guillaume Doyen. 491-503
- Towards XML Oriented Internet ManagementFrank Strauß, Torsten Klie. 505-518
- Grid Object Description: Characterizing GridsGerd Lanfermann, Bettina Schnor, Edward Seidel. 519-532
- Policy Specification and Architecture for Quality of Service MangementNathan Muruganantha, Hanan Lutfiyya. 535-548
- Resource Access Management for a Utility Hosting Enterprise ApplicationsJerry Rolia, Xiaoyun Zhu, Martin F. Arlitt. 549-562
- SLA-driven Management of Distributed Systems Using the Common Information ModelMarkus Debusmann, Alexander Keller. 563-576
- A Management-aware Software Development Process Using Design PatternsOliver Mehl, Mike Becker, Andreas Köppel, Partho Paul, Daniel Zimmermann, Sebastian Abeck. 579-592
- Managing Virtual Storage Systems: An Approach Using Dependency AnalysisAndrzej Kochut, Gautam Kar. 593-604
- Design and Implementation of a Generic Software Architecture for the Management of Next-Generation Residential ServicesFilip De Turck, Stefaan Vanhastel, Koert Vlaeminck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester, Filip Vandermeulen, Frederik De Backer, Francis Depuydt. 605-618
- Using Neural Networks to Identify Control and Management Plane Poison MessagesXiaojiang Du, Mark A. Shayman, Ronald A. Skoog. 621-634
- Probabilistic Event-driven Fault Diagnosis Through Incremental Hypothesis UpdatingMalgorzata Steinder, Adarshpal S. Sethi. 635-648
- Hierarchical End-to-End Service RecoveryMohamed El-Darieby, Dorina C. Petriu, Jerry Rolia. 649-661
- GMPLS Fault Management and Its Impact on Service Resilience DifferentiationMarcus Brunner, Charlotte Hullo. 665-678
- Functional Evaluation of an Integrated IP over WDMJoan Serrat, Eduardo Grampín, Lampros Raptis, Fotis Karayannis, Kostas Vaxevanakis, Dimitris Chronis, Harris Katopodis, Gerard Hoekstra, Willem A. Romijn, Alex Galis, Eugene Kozlovski. 679-692
- A Network-oriented Power Management ArchitectureLuis F. Pollo, Ingrid Jansch-Pôrto. 693-706