Abstract is missing.
- Introducing CPU Time as a Scarce Resource in P2P Systems to Achieve Fair Use in a Distributed DNSThomas Bocek, David Hausheer, Reinhard Riedl, Burkhard Stiller. [doi]
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- On the Potential of Structure-Free Data Aggregation in Sensor NetworksKai-Wei Fan, Sha Liu, Prasun Sinha. [doi]
- Design and Evaluation of a Fast and Robust Worm Detection AlgorithmTian Bu, Aiyou Chen, Scott A. Vander Wiel, Thomas Y. C. Woo. [doi]
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- Using Repeated Games to Design Incentive-Based Routing SystemsMichael Afergan. [doi]
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- On Hybrid Collision Control for IEEE 802.11 Ad-Hoc NetworksHicham Khalife. [doi]
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- A Control Theoretic Analysis of XCPY. Zhang, M. Ahmed. [doi]
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- Identifying High-Rate Flows with Less MemoryN. Kamiyama. [doi]
- Data Synchronization Methods Based on ShuffleNet and Hypercube for Networked Information SystemsDavid J. Houck, Kin K. Leung, Peter Winkler. [doi]
- Network Clock Frequency SynchronizationOmer Gurewitz, Israel Cidon, Moshe Sidi. [doi]
- A Versatile Scheme for Routing Highly Variable Traffic in Service Overlays and IP BackbonesMurali S. Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman, James B. Orlin, Sudipta Sengupta. [doi]
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- Dynamic GMPLS-Based Establishment of Bidirectional Connections in All-Optical NetworksRicardo Martínez, Raul Muñoz, Jaume Comellas, Gabriel Junyent. [doi]
- On Heterogeneous Overlay Construction and Random Node Selection in Unstructured P2P NetworksVivek Vishnumurthy, Paul Francis. [doi]
- Broadcasting in Sensor Networks: The Role of Local InformationSundar Subramanian, Sanjay Shakkottai, Ari Arapostathis. [doi]
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- Utility-Optimal Medium Access Control: Reverse and Forward EngineeringJang-Won Lee, Mung Chiang, A. Robert Calderbank. [doi]
- A Rational Model for Service Rate Allocation in Peer-to-Peer NetworksM. Meo, F. Milan. [doi]
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