Abstract is missing.
- Market Split and Basis Reduction: Towards a Solution of the Cornuéjols-Dawande InstancesKaren Aardal, Robert E. Bixby, Cor A. J. Hurkens, Arjen K. Lenstra, Job W. Smeltink. 1-16 [doi]
- Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Coverage and Max Cut with Given Sizes of PartsAlexander A. Ageev, Maxim Sviridenko. 17-30 [doi]
- Solving the Convex Cost Integer Dual Network Flow ProblemRavindra K. Ahuja, Dorit S. Hochbaum, James B. Orlin. 31-44 [doi]
- Some Structural and Algorithmic Properties of the Maximum Feasible Subsystem ProblemEdoardo Amaldi, Marc E. Pfetsch, Leslie E. Trotter Jr.. 45-59 [doi]
- Valid Inequalities for Problems with Additive Variable Upper BoundsAlper Atamtürk, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh. 60-72 [doi]
- A Min-Max Theorem on Feedback Vertex SetsMao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang. 73-86 [doi]
- On the Separation of Maximally Violated mod-k CutsAlberto Caprara, Matteo Fischetti, Adam N. Letchford. 87-98 [doi]
- Improved Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location ProblemsFabián A. Chudak, David P. Williamson. 99-113 [doi]
- Optimal 3-Terminal Cuts and Linear ProgrammingWilliam H. Cunningham, Lawrence Tang. 114-125 [doi]
- Semidefinite Programming Methods for the Symmetric Traveling Salesman ProblemDragos Cvetkovic, Mirjana Cangalovic, Vera Kovacevic-Vujcic. 126-136 [doi]
- Bounds on the Chvátal Rank of Polytopes in the 0/1-CubeFriedrich Eisenbrand, Andreas S. Schulz. 137-150 [doi]
- Universally Maximum Flow with Piecewise-Constant CapacitiesLisa Fleischer. 151-165 [doi]
- Critical Extreme Points of the 2-Edge Connected Spanning Subgraph PolytopeJean Fonlupt, Ali Ridha Mahjoub. 166-182 [doi]
- An Orientation Theorem with Parity ConditionsAndrás Frank, Tibor Jordán, Zoltán Szigeti. 183-190 [doi]
- Parity Constrained ::::k::::-Edge-Connected OrientationsAndrás Frank, Zoltán Király. 191-201 [doi]
- Approximation Algorithms for MAX 4-SAT and Rounding Procedures for Semidefinite ProgramsEran Halperin, Uri Zwick. 202-217 [doi]
- On the Chvátal Rank of Certain InequalitiesMark E. Hartmann, Maurice Queyranne, Yaoguang Wang. 218-233 [doi]
- The Square-Free 2-Factor Problem in Bipartite GraphsDavid Hartvigsen. 234-241 [doi]
- The m-Cost ATSPChristoph Helmberg. 242-258 [doi]
- A Strongly Polynomial Cut Canceling Algorithm for the Submodular Flow ProblemSatoru Iwata, S. Thomas McCormick, Maiko Shigeno. 259-272 [doi]
- Edge-Splitting Problems with DemandsTibor Jordán. 273-288 [doi]
- Integral Polyhedra Associated with Certain Submodular Functions Defined on 012-VectorsKenji Kashiwabara, Masataka Nakamura, Takashi Takabatake. 289-303 [doi]
- Optimal Compaction of Orthogonal Grid DrawingsGunnar W. Klau, Petra Mutzel. 304-319 [doi]
- On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig-Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation AlgorithmsPhilip N. Klein, Neal E. Young. 320-327 [doi]
- Experimental Evaluation of Approximation Algorithms for Single-Source Unsplittable FlowStavros G. Kolliopoulos, Clifford Stein. 328-344 [doi]
- Approximation Algorithms for a Directed Network Design ProblemVardges Melkonian, Éva Tardos. 345-360 [doi]
- Optimizing over All Combinatorial Embeddings of a Planar GraphPetra Mutzel, René Weiskircher. 361-376 [doi]
- A Fast Algorithm for Computing Minimum 3-Way and 4-Way CutsHiroshi Nagamochi, Toshihide Ibaraki. 377-390 [doi]
- Scheduling Two Machines with Release TimesJohn Noga, Steven S. Seiden. 391-399 [doi]
- An Introduction to Empty Lattice SimplicesAndrás Sebö. 400-414 [doi]
- On Optimal Ear-Decompositions of GraphsZoltán Szigeti. 415-428 [doi]
- Gale-Shapley Stable Marriage Problem Revisited: Strategic Issues and ApplicationsChung-Piaw Teo, Jay Sethuraman, Wee-Peng Tan. 429-438 [doi]
- Vertex-Disjoint Packing of Two Steiner Trees: Polyhedra and Branch-and-CutEduardo Uchoa, Marcus Poggi de Aragão. 439-452 [doi]