Abstract is missing.
- Balancing Presence and Safety using Reaction Time in Mixed RealityYasra Chandio, Victoria Interrante, Fatima M. Anwar 0001. 1-5 [doi]
- Safeguarding Sensations: Harm Prevention in Multisensory Distributed Mixed RealityKatja Krug, Wolfgang Büschel, Marc Satkowski. 6-8 [doi]
- SpatialPrivacy: Spatial Sharing for Remote Collaboration in Mixed RealityKaiming Cheng, Mengyu Chen, Feiyu Lu, Youngwook Do, Blair MacIntyre. 9-11 [doi]
- AR-Facilitated Safety Inspection and Fall Hazard Detection on Construction SitesJiazhou Liu, Aravinda S. Rao, Fucai Ke, Tim Dwyer, Benjamin Tag, Pari Delir Haghighi. 12-14 [doi]
- Securing Shared State in Multi-User Augmented RealityJiasi Chen, Carter Slocum, Yicheng Zhang, Erfan Shayegani, Pedram Zaree, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh. 15-16 [doi]
- Biosensor-Instrumented xR Headsets: A Double-Edged Sword for User Identity and Privacy Management in the MetaverseIhsân Grichi, Mina Jaberi, Tiago H. Falk. 17-19 [doi]
- Handling privacy and security aspects in a collaborative AR sessionGiacomo Vallasciani, Andrea Schinoppi, Pasquale Cascarano, Gustavo Marfia, Lorenzo Donatiello. 20-22 [doi]
- Understanding the long-term impact and perceptions of privacy-enhancing technologies for bystander obscuration in ARBrendan David-John, Bo Ji 0001, Evan Selinger. 23-25 [doi]
- Augmented Reality Research: Benefit or Detriment for Neurodiverse PeopleDavid Jones, Denis Gracanin, Mohamed Azab. 26-28 [doi]
- Data Management For Immersive SpacesJoseph Ligman, Pranav Deshpande, Elvir Azanli. 29-31 [doi]
- Breaking the Virtual Barrier of Exploit Chain Attacks in XR SystemsAsif Uz Zaman Asif, Meera Sridhar, Indrakshi Ray, Francisco R. Ortega 0001. 32-34 [doi]
- A Way Out of the Replication Crisis in Diminished Reality ResearchShohei Mori, Dieter Schmalstieg. 35-36 [doi]
- Effort to Replicate Custom-made Augmented Reality HaploscopeJaya Surya Bontha, Mohammed Safayet Arefin. 37-41 [doi]
- Enhancing Replicability in XR HCI Studies: A Survey-Based ApproachZahra Borhani, Francisco R. Ortega 0001. 42-46 [doi]
- XR Integration into higher education using digital shadows and digital twinsHorst Orsolits, Sebastian Felix Rauh, Robert Fellner. 47-50 [doi]
- Exploring Eye Tracking to Detect Cognitive Load in Complex Virtual Reality TrainingMahsa Nasri, Mehmet Kosa, Leanne Chukoskie, Mohsen Moghaddam, Casper Harteveld. 51-54 [doi]
- Exploring Dimensions of Expertise in AR-Guided Psychomotor TasksSteven Yoo, Casper Harteveld, Nicholas C. Wilson, Kemi Jona, Mohsen Moghaddam. 55-63 [doi]
- Benchmarking Open-endedness of VR Training Systems in ManufacturingAarsh Patel, Dishita G. Turakhia, Oliver Brunner, Alexander Mertens, John Liu. 64-70 [doi]
- Assessing AR Visualizations during Non-Complex Assembly: Reporting Preliminary Results from a Crowdsourcing Rework StudyAlexander Albers, Magdalena Igras-Cybulska, Slawomir Konrad Tadeja, Thomas Bohné. 71-74 [doi]
- Therm-Spatial: Controlling Spatial Perception with Thermal FeedbackHyung Il Yi, Hyung Wook Yi, Dongkyu Kwak, Sang Ho Yoon. 75-78 [doi]
- How Accurate is the Positioning in VR? Using Motion Capture and Robotics to Compare Positioning Capabilities of Popular VR HeadsetsAdam Banaszczyk, Mikolaj Lysakowski, Michal R. Nowicki, Piotr Skrzypczynski, Slawomir Konrad Tadeja. 79-86 [doi]
- Using ACT-R Architecture in the Design of Intelligent Tutoring Systems for VR Training of Manufacturing SkillsFrancisco Sepulveda, Yibo Fan, Christian Gabbianelli, Kachina Studer, Dishita G. Turakhia, John Liu. 87-92 [doi]
- 1st International Workshop on Standardization in Cybersickness Research: "Establishing Standards for Cybersickness Measurement and Mitigation: A Community-Driven Approach"Bernhard E. Riecke, Ernst Kruijff, Behrang Keshavarz, Rose Rouhani. 93-95 [doi]
- Redirected Seating: Helical Illusion for Seated VR ExperiencesAlaeddin Nassani, Rintaro Sato, Michael Cohen 0002. 96-101 [doi]
- Comparing Control Schemas in Isometric Balanced-based ControllersMichael G. Nelson 0001, Christos Mousas. 102-109 [doi]
- Augmented Reality for Real-time Decision-Making in Flood EmergenciesIoannis Safranoglou, Alexios Stavroulakis, Marcel Ebel, Jens Pottebaum, Georgios Lamprinakis, Despina Dimelli, Katerina Mania. 110-116 [doi]
- Adaptive and robust mmWave-Based 3D Human Mesh Estimation for Diverse PosesKotaro Amaya, Mariko Isogawa. 117-120 [doi]
- Novel Sensing Methods for Vocal Technique Analysis: Evaluation on Electromyography and UltrasonographyKanyu Chen, Erwin Wu, Daichi Saito, Yichen Peng, Chen-Chieh Liao, Akira Kato, Hideki Koike, Kai Kunze. 121-125 [doi]
- Circular and Confocal Non-line-of-sight Imaging with transient sinogram Super ResolutionDixin Yang, Mariko Isogawa. 126-130 [doi]
- Dual-Modal 3D Human Pose Estimation using Insole Foot Pressure SensorsErwin Wu, Yichen Peng, Rawal Khirodkar, Hideo Koike, Kris Kitani. 131-135 [doi]
- Multimodal Human Activity Recognition on Edge DevicesTakuya Nakabayashi, Hideo Saito. 136-140 [doi]
- A Cross Reality Application for a Hydrogen Pipeline Digital TwinNanjia Wang, Frank Maurer. 141-145 [doi]
- An Application and Implementation Context-driven Perspective on Transitions in XR: Towards a Comprehensive ClassificationNico Feld, Benjamin Weyers, Daniel Zielasko. 146-151 [doi]
- Technical Challenges in Building Cross Reality Applications for Analyzing 3D Medical ImagesBrody Wells, Nanjia Wang, Frank Maurer. 152-155 [doi]
- Awkward or Acceptable? Understanding the Bystander Perspective on the Ubiquity of Cross Reality in Ambiguous Social SituationsBingqing Chen, Yue Li, Botao Amber Hu, Yilan Elan Tao. 156-160 [doi]
- Mixed Methods Designs for User Studies in Cross RealityJudith Friedl-Knirsch, Christoph Anthes. 161-165 [doi]
- Concept development of a cross-reality ecosystem for urban knowledge transfer spacesFabian Joeres, Philipp Zittlau, Wilhelm Herbrich, Florian Heinrich, Georg Rose, Christian Hansen 0001. 166-169 [doi]
- Perceptual Issues in Mixed Reality: A Developer-oriented Perspective on Video See-Through Head-Mounted DisplaysNico Feld, Fabian Pointecker, Christoph Anthes, Daniel Zielasko. 170-175 [doi]
- Context-specific Design Methods and Techniques for Developing Mixed Reality Retail Store EnvironmentsSunidhi Naik, Nick Puckett, Alexis Morris. 176-180 [doi]
- On Intent Inclusivity in Spontaneous Cross RealitiesBotao Amber Hu, Yilan Elan Tao, Rem RunGu Lin, Yue Li. 181-185 [doi]
- Enabling Data-Driven and Empathetic Interactions: A Context-Aware 3D Virtual Agent in Mixed Reality for Enhanced Financial Customer ExperienceCindy Xu, Mengyu Chen, Pranav Deshpande, Elvir Azanli, Runqing Yang, Joseph Ligman. 186-192 [doi]
- "Let's ask what AI thinks then!": Using LLMs for Collaborative Problem-Solving in Virtual EnvironmentsEsen Küçüktütüncü, Lisa Izzouzi. 193-198 [doi]
- Adaptive Content Placement in Mixed Reality Through Empirical User Behavioral PatternsFeiyu Lu, Mengyu Chen, Hsiang Hsu, Pranav Deshpande, Cheng-Yao Wang, Blair MacIntyre. 199-204 [doi]
- Function-Adaptive Affordance Extraction from 3D Objects Using LLM for Interaction Authoring with Augmented ArtifactsEunhee Jeong, Hankyeol Kim, Seongha Park, Sangho Yoon, Jaehong Ahn, Woontack Woo. 205-208 [doi]
- Addressing Human Factors Related to Artificial Intelligence Integrated Visual CueingBrendan Kelley, Aditya Raikwar, Chris Wickens, Ryan P. McMahan, Francisco R. Ortega 0001, Benjamin A. Clegg. 209-213 [doi]
- XRAI-Ethics: Towards a Robust Ethical Analysis Framework for Extended Artificial IntelligenceLorenzo Stacchio, Roberto Pierdicca, Marina Paolanti, Primo Zingaretti, Emanuele Frontoni, Benedetta Giovanola, Simona Tiribelli. 214-219 [doi]
- INDYvr: Towards an Ergonomics-based Framework for Inclusive and Dynamic Personalizations of Virtual Reality EnvironmentsRaquel T. Cabrera Araya, Edgar Rojas-Muñoz. 220-222 [doi]
- Five Ways Function Models Enable Accessible Mixed Reality InterfacesPer Ola Kristensson. 223-227 [doi]
- Towards AI-Powered AR for Enhancing Sports Playability for People with Low Vision: An Exploration of ARSportsJaewook Lee 0005, Yang Li, Dylan Bunarto, Eujean Lee, Olivia H. Wang, Adrian Rodriguez, Yuhang Zhao 0001, Yapeng Tian, Jon E. Froehlich. 228-233 [doi]
- Design Considerations for Augmented Reality Location-Based Exergaming: Lessons from Pokémon GoCassidy R. Nelson, Wallace Morris, Joseph L. Gabbard. 234-238 [doi]
- VR/AR for Users with Tic Disorders: Challenges and OpportunitiesJoseph McVelia, Florian Weidner, Hans Gellersen. 239-242 [doi]
- A Research Platform for Studying Mixed-Presence CollaborationWolfgang Büschel, Katja Krug, Marc Satkowski, Stefan Gumhold, Raimund Dachselt. 243-246 [doi]
- Gander: the Preliminary Design and Evaluation of an AR+Tablet System for Geospatial AnalysisSathaporn Hu, Muhammad Raza, Derek Reilly. 247-251 [doi]
- A Novel Approach to Enhance VR User Awareness of Nearby Non-Virtual Hazards through Adaptive Visual AlertsKrzysztof Moskala, Marek Frankowski, Magdalena Igras-Cybulska, Thomas Bohné, Aleksandra Witoszek-Kubicka, Slawomir Konrad Tadeja. 252-255 [doi]
- Towards Crime Scene Analytics with Extended Reality: Opportunities, Challenges, and DirectionVahid Pooryousef, Maxime Cordeil, Lonni Besançon, Richard Bassed, Tim Dwyer. 256-259 [doi]
- Towards Immersive AIMingze XI, Madhawa Perera, Brandon J. Matthews, Rui Wang, Viveka Weiley, Rukshani Somarathna, Hira Maqbool, Jieshan Chen, Ulrich Engelke, Stuart Anderson, Matt Adcock, Bruce H. Thomas. 260-264 [doi]
- VRZM: Exploring the Psycho-physiological Benefits of Zen Meditation in Immersive EnvironmentsAjoy Kumar, Sahil Sankhyan, Kirti Tripathi, Akash K. Rao, Arnav Bhavsar, Varun Dutt. 265-272 [doi]
- Advancing Mental Health with Immersive Virtual Reality: Benefits, Challenges, and Emerging TrendsChristos Gkoumas, Leonidas Bourikas, Theofrastos Mantadelis, Eirini Karakasidou. 273-280 [doi]
- EmoVR: Guiding and Visualizing Emotions in Virtual Reality Therapy for Mental HealthYifei Chen, Chenming Ye, Zheyuan Jiang, Jingji Li, Yunqi Wang, Teng Ma, Ningning Xu. 281-287 [doi]
- Evaluating Therapist Representation Techniques in Mixed Reality-based Tele-rehabilitation ExergamesRoberta Macaluso, Alessandro Visconti, Davide Calandra 0001, Roberto Ciardo, Giacinto Barresi, Fabrizio Lamberti. 288-294 [doi]
- Harnessing Immersive Technologies: Modern Perspectives on Mental Health SupportLisa Izzouzi, Esen Küçüktütüncü. 295-298 [doi]
- Designing Generative Artificial Intelligence Integrated Immersive Virtual Reality Therapeutic Experiences to Support Meaning-centered Grief Therapies for Bereaved ParentsLei Zhang, Anisah Bagasra, Erica Kaye, Wendy G. Lichtenthal. 299-303 [doi]
- Effects of Customizable Intelligent VR Shopping Assistant on Shopping for Stress ReliefAndrew Wong, Yinshu Zhao, Nilufar Baghaei. 304-308 [doi]
- Explorations in Designing Virtual Environments for Remote CounsellingJiashuo Cao, Wujie Gao, Yun Suen Pai, Simon Hoermann, Chen Li, Nilufar Baghaei, Mark Billinghurst. 309-314 [doi]
- The Garden Within: Using Mixed Reality to Foster Wellbeing Through Emotional RegulationMarta García-Ballesteros, Samuel Navas Medrano, José Luis Soler Domínguez, Patricia Pons. 315-322 [doi]
- ShadowRehearsal: Enhancing Traditional Art Design Workflows with XR Technology - A Preliminary Case Study of Shadow PuppetryYihao He. 323-324 [doi]
- UniHands: Unifying Various Wild-Collected Keypoints for Personalized Hand ReconstructionMenghe Zhang, Joonyeoup Kim, Yangwen Liang, Shuangquan Wang, Kee-Bong Song. 325-326 [doi]
- Vibrations Reduce Cybersickness and Enhance Presence in VRKatharina Margareta Theresa Pöhlmann, Arabi Sarveswaran, Vanessa Gioumes, Behrang Keshavarz. 327-328 [doi]
- A Case study on VR Teaching: Projectile Motion and GravityShiva Rama Krishna M, Vedantam Sai Suvanth, Shardul Anirudha K, Himangshu Sarma. 329-330 [doi]
- Auto Facial Rigging of Digital Humans Based on Normal Constrained Skinning DecompositionZhihe Zhao, Yongqing Cheng, Dongdong Weng, Zeyu Tian. 331-332 [doi]
- Between Pages and Reality: Exploring a Book Metaphor for Unfolding Data-driven Storytelling in Immersive EnvironmentsWeizhou Luo, Mark Abdelaziz, Julián Méndez 0001, Rufat Rzayev. 333-334 [doi]
- LOBSTAR: Language Model-based Obstruction Detection for Augmented RealityYanming Xiu, Tim Scargill, Maria Gorlatova. 335-336 [doi]
- MuseGesture: A Framework for Gesture Synthesis by Virtual Agents in VR Museum GuidesYihua Bao, Nan Gao, Dongdong Weng, Junyu Chen, Zeyu Tian. 337-338 [doi]
- The Leg-Swing: A Novel Seated Locomotion Interface for Improved Virtual Reality ImmersionSung-Ha Lee, Ho-Taek Joo, Yunho Choi, Kyung-Joong Kim 0001. 339-340 [doi]
- Enhancing User Experience in Robotic Massage Therapy through Mixed Reality and Conversational Virtual Digital HumansYihua Bao, Dongdong Weng, Xiaonuo Dongye, Mo Su, Nan Gao. 341-342 [doi]
- Synchronised View: A Comparison of Mixed Reality Annotations for Skilled Movement TrainingMartin Reinoso, Thuong N. Hoang, Andrew Irlitti, Frank Vetere. 343-344 [doi]
- Enhancing Job Interview Preparation Through Immersive Experiences Using Photorealistic, AI-powered Metahuman AvatarsNavid Ashrafi, Francesco Vona, Carina Ringsdorf, Christian Hertel, Luca Toni, Sarina Kailer, Alice Bartels, Tanja Kojic, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons. 345-346 [doi]
- XR-based Education of Thermal Management in Power ElectronicsJonas Preißner, Alexander Bauer, Marco Denk, Jens Grubert. 347-348 [doi]
- Comparing Distractions in Immersive Virtual Reality Learning EnvironmentsNicholas Fisher, Arun K. Kulshresht. 349-350 [doi]
- Recording of repeatable AR sessions exemplified by ARKit and UnityTobias Schwandt, Christian Kunert, Wolfgang Broll. 351-352 [doi]
- Combating Stage Fright in VR using Gradual LightingFairouz Grioui, Marc Roland Ghütter, Sanan Akther, Hithesh Chettenahalli Honnegowda, Michael Sedlmair. 353-354 [doi]
- Analysis of Co-viewing with Virtual Agent Towards Affectively Immersive Interaction in Virtual SpacesKatsutoshi Masai, Keisuke Morita, Maki Sugimoto. 355-356 [doi]
- The Impact of Sociality of Objects on Covert Attention with Social Cues in Virtual RealityHyemin Shin, Jeongmi Lee. 357-358 [doi]
- Comparative Analysis of Mixed Reality Screen Extensions and Laser Safety Goggles in Laser LaboratoriesLong Cheng, Daniel Schachtler, Michael Schreiner, Andreas Kunz. 359-360 [doi]
- Adaptive Levels of Detail for Human Gaussian Splats with Hierarchical EmbeddingXiaonuo Dongye, Hanzhi Guo, Haiyan Jiang, Dongdong Weng. 361-362 [doi]
- Study of changes of personal space in VR-space by point of view and the full-body illusionNaoki Kato, Nobuchika Sakata. 363-364 [doi]
- Turn-taking Patterns Reflect Social Connection in Virtual Reality ConversationsHyunchul Kim, Jeongmi Lee. 365-366 [doi]
- A Rapid Prototyping Tool for VR Decontamination TrainingKan Chen, Benjamin Wei Jie Kwok, Adriel Yeo, Jeannie Su Ann Lee. 367-368 [doi]
- Hand Grip Pressure Visualization for Task AssistanceAman Sariya, Andrew Huard, Ishan Jain, Arthur Caetano, Tobias Höllerer, Misha Sra. 369-370 [doi]
- Optimizing Projector Pose Estimation for Selective Lighting in Optical See-Through Mixed Reality SystemsYuxuan Wu, Bruce Daniel. 371-372 [doi]
- Designing A VR-based Accessible Speed Of Light Exergame for People with Visual ImpairmentsSeung A. Chung, João Guerreiro 0002, André Rodrigues 0002, Uran Oh. 373-374 [doi]
- MetaMemento: Enriching Physical Objects with Digital LayersHyosun Kwon, Michael Hunter. 375-376 [doi]
- VisionAI - Shopping Assistance for People with Vision ImpairmentsAnika Arora, Lucas Nadolskis, Michael Beyeler, Misha Sra. 377-378 [doi]
- Visualization of three-dimensional radio wave conditions for indoor drone teleoperation supportTakumi Nagahara, Nattaon Techasarntikul, Yuichi Ohsita, Hideyuki Shimonishi. 379-380 [doi]
- From Concrete to Forest: The Emotion-Altering Effects of Virtual Reality EnvironmentsMing Li, Jie Hao, Dongdong Weng, Yue Liu, Jie Guo, Mingke Gao. 381-382 [doi]
- Assistive AR Glasses for People with Vision ImpairmentsMarlene Huber, Hannes Kaufmann, Katharina Krösl. 383-384 [doi]
- A Finger-Mounted Device for Shape and Tactile Perception in AR MockupsSoma Masuda, Taishi Iriyama, Takashi Komuro, Kenji Nakamura, Masato Takahashi. 385-386 [doi]
- Designing and Evaluation of VR-based Attention Training System for ChildrenXiaohui Tan, Xiao Zhu, Fangbing Qu, Yang Gao. 387-388 [doi]
- Whom to Save? A Novel, Realistic Paradigm for Studying Human Decision-Making in Moral DilemmasJaehoon Jang 0003, Christian Wallraven. 389-390 [doi]
- Predicting Future Driving Decisions in an Accident Situation From Videos: A Combined Behavioral, Eye Gaze, and Computational AnalysisHoe Sung Ryu, Uijong Ju, Christian Wallraven. 391-392 [doi]
- Investigating Subjective Anxiety Dynamics due to Personal Space Violations and COVID-19-related Stressors in a Social VR SimulationJiyoon Park, Christian Wallraven. 393-394 [doi]
- Towards Evaluating Pharmaceutical Delivery Assistance Systems from Sales Offices to Client Facilities in VR SimulationShigeki Ozawa, Ryosuke Ichikari, Takuya Miura, Takeshi Kurata. 395-396 [doi]
- Filmmaking Meets VR: A Tool for Scouting Locations in Virtual Reality for Film ProductionRoberto E. Salazar, Arun K. Kulshreshth. 397-398 [doi]
- Exploring the Effects of Field of View and Opacity of Peripheral Real Scene on Virtual Reality SicknessChae-Heon Lim, Kangsoo Kim, Changgu Kang, Seul Chan Lee. 399-400 [doi]
- Color Illumination Image Separation from Single Complex Scene Image for Augmented RealityHao Sha, Yi Xiao 0009, Pengjie Zhao, Tongtai Cao, Yue Liu 0005, Yongtian Wang. 401-402 [doi]
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Visual Guidance for Out-of-View Object Localization using Mixed Reality Head-Mounted DisplaysYu-Chun Ku, Alejandro Martin-Gomez. 403-404 [doi]
- The WizARd and Apprentice: An Augmented Reality Expert Capture SystemAda Yi Zhao, Suibi Che-Chuan Weng, Ella Grace Finstuen, Haifeng Chen, Lu-An Tang, Kai Ishikawa, Ellen Yi-Luen Do. 405-406 [doi]
- AI-Enhanced Mixed Reality Interventions with Haptic Feedback for Hand Dexterity Rehabilitation in Geriatric Movement DisordersZhenhong Lei, Xinjun Li. 407-408 [doi]
- Augmented Reality Teaching Methods for Smartphone CoachingManuel Rebol, Camille Jefferson, Sara Belay, Colton Hood, Neal Sikka. 409-410 [doi]
- Extended Reality for Neuro-Diverse Children: A Personalized Approach Using XR Data Collection and Reinforcement LearningRishi Saravanan, Nidhi Saravanan. 411-412 [doi]
- Animating Recovery: A Camera-Based System for Adjustable Finger Isolation Movement Rehabilitation Training in Virtual RealityYu Miao, Guo Yu, Yongtian Wang, Yue Liu. 413-414 [doi]
- Towards Integrating American Sign Language into Virtual RealityMilana Wolff, Cade W. Anderson, Amy Banic. 415-416 [doi]
- Immersive Spatiotemporal Travel in Virtual RealityThanh Ngoc-Dat Tran, Viet-Tham Huynh, Poojitha Moganti, Trung-Nghia Le, Minh-Triet Tran, Tam V. Nguyen 0002. 417-418 [doi]
- Fire Immersive Response and Evacuation in Extended RealityDuy Nguyen-Le, Tam V. Nguyen 0002, Minh-Triet Tran, Thanh Ngoc-Dat Tran. 419-420 [doi]
- Enhancing the sense of togetherness with vibrational feedback in virtual communicationAika Yamashita, Katsunari Sato, Miharu Fuyuno, Hsin-Ni Ho. 421-422 [doi]
- Urban Traffic Planning Simulation with Time and Weather DynamicsTam V. Nguyen 0002, Thanh Ngoc-Dat Tran, Viet-Tham Huynh, Vatsa S. Patel, Umang Jain, Mai-Khiem Tran, Trung-Nghia Le, Minh-Triet Tran. 423-424 [doi]
- Navigating Virtual Realms: The Impact of Wearing HMDs on Human GaitBiruthuvan Keeran Balachandran, Ted Yeung, Mark Billinghurst, Alexander Stamenkovic, Arash Mahnan, Stephan G. Lukosch. 425-426 [doi]
- Exploring Device-Oriented Video Encryption for Hierarchical Privacy Protection in AR Content SharingYongquan Hu, Dongsheng Zheng, Kexin Nie, Junyan Zhang, Wen Hu, Aaron J. Quigley. 427-428 [doi]
- Single channel AI speech reverberation time modification for room dimension matchingIan McLoughlin 0001, Jeannie S. Lee, Indriyati Atmosukarto. 429-430 [doi]
- Task Guidance in Laser Alignment Experiments using Video See-Through Head-Mounted DisplayLong Cheng, Daniel Schachtler, Michael Schreiner, Andreas Kunz. 431-434 [doi]
- Exploring the Cognitive Load Effects of Diverse Virtual Reality Interaction Methods in Interactive Educational PlatformsAli Darejeh, Manpreet Mondal, Nadine Marcus, Alexandra Vassar. 435-438 [doi]
- Unlocking Human Potential: Psychological Capital's Influence on Augmented Reality Adoption in Manufacturing EnvironmentsAhmed A. A. E. M. A Khafaga, Ben Horan, Lorena Caires Moreira, Marcos Kauffman, Ann-Marie Nienaber, Michael Mortimer. 439-442 [doi]
- Hybrid Methodology Using Electroencephalogram and Eye-tracking for Virtual Reality Design and OptimizationLéa Saunier, Marius Preda, Catalin I. Fetita. 443-446 [doi]
- Visual Pseudo-Haptic Feedback as a Catalyst: Exploring User Joy with VFX in VR Physical GamesMin Ni. 447-450 [doi]
- Enhancing Virtual Teleportation: An Evaluation of a Wearable Olfactory Device with Ventilation for Immersive VR ExperiencesJe-Won Myung, Dongyun Han, Siyeon Bak, So-Hui Kim, Ye-Chan Choi, Chang Geun Song, Sun-Jeong Kim, Isaac Cho. 451-452 [doi]
- Be There, Be Together, Be Streamed! AR Scenic Live-Streaming for an Interactive and Collective ExperienceZeyu Huang, Zuyu Xu, Yuanhao Zhang, Chengzhong Liu, Yanwei Zhao, Chuhan Shi, Jason Chen Zhao, Xiaojuan Ma. 453-456 [doi]
- Exploring the Impact of Arm Wearing Weight on VR Interaction BehaviorXiaohui Tan, Fenglin Lu, Tianren Luo, Pengxiang Wang, Kai Wang, Teng Han. 457-460 [doi]
- Immersive Virtual Sculpting Experience with Elastoplastic Clay Simulation and Real-Time Haptic FeedbackYang Gao, Zhiyang Ji, Peng Yu, Aimin Hao. 461-464 [doi]
- Augmented Reality for Digital Fabrication: Evaluating impact of AR visualization of machine toolpaths for Clay 3D printingJoyce E. Passananti, Ana Cárdenas Gasca, Jennifer Jacobs 0001, Tobias Höllerer. 465-468 [doi]
- Inner Child: The Role of VR Child Avatars in Improving Adult Language LearningLei Xia, Christian David Vázquez, Takako Aikawa, Pattie Maes. 469-472 [doi]
- Dynamic Translation Gain in Redirected Walking: Towards Exploring Larger Virtual SpacesXiyu Bao, Rui Jing, Chenglei Yang, Yulong Bian, Cheng Lin. 473-474 [doi]
- Beaming Display Using Thin Holographic Waveguides for Wider Head Orientation Angle RangeYuta Itoh 0001, Tomoya Nakamura, Yuichi Hiroi, Kaan Aksit. 475-476 [doi]
- Text-to-Image Synthesis with Spatial-Semantic Modulation GANJunpeng Liu, Qingfeng Wu. 477-480 [doi]
- Hybrid Tensor-Gaussians Representation with Space-Aware PruningSiyu Chen, Jiahe Ying, Jianwei Zheng 0001. 481-484 [doi]
- FlockGPT: Guiding UAV Flocking with Linguistic OrchestrationArtem Lykov, Sausar Karaf, Mikhail Martynov, Valerii Serpiva, Aleksey Fedoseev, Mikhail Konenkov, Dzmitry Tsetserukou. 485-488 [doi]
- Assessing the Efficacy of Virtual Reality-Based Laboratories Versus Real-Life Settings for PCR Procedures, within Medical Science LaboratoriesAli Darejeh, Lauren Huynh, Xiaohan Ji, Nadine Marcus, Patsie Polly. 489-492 [doi]
- Public Speaking Q&A Practice with LLM-Generated Personas in Virtual RealityYewon Min, Jin-Woo Jeong. 493-496 [doi]
- Evaluating Perceptual Deviations in Video See-Through Head-Mounted Displays while Utilizing Physical TouchscreensRudy De-Xin de Lange, Roemer Martin Bien Bakker, Tanja Johanna Juliana Bos. 497-500 [doi]
- Vanti: A Novel Interaction Design for Immersive VR Walking ToursXiaojie Wang, Yue Li. 501-504 [doi]
- From Lab to a Long-Term Care Facility: Lessons Learned from Field Deployment of Augmented Reality Telepresence System as an Interactive Communication TechnologyMahrukh Tauseef, Akshith Ullal, Alexandra Watkins, Zalen Ingram, Cathy A. Maxwell, Judith A. Tate, Lisa Juckett, Lorraine C. Mion, Nilanjan Sarkar. 505-508 [doi]
- WaveWalker: Enabling Outdoor VR Experiences with Millimeter-wave RADARAvinash Ajit Nargund, Andrew Huard, Misha Sra. 509-512 [doi]
- A Comparative Assessment of Technology Acceptance and Learning Outcomes in Computer-based versus VR-based Pedagogical AgentsAimilios Hadjiliasi, Louis Nisiotis, Irene Polycarpou. 513-516 [doi]
- Toward Robust Depth Fusion for Mobile AR With Depth from Focus and Single-Image PriorsAshkan Ganj, Hang Su, Tian Guo 0001. 517-520 [doi]
- Pokémon Go: If Nobody Uses the Augmented Reality, is PG Really and AR Game? A Survey of Player BehaviorCassidy R. Nelson, Wallace Morris, Joseph L. Gabbard. 521-522 [doi]
- Perceiving and Learning Color as Sound in Virtual RealityEthan Seefried, Jessica Bahny, Changsoo Jung, Videep Venkatesha, Mariah Bradford, Nathaniel Blanchard, Mohammed Safayet Arefin. 523-524 [doi]
- A Novel Bare-Handed and Widget-based Manipulation Technique for Distant Objects in Virtual RealityDi Bill Zhao, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger. 525-528 [doi]
- Do You Understand Me, DUM-E? Enabling Seamless Human-Robot Communication Through Augmented RealityAkhil Ajikumar, Stacy Marsella, Mohsen Moghaddam. 529-532 [doi]
- Not Lost In Translation - Spatiotemporally-Aligned Human-Machine Interfaces Through IoT-Integrated Augmented RealityAkhil Ajikumar, Mohsen Moghaddam. 533-536 [doi]
- Exploring the Distinctive and Synergistic Affordances of AR and VR for Complex Psychomotor TrainingVarun Phadke, Casper Harteveld, Kemi Jona, Mohsen Moghaddam. 537-540 [doi]
- Designing a Virtual Reality Training Apprenticeship for Cold Spray Advanced ManufacturingMahsa Nasri, Uttkarsh Narayan, Mustafa Feyyaz Sonbudak, Aubrey Simonson, Maria Chiu, Jason Donati, Mark Sivak, Mehmet Kosa, Casper Harteveld. 541-544 [doi]
- MRTransformer: Transforming Avatar Non-verbal Behavior for Remote MR Collaboration in Incongruent SpacesCheng-Yao Wang, Hyunju Kim, Payod Panda, Eyal Ofek, Mar González-Franco, Andrea Stevenson Won. 545-548 [doi]
- Enhancing Physics Education: Designing Customized Virtual Reality for Teaching Crystalline StructuresShawheen Alipour, Audrey Rah, Bishnu Karki, Justin Burris, Leslie Coward, Tony Liao. 549-552 [doi]
- Virtual Reality in Theory-Based Intervention: Examining the Efficacy of a Theory-Based Virtual Reality Intervention to Promote Physical ActivityWanqi Zhao, David Cox, Jillian Ryan, Xuanying Zhu, Matt Adcock, Penny Sweetser. 553-556 [doi]
- *Dominik Szczepaniak, Monika Harvey, Fani Deligianni. 557-560 [doi]
- Bimanual, mid-air multi-selection techniques in virtual realityPantea Habibi, Debaleena Chattopadhyay. 561-564 [doi]
- "I Wanted to Create my Ideal Self": Exploring Avatar Perception of LGBTQ+ Users for Therapy in Virtual RealityAnish Kundu, Giulia Barbareschi, Midori Kawaguchi, Yuichiro Yano, Mizuki Ohashi, Kaori Kitaoka, Aya Seike, Kouta Minamizawa. 565-568 [doi]
- Avatar and Gaze Cues for Mixed Reality Mixed Presence GroupwareMitchell Norman, Gun A. Lee, Ross T. Smith, Mark Billinghurst. 569-570 [doi]
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- Participating in the Testing of the Virtual Experience Research Accelerator (VERA)Ali Haskins Lisle, Greg Welch. 681-685 [doi]