Abstract is missing.
- A Morphological View on Traditional Signal ProcessingRenato Keshet. 3-12 [doi]
- From the Sup-Decomposition to A Sequential DecompositionRonaldo Fumio Hashimoto, Junior Barrera, Edward R. Dougherty. 13-22 [doi]
- Decomposition of Separable Concave Structuring FunctionsRein van den Boomgaard, Erik A. Engbers, Arnold W. M. Smeulders. 23-31 [doi]
- Minkowski Sum Volume Minimization for Convex PolyhedraAlexander V. Tuzikov, Stanislav Sheynin. 33-40 [doi]
- Topological Properties of Hausdorff DiscretizationsMohamed Tajine, Christian Ronse. 41-50 [doi]
- Vectorial Levelings and FlatteningsFernand Meyer. 51-60 [doi]
- A Lattice Control Model of Fuzzy Dynamical Systems in State-SpacePetros Maragos, Giorgos B. Stamou, Spyros G. Tzafestas. 61-70 [doi]
- A Morphological Interpolation Approach - Geodesic Set Definition in Case of Empty IntersectionIsabel Granado, N. Sirakov, Fernando Muge. 71-80 [doi]
- The Morphological-Affine Object DeformationMarcin Iwanowski, Jean Serra. 81-90 [doi]
- Affine Invariant Mathematical Morphology Applied to A Generic Shape Recognition AlgorithmJose Luis Lisani, Lionel Moisan, Pascal Monasse, Jean-Michel Morel. 91-98 [doi]
- Folding Induced Self-Dual FiltersAndrew J. H. Mehnert, Paul T. Jackway. 99-108 [doi]
- Flexible Linear Openings and ClosingsMichael Buckley, Hugues Talbot. 109-118 [doi]
- Some Applications of Aperture FiltersRoberto Hirata Jr., Edward R. Dougherty, Junior Barrera. 119-128 [doi]
- GA Optimisation of Multidimensional Grey-Scale Soft Morphological Filters with Applications in Archive Film RestorationNeal R. Harvey, Stephen Marshall. 129-138 [doi]
- New Insight on Digital TopologyGerald Jean Francis Banon. 139-148 [doi]
- Approximate Connectivity and Mathematical MorphologyAntony T. Popov. 149-158 [doi]
- Multiresolution Connectivity: An Axiomatic ApproachUlisses Braga-Neto, John Goutsias. 159-168 [doi]
- Connected Operators Based on Region-Tree PruningPhilippe Salembier, Luis Garrido. 169-178 [doi]
- Image Segmentation Based on the Derivative of the Morphological ProfileMartino Pesaresi, Jon Atli Benediktsson. 179-188 [doi]
- Flooding and SegmentationFernand Meyer. 189-198 [doi]
- A Morphological Multi-Scale Gradient for Color Image SegmentationMarcos Cordeiro d'Ornellas, Rein van den Boomgaard. 199-206 [doi]
- Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Color ImagesIris Vanhamel, Hichem Sahli, Ioannis Pratikakis. 207-214 [doi]
- Motion Segmentation Using Seeded Region GrowingRichard Beare, Hugues Talbot. 215-222 [doi]
- A Segmentation Pyramid for the Interactive Segmentation of 3-D Images and Video SequencesFrancisca Zanoguera, Beatriz Marcotegui, Fernand Meyer. 223-232 [doi]
- Partition Lattice Operators for Extraction of Semantic Video ObjectsDaniel Gatica-Perez, Ming-Ting Sun, Chuang Gu. 233-242 [doi]
- Morphological Granulometric DeconstructionPedro Pina. 243-252 [doi]
- Surface Texture Classification from Morphological TransformationsAntoine Aubert, Dominique Jeulin, Ronaldo Hashimoto. 253-262 [doi]
- Content Dependent Image Sampling Using Mathematical Morphology: Application to MipmappingEtienne Decencière Ferrandière, Beatriz Marcotegui, Fernand Meyer. 263-272 [doi]
- Morphological Pyramids and Wavelets Based on the Quincunx LatticeHenk J. A. M. Heijmans, John Goutsias. 273-281 [doi]
- Morphological Scale-Space Operators: An Algebraic FrameworkRein van den Boomgaard, Henk J. A. M. Heijmans. 282-290 [doi]
- An Idempotent Scale-Space Approach for Morphological SegmentationNeucimar J. Leite, Marta D. Teixeira. 291-300 [doi]
- Efficient Dilation, Erosion, Opening and Closing AlgorithmsJoseph Yossi Gil, Ron Kimmel. 301-310 [doi]
- Fast Morphological Attribute Operations Using Tarjan's Union-Find AlgorithmMichael H. F. Wilkinson, Jos B. T. M. Roerdink. 311-320 [doi]
- A Change Detector Based on Level SetsFrederic Guichard, Samia Bouchafa, Didier Aubert. 321-330 [doi]
- A General Algorithm for Computing Distance Transforms in Linear TimeArnold Meijster, Jos B. T. M. Roerdink, Wim H. Hesselink. 331-340 [doi]
- The Ordered Queue and the Optimality of the Watershed ApproachesRoberto de Alencar Lotufo, Alexandre X. Falcão. 341-350 [doi]
- Discrete 3D Wave Propagation for Computing Morphological Operations from Surface Patches and Unorganized PointsFrederic F. Leymarie, Benjamin B. Kimia. 351-360 [doi]
- Two-Stage Lossy/Lossless Compression of Grayscale Document ImagesKris Popat, Dan S. Bloomberg. 361-370 [doi]
- Boosting OCR Classifier by Optimal Edge Noise FilteringJunior Barrera, Marcel Brun, Routo Terada, Edward R. Dougherty. 371-380 [doi]
- Morphological Bank Check Logo Segmentation With Few A Prior KnowledgeAndreia de Jesus, Jacques Facon. 381-388 [doi]
- Morphological Pseudo Convex Hull to Correct Handwriting Baseline skewAnderson Rocha, Jacques Facon, Flávio Bortolozzi, Robert Sabourin. 389-396 [doi]
- Morphological Segmentation of Text and Figures in Renaissance Books (XVI Century)Michele Mengucci, Isabel Granado. 397-404 [doi]
- Application of Mathematical Morphology and Markov Random Field Theory to the Automatic Extraction of Linear Features in Airborne ImagesAntonis Katartzis, Veselin Pizurica, Hichem Sahli. 405-414 [doi]
- Testing Some Morphological Approaches to Face LocalizationBogdan Raducanu, Manuel Graña. 415-424 [doi]
- Quantitative Description of Telecommunication Networks by SimulationFlorent Tournois, Christian Lantuéjoul, M. Schmitt. 425-432 [doi]