Abstract is missing.
- Dynamic Policy-Driven Quality of Service in Service-Oriented SystemsJoseph P. Loyall, Matthew Gillen, Aaron Paulos, James R. Edmondson, Pooja Varshneya, Douglas C. Schmidt, Larry Bunch, Marco M. Carvalho, Andrew Martignoni. 1-9 [doi]
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- Energy-Saving Mechanisms in the Time-Triggered ArchitectureHermann Kopetz. 28-33 [doi]
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- Multi-objective Exploration of Compiler Optimizations for Real-Time SystemsPaul Lokuciejewski, Sascha Plazar, Heiko Falk, Peter Marwedel, Lothar Thiele. 115-122 [doi]
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- A Real-Time Component Framework: Experience with CCM and ARINC-653Abhishek Dubey, Gabor Karsai, Róbert Kereskényi, Nagabhushan Mahadevan. 143-150 [doi]
- Wheeled Inverted Pendulum with Embedded Component System: A Case StudyTakuya Azumi, Hiroaki Takada, Takayuki Ukai, Hiroshi Oyama. 151-155 [doi]
- AUTOSAR Based Automatic GUI GenerationNan Li, Hong Li, Jian Wu, Xiaofeng Zhong, Zheng Sun, Wei Bao. 156-162 [doi]
- Implementing and Evaluating the AHS Organic Middleware - A First ApproachAlexander von Renteln, Uwe Brinkschulte. 163-169 [doi]
- Non-regular Adaptation of Services Using Model CheckingHsin-hung Lin, Toshiaki Aoki, Takuya Katayama. 170-174 [doi]
- On-the-Fly Adaptation of Data Stream QueriesBernhard Wolf, Ingo Behrens. 175-179 [doi]
- State-Based Search Strategy in Unstructured P2PKaigui Wu, Changze Wu, Lu Liu, Jie Xu. 180-184 [doi]
- Understanding and Effectively Preventing the ABA Problem in Descriptor-Based Lock-Free DesignsDamian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, Bjarne Stroustrup. 185-192 [doi]
- RTOS Support for Parallel Execution of Hard Real-Time Applications on the MERASA Multi-core ProcessorJulian Wolf, Mike Gerdes, Florian Kluge, Sascha Uhrig, Jörg Mische, Stefan Metzlaff, Christine Rochange, Hugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat, Theo Ungerer. 193-201 [doi]
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- A System-on-a-Chip Platform for Mixed-Criticality ApplicationsArmin Wasicek, Christian El Salloum, Hermann Kopetz. 210-216 [doi]
- An Admission Control Protocol for Real-Time OSGiThomas Richardson, Andy J. Wellings. 217-224 [doi]
- Towards Propagation of Non-functional Information in Distributed Real-Time JavaPablo Basanta-Val, Marisol García-Valls, Iria Estévez-Ayres. 225-232 [doi]
- ServiceDDS: A Framework for Real-Time P2P Systems IntegrationJ. A. Dianes, M. Díaz, B. Rubio. 233-237 [doi]
- Early Modeling of Linux-Based RTOS Platforms in a SystemC Time-Approximate Co-simulation EnvironmentHector Posadas, Eugenio Villar, Dominique Ragot, Marcos Martínez. 238-244 [doi]
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- VIS Analyzer: A Visual Assistant for VIS Verification and AnalysisSehun Jeong, Junbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha. 250-254 [doi]