Abstract is missing.
- Towards an Explainable Threat Detection ToolAlison Smith-Renner, Rob Rua, Mike Colony. [doi]
- Transparency in Advice-Giving Systems: A Framework and a Research Model for Transparency ProvisionRuijing Zhao, Izak Benbasat, Hasan Cavusoglu. [doi]
- Analysis of Seven Editing Bias in Movie Trailer Based on Editing FeaturesHonoka Kakimoto, Yuanyuan Wang 0003, Yukiko Kawai, Kazutoshi Sumiya. [doi]
- Exploring the Need for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)Vanessa Putnam, Cristina Conati. [doi]
- Curating Generative Raw Audio Music with D.O.M.EC. J. Carr, Zack Zukowski. [doi]
- Benefits and Challenges of Smart Highways for the UserGesa Wiegand. [doi]
- A Web-Based System For Suggesting New Practice Material To Music Learners Based On Chord ContentJohan Pauwels, Mark B. Sandler. [doi]
- Explainable Structuring and Discovery of Relevant Cases for Exploration of High-Dimensional DataJoris Falip, Frédéric Blanchard, Michel Herbin. [doi]
- Explaining AI Fairly (Well)Margaret Burnett. [doi]
- Surrogate Decision Tree VisualizationFederica Di Castro, Enrico Bertini. [doi]
- Building Jarvis - A Learner-Aware Conversational TrainerShiwali Mohan, Kalai Ramea, Bob Price, Matthew Shreve, Hoda Eldardiry, Les Nelson. [doi]
- Video Scene Extraction Tool for Soccer Goalkeeper Performance Data AnalysisYasushi Akiyama, Rodolfo Garcia Barrantes, Tyson Hynes. [doi]
- Building Real-World Chatbot Interviewers: Lessons from a Wizard-of-Oz Field StudyMichelle X. Zhou, Carolyn Wang, Gloria Mark, Huahai Yang, Kevin Xu. [doi]
- A Minimal Template for Interactive Web-based Demonstrations of Musical Machine LearningVibert Thio, Hao-Min Liu, Yin-Cheng Yeh, Yi-Hsuan Yang. [doi]
- Creating Immersive Electronic Music from the Sonic Activity of Environmental SoundscapesEli Stine. [doi]
- Impact of Voice-based Interaction on Learning Practices and Behavior of ChildrenSubhasree Sengupta, Radhika Garg. [doi]
- Towards Intelligent Personalization of IoT PlatformsFabio Paternò, Sadi Alawadi. [doi]
- CORK: A COnversational agent framewoRK exploiting both rational and emotional intelligenceFabio Catania, Micol Spitale, Davide Fisicaro. [doi]
- Requirements for Explainable Smart Systems in the Enterprises from Users and Society Based on FATYuri Nakao, Junichi Shigezumi, Hikaru Yokono, Takuya Takagi. [doi]
- Interactive Naming for Explaining Deep Neural Networks: A Formative StudyMandana Hamidi-Haines, Zhongang Qi, Alan Fern, Fuxin Li, Prasad Tadepalli. [doi]
- Explainable Activity Recognition in VideosChiradeep Roy, Mahesh Shanbhag, Mahsan Nourani, Tahrima Rahman, Samia Kabir, Vibhav Gogate, Nicholas Ruozzi, Eric D. Ragan. [doi]
- Understanding and Exploring Competitive Technical Data from Large Repositories of Unstructured TextJames Nolan, Mark Stevens, Peter David. [doi]
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- Personalizing User Interactions in a Social Shopping Context and Open ChallengesYu Xu, Michael J. Lee. [doi]
- Towards a Hybrid Recommendation System for a Sound LibraryJason Smith 0005, Dillon Weeks, Mikhail Jacob, Jason Freeman, Brian Magerko. [doi]
- PRIMER: An Emotionally Aware Virtual AgentCarla Gordon, Anton Leuski, Grace Benn, Eric Klassen, Edward Fast, Matt Liewer, Arno Hartholt, David R. Traum. [doi]
- Understanding Community Rivalry on Social Media: A Case Study of Two Footballing GiantsSopan Khosla, Siddhant Arora, Abhilash Nandy, Ankita Saxena, Anandhavelu N. [doi]
- Content-based layout optimizationBalaji Vasan Srinivasan, Vishwa Vinay, Niyati Chhaya. [doi]
- Horses For Courses: Making The Case For Persuasive Engagement In Smart SystemsSimone Stumpf. [doi]
- A Study on Interaction in Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning for Text AnalyticsYiwei Yang, Eser Kandogan, Yunyao Li 0001, Prithviraj Sen, Walter Lasecki. [doi]
- Robots That Make Sense: Transparent Intelligence Through Augumented RealityAlexandros Rotsidis, Andreas Theodorou, Robert H. Wortham. [doi]
- eX2: a framework for interactive anomaly detectionIgnacio Arnaldo, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Mei Lam. [doi]
- Evaluating Rule-based Programming and ReinforcementLearning for Personalising an Intelligent SystemRuixue Liu, Advait Sarkar, Erin Solovey, Sebastian Tschiatschek. [doi]
- Interactive Topic Model with Enhanced InterpretabilityJun Wang, ChangSheng Zhao, Junfu Xiang, Kanji Uchino. [doi]
- Evaluating Voice Applications by User-Aware Design Guidelines Using an Automatic Voice CrawlerXu Han 0006, Tom Yeh. [doi]
- Making Educational Recommendations Transparent through a Fine-Grained Open Learner ModelJordan Barria-Pineda, Peter Brusilovsky. [doi]
- Dark Patterns of Explainability, Transparency, and User Control for Intelligent SystemsMichael Chromik, Malin Eiband, Sarah Theres Völkel, Daniel Buschek. [doi]
- Groove Explorer: An Intelligent Visual Interface for Drum Loop Library NavigationFred Bruford, Mathieu Barthet, SKoT McDonald, Mark B. Sandler. [doi]
- Temporal Evolution of Behavioral User Personas via Latent Variable Mixture ModelsJoris Falip, Frédéric Blanchard, Michel Herbin. [doi]
- Mash: software tools for developing interactive and transparent machine learning systemsAn Thanh Nguyen, Matt Lease, Byron C. Wallace. [doi]
- Dialogue Design and Management for Multi-Session Casual Conversation with Older AdultsSeyedeh Zahra Razavi, Lenhart K. Schubert, Benjamin Kane, Mohammad Rafayet Ali, Kimberly A. Van Orden, Tianyi Ma. [doi]
- Recommending Web Advertisements based on Long-Short Term User InterestPanote Siriaraya, Yuriko Yamaguchi, Mimpei Morishita, Yoichi Inagaki, Reyn Y. Nakamoto, Jianwei Zhang 0002, Shinsuke Nakajima. [doi]
- Exploring How to Personalize Travel Mode Recommendations For Urban TransportationShiwali Mohan, Matthew Klenk, Victoria Bellotti. [doi]
- Algorithmic Transparency of Conversational AgentsSam Hepenstal, Neesha Kodagoda, Leishi Zhang, Pragya Paudyal, B. L. William Wong. [doi]
- Using a Serious Game to Teach User-Centered DesignDomina Kiunsi, Bruce Ferwerda. [doi]
- Outlining the Design Space of Explainable Intelligent Systems for Medical DiagnosisYao Xie, Xiang Chen, Ge Gao. [doi]
- Explainability in Context: Lessons from an Intelligent System in the IT Services DomainChristine T. Wolf, Jeanette Blomberg. [doi]
- Learn2Sign: Explainable AI for Sign Language LearningPrajwal Paudyal, Junghyo Lee, Azamat Kamzin, Mohamad Soudki, Ayan Banerjee, Sandeep K. S. Gupta. [doi]
- Keynote talk: Augmented, Adaptive, Accessible, and Inclusive ThingsIlaria Torre. [doi]
- Tamagotchi++: A Serious, Personalized Game to Encourage Healthy BehaviorBruce Ferwerda, Michael J. Lee. [doi]
- WoS - Open Source Wizard of Oz for Speech SystemsBirgit Brüggemeier, Philip Lalone. [doi]
- Detecting Changes in User Behavior to Understand Interaction Provenance during Visual Data AnalysisAlyssa M. Pena, Ehsanul Haque Nirjhar, Andrew Pachuilo, Theodora Chaspari, Eric D. Ragan. [doi]
- User-relative Personalized Tour RecommendationPrarthana Padia, Bhavya Singhal, Kwan Hui Lim. [doi]
- An Exploration on Sharing Smart Home Devices Beyond the HomeAbhiditya Jha, Jess Kropczynski, Heather Richter Lipford, Pamela J. Wisniewski. [doi]
- Interestingness Elements for Explainable Reinforcement Learning through IntrospectionPedro Sequeira, Eric Yeh, Melinda T. Gervasio. [doi]
- Designing Explanation Interfaces for Transparency and BeyondChun-Hua Tsai, Peter Brusilovsky. [doi]
- Exploring Everyday Sharing Practices of Smart SpeakersRadhika Garg, Christopher Moreno. [doi]
- Exploiting Literature-Based Discovery to Study Effects of BullyingS. M. Shamimul Hasan. [doi]
- SciNoon: Exploratory Search System for Scientific GroupsYaroslav Nedumov, Anton Babichev, Ivan Mashonsky, Natalia Semina. [doi]
- Making Transparency Clear: The Dual Importance of Explainability and AuditabilityAaron Springer, Steve Whittaker. [doi]
- An apprenticeship model for human and AI collaborative essay gradingAlok Baikadi, Lee Becker, Jill Budden, Peter W. Foltz, Andrew Gorman, Scott Hellman, William Murray, Mark Rosenstein. [doi]
- Can we do better explanations? A proposal of user-centered explainable AIMireia Ribera, Àgata Lapedriza. [doi]
- Why these Explanations? Selecting Intelligibility Types for Explanation GoalsBrian Y. Lim, Qian Yang, Ashraf M. Abdul, Danding Wang. [doi]
- Exploring Principled Visualizations for Deep Network AttributionsMukund Sundararajan, Jinhua Xu, Ankur Taly, Rory Sayres, Amir Najmi. [doi]
- Personalizing VR Educational Tools for English Language LearnersMichael J. Lee, Adam Spryszynski, Eric Nersesian. [doi]
- Exploring User-Controlled Hybrid Recommendation in a Conference ContextChun-Hua Tsai, Peter Brusilovsky, Behnam Rahdari. [doi]