Abstract is missing.
- Software heritage: collecting, preserving, and sharing all our source code (keynote)Roberto Di Cosmo. 1-2 [doi]
- Automated requirements engineering challenges with examples from small unmanned aerial systems (keynote)Jane Cleland-Huang. 3 [doi]
- Implementation science for software engineering: bridging the gap between research and practice (keynote)Lauren Herckis. 4 [doi]
- The need for context in software engineering (IEEE CS Harlan Mills award keynote)Gail C. Murphy. 5 [doi]
- On adopting linters to deal with performance concerns in Android appsSarra Habchi, Xavier Blanc 0001, Romain Rouvoy. 6-16 [doi]
- PerfLearner: learning from bug reports to understand and generate performance test framesXue Han, Tingting Yu, David Lo 0001. 17-28 [doi]
- AutoConfig: automatic configuration tuning for distributed message systemsLiang Bao, Xin Liu, Ziheng Xu, Baoyin Fang. 29-40 [doi]
- Is this class thread-safe? inferring documentation using graph-based learningAndrew Habib, Michael Pradel. 41-52 [doi]
- A large-scale study of test coverage evolutionMichael Hilton, Jonathan Bell 0001, Darko Marinov. 53-63 [doi]
- Effectiveness and challenges in generating concurrent tests for thread-safe classesValerio Terragni, Mauro Pezzè. 64-75 [doi]
- Scalable incremental building with dynamic task dependenciesGabriël Konat, Sebastian Erdweg, Eelco Visser. 76-86 [doi]
- Noise and heterogeneity in historical build data: an empirical study of Travis CIKeheliya Gallaba, Christian Macho, Martin Pinzger 0001, Shane McIntosh. 87-97 [doi]
- Automated directed fairness testingSakshi Udeshi, Pryanshu Arora, Sudipta Chattopadhyay 0001. 98-108 [doi]
- Concolic testing for deep neural networksYoucheng Sun, Min Wu, Wenjie Ruan, Xiaowei Huang, Marta Kwiatkowska, Daniel Kroening. 109-119 [doi]
- DeepGauge: multi-granularity testing criteria for deep learning systemsLei Ma, Felix Juefei-Xu, Fuyuan Zhang, Jiyuan Sun, Minhui Xue, Bo Li, Chunyang Chen, Ting Su, Li Li, Yang Liu 0003, Jianjun Zhao, Yadong Wang. 120-131 [doi]
- DeepRoad: GAN-based metamorphic testing and input validation framework for autonomous driving systemsMengshi Zhang, Yuqun Zhang, Lingming Zhang, Cong Liu 0005, Sarfraz Khurshid. 132-142 [doi]
- Testing autonomous cars for feature interaction failures using many-objective searchRaja Ben Abdessalem, Annibale Panichella, Shiva Nejati, Lionel C. Briand, Thomas Stifter. 143-154 [doi]
- Tackling combinatorial explosion: a study of industrial needs and practices for analyzing highly configurable systemsMukelabai Mukelabai, Damir Nesic, Salome Maro, Thorsten Berger, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer. 155-166 [doi]
- Understanding and detecting evolution-induced compatibility issues in Android appsDongjie He, Lian Li 0002, Lei Wang, Hengjie Zheng, Guangwei Li, Jingling Xue. 167-177 [doi]
- Characterizing the natural language descriptions in software logging statementsPinjia He, Zhuangbin Chen, Shilin He, Michael R. Lyu. 178-189 [doi]
- Assessing the type annotation burdenJohn-Paul Ore, Sebastian G. Elbaum, Carrick Detweiler, Lambros Karkazis. 190-201 [doi]
- Mining file histories: should we consider branches?Vladimir Kovalenko, Fabio Palomba, Alberto Bacchelli. 202-213 [doi]
- Tell them apart: distilling technology differences from crowd-scale comparison discussionsYi Huang, Chunyang Chen, Zhenchang Xing, Tian Lin, Yang Liu. 214-224 [doi]
- ReScue: crafting regular expression DoS attacksYuju Shen, Yanyan Jiang 0001, Chang Xu 0001, Ping Yu 0002, Xiaoxing Ma, Jian Lu 0001. 225-235 [doi]
- TDroid: exposing app switching attacks in Android with control flow specializationJie Liu, Diyu Wu, Jingling Xue. 236-247 [doi]
- Model-driven run-time enforcement of complex role-based access control policiesAmeni ben Fadhel, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel C. Briand. 248-258 [doi]
- ContractFuzzer: fuzzing smart contracts for vulnerability detectionBo Jiang 0001, Ye Liu, W. K. Chan 0001. 259-269 [doi]
- SEEDE: simultaneous execution and editing in a development environmentSteven P. Reiss, Qi Xin, Jeff Huang 0002. 270-281 [doi]
- Effective API recommendation without historical software repositoriesXiaoyu Liu, LiGuo Huang, Vincent Ng. 282-292 [doi]
- API method recommendation without worrying about the task-API knowledge gapQiao Huang, Xin Xia 0001, Zhenchang Xing, David Lo 0001, Xinyu Wang 0001. 293-304 [doi]
- An automated approach to estimating code coverage measures via execution logsBoyuan Chen, Jian Song, Peng Xu, Xing Hu, Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang. 305-316 [doi]
- How many of all bugs do we find? a study of static bug detectorsAndrew Habib, Michael Pradel. 317-328 [doi]
- TRIMMER: application specialization for code debloatingHashim Sharif, Muhammad Abubakar, Ashish Gehani, Fareed Zaffar. 329-339 [doi]
- A unified lattice model and framework for purity analysesDominik Helm, Florian Kübler, Michael Eichberg, Michael Reif, Mira Mezini. 340-350 [doi]
- Control flow-guided SMT solving for program verificationJianhui Chen, Fei He. 351-361 [doi]
- PaMpeR: proof method recommendation system for Isabelle/HOLYutaka Nagashima, Yilun He. 362-372 [doi]
- Neural-machine-translation-based commit message generation: how far are we?Zhongxin Liu, Xin Xia 0001, Ahmed E. Hassan, David Lo 0001, Zhenchang Xing, Xinyu Wang 0001. 373-384 [doi]
- Deep learning based feature envy detectionHui Liu, Zhifeng Xu, Yanzhen Zou. 385-396 [doi]
- Improving automatic source code summarization via deep reinforcement learningYao Wan, Zhou Zhao, Min Yang, Guandong Xu, Haochao Ying, Jian Wu 0001, Philip S. Yu. 397-407 [doi]
- Template-guided concolic testing via online learningSooyoung Cha, Seonho Lee, Hakjoo Oh. 408-418 [doi]
- Android testing via synthetic symbolic executionXiang Gao, Shin Hwei Tan, Zhen Dong, Abhik Roychoudhury. 419-429 [doi]
- PARTI: a multi-interval theory solver for symbolic executionOscar Soria Dustmann, Klaus Wehrle, Cristian Cadar. 430-440 [doi]
- Client-specific equivalence checkingFederico Mora, Yi Li 0008, Julia Rubin, Marsha Chechik. 441-451 [doi]
- Replay without recording of production bugs for service oriented applicationsNipun Arora, Jonathan Bell 0001, Franjo Ivancic, Gail E. Kaiser, Baishakhi Ray. 452-463 [doi]
- Reducing interactive refactoring effort via clustering-based multi-objective searchVahid Alizadeh, Marouane Kessentini. 464-474 [doi]
- FairFuzz: a targeted mutation strategy for increasing greybox fuzz testing coverageCaroline Lemieux, Koushik Sen. 475-485 [doi]
- Efficiently manifesting asynchronous programming errors in Android appsLingling Fan, Ting Su, Sen Chen, Guozhu Meng, Yang Liu 0003, Lihua Xu, Geguang Pu. 486-497 [doi]
- Expandable group identification in spreadsheetsWensheng Dou, Shi Han, Liang Xu, Dongmei Zhang, Jun Wei 0001. 498-508 [doi]
- Break the dead end of dynamic slicing: localizing data and control omission bugYun Lin 0001, Jun Sun 0001, Lyly Tran, Guangdong Bai, Haijun Wang, Jin Song Dong. 509-519 [doi]
- A genetic algorithm for goal-conflict identificationRenzo Degiovanni, Facundo Molina, Germán Regis, Nazareno Aguirre. 520-531 [doi]
- Understanding and detecting callback compatibility issues for Android applicationsHuaxun Huang, Lili Wei, Yepang Liu, Shing-Chi Cheung. 532-542 [doi]
- Detecting and summarizing GUI changes in evolving mobile appsKevin Moran, Cody Watson, John Hoskins, George Purnell, Denys Poshyvanyk. 543-553 [doi]
- Empirically assessing opportunities for prefetching and caching in mobile appsYixue Zhao, Paul Wat, Marcelo Schmitt Laser, Nenad Medvidovic. 554-564 [doi]
- Safe stream-based programming with refinement typesBenno Stein, Lazaro Clapp, Manu Sridharan, Bor-Yuh Evan Chang. 565-576 [doi]
- Automated model repair for AlloyKaiyuan Wang, Allison Sullivan, Sarfraz Khurshid. 577-588 [doi]
- PFix: fixing concurrency bugs based on memory access patternsHuarui Lin, Zan Wang, Shuang Liu, Jun Sun 0001, Dongdi Zhang, Guangning Wei. 589-600 [doi]
- Generating reusable web components from mockupsMohammad Bajammal, Davood Mazinanian, Ali Mesbah 0001. 601-611 [doi]
- Semantic crash bucketingRijnard van Tonder, John Kotheimer, Claire Le Goues. 612-622 [doi]
- A symbolic model checking approach to the analysis of string and length constraintsHung-En Wang, Shih-Yu Chen, Fang Yu, Jie-Hong R. Jiang. 623-633 [doi]
- Domain-independent multi-threaded software model checkingDirk Beyer 0001, Karlheinz Friedberger. 634-644 [doi]
- Scheduling constraint based abstraction refinement for weak memory modelsLiangze Yin, Wei Dong 0006, Wanwei Liu, Ji Wang. 645-655 [doi]
- Datalog-based scalable semantic diffing of concurrent programsChungha Sung, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Constantin Enea, Chao Wang 0001. 656-666 [doi]
- αDiff: cross-version binary code similarity detection with DNNBingchang Liu, Wei Huo, Chao Zhang 0008, Wenchao Li, Feng Li, Aihua Piao, Wei Zou. 667-678 [doi]
- ClDiff: generating concise linked code differencesKaifeng Huang, Bihuan Chen, Xin Peng, Daihong Zhou, Ying Wang, Yang Liu, Wenyun Zhao. 679-690 [doi]
- Characterizing and identifying misexposed activities in Android applicationsJiwei Yan, Xi Deng, Ping Wang, Tianyong Wu, Jun Yan 0009, Jian Zhang. 691-701 [doi]
- A tale of two cities: how WebView induces bugs to Android applicationsJiajun Hu, Lili Wei, Yepang Liu, Shing-Chi Cheung, Huaxun Huang. 702-713 [doi]
- Dual-force: understanding WebView malware via cross-language forced executionZhenhao Tang, Juan Zhai, Minxue Pan, Yousra Aafer, ShiQing Ma, Xiangyu Zhang 0001, Jianhua Zhao. 714-725 [doi]
- Self-protection of Android systems from inter-component communication attacksMahmoud Hammad, Joshua Garcia, Sam Malek. 726-737 [doi]
- An empirical study of Android test generation tools in industrial casesWenyu Wang, Dengfeng Li, Wei Yang 0013, Yurui Cao, Zhenwen Zhang, Yuetang Deng, Tao Xie. 738-748 [doi]
- Achieving test automation with testers without coding skills: an industrial reportDavrondzhon Gafurov, Arne Erik Hurum, Martin Markman. 749-756 [doi]
- Navigating the maze: the impact of configurability in bioinformatics softwareMikaela Cashman, Myra B. Cohen, Priya Ranjan, Robert W. Cottingham. 757-767 [doi]
- Automatically testing implementations of numerical abstract domainsAlexandra Bugariu, Valentin Wüstholz, Maria Christakis, Peter Müller 0001. 768-778 [doi]
- Experiences applying automated architecture analysis tool suitesRan Mo, Will Snipes, Yuanfang Cai, Srini Ramaswamy, Rick Kazman, Martin Naedele. 779-789 [doi]
- Continuous code quality: are we (really) doing that?Carmine Vassallo, Fabio Palomba, Alberto Bacchelli, Harald C. Gall. 790-795 [doi]
- RUDSEA: recommending updates of Dockerfiles via software environment analysisFoyzul Hassan, Rodney Rodriguez, Xiaoyin Wang. 796-801 [doi]
- Delta debugging microservice systemsXiang Zhou, Xin Peng, Tao Xie, Jun Sun 0001, Wenhai Li, Chao Ji, Dan Ding. 802-807 [doi]
- Personalized teammate recommendation for crowdsourced software developersLuting Ye, Hailong Sun 0001, Xu Wang, Jiaruijue Wang. 808-813 [doi]
- S-gram: towards semantic-aware security auditing for Ethereum smart contractsHan Liu, Chao Liu, Wenqi Zhao, Yu Jiang 0001, Jiaguang Sun. 814-819 [doi]
- An evolutionary approach for analyzing Alloy specificationsJianghao Wang, Hamid Bagheri, Myra B. Cohen. 820-825 [doi]
- A neural framework for retrieval and summarization of source codeQingying Chen, Minghui Zhou. 826-831 [doi]
- An empirical investigation into learning bug-fixing patches in the wild via neural machine translationMichele Tufano, Cody Watson, Gabriele Bavota, Massimiliano Di Penta, Martin White, Denys Poshyvanyk. 832-837 [doi]
- Loop path reduction by state pruningJianxiong Gao, Steven S. Lumetta. 838-843 [doi]
- node2defect: using network embedding to improve software defect predictionYu Qu, Ting Liu 0002, Jianlei Chi, Yangxu Jin, Di Cui, Ancheng He, Qinghua Zheng. 844-849 [doi]
- Towards automating disambiguation of regulations: using the wisdom of crowdsManasi Patwardhan, Abhishek Sainani, Richa Sharma, Shirish Karande, Smita Ghaisas. 850-855 [doi]
- jStanley: placing a green thumb on Java collectionsRui Pereira, Pedro Simão, Jácome Cunha, João Saraiva. 856-859 [doi]
- SRCIROR: a toolset for mutation testing of C source code and LLVM intermediate representationFarah Hariri, August Shi. 860-863 [doi]
- Lightweight source code monitoring with TriggrAlim Ozdemir, Ayse Tosun, Hakan Erdogmus, Rui Abreu. 864-867 [doi]
- OCELOT: a search-based test-data generation tool for CSimone Scalabrino, Giovanni Grano, Dario Di Nucci, Michele Guerra, Andrea De Lucia, Harald C. Gall, Rocco Oliveto. 868-871 [doi]
- Live versioning of web applications through refactoringJulián Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandra Garrido, Gustavo Rossi. 872-875 [doi]
- code_call_lens: raising the developer awareness of critical codeAndrea Janes, Michael Mairegger, Barbara Russo. 876-879 [doi]
- Code2graph: automatic generation of static call graphs for Python source codeGharib Gharibi, Rashmi Tripathi, Yugyung Lee. 880-883 [doi]
- The electrum analyzer: model checking relational first-order temporal specificationsJulien Brunel, David Chemouil, Alcino Cunha, Nuno Macedo. 884-887 [doi]
- ESBMC 5.0: an industrial-strength C model checkerMikhail Y. R. Gadelha, Felipe R. Monteiro, Jeremy Morse, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Bernd Fischer 0002, Denis A. Nicole. 888-891 [doi]
- L-CMP: an automatic learning-based parameterized verification toolJialun Cao, Yongjian Li, Jun Pang. 892-895 [doi]
- VulSeeker: a semantic learning based vulnerability seeker for cross-platform binaryJian Gao, Xin Yang, Ying Fu, Yu Jiang 0001, Jiaguang Sun. 896-899 [doi]
- CPA-SymExec: efficient symbolic execution in CPAcheckerDirk Beyer 0001, Thomas Lemberger 0002. 900-903 [doi]
- CANAL: a cache timing analysis framework via LLVM transformationChungha Sung, Brandon Paulsen, Chao Wang 0001. 904-907 [doi]
- Descartes: a PITest engine to detect pseudo-tested methods: tool demonstrationOscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry. 908-911 [doi]
- DKVF: a framework for rapid prototyping and evaluating distributed key-value storesMohammad Roohitavaf, Sandeep S. Kulkarni. 912-915 [doi]
- DroidMate-2: a platform for Android test generationNataniel P. Borges Jr., Jenny Hotzkow, Andreas Zeller. 916-919 [doi]
- Assessing and evaluating functional suitability of softwarePhilipp Haindl. 920-923 [doi]
- Automatic mining of constraints for monitoring systems of systemsThomas Krismayer. 924-927 [doi]
- Towards automatic restrictification of CUDA kernel argumentsRokiatou Diarra. 928-931 [doi]
- A DSL for requirements in the context of a seamless approachFlorian Galinier. 932-935 [doi]
- A multi-objective framework for effective performance fault injection in distributed systemsLuca Traini. 936-939 [doi]
- Top-down model-driven engineering of web services from extended OpenAPI modelsDavid Sferruzza. 940-943 [doi]
- Differential program analysis with fuzzing and symbolic executionYannic Noller. 944-947 [doi]
- Software engineering techniques applied to relational databasesJulien Delplanque. 948-951 [doi]
- Automatically quantifying the impact of a change in systems (journal-first abstract)Nada Almasri, Luay Tahat, Bogdan Korel. 952 [doi]
- Estimating the number of remaining links in traceability recovery (journal-first abstract)Davide Falessi, Massimiliano Di Penta, Gerardo Canfora, Giovanni Cantone. 953 [doi]
- Bounded model checking of C++ programs based on the Qt cross-platform framework (journal-first abstract)Felipe R. Monteiro, Mário A. P. Garcia, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Eddie Batista de Lima Filho. 954 [doi]
- Understanding Semi-structured merge conflict characteristics in open-source Java projects (journal-first abstract)Paola R. G. Accioly, Paulo Borba, Guilherme Cavalcanti. 955 [doi]