Abstract is missing.
- Separating, Strongly Separating, and Collapsing Relativized Complexity ClassesJosé L. Balcázar. 1-16
- Complexity of Quantifier Elimination in the Theory of Algebraically Closed FieldsAlexander L. Chistov, Dima Grigoriev. 17-31
- Systolic Automata - Power, Characterizations, NonhomogeneityJozef Gruska. 32-49
- A Note on Unique DecipherabilityChristoph M. Hoffmann. 50-63
- Outline of an Algebraic Language TheoryGünter Hotz. 64-79
- Thue Systems and the Church-Rosser PropertyMatthias Jantzen. 80-95
- Limits, Higher Type Computability and Type-Free LanguagesGiuseppe Longo. 96-114
- Traces, Histories, Graphs: Instances of a Process MonoidAntoni W. Mazurkiewicz. 115-133
- Recent Results on Automata and Infinite WordsDominique Perrin. 134-148
- VLSI Algorithms and ArchitecturesFranco P. Preparata. 149-161
- Decidability of Monadic TheoriesAlexei L. Semenov. 162-175
- On the Ehrenfeucht Conjecture on Test Sets and Its Dual VersionJ. Albert. 176-184
- Sparse Oracles, Lowness, and HighnessJosé L. Balcázar, Ronald V. Book, Uwe Schöning. 185-193
- Computability of Probabilistic Parameters for Some Classes of Formal LanguagesJoffroy Beauquier, Loÿs Thimonier. 194-204
- A Truely Morphic Characterization of Recursively Enumerable SetsFranz-Josef Brandenburg. 205-213
- On the Herbrand Kleene Universe for Nondeterministic ComputationsManfred Broy. 214-222
- An Investigation of Controls for Concurrent Systems by Abstract Control LanguagesHans-Dieter Burkhard. 223-231
- On Generalized Words of Thue-MorseAnton Cerný. 232-239
- Nondeterminism Is Essential for Two-Way Counter MachinesMarek Chrobak. 240-244
- Weak and Strong Fairness in CCSGerardo Costa, Colin Stirling. 245-254
- On the Complexity of Inductive Inference (Preliminary Report)Robert P. Daley, Carl H. Smith. 255-264
- Monotone Edge Sequences in Line Arrangements and Applications (Extended Abstract)Herbert Edelsbrunner, Emo Welzl. 265-272
- Many-Sorted Temporal Logic for Multi-Processes SystemsPatrice Enjalbert, Max Michel. 273-281
- Process Logics: Two Decidability ResultsZ. Habasinski. 282-290
- On Searching of Special Cases of Mazes and Finite Embedded GraphsArmin Hemmerling, Klaus Kriegel. 291-300
- The Power of the Future Perfect in Program LogicsMatthew Hennessy, Colin Stirling. 301-311
- Hierarchy of Reversal and Zerotesting Bounded Multicounter MachinesJuraj Hromkovic. 312-321
- On the Power of Alternation in Finite AutomataJuraj Hromkovic. 322-329
- The Equivalence Problem and Correctness Formulas for a Simple Class of Programs (Extended Abstract)Oscar H. Ibarra, Louis E. Rosier. 330-338
- Lower Bounds for Polygon Simplicity Testing and Other ProblemsJerzy W. Jaromczyk. 339-347
- A Uniform Independence of Invariant SentencesMax I. Kanovic. 348-354
- On the Equivalence of Compositions of Morphisms and Inverse Morphisms on Regular LanguagesJuhani Karhumäki, H. C. M. Kleijn. 355-363
- Some Connections between Representability of Complexity Classes and the Power of Formal Systems of ReasoningWojciech Kowalczyk. 364-369
- Finding a Maximum Flow in /S, T/-Planar Network in Linear Expected TimeLudek Kucera. 370-377
- Nondeterministic Logspace ReductionsKlaus-Jörn Lange. 378-388
- Factoring Multivariate Polynomials over Algebraic Number FieldsArjen K. Lenstra. 389-396
- Gödel Numberings, Principal Morphisms, Combinatory Algebras: A Category-theoretic Characterization of Functional CompletenessGiuseppe Longo, Eugenio Moggi. 397-406
- Representations lf Integers and Language TheoryAldo de Luca, Antonio Restivo. 407-415
- New Lower Bound for Polyhedral Membership Problem with an Application to Linear ProgrammingJaroslav Morávek, Pavel Pudlák. 416-424
- Decidability of the Equivalence Problem for Synchronous Deterministic Pushdown AutomataA. Sh. Nepomnjashchaja. 425-432
- Models and Operators for Nondeterministic ProcessesRocco De Nicola. 433-442
- Algorithms for String Editing which Permit Arbitrarily Complex Editing ConstraintsB. John Oommen. 443-451
- The Structure of Polynomial Complexity Cores (Extended Abstract)Pekka Orponen, Uwe Schöning. 452-458
- Solving Visibility Problems by Using Skeleton StructuresThomas Ottmann, Peter Widmayer. 459-470
- Another Look at Parameterization Using Algebras with SubsortsAxel Poigné. 471-479
- A Lower Bound on Complexity of Branching Programs (Extended Abstract)Pavel Pudlák. 480-489
- From Dynamic Algebras to Test AlgebrasJan Reiterman, Vera Trnková. 490-497
- Combinatorial Games with Exponential Space Complete Decision ProblemsJ. M. Robson. 498-506
- Fast Recognition of Pushdown Automaton and Context-Free LanguagesWojciech Rytter. 507-515
- Multiprocessor Systems and Their ConcurrencyPeter H. Starke. 516-525
- Free Constructions in Algebraic InstitutionsAndrzej Tarlecki. 526-534
- Remarks on Comparing Expressive Power of Logics of ProgramsJerzy Tiuryn, Pawel Urzyczyn. 535-543
- The Complexity of Problems Concerning Graphs with Regularities (Extended Abstract)K. Wagner. 544-552
- On the Complexity of Slice FunctionsIngo Wegener. 553-561
- An Exponential Lower Bound for One-Time-Only Branching ProgramsStanislav Zák. 562-566
- A Topological View of Some Problems in Complexity TheoryMichael Sipser. 567-572
- Propositional Dynamic Logic with Strong Loop PredicateRyszard Danecki. 573-581