Abstract is missing.
- Bidirectional Transformations in the LargePerdita Stevens. 1-11 [doi]
- Translating Target to Source Constraints in Model-to-Model TransformationsJesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Robert Clarisó, Jordi Cabot. 12-22 [doi]
- On Additivity in Transformation LanguagesSoichiro Hidaka, Frédéric Jouault, Massimo Tisi. 23-33 [doi]
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- Language Design with IntentVadim Zaytsev. 45-52 [doi]
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- A Fuzzy Logic Based Approach for Model-Based Regression Test SelectionMohammed Al-Refai, Walter Cazzola, Sudipto Ghosh. 55-62 [doi]
- Partial Evaluation of OCL ExpressionsBastian Ulke, Friedrich Steimann, Ralf Lämmel. 63-73 [doi]
- Reusable Specification Templates for Defining Dynamic Semantics of DSLsUlyana Tikhonova. 74 [doi]
- Active Domain-Specific Languages: Making Every Mobile User a ModellerDiego Vaquero-Melchor, Javier Palomares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara. 75-82 [doi]
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- Tool Support for Live Formal VerificationVincent Aravantinos, Sudeep Kanav. 145-155 [doi]
- Model-Driven Development of Safety ArchitecturesEwen Denney, Ganesh Pai, Iain Whiteside. 156-166 [doi]
- Component and Connector Views in Practice: An Experience ReportVincent Bertram, Shahar Maoz, Jan Oliver Ringert, Bernhard Rumpe, Michael von Wenckstern. 167-177 [doi]
- Synthesis and Exploration of Multi-level, Multi-perspective Architectures of Automotive Embedded Systems (SoSYM Abstract)Jordan A. Ross, Alexandr Murashkin, Jia Hui Liang, Michal Antkiewicz, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 178 [doi]
- Managing Design-Time UncertaintyMichalis Famelis, Marsha Chechik. 179 [doi]
- The Next Evolution of MDE: A Seamless Integration of Machine Learning into Domain ModelingThomas Hartmann 0001, Assaad Moawad, François Fouquet, Yves Le Traon. 180 [doi]
- Raising Time Awareness in Model-Driven Engineering: Vision PaperAmine Benelallam, Thomas Hartmann 0001, Ludovic Mouline, François Fouquet, Johann Bourcier, Olivier Barais, Yves Le Traon. 181-188 [doi]
- Co-Evolution of Meta-Modeling Syntax and Informal Semantics in Domain-Specific Modeling Environments - A Case Study of AUTOSARDarko Durisic, Corrado Motta, Miroslaw Staron, Matthias Tichy. 189-198 [doi]
- Property-Based Locking in Collaborative ModelingCsaba Debreceni, Gábor Bergmann, István Ráth, Varro Daniel. 199-209 [doi]
- Heuristic-Based Recommendation for Metamodel - OCL CoevolutionEdouard Batot, Wael Kessentini, Houari A. Sahraoui, Michalis Famelis. 210-220 [doi]
- Ecoreification: Making Arbitrary Java Code Accessible to Metamodel-Based ToolsHeiko Klare, Erik Burger, Max E. Kramer, Michael Langhammer, Timur Saglam, Ralf H. Reussner. 221-228 [doi]
- User Experience for Model-Driven Engineering: Challenges and Future DirectionsSilvia Abrahão, Francis Bourdeleau, Betty H. C. Cheng, Sahar Kokaly, Richard F. Paige, Harald Störrle, Jon Whittle. 229-236 [doi]
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- Ontology-Based Pattern for System EngineeringDominique Ernadote. 248-258 [doi]
- DREAMS Toolchain: Model-Driven Engineering of Mixed-Criticality SystemsSimon Barner, Alexander Diewald, Jörn Migge, Ali Syed, Gerhard Fohler, Madeleine Faugère, Daniel Gracia Pérez. 259-269 [doi]
- Bringing DSE to Life: Exploring the Design Space of an Industrial Automotive Use CaseJohannes Eder, Sergey Zverlov, Sebastian Voss, Maged Khalil, Alexandru Ipatiov. 270-280 [doi]
- A Systematic Mapping Study on Modeling for Industry 4.0Andreas Wortmann, Benoît Combemale, Olivier Barais. 281-291 [doi]
- An Empirical Study on the Maturity of the Eclipse Modeling EcosystemJavier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Valerio Cosentino, Jordi Cabot. 292-302 [doi]
- A Survey of Tool Use in Modeling EducationLuciane Telinski Wiedermann Agner, Timothy C. Lethbridge. 303-311 [doi]
- Symbolic Execution for Realizability-Checking of Scenario-Based SpecificationsJoel Greenyer, Timo Gutjahr. 312-322 [doi]
- A Model-Driven Approach to Trace Checking of Pattern-Based Temporal PropertiesWei Dou 0001, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel C. Briand. 323-333 [doi]
- Removal of Redundant Elements within UML Activity DiagramsMartin Beckmann 0002, Vanessa N. Michalke, Aaron Schlutter, Andreas Vogelsang. 334-343 [doi]