Abstract is missing.
- Message from the MASE 2019 ChairAlessio Bucaioni, Juergen Dingel, Joanne M. Atlee. 1 [doi]
- Querying Automotive System Models and Safety Artifacts with MMINT and ViatraAlessio Di Sandro, Sahar Kokaly, Rick Salay, Marsha Chechik. 2-11 [doi]
- Test-Driven Scenario Specification of Automotive Software ComponentsCarsten Wiecher, Joel Greenyer, Jan Korte. 12-17 [doi]
- Validating Industrial Requirements with a Contract-Based ApproachMatthias Bernaerts, Bentley J. Oakes, Ken Vanherpen, Bjorn Aelvoet, Hans Vangheluwe, Joachim Denil. 18-27 [doi]
- Simulation as a Service for Cooperative VehiclesJörg Christian Kirchhof, Evgeny Kusmenko, Bernhard Rumpe, Hengwen Zhang. 28-37 [doi]
- Towards Model-Based Generation and Optimization of AUTOSAR Runnable-to-Task MappingThomas Wilhelm, Raphael Weber. 38-43 [doi]
- Model-Based Timing Analysis and Deployment Optimization for Heterogeneous Multi-core Systems using Eclipse APP4MCLukas Krawczyk, Mahmoud Bazzal, Ram Prasath Govindarajan, Carsten Wolff. 44-53 [doi]
- Security Patterns for Automotive SystemsBetty H. C. Cheng, Bradley Doherty, Nick Polanco, Matthew Pasco. 54-63 [doi]
- Preface to the 6th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2019)João-Paolo Alemeida, Adrian Rutle, Manuel Wimmer. 64-65 [doi]
- DeepTelos for ConceptBase: A Contribution to the MULTI Process ChallengeManfred A. Jeusfeld. 66-77 [doi]
- Coordinate Systems: Level Ascending Ontological OptionsChris Partridge, Andrew Mitchell, Michael Loneragan, Hayden Atkinson, Sergio de Cesare, Mesbah Khan. 78-87 [doi]
- A Foundation for the Composition of Multilevel Domain-Specific LanguagesAlejandro Rodríguez 0006, Adrian Rutle, Lars Michael Kristensen, Francisco Durán. 88-97 [doi]
- DeepTelos DemonstrationManfred A. Jeusfeld. 98-102 [doi]
- A Multilevel Modelling Approach for Tourism Flows DetectionMaria Teresa Rossi, Martina de Sanctis, Ludovico Iovino, Adrian Rutle. 103-112 [doi]
- On the Rules for Inheritance in LMLArne Lange, Colin Atkinson 0001. 113-118 [doi]
- Multi-level Modeling with DMLA - A Contribution to the MULTI Process ChallengeFerenc A. Somogyi, Gergely Mezei, Dániel Urbán, Zoltán Theisz, Sándor Bácsi, Dániel Palatinszky. 119-127 [doi]
- Applying Multilevel Modeling to the Development of Geographic Information SystemsSuilen Hernández Alvarado, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Oscar Pedreira, Ángeles Saavedra Places. 128-133 [doi]
- By Multi-layer to Multi-level ModelingZoltán Theisz, Sándor Bácsi, Gergely Mezei, Ferenc A. Somogyi, Dániel Palatinszky. 134-141 [doi]
- Preserving Multi-level Semantics in Conventional Two-Level Modeling TechniquesJoão Paulo A. Almeida, Fernando A. Musso, Victorio A. Carvalho, Claudenir M. Fonseca, Giancarlo Guizzardi. 142-151 [doi]
- Multilevel Modelling with MultEcore: A Contribution to the MULTI Process ChallengeAlejandro Rodríguez 0006, Fernando Macías. 152-163 [doi]
- The MULTI Process ChallengeJoão Paulo A. Almeida, Adrian Rutle, Manuel Wimmer, Thomas Kühne. 164-167 [doi]
- Preface to MDE Intelligence 2019: 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven EngineeringLoli Burgueño, Alexandru Burdusel, Sébastien Gérard, Manuel Wimmer. 168-169 [doi]
- On Artificial Intelligence for Simulation and Design Space Exploration in Gas Turbine DesignSebastian Pilarski, Martin Staniszewski, Frederic Villeneuve, Dániel Varró. 170-174 [doi]
- Personalized and Automatic Model Repairing using Reinforcement LearningAngela Barriga, Adrian Rutle, Rogardt Heldal. 175-181 [doi]
- Heuristic Inference of Model Transformation Definitions from Type MappingsChristopher Gerking, Ingo Budde. 182-188 [doi]
- Towards Scalable Search-Based Model Engineering with MDEOptimiser ScaleAlexandru Burdusel, Steffen Zschaler. 189-195 [doi]
- Modeling Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Architectures for Cyber-Physical SystemsNicola Gatto, Evgeny Kusmenko, Bernhard Rumpe. 196-202 [doi]
- A Case Study of Model-Driven Engineering for Automated TimetablingClement Eke, Antonio García-Domínguez, Jort van Mourik, Ifti Khan. 203-210 [doi]
- A Model Checkable UML Soccer PlayerValentin Besnard, Ciprian Teodorov, Frédéric Jouault, Matthias Brun 0001, Philippe Dhaussy. 211-220 [doi]
- Solving the RoboSoccer Challenge Problem with UML-RT and Papyrus-RTMajid Babaei, Karim Jahed, Juergen Dingel. 221-227 [doi]
- Usability of Development Tools: A CASE-StudyThomas Weber, Alois Zoitl, Heinrich Hußmann. 228-235 [doi]
- Towards Concrete Syntax Based Find for Graphical Domain Specific LanguagesElina Kalnina, Agris Sostaks. 236-242 [doi]
- Using Behavioural Programming with Solver, Context, and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Playing a Simplified RoboCup-Type GameAchiya Elyasaf, Aviran Sadon, Gera Weiss, Tom Yaacov. 243-251 [doi]
- Voice-Driven Modeling: Software Modeling Using Automated Speech RecognitionDana Black, Eric J. Rapos, Matthew Stephan. 252-258 [doi]
- JSOI: A JSON-Based Interchange Format for Efficient Model ManagementHoracio Hoyos Rodriguez, Beatriz Sanchez Piña. 259-266 [doi]
- Preface to the 13th Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME2019)Ludovico Iovino, Alfonso Pierantonio, Dalila Tamzalit. 267 [doi]
- Consistency Control for Model Versions in Evolving Model-Driven Software Product LinesJohannes Schröpfer, Felix Schwägerl, Bernhard Westfechtel. 268-277 [doi]
- Multifaceted Consistency Checking of Collaborative Engineering ArtifactsMichael Alexander Tröls, Atif Mashkoor, Alexander Egyed. 278-287 [doi]
- An Integrated Model-Based Tool Chain for Managing Variability in Complex System DesignDamir Bilic, Etienne Brosse, Andrey Sadovykh, Dragos Truscan, Hugo Brunelière, Uwe Ryssel. 288-293 [doi]
- Inferring Metamodel Relaxations Based on Structural Patterns to Support Model FamiliesSanaa A. Alwidian, Daniel Amyot. 294-303 [doi]
- BESMER: An Approach for Bad Smells Summarization in Systems ModelsXin Zhao, Jeff Gray. 304-313 [doi]
- Towards Platform Specific Energy Estimation for Executable Domain-Specific Modeling LanguagesThibault Béziers la Fosse, Massimo Tisi, Erwan Bousse, Jean-Marie Mottu, Gerson Sunyé. 314-317 [doi]
- Executable Modelling for Highly Parallel AcceleratorsLorenzo Addazi, Federico Ciccozzi, Björn Lisper. 318-321 [doi]
- Engineering Hybrid Graphical-Textual Languages with Sirius and Xtext: Requirements and ChallengesJustin Cooper, Dimitris Kolovos. 322-325 [doi]
- A Proposal of Features to Support Analysis and Debugging of Declarative Model Transformations with Graphical Syntax by Embedded VisualizationsFlorian Ege, Matthias Tichy. 326-330 [doi]
- Simulation of Model Execution for Embedded SystemsJörg Christian Kirchhof, Evgeny Kusmenko, Jean Meurice, Bernhard Rumpe. 331-338 [doi]
- Firmware Synthesis for Ultra-Thin IoT Devices Based on Model IntegrationArthur Kühlwein, Anton Paule, Leon Hielscher, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Oliver Bringmann 0001. 339-346 [doi]
- On the Challenges of Model Decorations for Capturing Complex MetadataHoracio Hoyos Rodriguez, Athanasios Zolotas, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Richard F. Paige. 347-353 [doi]
- Converting Executable Floating-Point Models to Executable and Synthesizable Fixed-Point ModelsTaylor L. Riché, Jim Nagle, Joyce Xu, Don Hubbard. 354-361 [doi]
- TrueChange (TM) Under the Hood: How We Check the Consistency of Large Models (Almost) InstantlyHugo Lourenço, Rui Eugénio. 362-369 [doi]
- Preface to the 1st Workshop on View-Oriented Software Engineering (VoSE)Colin Atkinson 0001, Erik Burger, Johannes Meier, Ralf H. Reussner, Andreas Winter 0001. 370 [doi]
- Commonalities for Preserving Consistency of Multiple ModelsHeiko Klare, Joshua Gleitze. 371-378 [doi]
- A Generic Language for Query and Viewtype Generation By-ExampleChristopher Werner, Manuel Wimmer, Uwe Aßmann. 379-386 [doi]
- Towards Modular Combination and Reuse of Languages with PerspectivesHyacinth Ali, Gunter Mussbacher, Jörg Kienzle. 387-394 [doi]
- Intensional View Definition with Constrained Incremental Transformation RulesThéo Le Calvar, Frédéric Jouault, Fabien Chhel, Frédéric Saubion, Mickael Clavreul. 395-402 [doi]
- Preface to the Fourth International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling (HuFaMo'19)Rodi Jolak, Miguel Goulão, Silvia Abrahão, Xavier Le Pallec, Emmanuel Renaux. 403-404 [doi]
- Insights for Improving Diagram Editing Gained from an Empirical StudyMichael Stegmaier, Alexander Raschke, Matthias Tichy, Eva-Maria Meßner, Sara Hajian, Anna Feldengut. 405-412 [doi]
- UmpleOnline as a Testbed for Modeling Empirical Studies: A Position PaperTimothy Lethbridge. 413-414 [doi]
- Position Paper: Knowledge Sharing and Distances in Collaborative ModelingRodi Jolak, Grischa Liebel. 415-416 [doi]
- Preface to the 1st Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS 2019)Simon Van Mierlo, Eugene Syriani, Dominique Blouin, Moussa Amrani, Julien DeAntoni, Manuel Wimmer. 417-418 [doi]
- Towards a Formal Specification of Multi-paradigm ModellingMoussa Amrani, Dominique Blouin, Robert Heinrich, Arend Rensink, Hans Vangheluwe, Andreas Wortmann. 419-424 [doi]
- Blended Modelling - What, Why and HowFederico Ciccozzi, Matthias Tichy, Hans Vangheluwe, Danny Weyns. 425-430 [doi]
- Model-Driven Systems Engineering for Virtual Product DesignManuela Dalibor, Nico Jansen, Bernhard Rumpe, Louis Wachtmeister, Andreas Wortmann. 431-436 [doi]
- Towards Sketching Interfaces for Multi-paradigm ModelingSimon Van Mierlo, Julien DeAntoni, Loli Burgueño, Clark Verbrugge, Hans Vangheluwe. 437-442 [doi]
- Challenges for Automation in Adaptive AbstractionRomain Franceschini, Moharram Challenger, Antonio Cicchetti, Joachim Denil, Hans Vangheluwe. 443-448 [doi]
- The Computational Notebook Paradigm for Multi-paradigm ModelingBentley James Oakes, Romain Franceschini, Simon Van Mierlo, Hans Vangheluwe. 449-454 [doi]
- Towards Flexible, Rigorous Refinement in MetamodelingGergely Mezei, Zoltán Theisz, Sándor Bácsi, Ferenc A. Somogyi, Dániel Palatinszky. 455-459 [doi]
- Simplified Specification Languages for Flexible and Agile ModellingKevin Lano, Shichao Fang, Hessa Alfraihi, Sobhan Kolahdouz Rahimi. 460-467 [doi]
- Modeling MoodsHarald Störrle. 468-477 [doi]
- Flexible Modelling using Conversational AgentsSara Pérez-Soler, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara. 478-482 [doi]
- Towards Reasoning About Product Lines with Design ChoicesNavpreet Kaur, Michalis Famelis. 483-492 [doi]
- Shall We Test Service-Based Models or Generated Code?Jean-Marie Mottu, Pascal André, Maxence Coutant, Tom Le Berre. 493-502 [doi]
- Using the SCADE Toolchain to Generate Requirements-Based Test Cases for an Adaptive Cruise Control SystemAdina Aniculaesei, Andreas Vorwald, Andreas Rausch. 503-513 [doi]
- Verification and Validation Approaches for Model-Based Software EngineeringJohann Schumann, Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova. 514-518 [doi]
- A Catalogue of Scenario Patterns for Validating and Verifying Model BehaviorNisha Desai, Martin Gogolla. 519-523 [doi]
- Optimizing Hierarchical, Concurrent State Machines in Umple for Model CheckingOpeyemi Adesina, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Stéphane S. Somé. 524-532 [doi]
- Bridging the Gap between Smart Home Platforms and Machine Learning using Relational Reference Attribute GrammarsRené Schöne, Johannes Mey, Boqi Ren, Uwe Aßmann. 533-542 [doi]
- Towards Self-Explainable Cyber-Physical SystemsMathias Blumreiter, Joel Greenyer, Francisco Javier Chiyah Garcia, Verena Klös, Maike Schwammberger, Christoph Sommer 0001, Andreas Vogelsang, Andreas Wortmann. 543-548 [doi]
- A Domain-Specific Language for the Development of Heterogeneous Multi-robot SystemsDaneil Steen Losvik, Adrian Rutle. 549-558 [doi]
- A Matlab-Internal DSL for Modelling Hybrid Rigid-Continuum Robots with TMTDynS. M. Hadi Sadati, Steffen Zschaler, Christos Bergeles. 559-567 [doi]
- A Model-Driven Approach to Automate Tuning of Continuous Controller ParametersHamza El Baccouri, Goulven Guillou, Jean-Philippe Babau. 568-576 [doi]
- Design-Time Safety Assessment of Robotic Systems Using Fault Injection Simulation in a Model-Driven ApproachGarazi Juez Uriagereka, Estibaliz Amparan Calonge, Cristina Martinez Martinez, Jabier Martinez, Aurélien Ibanez, Matteo Morelli, Ansgar Radermacher, Huáscar Espinoza. 577-586 [doi]
- Preface to the 1st Workshop on DevOps@MODELSFrancis Bordeleau, Jean-Michel Bruel, Jordi Cabot, Juergen Dingel, Sébastien Mosser 0001. 587-588 [doi]
- Detecting Architectural Issues During the Continuous Integration PipelineCamilo Mendoza, Kelly Garcés, Rubby Casallas, José Bocanegra. 589-597 [doi]
- Towards Continuous Delivery for Domain Experts: Using MDE to Integrate Non-Programmers into a Software Delivery PipelineHolger Nehls, Daniel Ratiu. 598-604 [doi]
- When DevOps Meets Meta-Learning: A Portfolio to Rule them allBenni Benjamin, Blay-Fornarino Mireille, Mosser Sébastien, Précisio Frédéric, Jungbluth Günther. 605-612 [doi]
- Towards Model-Based Continuous Deployment of Secure IoT SystemsNicolas Ferry 0001, Phu H. Nguyen. 613-618 [doi]
- A Model-Driven Engineering Framework to Support the Functional Safety ProcessBart Meyers, Klaas Gadeyne, Bentley Oakes, Matthias Bernaerts, Hans Vangheluwe, Joachim Denil. 619-623 [doi]
- Towards Model-Driven Self-Explanation for Autonomous Decision-Making SystemsOwen Reynolds. 624-628 [doi]
- Automatic Network Configuration for Real-Time, Distributed Industrial Automation SystemsBen Schneider. 629-634 [doi]
- User-Centered Performance Engineering of Model TransformationsRaffaela Groner. 635-641 [doi]
- How to Live with Inconsistencies in Industrial Model-Based Development PracticeRobbert Jongeling. 642-647 [doi]
- Improving MBSE Tools UX with AI-Empowered Software AssistantsMaxime Savary-Leblanc. 648-652 [doi]
- Improving Solution Reuse in Automotive Embedded Applications using a Pattern Library Based ApproachMaged Khalil. 653-659 [doi]
- Modeling Adaptive Learning Agents for Domain Knowledge TransferMoritz Höser. 660-665 [doi]
- Automated Suggestions of Security Enhancing Improvements for Software ArchitecturesSven Merschjohann. 666-671 [doi]
- Use of Personalized Feedback Reports in a Blended Conceptual Modelling CourseDaria Bogdanova, Monique Snoeck. 672-679 [doi]
- A Study of Modeling Perception in a First-Time Modeling ClassHüseyin Ergin, Isaac L. Walling, Kate P. Rader, D. Joshua Dobbs. 680-689 [doi]
- Teaching Software Modelling in an Undergraduate Introduction to Software EngineeringBernd Westphal. 690-699 [doi]
- Automated Grading of Class DiagramsWeiyi Bian, Omar Alam, Jörg Kienzle. 700-709 [doi]
- An Idealistic Plan for Transforming Media Sources Into Books, Slides and Videos: Position Statement on "Textbooks 10 Years From Now"Martin Gogolla, Antonio Vallecillo. 710-713 [doi]
- Teaching Modelling Literacy: An Artificial Intelligence ApproachRijul Saini, Gunter Mussbacher, Jin L. C. Guo, Jörg Kienzle. 714-719 [doi]
- SML4C: Fully Automatic Classification of State Machine Models for Model Inspection in EducationShinpei Ogata, Mizue Kayama. 720-729 [doi]
- A Semantic Model to Fight Social ExclusionVictor-Alejandro Ortiz, Montserrat Estañol, Maria-Cristina Marinescu, Maria-Ribera Sancho, Ernest Teniente, Carmen Rueda. 730-731 [doi]
- Formal Verification and Mathematical Optimization for Autonomous Vehicle Group ControllersMasaki Nakamura, Kazutoshi Sakakibara. 732-733 [doi]
- Continuous Delivery of Software on IoT DevicesDiego Prens, Iván Alfonso, Kelly Garcés, John Guerra-Gomez. 734-735 [doi]
- Generating Heterogeneous Codes for IoT Systems Based on CAPSMohammad Sharaf, Mai Abusair, Henry Muccini, Rami Eleiwi, Yara Shana'a, Ithar Saleh. 736-737 [doi]
- ARGON: A Model-Driven Infrastructure Provisioning ToolJulio Sandobalin, Emilio Insfrán, Silvia Abrahão. 738-742 [doi]
- Live-UMLRT: A Tool for Live Modeling of UML-RT ModelsMojtaba Bagherzadeh, Karim Jahed, Benoît Combemale, Juergen Dingel. 743-747 [doi]
- WAPIml: Towards a Modeling Infrastructure for Web APIsHamza Ed-Douibi, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Francis Bordeleau, Jordi Cabot. 748-752 [doi]
- GDF: A Gamification Design Framework Powered by Model-Driven EngineeringAntonio Bucchiarone, Antonio Cicchetti, Annapaola Marconi. 753-758 [doi]
- MAPLE-T: A Tool for Process Enactment with Traceability SupportOmar Hassane, Sadaf Mustafiz, Ferhat Khendek, Maria Toeroe. 759-763 [doi]
- Verifying Deadlock and Nondeterminism in Activity DiagramsLucas Lima, Amaury Tavares. 764-768 [doi]
- A Model Driven Tool for Requirements and Hardware EngineeringAsma Charfi, Shuai Li, Thomas Payret, Patrick Tessier, Chokri Mraidha, Sébastien Gérard. 769-773 [doi]
- Quality Improvement for UML and OCL Models Through Bad Smell and Metrics DefinitionKhanh-Hoang Doan, Martin Gogolla. 774-778 [doi]
- UCAnDoModels: A Context-Based Model Editor for Editing and Debugging UML Class and State-Machine DiagramsParsa Pourali, Joanne M. Atlee. 779-783 [doi]
- Semantics of Co-simulation Algorithms with Simulator ContractsCláudio Gomes, Levi Lúcio, Hans Vangheluwe. 784-789 [doi]
- Meta Model Application for Consistency Management of Models for Avionic Systems DesignJef Stegen, Stefan Dutré, Joe Zhensheng Guo, Marc Zeller, Stefan Rothbauer. 790-795 [doi]