Abstract is missing.
- Designed animismBrenda Laurel. 503 [doi]
- Scale changes everythingLinda M. Northrop. 504 [doi]
- A growable languageGuy L. Steele Jr.. 505 [doi]
- How to design a good API and why it mattersJoshua J. Bloch. 506-507 [doi]
- Faith, evolution, and programming languages: from Haskell to Java to linksPhilip Wadler. 508 [doi]
- The geography of programmingElisa L. A. Baniassad, Sebastian Fleissner. 510-520 [doi]
- Applying a UML-based agent modeling language to the autonomic computing domainIvan Trencanský, Radovan Cervenka, Dominic A. P. Greenwood. 521-529 [doi]
- Keeping track of crosscutting requirements in UML models via context-based constraintsFelix Bübl. 530-541 [doi]
- Pegasus: first steps toward a naturalistic programming languageRoman Knöll, Mira Mezini. 542-559 [doi]
- A commensalistic software systemSebastian Fleissner, Elisa L. A. Baniassad. 560-573 [doi]
- Collaborative diffusion: programming antiobjectsAlexander Repenning. 574-585 [doi]
- JDA: a step towards large-scale reuse on the webSeung Chan Slim Lim, Peter Lucas. 586-601 [doi]
- Model-based DSL frameworksIvan Kurtev, Jean Bézivin, Frédéric Jouault, Patrick Valduriez. 602-616 [doi]
- LCSD: library-centric software designJosh Bloch, Jaakko Järvi, David R. Musser, Sibylle Schupp, Jeremy G. Siek. 618 [doi]
- Eclipse technology eXchange (ETX) workshopMichael G. Burke, Cheryl Morris, Alessandro Orso, Martin P. Robillard. 619 [doi]
- Building software for sensor networksSteffen Schäfer, Tzilla Elrad, Jens H. Weber-Jahnke. 620 [doi]
- OOPSLA 06 workshop outline: 1st workshop on model-based testing and object-oriented systems (M-TOOS)Wolfgang Grieskamp, Debra Richardson, Clay E. Williams. 621 [doi]
- The 6th OOPSLA workshop on domain-specific modelingJuha-Pekka Tolvanen, Jonathan Sprinkle, Jeffrey G. Gray. 622-623 [doi]
- Workshop on event driven architectureMamdouh Ibrahim, Opher Etzion. 624 [doi]
- Killer examples for design patterns: the fifth annual OOPSLA Killer Examples workshopCarl Alphonce, Michael E. Caspersen, Adrienne Decker, Bruce Trask. 625-626 [doi]
- Escaped from the lab: software practices in large organizationsDennis Mancl, Steven Fraser, Ricardo Lopez, William F. Opdyke, Greg Utas. 627 [doi]
- Creating an informative workspaceRachel Davies, David Hussman. 628 [doi]
- 4th int l workshop on SOA and web servicesAnders Aas Bjerkestrand. 629-630 [doi]
- Decoupled design: building applications on the NetBeans platformTimothy Boudreau, Jaroslav Tulach, Rich Unger. 631 [doi]
- Ultra-large-scale systemsRichard P. Gabriel, Linda M. Northrop, Douglas C. Schmidt, Kevin J. Sullivan. 632-634 [doi]
- Killer examples for design patterns: a poster reporting results of the workshopCarl Alphonce, Michael E. Caspersen, Adrienne Decker, Bruce Trask. 636 [doi]
- A programming language with natural persistenceLuc Bläser. 637-638 [doi]
- Core-java: an expression-oriented javaFlorin Craciun, Hong Yaw Goh, Corneliu Popeea, Wei-Ngan Chin. 639-640 [doi]
- Aspect mining for large systemsSilvia Breu, Thomas Zimmermann, Christian Lindig. 641-642 [doi]
- Improving software development organizations with autochthonyPamela M. Rostal, David Williams. 643-644 [doi]
- Semantics of persistence in the glib programming languageDaniel Gakh Libicki. 645-646 [doi]
- Sizing multi-space in heap for application isolationKewei Sun, Ying Li, Matt Hogstrom, Ying Chen. 647-648 [doi]
- Towards a framework for collaborative and coordinated product configurationMarcílio Mendonça, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Toacy Cavalcante de Oliveira, Donald D. Cowan. 649-650 [doi]
- Scripting refactorings with JunGLMathieu Verbaere, Arnaud Payement, Oege de Moor. 651-652 [doi]
- Building Java program analysis tools using JavanaDries Buytaert, Jonas Maebe, Lieven Eeckhout, Koen De Bosschere. 653-654 [doi]
- VET3D: a tool for execution trace web 3D visualizationCraig Anslow, Stuart Marshall, James Noble, Robert Biddle. 655-656 [doi]
- Dynamic constraint detection for polymorphic behaviorNadya Kuzmina, Ruben Gamboa. 657-658 [doi]
- The OOPS framework: high level ions for the development of parallel scientific applicationsEloiza Sonoda, Gonzalo Travieso. 659-660 [doi]
- Service oriented garbage collection: improving performance and robustness of application serversFeng Xian, Witawas Srisa-an, Hong Jiang. 661-662 [doi]
- Ambiance: adaptive object model-based platform for macroprogramming sensor networksReza Razavi, Kirill Mechitov, Sameer Sundresh, Gul Agha, Jean-François Perrot. 663-664 [doi]
- Systemizing aspect-oriented framework reuse with AFRLeonardo Penczek, Marcílio Mendonça, Toacy Cavalcante de Oliveira. 665-666 [doi]
- Datalog as a pointcut language in aspect-oriented programmingElnar Hajiyev, Neil Ongkingco, Pavel Avgustinov, Oege de Moor, Damien Sereni, Julian Tibble, Mathieu Verbaere. 667-668 [doi]
- The Marmoset project: an automated snapshot, submission, and testing systemJaime Spacco, William Pugh, Nathaniel Ayewah, David Hovemeyer. 669-670 [doi]
- An evaluation of secialized Java bytecodesBen Stephenson, Wade Holst. 671-672 [doi]
- Improving your software using static analysis to find bugsBrian Cole, Daniel Hakim, David Hovemeyer, Reuven Lazarus, William Pugh, Kristin Stephens. 673-674 [doi]
- Automated upgrading of component-based applicationsDanny Dig, Ralph E. Johnson. 675-676 [doi]
- The availability manager design patternJason Horne. 677-678 [doi]
- Patterns meta-specification and cataloging: towards knowledge management in software engineeringLeón Welicki, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, Luis Joyanes Aguilar. 679-680 [doi]
- Sourcerer: a search engine for open source code supporting structure-based searchSushil Krishna Bajracharya, Trung Chi Ngo, Erik Linstead, Yimeng Dou, Paul Rigor, Pierre Baldi, Cristina Videira Lopes. 681-682 [doi]
- Smalltalk card game for learning object-oriented thinking in an evolutionary waySeungBum Kim, SookKyoung Choi, HyeSun Jang, DaiYoung Kwon, YongChul Yeum, WonGyu Lee. 683-684 [doi]
- Efficient trace monitoringPavel Avgustinov, Julian Tibble, Eric Bodden, Laurie J. Hendren, Ondřej Lhoták, Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco, Ganesh Sittampalam. 685-686 [doi]
- Writing truly efficient smalltalkAndrés Valloud. 688-689 [doi]
- MetaEdit+: integrated modeling and metamodeling environment for domain-specific languagesJuha-Pekka Tolvanen. 690-691 [doi]
- Web testing made easyMarc Guillemot, Dierk König. 692-693 [doi]
- Tools for a successful refactoringEmerson R. Murphy-Hill, Andrew P. Black. 694-695 [doi]
- A simple edit-time metaobject protocol: controlling the display of metadata in programsAndrew David Eisenberg, Gregor Kiczales. 696-697 [doi]
- OO design methodology of a DSL using EMF: (demonstration for the telco revenue assurance domain)Uri Shani, Aviad Sela. 698-699 [doi]
- DigitalAssets Manager, Sharing and Managing Software Development AssetsKleber Rogerio Bacili, Marcilio Silva Oliveira. 700-701 [doi]
- Bringing ownership domains to mainstream JavaMarwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich. 702-703 [doi]
- Mutual satellites: round-trip modeling for complete applicationsLars Thorup, Sune Gynthersen, Kristian Dupont. 704-705 [doi]
- Programming the world with sun SPOTsRandall B. Smith, Bernard Horan, John Daniels, Dave Cleal. 706-707 [doi]
- A visualization of the frame representation languageJames Foster, Paul Juell. 708-709 [doi]
- There is no impedance mismatch: (language integrated query in visual basic 9)Erik Meijer. 710-711 [doi]
- Fluid AOP join point modelsTerry Hon, Gregor Kiczales. 712-713 [doi]
- Aspect mining for large systemsSilvia Breu, Thomas Zimmermann, Christian Lindig. 714-715 [doi]
- DEMOS: a tool for declarative executable modeling of object-based systemsChristian Glodt, Pierre Kelsen. 716-717 [doi]
- Using framework interfaces with design fragmentsGeorge Fairbanks, David Garlan, William L. Scherlis. 718 [doi]
- ATL: a QVT-like transformation languageFrédéric Jouault, Freddy Allilaire, Jean Bézivin, Ivan Kurtev, Patrick Valduriez. 719-720 [doi]
- Advanced issue tracker in smalltalkGöran Krampe. 721 [doi]
- SAFARI: a meta-tooling framework for generating language-specific IDE sPhilippe Charles, Julian Dolby, Robert M. Fuhrer, Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Mandana Vaziri. 722-723 [doi]
- Flexible event scheduling for data-flow audio processingNeil Burroughs, George Tzanetakis. 724-725 [doi]
- Integrated solution engineeringLeiguang Gong, Tim Klinger, Paul Matchen, Peri L. Tarr, Rosario Uceda-Sosa, Annie T. T. Ying, Jian Xu, Xin Zhou. 726-727 [doi]
- Adding domain-specific and general purpose language features to Java with the Java language extenderEric {Van Wyk}, Lijesh Krishnan, Derek Bodin, Eric Johnson. 728-729 [doi]
- CViMe: viewing conditionally compiled C/C++ sources through JavaNieraj Singh, Graeme Johnson, Yvonne Coady. 730-731 [doi]
- MolhadoRef: a refactoring-aware software configuration management toolDanny Dig, Tien N. Nguyen, Kashif Manzoor, Ralph E. Johnson. 732-733 [doi]
- A static analysis for extracting runtime views from annotated object-oriented codeMarwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich. 734-735 [doi]
- Language integrated query: unified querying across data sources and programming languagesMads Torgersen. 736-737 [doi]
- Round-trip engineering of eclipse plug-ins using eclipse workbench part interaction FSMLMichał Antkiewicz, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 738-739 [doi]
- Developing embedded software product lines with AspectC++Daniel Lohmann, Olaf Spinczyk. 740-742 [doi]
- Transformations to automate model change evolutionYuehua Lin. 744-745 [doi]
- Improving usability of refactoring toolsEmerson R. Murphy-Hill. 746-747 [doi]
- A study of artifact creation and use in collaborative object-oriented software designUri Dekel. 748-749 [doi]
- Automatic generation and inference of interface properties from program source codeMithun Acharya. 750-751 [doi]
- Automated test generation for access control policiesEvan Martin. 752-753 [doi]
- Optimizing JIT-compilation subsystem for Rotor 2.0Sophia Chilingarova. 754-755 [doi]
- The uniconc optimizing unicon compilerMichael D. Wilder. 756-757 [doi]
- Automated testing of pointcuts in AspectJ programsPrasanth Anbalagan. 758-759 [doi]
- Definition and execution of multiple viewpoints in workflow processesDarío Correal. 760-761 [doi]
- Design fragments make using frameworks easierGeorge Fairbanks, David Garlan, William L. Scherlis. 762-763 [doi]
- Using architecture to change code: studying information needsThomas D. LaToza. 764-765 [doi]
- Transformations to automate model change evolutionYuehua Lin. 768-769 [doi]
- On the usage and usefulness of OO design principlesHayden Melton. 770-771 [doi]
- Grammar-driven generation of domain-specific language toolsHui Wu. 772-773 [doi]
- Towards a framework for collaborative and coordinated product configurationMarcílio Mendonça, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Donald D. Cowan. 774-775 [doi]
- Using a role-based coordination model to achieve adaptive and quantifiable dependability for open distributed embedded systemsNianen Chen, Shangping Ren. 776-777 [doi]
- Modal logic & ownership types: uniting three worldsPradeep Kumar. 778-779 [doi]
- Clone detection and refactoringRobert Tairas. 780-781 [doi]
- Using interfaces to support the testing of crosscutting featuresRoberta Coelho, Arndt von Staa. 782-783 [doi]
- The composition refactoring triangle (CRT) practical toolkit: from spaghetti to lasagnaEthan Hadar, Irit Hadar. 786-797 [doi]
- Incremental return on incremental investment: Engenio s transition to software product line practiceWilliam A. Hetrick, Charles W. Krueger, Joseph G. Moore. 798-804 [doi]
- Towards agile security in web applicationsVidar Kongsli. 805-808 [doi]
- Architectural improvement by use of strategic level domain-driven designEinar Landre, Harald Wesenberg, Harald Rønneberg. 809-814 [doi]
- Software architecture at a large financial firmGeorge Fairbanks, Kevin Bierhoff, Desmond D Souza. 815-823 [doi]
- Using domain-driven design to evaluate commercial off-the-shelf softwareHarald Wesenberg, Einar Landre, Harald Rønneberg. 824-829 [doi]
- OO techniques applied to a real-time, embedded, spaceborne applicationAlexander T. Murray, Mohammad Shahabuddin. 830-838 [doi]
- Secure trade lane: a sensor network solution for more predictable and more secure container shipmentsSteffen Schaefer. 839-845 [doi]
- Using model-driven engineering to complement software product line engineering in developing software defined radio components and applicationsBruce Trask, Dominick Paniscotti, Angel Roman, Vikram Bhanot. 846-853 [doi]
- Decoupled design: building applications on the NetBeans platformTimothy Boudreau, Jaroslav Tulach, Rich Unger. 854 [doi]
- Evolving an embedded domain-specific language in JavaSteve Freeman, Nat Pryce. 855-865 [doi]
- The dynamics of changing dynamic memory allocation in a large-scale C++ applicationNeil B. Harrison, John H. Meiners. 866-873 [doi]
- Java interfaces in CS 1 textbooksThomas VanDrunen. 875-880 [doi]
- Hello, M.U.P.P.E.T.S.: using a 3D collaborative virtual environment to motivate fundamental object-oriented learningChristopher A. Egert, Kevin J. Bierre, Andrew M. Phelps, Phil Ventura. 881-886 [doi]
- oops: discovering LL(1) through objectsAxel-Tobias Schreiner, James E. Heliotis. 887-891 [doi]
- A novice s process of object-oriented programmingMichael E. Caspersen, Michael Kölling. 892-900 [doi]
- Expertiza: students helping to write an OOD textEdward F. Gehringer, Luke M. Ehresman, Dale Skrien. 901-906 [doi]
- Helping students appreciate test-driven development (TDD)Jaime Spacco, William Pugh. 907-913 [doi]
- How natural is natural language?: how well do computer science students write use cases?Dorota Jagielska, Paul Wernick, Mick Wood, Steve Bennett. 914-924 [doi]
- Objects and databases: state of the union in 2006William R. Cook, Robert Greene, Patrick Linskey, Erik Meijer, Ken Rugg, Craig Russell, Bob Walker, Christof Wittig. 926-928 [doi]
- The ultra challenge: software systems beyond bigSteven Fraser, Gregor Kiczales, Ricardo Lopez, Peter G. Neumann, Linda M. Northrop, Martin C. Rinard, Douglas C. Schmidt, Kevin Sullivan. 929-933 [doi]
- Design patterns: beginnings and futuresSteven Fraser, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph E. Johnson. 934 [doi]
- Aspects and/versus modularity the grand debateRichard P. Gabriel, Guy L. Steele Jr., Friedrich Steimann, Jim Waldo, Gregor Kiczales, Kevin Sullivan. 935-936 [doi]
- A fishbowl with piranhas: coalescence, convergence or divergence?Steven Fraser, Linda Rising, Scott W. Ambler, Alistair Cockburn, Jutta Eckstein, David Hussman, Randy Miller, Mark Striebeck, Dave A. Thomas. 937-939 [doi]
- Young guns/object orientation: the next generationJeffrey Overbey, Brian Foote, Paul Adamczyk, Jonathan Aldrich, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Christian Grothoff, Arvind Krishna, Sean McDirmid, Todd D. Millstein, Alex Potanin, Mandana Vaziri. 940-942 [doi]
- PyPy s approach to virtual machine constructionArmin Rigo, Samuele Pedroni. 944-953 [doi]
- Runtime synthesis of high-performance code from scripting languagesChristopher Mueller, Andrew Lumsdaine. 954-963 [doi]
- Interlanguage migration: from scripts to programsSam Tobin-Hochstadt, Matthias Felleisen. 964-974 [doi]
- Hop: a language for programming the web 2.0Manuel Serrano, Erick Gallesio, Florian Loitsch. 975-985 [doi]
- Ambient references: addressing objects in mobile networksTom Van Cutsem, Jessie Dedecker, Stijn Mostinckx, Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Theo D Hondt, Wolfgang De Meuter. 986-997 [doi]
- Hardware tansactional memory support for lightweight dynamic language evolutionNicholas Riley, Craig B. Zilles. 998-1008 [doi]