Abstract is missing.
- Reliability Analysis of Safety-Related Communication ArchitecturesOliver Schulz, Jan Peleska. 1-14 [doi]
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- Evolving a Safe System Design IterativelyAlexandre Mota, Joabe Jesus, Adriano Gomes, Felipe Ferri, Edson H. Watanabe. 361-374 [doi]
- An Approach to Using Non Safety-Assured Programmable Components in Modest Integrity SystemsPeter G. Bishop, Konstantinos Tourlas, Nick Chozos. 375-388 [doi]
- Development of High-Integrity Software Product Lines Using Model TransformationStuart Hutchesson, John A. McDermid. 389-401 [doi]
- On the Safety Implications of E-Governance: Assessing the Hazards of Enterprise Information Architectures in Safety-Critical ApplicationsChristopher W. Johnson, Stefan Raue. 402-417 [doi]
- The Right Degree of Configurability for Safety-Critical Embedded Software in Variable Message SignsThomas Novak, Christoph Stoegerer. 418-430 [doi]
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- Integrating System Modelling with Safety ActivitiesBernhard Kaiser, Vanessa Klaas, Stefan Schulz, Christian Herbst, Peter Lascych. 452-465 [doi]
- Aspect-Oriented Implementation of Fault Tolerance: An Assessment of OverheadRuben Alexandersson, Peter Öhman, Johan Karlsson. 466-479 [doi]
- System of Systems ChallengesHermann Kopetz. 480 [doi]
- Process Control Security: Go Dutch! (United, Shared, Lean and Mean)Eric A. M. Luiijf. 483 [doi]