Abstract is missing.
- 3rd Workshop on Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile Systems (ASCoMS)Renato Librino, Martin Törngren. 1-2 [doi]
- Intelligent Transport Systems - The Role of a Safety Loop for Holistic Safety ManagementKenneth Östberg, Martin Törngren, Fredrik Asplund, Magnus Bengtsson. 3-10 [doi]
- Safety Verification of Multiple Autonomous Systems by Formal ApproachKozo Okano, Toshifusa Sekizawa. 11-18 [doi]
- Checking Verification Compliance of Technical Safety Requirements on the AUTOSAR Platform Using Annotated Semi-formal Executable ModelsMartin A. Skoglund, Hans Svensson, Henrik Eriksson, Thomas Arts, Rolf Johansson, Alex Gerdes. 19-26 [doi]
- Evaluation of Safety Rules in a Safety Kernel-Based ArchitectureEric Vial, Antonio Casimiro. 27-35 [doi]
- Driving with Confidence: Local Dynamic Maps That Provide LoS for the Gulliver Test-BedChristian Berger 0002, Oscar Morales Ponce, Thomas Petig, Elad Michael Schiller. 36-45 [doi]
- Sensor- and Environment Dependent Performance Adaptation for Maintaining Safety RequirementsTino Brade, Georg Jäger, Sebastian Zug, Jörg Kaiser. 46-54 [doi]
- Collaborative Development of Safety-Critical Automotive Systems: Exchange, Views and MetricsJohan Ekberg, Urban Ingelsson, Henrik Lönn, Magnus Skoog, Jan Söderberg. 55-62 [doi]
- Towards Energy Efficient, High-Speed Communication in WSNsAttila Nagy, Olaf Landsiedel. 63-70 [doi]
- Comparing Adaptive TDMA against a Clock Synchronization ApproachLuís Almeida, Frederico Santos, Luis Oliveira. 71-79 [doi]
- Introduction: ERCIM/EWICS/ARTEMIS Workshop on Dependable Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems and Systems-of-Systems (DECSoS'14) at SAFECOMP 2014 - A European Approach to Critical Systems EngineeringErwin Schoitsch, Amund Skavhaug. 80-83 [doi]
- True Error or False Alarm? Refining Astrée's Abstract Interpretation Results by Embedded Tester's Automatic Model-Based TestingSayali Salvi, Daniel Kästner, Tom Bienmüller, Christian Ferdinand. 84-96 [doi]
- Proving Compliance of Implementation Models to Safety SpecificationsMarkus Oertel, Omar Kacimi, Eckard Böde. 97-107 [doi]
- MTBF Inconsistency Analysis on Inferred Product Breakdown StructuresChristian Ellen, Martin Böschen, Thomas Peikenkamp. 108-118 [doi]
- Critical Systems Verification in MetaMORP(h)OSYRocco Aversa, Beniamino Di Martino, Francesco Moscato. 119-129 [doi]
- Report on the Railway Use-Case of the Crystal Project: Objectives and ProgressAlexandre Ginisty, Frédérique Vallée, Elie Soubiran, Vidal-delmas Tchapet-Nya. 130-136 [doi]
- Contract-Based Analysis for Verification of Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) SystemMarco Carloni, Orlando Ferrante, Alberto Ferrari, Gianpaolo Massaroli, Antonio Orazzo, Ida Petrone, Luigi Velardi. 137-146 [doi]
- An Interoperable Testing Environment for ERTMS/ETCS Control SystemsGregorio Barberio, Beniamino Di Martino, Nicola Mazzocca, Luigi Velardi, Aniello Amato, Renato De Guglielmo, Ugo Gentile, Stefano Marrone, Roberto Nardone, Adriano Peron, Valeria Vittorini. 147-156 [doi]
- Modelling Resilient Systems-of-Systems in Event-BLinas Laibinis, Inna Pereverzeva, Elena Troubitsyna. 157-166 [doi]
- Towards Assured Dynamic Configuration of Safety-Critical Embedded SystemsNermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern, Andrea Höller, Christian Kreiner. 167-179 [doi]
- Towards Trust Assurance and Certification in Cyber-Physical SystemsDaniel Schneider, Eric Armengaud, Erwin Schoitsch. 180-191 [doi]
- Introduction to the Safecomp 2014 Workshop: DEvelopment, Verification and VAlidation of cRiTical Systems (DEVVARTS '14)Francesco Brancati, Nuno Laranjeiro, Ábel Hegedüs. 192-194 [doi]
- Verification of Fault-Tolerant System Architectures Using Model CheckingJussi Lahtinen. 195-206 [doi]
- Verification of a Real-Time Safety-Critical Protocol Using a Modelling Language with Formal Data and Behaviour SemanticsTamás Tóth, András Vörös. 207-218 [doi]
- Visualization of Model-Implemented Fault Injection ExperimentsDaniel Skarin, Jonny Vinter, Rickard Svenningsson. 219-230 [doi]
- Cost-Effective Testing for Critical Off-the-Shelf ServicesFabio Duchi, Nuno Antunes, Andrea Ceccarelli, Giuseppe Vella, Francesco Rossi, Andrea Bondavalli. 231-242 [doi]
- On Security Countermeasures Ranking through Threat AnalysisNicola Nostro, Ilaria Matteucci, Andrea Ceccarelli, Felicita Di Giandomenico, Fabio Martinelli, Andrea Bondavalli. 243-254 [doi]
- Enabling Cross-Domain Reuse of Tool Qualification Certification ArtefactsBarbara Gallina, Shaghayegh Kashiyarandi, Karlheinz Zugsbratl, Arjan Geven. 255-266 [doi]
- 1st International Workshop on the Integration of Safety and Security Engineering (ISSE '14)Laurent Rioux, John M. Favaro. 267-268 [doi]
- From Safety Models to Security Models: Preliminary Lessons LearntPierre Bieber, Julien Brunel. 269-281 [doi]
- FMVEA for Safety and Security Analysis of Intelligent and Cooperative VehiclesChristoph Schmittner, Zhendong Ma, Paul Smith. 282-288 [doi]
- Uniform Approach of Risk Communication in Distributed IT Environments Combining Safety and Security AspectsJana Fruth, Edgar Nett. 289-300 [doi]
- Introduction to the Safecomp 2014 Workshop: Reliability and Security Aspects for Critical Infrastructure Protection (ReSA4CI 2014)Silvia Bonomi, Ilaria Matteucci. 301-303 [doi]
- Modeling and Evaluation of Maintenance Procedures for Gas Distribution Networks with Time-Dependent ParametersLaura Carnevali, Marco Paolieri, Fabio Tarani, Enrico Vicario, Kumiko Tadano. 304-315 [doi]
- Quantification of the Impact of Cyber Attack in Critical InfrastructuresOleksandr Netkachov, Peter T. Popov, Kizito Salako. 316-327 [doi]
- Probabilistic Inference in the Physical Simulation of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure SystemsPaolo Franchin, Luigi Laura. 328-338 [doi]
- Energy-Based Detection of Multi-layer Flooding Attacks on Wireless Sensor NetworkCesario Di Sarno, Alessia Garofalo. 339-349 [doi]
- Towards a Non-intrusive Recognition of Anomalous System Behavior in Data CentersRoberto Baldoni, Adriano Cerocchi, Claudio Ciccotelli, Alessandro Donno, Federico Lombardi, Luca Montanari. 350-359 [doi]
- Toward Resilience Assessment in Business Process ArchitecturesRichard M. Zahoransky, Thomas G. Koslowski, Rafael Accorsi. 360-370 [doi]
- Introduction to SASSUR 2014Alejandra Ruiz, Tim Kelly, Jose Luis de la Vara. 371-374 [doi]
- Assuring Avionics - Updating the Approach for the 21st CenturyTom Ferrell, Uma Ferrell. 375-383 [doi]
- Rethinking of Strategy for Safety Argument DevelopmentLinling Sun, Nuno Silva, Tim Kelly. 384-395 [doi]
- Towards a Cross-Domain Software Safety Assurance Process for Embedded SystemsMarc Zeller, Kai Höfig, Martin Rothfelder. 396-400 [doi]
- A Software Safety Verification Method Based on System-Theoretic Process AnalysisAsim Abdulkhaleq, Stefan Wagner. 401-412 [doi]
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Safety Cases Using Evidential ReasoningSunil Nair, Neil Walkinshaw, Tim Kelly. 413-418 [doi]
- Metamodel Comparison and Model Comparison for Safety AssuranceYaping Luo, Luc Engelen, Mark van den Brand. 419-430 [doi]
- Does Visualization Speed Up the Safety Analysis Process?Ragaad AlTarawneh, Max Steiner, Davide Taibi, Shah Rukh Humayoun, Peter Liggesmeyer. 431-443 [doi]
- Agile Change Impact Analysis of Safety Critical SoftwareTor Stålhane, Geir Kjetil Hanssen, Thor Myklebust, Børge Haugset. 444-454 [doi]