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- Integration of an Event-Based Simulation Framework into a Scientific Workflow Execution Environment for Grids and CloudsSimon Ostermann 0001, Kassian Plankensteiner, Daniel Bodner, Georg Kraler, Radu Prodan. 1-13 [doi]
- Large-Scale Multidimensional Data Visualization: A Web Service for Data MiningGintautas Dzemyda, Virginijus Marcinkevicius, Viktor Medvedev. 14-25 [doi]
- Blueprint Template Support for Engineering Cloud-Based ServicesDinh Khoa Nguyen, Francesco Lelli, Yehia Taher, Michael Parkin, Mike P. Papazoglou, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel. 26-37 [doi]
- Self-management Challenges for Multi-cloud Architectures - (Invited Paper)Erik Elmroth, Johan Tordsson, Francisco Hernández, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Petter Svärd, Mina Sedaghat, Wubin Li. 38-49 [doi]
- Contrail Virtual Execution Platform Challenges in Being Part of a Cloud Federation - (Invited Paper)Piyush Harsh, Yvon Jégou, Roberto G. Cascella, Christine Morin. 50-61 [doi]
- Portability and Interoperability between Clouds: Challenges and Case Study - (Invited Paper)Dana Petcu. 62-74 [doi]
- Enhancing Query Support in HBase via an Extended Coprocessors FrameworkHimanshu Vashishtha, Eleni Stroulia. 75-87 [doi]
- Complex Service Provisioning in Collaborative Cloud MarketsMelanie Siebenhaar, Ulrich Lampe, Tim Lehrig, Sebastian Zöller, Stefan Schulte 0002, Ralf Steinmetz. 88-99 [doi]
- Network Events Correlation for Federated Networks Protection SystemMichal Choras, Rafal Kozik, Rafal Piotrowski, Juliusz Brzostek, Witold Holubowicz. 100-111 [doi]
- An Autonomic Security Monitor for Distributed Operating Systems - (Invited Paper)Alvaro E. Arenas, Benjamin Aziz, Szymon Maj, Brian Matthews. 112-121 [doi]
- A Novel Systemic Taxonomy of Trust in the Online Environment - (Invited Paper)Tanja Azderska, Borka Jerman-Blazic. 122-133 [doi]
- Orchestrating Security and System Engineering for Evolving Systems - (Invited Paper)Fabio Massacci, Fabrice Bouquet, Elizabeta Fourneret, Jan Jürjens, Mass Soldal Lund, Sébastien Madelénat, JanTobias Muehlberg, Federica Paci, Stéphane Paul, Frank Piessens, Bjørnar Solhaug, Sven Wenzel. 134-143 [doi]
- FI-WARE Security: Future Internet Security Core - (Invited Paper)Antonio García Vázquez, Pedro Soria-Rodriguez, Pascal Bisson, Daniel Gidoin, Slim Trabelsi, Gabriel Serme. 144-152 [doi]
- A General Method for Assessment of Security in Complex ServicesLeanid Krautsevich, Fabio Martinelli, Artsiom Yautsiukhin. 153-164 [doi]
- Adaptive Services and Energy Efficiency - (Invited Paper)Barbara Pernici. 165-166 [doi]
- A Performance Comparison of QoS-Driven Service Selection ApproachesValeria Cardellini, Valerio Di Valerio, Vincenzo Grassi, Stefano Iannucci, Francesco Lo Presti. 167-178 [doi]
- Optimal Admission Control for a QoS-Aware Service-Oriented SystemMarco Abundo, Valeria Cardellini, Francesco Lo Presti. 179-190 [doi]
- Cloud Service Engineering: A Service-Oriented Perspective on Cloud Computing - (Invited Paper)Stefan Tai. 191-193 [doi]
- Preventing Performance Violations of Service Compositions Using Assumption-Based Run-Time VerificationEric Schmieders, Andreas Metzger. 194-205 [doi]
- A Taxonomy of Service Engineering Stakeholder TypesQing Gu, Michael Parkin, Patricia Lago. 206-219 [doi]
- Service Oriented Middleware for the Internet of Things: A Perspective - (Invited Paper)Thiago Teixeira, Sara Hachem, Valérie Issarny, Nikolaos Georgantas. 220-229 [doi]
- Future Internet Apps: The Next Wave of Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems?Andreas Metzger, Clarissa Cassales Marquezan. 230-241 [doi]
- Using Services and Service Compositions to Enable the Distributed Execution of Legacy Simulation ApplicationsMirko Sonntag, Sven Hotta, Dimka Karastoyanova, David Molnar, Siegfried Schmauder. 242-253 [doi]
- A Semantic Rule and Event Driven Approach for Agile Decision-Centric Business Process Management - (Invited Paper)Adrian Paschke. 254-267 [doi]
- Web Services Trustworthiness Model - (Invited Paper)Radoslaw Hofman, Andrzej Bassara. 268-277 [doi]
- Identification and Specification of Generic and Specific Enablers of the Future Internet - Illustrated by the Geospatial and Environmental Domain - (Invited Paper)Arne J. Berre, Thomas Usländer, Sven Schade. 278-289 [doi]
- Future Internet Technology for the Future of Transport and Logistics - (Invited Paper)Rod Franklin, Andreas Metzger, Michael Stollberg, Yagil Engel, Kay Fjørtoft, René Fleischhauer, Clarissa Cassales Marquezan, Lone Sletbakk Ramstad. 290-301 [doi]
- ICT Enablers for Smart Energy - (Invited Paper)Johannes Riedl, Kolja Eger, Werner Mohr, Ludwig Karg. 302-308 [doi]
- SLA Translations with a Model-Driven Business Impact Analyses FrameworkUlrich Winkler, Wasif Gilani. 309-310 [doi]
- OFELIA - Pan-European Test Facility for OpenFlow ExperimentationAndreas Köpsel, Hagen Woesner. 311-312 [doi]
- Coverage and Capacity Extensions by Means of Opportunistic Networks in the Future InternetPanagiotis Demestichas, Nikolaos Koutsouris, Dimitris Karvoynas, Andreas Georgakopoulos, Vera Stavroulaki, Jens Gebert, Markus Mueck. 313-314 [doi]
- REMICS- REuse and Migration of Legacy Applications to Interoperable Cloud ServicesAndrey Sadovykh, Christian Hein, Brice Morin, Parastoo Mohagheghi, Arne J. Berre. 315-316 [doi]
- Towards Governance of Rule and Policy Driven Components in Distributed SystemsPierre de Leusse, Krzysztof Zielinski. 317-318 [doi]
- SLA-enabled Enterprise ITMichael Nolan, Andy Edmonds, John Kennedy, Joe Butler, Jessica McCarthy, Miha Stopar, Primoz Hadalin, Damjan Murn. 319-320 [doi]
- SeCMER: A Tool to Gain Control of Security Requirements EvolutionGábor Bergmann, Fabio Massacci, Federica Paci, Thein Than Tun, Dániel Varró, Yijun Yu. 321-322 [doi]
- FIRE OpenLab IP Testbed and Tool DemoTimur Friedman, Anastasius Gavras. 323-324 [doi]
- Distributed Spectrum Sensing in a Cognitive Networking TestbedStefan Bouckaert, Peter Van Wesemael, Jono Vanhie-Van Gerwen, Bart Jooris, Lieven Hollevoet, Sofie Pollin, Ingrid Moerman, Piet Demeester. 325-326 [doi]
- DTN Simulation Tool for N4C Integration SupportWitold Holubowicz, Lukasz Kiedrowski, Krzysztof Romanowski. 327-328 [doi]
- Testing and Profiling Internet Services in Mobile DevicesAlmudena Diaz-Zayas, Pedro Merino Gómez. 329-330 [doi]
- Demonstration of the OPTIMIS Toolkit for Cloud Service ProvisioningRosa M. Badia, Marcelo Corrales, Theo Dimitrakos, Karim Djemame, Erik Elmroth, Ana Juan Ferrer, Nikolaus Forgó, Jordi Guitart, Francisco Hernández, Benoit Hudzia, Alexander Kipp, Kleopatra Konstanteli, George Kousiouris, Srijith K. Nair, Tabassum Sharif, Craig Sheridan, Raúl Sirvent, Johan Tordsson, Theodora A. Varvarigou, Stefan Wesner, Wolfgang Ziegler, Csilla Zsigri. 331-333 [doi]
- Travel eCommerce Experiment - Through TEFIS, a Single Access Point to Different Testbed ResourcesJeremie Leguay, Annika Sällström, Brian Pickering, E. Borrelli, Farid Benbadis. 334-336 [doi]