Abstract is missing.
- Centrality, gossip, and diffusion of information in networksMatthew O. Jackson. 1 [doi]
- Strategic trading in informationally complex environmentsNicolas S. Lambert, Michael Ostrovsky, Mikhail Panov. 3-4 [doi]
- Incentivizing explorationPeter Frazier, David Kempe, Jon M. Kleinberg, Robert Kleinberg. 5-22 [doi]
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- Modularity and greed in double auctionsPaul Dütting, Tim Roughgarden, Inbal Talgam-Cohen. 241-258 [doi]
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- Optimal allocation without money: an engineering approachItai Ashlagi, Peng Shi. 351-352 [doi]
- Two-sided matching with one-sided preferencesGuillaume Haeringer, Vincent Iehlé. 353 [doi]
- Dynamic matching market designMohammad Akbarpour, Shengwu Li, Shayan Oveis Gharan. 355 [doi]
- Misdirected search effort in a matching market: causes, consequences and a partial solutionJohn Joseph Horton. 357 [doi]
- Adaptive contract design for crowdsourcing markets: bandit algorithms for repeated principal-agent problemsChien-Ju Ho, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan. 359-376 [doi]
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- Information aggregation in exponential family marketsJacob Abernethy, Sindhu Kutty, Sébastien Lahaie, Rahul Sami. 395-412 [doi]
- A general volume-parameterized market making frameworkJacob D. Abernethy, Rafael M. Frongillo, Xiaolong Li, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan. 413-430 [doi]
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- Manipulation of stable matchings using minimal blacklistsYannai A. Gonczarowski. 449 [doi]
- Managing congestion in decentralized matching marketsNick Arnosti, Ramesh Johari, Yash Kanoria. 451 [doi]
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- Trick or treat: putting peer prediction to the testXi Alice Gao, Andrew Mao, Yiling Chen, Ryan Prescott Adams. 507-524 [doi]
- Corporate prediction markets: evidence from google, ford, and firm XBo Cowgill, Eric Zitzewitz. 525 [doi]
- Incentivized optimal advert assignment via utility decompositionFrank P. Kelly, Peter Key, Neil S. Walton. 527 [doi]
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- Mechanism design for data scienceShuchi Chawla, Jason D. Hartline, Denis Nekipelov. 711-712 [doi]
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- Simple approximate equilibria in large gamesYakov Babichenko, Siddharth Barman, Ron Peretz. 753-770 [doi]
- Asymptotically truthful equilibrium selection in large congestion gamesRyan M. Rogers, Aaron Roth. 771-782 [doi]
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- Strategy-proofness, investment efficiency, and marginal returns: an equivalenceJohn William Hatfield, Fuhito Kojima, Scott Duke Kominers. 801 [doi]
- Optimal impartial selectionFelix Fischer, Max Klimm. 803-820 [doi]
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- Pragmatic algorithmic game theoryKevin Leyton-Brown. 875-876 [doi]
- Mechanism with unique learnable equilibriaPaul Dütting, Thomas Kesselheim, Éva Tardos. 877-894 [doi]
- Simultaneous bayesian auctions and computational complexityYang Cai, Christos H. Papadimitriou. 895-910 [doi]
- Contract complexityMoshe Babaioff, Eyal Winter. 911 [doi]
- Optimal contest design for simple agentsArpita Ghosh, Robert Kleinberg. 913-930 [doi]
- Buying private data without verificationArpita Ghosh, Katrina Ligett, Aaron Roth, Grant Schoenebeck. 931-948 [doi]
- Differentially private and incentive compatible recommendation system for the adoption of network goodsKevin He, Xiaosheng Mu. 949-966 [doi]
- A dynamic model of certification and reputationMihaela van der Schaar, Simpson Z. Zhang. 967-968 [doi]
- The empirical implications of privacy-aware choiceRachel Cummings, Federico Echenique, Adam Wierman. 969 [doi]
- Recency, records and recaps: learning and non-equilibrium behavior in a simple decision problemDrew Fudenberg, Alexander Peysakhovich. 971-986 [doi]
- Dynamically eliciting unobservable informationChristopher P. Chambers, Nicolas S. Lambert. 987-988 [doi]
- Bandits with concave rewards and convex knapsacksShipra Agrawal, Nikhil R. Devanur. 989-1006 [doi]