Abstract is missing.
- Integrity and Consistency for Untrusted Services - (Extended Abstract)Christian Cachin. 1-14 [doi]
- A Structured Codesign Approach to Many-Core Architectures for Embedded SystemsJürg Gutknecht. 15-25 [doi]
- SIMPL Systems, or: Can We Design Cryptographic Hardware without Secret Key Information?Ulrich Rührmair. 26-45 [doi]
- Verification of Timed-Arc Petri NetsLasse Jacobsen, Morten Jacobsen, Mikael H. Møller, Jirí Srba. 46-72 [doi]
- Efficient Algorithms for Handling Nondeterministic AutomataTomás Vojnar. 73 [doi]
- The Straight-Line RAC Drawing Problem Is NP-HardEvmorfia N. Argyriou, Michael A. Bekos, Antonios Symvonis. 74-85 [doi]
- Tracking the Evolution of Code ClonesTibor Bakota. 86-98 [doi]
- Liquidsoap: A High-Level Programming Language for Multimedia StreamingDavid Baelde, Romain Beauxis, Samuel Mimram. 99-110 [doi]
- Combining Traditional Map Labeling with Boundary LabelingMichael A. Bekos, Michael Kaufmann, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Antonios Symvonis. 111-122 [doi]
- On Making a Distinguished Vertex Minimum Degree by Vertex DeletionNadja Betzler, Robert Bredereck, Rolf Niedermeier, Johannes Uhlmann. 123-134 [doi]
- Randomized OBDDs for the Most Significant Bit of Multiplication Need Exponential SizeBeate Bollig, Marc Gillé. 135-145 [doi]
- GreedyMAX-type Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set ProblemPiotr Borowiecki, Frank Göring. 146-156 [doi]
- Sequential Optimization of Matrix Chain Multiplication Relative to Different Cost FunctionsIgor Chikalov, Shahid Hussain, Mikhail Moshkov. 157-165 [doi]
- One-Reversal Counter Machines and Multihead Automata: RevisitedEhsan Chiniforooshan, Mark Daley, Oscar H. Ibarra, Lila Kari, Shinnosuke Seki. 166-177 [doi]
- Collisionless Gathering of Robots with an ExtentAndreas Cord-Landwehr, Bastian Degener, Matthias Fischer, Martina Hüllmann, Barbara Kempkes, Alexander Klaas, Peter Kling, Sven Kurras, Marcus Märtens, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, Christoph Raupach, Kamil Swierkot, Daniel Warner, Christoph Weddemann, Daniel Wonisch. 178-189 [doi]
- Min-Max Coverage in Multi-interface NetworksGianlorenzo D Angelo, Gabriele Di Stefano, Alfredo Navarra. 190-201 [doi]
- Bandwidth Constrained Multi-interface NetworksGianlorenzo D Angelo, Gabriele Di Stefano, Alfredo Navarra. 202-213 [doi]
- A Privacy-Preserving ID-Based Group Key Agreement Scheme Applied in VPANYoni De Mulder, Karel Wouters, Bart Preneel. 214-225 [doi]
- White Space RegionsShayan Ehsani, MohammadAmin Fazli, Mohammad Ghodsi, MohammadAli Safari, Morteza Saghafian, Mohammad Tavakkoli. 226-237 [doi]
- New Results on the Complexity of the Max- and Min-Rep ProblemsRobert Ganian. 238-247 [doi]
- In-Place SortingViliam Geffert, Jozef Gajdos. 248-259 [doi]
- On ::::d::::-Regular Schematization of Embedded PathsAndreas Gemsa, Martin Nöllenburg, Thomas Pajor, Ignaz Rutter. 260-271 [doi]
- Upward Point-Set EmbeddabilityMarkus Geyer, Michael Kaufmann, Tamara Mchedlidze, Antonios Symvonis. 272-283 [doi]
- Cooperative Query Answering by Abstract InterpretationRaju Halder, Agostino Cortesi. 284-296 [doi]
- An Improved B+ Tree for Flash File SystemsFerenc Havasi. 297-307 [doi]
- Comparing GPU and CPU in OLAP Cubes CreationKrzysztof Kaczmarski. 308-319 [doi]
- A Power Consumption Analysis Technique Using UML-Based Design Models in Embedded Software DevelopmentDoo-Hwan Kim, Jong-Phil Kim, Jang-Eui Hong. 320-331 [doi]
- Advice Complexity and Barely Random AlgorithmsDennis Komm, Richard Královic. 332-343 [doi]
- Alternative Parameterizations for Cluster EditingChristian Komusiewicz, Johannes Uhlmann. 344-355 [doi]
- The Complexity of Finding ::::k::::th Most Probable Explanations in Probabilistic NetworksJohan Kwisthout, Hans L. Bodlaender, Linda C. van der Gaag. 356-367 [doi]
- Optimal File-Distribution in Heterogeneous and Asymmetric Storage NetworksTobias Langner, Christian Schindelhauer, Alexander Souza. 368-381 [doi]
- On the Complexity of the Metric TSP under Stability ConsiderationsMatús Mihalák, Marcel Schöngens, Rastislav Srámek, Peter Widmayer. 382-393 [doi]
- Structural Properties of Hard Metric TSP Inputs - (Extended Abstract)Tobias Mömke. 394-405 [doi]
- An Automata-Theoretical Characterization of Context-Free Trace LanguagesBenedek Nagy, Friedrich Otto. 406-417 [doi]
- Unambiguous UML Composite Structures: The OMEGA2 ExperienceIulian Ober, Iulia Dragomir. 418-430 [doi]
- Comparing Linear Conjunctive Languages to Subfamilies of the Context-Free LanguagesAlexander Okhotin. 431-443 [doi]
- A Local Search Algorithm for BranchwidthArnold Overwijk, Eelko Penninkx, Hans L. Bodlaender. 444-454 [doi]
- Finding the Description of Structure by Counting Method: A Case StudyAhti Peder, Mati Tombak. 455-466 [doi]
- On Approximating the ::::d::::-Girth of a GraphDavid Peleg, Ignasi Sau, Mordechai Shalom. 467-481 [doi]
- SScAC: Towards a Framework for Small-Scale Software Architectures ComparisonPetr Praus, Slávka Jaromerská, Tomás Cerný. 482-493 [doi]
- Folk Theorems on the Correspondence between State-Based and Event-Based SystemsMichel A. Reniers, Tim A. C. Willemse. 494-505 [doi]
- Privacy, Liveliness and Fairness for ReputationStefan Schiffner, Sebastian Clauß, Sandra Steinbrecher. 506-519 [doi]
- Minimizing Interference for the Highway Model in Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor NetworksHaisheng Tan, Tiancheng Lou, Francis C. M. Lau, Yuexuan Wang, Shiteng Chen. 520-532 [doi]
- Join-Queries between Two Spatial Datasets Indexed by a Single R*-TreeMichael Vassilakopoulos, Antonio Corral, Nikitas N. Karanikolas. 533-544 [doi]
- Information Leakage Analysis by Abstract InterpretationMatteo Zanioli, Agostino Cortesi. 545-557 [doi]
- Partition into Triangles on Bounded Degree GraphsJohan M. M. van Rooij, Marcel E. van Kooten Niekerk, Hans L. Bodlaender. 558-569 [doi]