Abstract is missing.
- Beyond P vs. NP: Quadratic-Time Hardness for Big Data ProblemsPiotr Indyk. 1 [doi]
- Randomized Composable Coresets for Matching and Vertex CoverSepehr Assadi, Sanjeev Khanna. 3-12 [doi]
- Almost Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Coverage ProblemsMohammadHossein Bateni, Hossein Esfandiari, Vahab S. Mirrokni. 13-23 [doi]
- Bicriteria Distributed Submodular Maximization in a Few RoundsAlessandro Epasto, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Morteza Zadimoghaddam. 25-33 [doi]
- On Energy Conservation in Data CentersSusanne Albers. 35-44 [doi]
- Asymptotically Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Coflow SchedulingHamidreza Jahanjou, Erez Kantor, Rajmohan Rajaraman. 45-54 [doi]
- Online Flexible Job Scheduling for Minimum SpanRuntian Ren, Xueyan Tang. 55-66 [doi]
- Minimizing Total Weighted Flow Time with CalibrationsVincent Chau, Minming Li, Samuel McCauley, Kai Wang. 67-76 [doi]
- Tight Bounds for Clairvoyant Dynamic Bin PackingYossi Azar, Danny Vainstein. 77-86 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Scheduling Parallelizable Jobs Online to Maximize ThroughputKunal Agrawal, Jing Li, Kefu Lu, Benjamin Moseley. 87-89 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: A New Improved Bound for Coflow SchedulingMehrnoosh Shafiee, Javad Ghaderi. 91-93 [doi]
- Bounding Laconic Proof Systems by Solving CSPs in ParallelJason Li, Ryan O'Donnell. 95-100 [doi]
- Matrix Multiplication, a Little FasterElaye Karstadt, Oded Schwartz. 101-110 [doi]
- A Communication-Avoiding Parallel Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue ProblemEdgar Solomonik, Grey Ballard, James Demmel, Torsten Hoefler. 111-121 [doi]
- Sharing is Caring: Multiprocessor Scheduling with a Sharable ResourcePeter Kling, Alexander Mäcker, Sören Riechers, Alexander Skopalik. 123-132 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Graph Matching in Massive DatasetsSoheil Behnezhad, Mahsa Derakhshan, Hossein Esfandiari, Elif Tan, Hadi Yami. 133-136 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Using Multi-Level Parallelism and 2-3 Cuckoo Filters for Set Intersection Queries and Sparse Boolean Matrix MultiplicationDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich. 137-139 [doi]
- Some Sequential Algorithms are Almost Always ParallelGuy E. Blelloch. 141 [doi]
- Distributed Partial ClusteringSudipto Guha, Yi Li, Qin Zhang. 143-152 [doi]
- Distributed Detection of CyclesPierre Fraigniaud, Dennis Olivetti. 153-162 [doi]
- Distributed Graph Clustering by Load BalancingHe Sun 0001, Luca Zanetti. 163-171 [doi]
- Fast Scheduling in Distributed Transactional MemoryCostas Busch, Maurice Herlihy, Miroslav Popovic, Gokarna Sharma. 173-182 [doi]
- Is Our Model for Contention Resolution Wrong?: Confronting the Cost of CollisionsWilliam C. Anderton, Maxwell Young. 183-194 [doi]
- Optimal Reissue Policies for Reducing Tail LatencyTim Kaler, Yuxiong He, Sameh Elnikety. 195-206 [doi]
- Impact of Knowledge on Election Time in Anonymous NetworksYoann Dieudonné, Andrzej Pelc. 207-215 [doi]
- Swarm-based Incast Congestion Control in Datacenters Serving Web ApplicationsHaoyu Wang, Haiying Shen, Guoxin Liu. 217-226 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Approximation Algorithms for Unsplittable Resource Allocation Problems with Diseconomies of ScaleAntje Bjelde, Max Klimm, Daniel Schmand. 227-229 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Towards Fault-Tolerant Bin Packing for Online Cloud Resource AllocationChuanyou Li, Xueyan Tang. 231-233 [doi]
- Concurrent Data Structures for Near-Memory ComputingZhiyu Liu, Irina Calciu, Maurice Herlihy, Onur Mutlu. 235-245 [doi]
- Lower Bounds in the Asymmetric External Memory ModelRiko Jacob, Nodari Sitchinava. 247-254 [doi]
- Hand-Over-Hand Transactions with Precise Memory ReclamationTingzhe Zhou, Victor Luchangco, Michael F. Spear. 255-264 [doi]
- Optimal Local Buffer Management for Information Gathering with Adversarial TrafficStefan Dobrev, Manuel Lafond, Lata Narayanan, Jaroslav Opatrny. 265-274 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Parallel Dynamic Tree Contraction via Self-Adjusting ComputationUmut A. Acar, Vitaly Aksenov, Sam Westrick. 275-277 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: STAR (Space-Time Adaptive and Reductive) Algorithms for Dynamic Programming Recurrences with more than O(1) DependencyYuan Tang, Shiyi Wang. 279-281 [doi]
- Near Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic DFS in Undirected GraphsShahbaz Khan 0004. 283-292 [doi]
- Julienne: A Framework for Parallel Graph Algorithms using Work-efficient BucketingLaxman Dhulipala, Guy E. Blelloch, Julian Shun. 293-304 [doi]
- Improved Cover Time Bounds for the Coalescing-Branching Random Walk on GraphsColin Cooper, Tomasz Radzik, Nicolas Rivera. 305-312 [doi]
- The Mobile Server ProblemBjörn Feldkord, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide. 313-319 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Efficient Best Response Computation for Strategic Network Formation under AttackTobias Friedrich 0001, Sven Ihde, Christoph Keßler, Pascal Lenzner, Stefan Neubert, David Schumann. 321-323 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Complete Visibility for Oblivious Robots in Linear TimeGokarna Sharma, Costas Busch, Supratik Mukhopadhyay. 325-327 [doi]
- Online Tree CachingMarcin Bienkowski, Jan Marcinkowski, Maciej Pacut, Stefan Schmid, Aleksandra Spyra. 329-338 [doi]
- Provably Efficient Scheduling of Cache-oblivious Wavefront AlgorithmsRezaul Chowdhury, Pramod Ganapathi, Yuan Tang, Jesmin Jahan Tithi. 339-350 [doi]
- Bounding Cache Miss Costs of Multithreaded Computations Under General Schedulers: Extended AbstractRichard Cole 0001, Vijaya Ramachandran. 351-362 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Meeting the Challenges of Parallelizing Sequential ProgramsRohit Atre, Ali Jannesari, Felix Wolf. 363-365 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Hazard Eras - Non-Blocking Memory ReclamationPedro Ramalhete, Andreia Correia. 367-369 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Extending Transactional Memory with Atomic DeferralTingzhe Zhou, Victor Luchangco, Michael F. Spear. 371-373 [doi]
- Brief Announcement: Hardware Transactional Storage Class MemoryEllis Giles, Kshitij Doshi, Peter J. Varman. 375-378 [doi]