Abstract is missing.
- MEMR: A Margin Equipped Monotone Retargeting Framework for RankingSreangsu Acharyya, Joydeep Ghosh. 2-11 [doi]
- On Convergence and Optimality of Best-Response Learning with Policy Types in Multiagent SystemsStefano V. Albrecht, Subramanian Ramamoorthy. 12-21 [doi]
- Accelerating MCMC via Parallel Predictive PrefetchingElaine Angelino, Eddie Kohler, Amos Waterland, Margo Seltzer, Ryan P. Adams. 22-31 [doi]
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- Learning to Predict from Crowdsourced DataWei Bi, Liwei Wang, James T. Kwok, Zhuowen Tu. 82-91 [doi]
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- Approximate Decentralized Bayesian InferenceTrevor Campbell, Jonathan P. How. 102-111 [doi]
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- Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian ProcessesRoman Garnett, Michael A. Osborne, Philipp Hennig. 230-239 [doi]
- Estimating Causal Effects by Bounding ConfoundingPhilipp Geiger, Dominik Janzing, Bernhard Schölkopf. 240-249 [doi]
- Bayesian Optimization with Unknown ConstraintsMichael A. Gelbart, Jasper Snoek, Ryan P. Adams. 250-259 [doi]
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- Understanding the Complexity of Lifted Inference and Asymmetric Weighted Model CountingEric Gribkoff, Guy Van den Broeck, Dan Suciu. 280-289 [doi]
- Interactive Learning from Unlabeled InstructionsJonathan Grizou, Iñaki Iturrate, Luis Montesano, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes. 290-299 [doi]
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- Min-d-Occur: Ensuring Future Occurrences in Streaming SetsVidit Jain, Sainyam Galhotra. 370-379 [doi]
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- Continuously indexed Potts models on unoriented graphsLandrieu Loic, Guillaume Obozinski. 459-468 [doi]
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- Quantifying Nonlocal Informativeness in High-Dimensional, Loopy Gaussian Graphical ModelsDaniel S. Levine 0002, Jonathan P. How. 487-495 [doi]
- CoRE KernelsPing Li. 496-504 [doi]
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- Fast Gaussian Process Posteriors with Product TreesDavid A. Moore, Stuart J. Russell. 613-622 [doi]
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- Collaborative Multi-output Gaussian ProcessesTrung V. Nguyen, Edwin V. Bonilla. 643-652 [doi]
- Combining predictions from linear models when training and test inputs differThijs van Ommen. 653-662 [doi]
- Optimal amortized regret in every intervalRina Panigrahy, Preyas Popat. 663-671 [doi]
- Learning Partial Policies to Speedup MDP Tree SearchJervis Pinto, Alan Fern. 672-681 [doi]
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- A Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Spectral Estimation of Metastable SystemsHao Wu. 878-887 [doi]
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